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: PñlífiS ! Nbw Yokk, Aucrust l.";:li, 186Í-. Allow no to cali your ultcntioii t my PUEPARATION O F COMPOUND EXTRACT BÜOHU. The corapodent parta are, 15TICHU, Long Lkaf, CÜBEI38, JüNIl'j;ii BÊÜtIII ES. MonE of Prepárateos. - Buchu, in vacuo. Juuiper Berries, by cli-tillat ion, to form a tino yin. Oubebfl extractad by (li-iiLíccincTit wit'i Bpiriia ottamd "mui JnnipeE iïerrics; very little sugnr: a iisud. ná u sniall pr.iportion of Hpivit. It is more palatablo thüii any now in ue. Ifiiohú as prepared ny Drupsísts, is of a lark color. It is a plant rhnt emits its fraarrance ; tlie action of a Rumo destrova tliis (its nc'ive principio), loaving a ilark and glutinous decoction. Mine is tlie color of ingredienta. Tlie Buchu in ííiy preparation predom i natos; thé ; ■tm.lU'st qunutily of the otlior iugredieuts are added, to provent fermentation ; upon inspoctioii it will he f'uud ntt to bo a Tincture, aa mado in Pharniacoptra, nor is it a ílyrup - and tlicrofore can be used iu cnses wliere fuver or inflammatinn osist. In this, vou have tbe knowledse of tlie ingrediantn, anu the mode of prepsration. HopmR ihat you will f-ivor it witli n trial, and tliat upon impeotion it will raeet with your approbation. With a fooling of profonnd onnfi(leaoe: I eni, very respeotfully. H. T. ITKLMBOLD, Cbemiat and Pruggist of 19 Years' Experieuce. (From thfi larpest Mannfaeturing Chem ists iu tbe World). Novembbb 4, 1854. " T nm aoiuainted with Mr. H. T. Tli-lmbold; lie occupied the Drug Store ■ ■'limito niv residenee, and waa successful in conduottog the business where dthers had uot been equatly 80 before him. I have beGn favorably impressed with bis eharacter and enterpriso." V.'ILLIAM WEIGIITMAN, Firm of Powors and Weightmnn Munufeoturiog Chemists, Ninlh and Brown Strooi., Pbikdelplia. FLUID EKTRAGT BÜOHU! for woaTmcf1 artBlng from ml:-cretioo. Tbe ex I povere of Kature which,ararconiptiled by " ui'iuy al rui ïn gr sjmioms, amón'g wliich will f miï'.l , [.j. lis on to exrrtion,i-osn of Menaörjr, WakfiilaeS Horror of Disease, or Forebodings oi Lvit; iu [ic'.Uni verMitl Laesitude l'rotraiion, aud InabiUty toeiitct itilo tho cujomtiits ui' totitty. Til C01T11TI0N once atTecteti with Orgfti i ; eaknwPt reqnïrei the ii l of iledicine to t'c .. : lu -i md invigorato tbe : wliich iiiI.MIi'I.DS KXTRACT BUCHU iuVhriably dovs If no troatment is suLmttUdto,Con sunif tion or luisauity cusues. KELMSOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT E6TJO23:XJ in HlTt-c ti ons peculiar to Femilea, is unequalled by jioyoilicr jrtiarntion,fts in CblorosiR. or Heten' ion, PaicfulnefsorSuppre6lcinufcuBtouir Kracuationftt Ulcerutsd or Scl.irru-. State ;f the Ut'rus, and al comptiaibtj incidental to the tx, or dwcline o chungc of lifc. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHÜ AND IMPR0VE1) EGfE WASH WillraUíaiiy extermínate from tlio systeni diaene aii3i írow li.-iuit ui' dissíiitlfn, at little O bn'iifie littlo or&oohangfl in Jlöt, no inconvtnieucQ or öX f o su re ; cotnt,lt,'toly Bupcrseding tbose u iilüasant and danger.jii6 retaOÜits, Copalva andMtrcary, in alltUese di . TJSE HELMEOLD'S FLÜÍD EXTRACT BUCKU ia nlldiiersps of tliiso organa, vbctber exittiiig In waleur leinulu, fr"m wi.ur ver cause origln:itli:g. au1. n- inatu-c of Uow standing, [tlapteasaht iti taat anti ol(u-, ' Immedlate" in actio i, und itKir trergthnina tban ar.) of lh ] ruiaiatiunt; ui Bark or Iron. . sulTc-nn.' fi' l 1 i' 1 r : ' V i or ilcücatf cin-ti : i .-i ■- ■ - ■ ' : '.■ j ■ met y al once. Xhe n '' awiie tliit. bnwever sliglil m y h'Mlie atUfikof lh aböve -;i-j.-t , III cltlaln .'■(i a.Tcet lhbcnily l.cul li and n.mlil powtra. All tUc abovf 'ii (" ;-f ' r-"i''o tlieaidut a Diu relio. HEI.MUUI.b'S ESTOACT 13UCJIU ia a great iiüritic. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Piice $1.25 per BoUle, or 6 Eottles for $6.50. Deliverud to auy acidress. Desoiibe Syniptonis iu all ccmui""nlDaÜons ADD11E8S, H. T. HEL8V9BOLD, Drug & Chemical, 594-BKOADWAÏ, ÜSTev York. NONE ARE (JEN IJ i NE unless done up i slecl cnsi'v(t wrapper, Witït fac-imile of my Chemical Wareliüuse, uiid siiined H. T. HELMBOLD. jrll ■SjIN PUYSIGIARS PRESCRimOKs"T ACCUHA'ÏKl.y ANU CARËFÜLLY PREPAEBD Ii. W.ELLIB & C0.,DliUOGISlS. Wl. WAGNER'S, A' Largo a:il Choige S ■ oí ER GOODS7 ÏNCJ.I'IIING CLOÏ1IS, OaSSÏMEHKS, VE8TÍNGS, &C. J1ATÏ8T 3TYLK8 O I1S8T QÜAL1TIES WH1CI1 UK WlLI. &; ;( o saii, and in the hm cf READY-MADE OLOTHINO ANB Gonts' FUKNISEIEG Goods. MOROCO O SATOHSLS No.31 South MUa Street- Etlo. CALL AND 3EE THEM. WiLUAM WAGNER Ann Albor, Sept. 1870. A COMPLETE STOCK Mvl Mil nMWftmñ GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED BY FIHLEY ft LEWÜ. WE ASK TUE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYERS TO 01 LABGE STOCK Kip & Calí Boots, MADE BF HAND EXPRESSLY fOR OÜR TRABE. Bff v ■ , ; H r I6b94PW"9Be&I I r y ■ in'ff i E BB LjiSRUdk wUl I I ilouutwiah toinform youv reatr.tbat Ir. Wondeiful, or any other mau, han uisocv-icJ a ruiudy Uiai cures CuastimpUon, viheD the tttügs Brehall coiisumeil. in fiiiui't, wil! cure all disottnea wlielbcrof njind, body or catato, make meu live forover, untï leave deatb to plaj for wnt of wovlt and Is-destffaed i't mak e our sublumity iphere a bhüsful l'.ir.ulise to whlcb Iiiíivcn iisclf hlittll he but a sitk pIk.w. Y"u have heard enouíi ;í kind tf bumbuggery. Uut wben 1 teil you Ihkt Dr. S8i Catatrh Rmedy tr-tlipoaitivcl'j cure thv wr-t oasas uf Oturrh in the iiead, I only u-Mrt tii!1 wliy-ii thoQJÏ&itiHoao Urttlfp Ht. 1 will pjiy l)0 reward for a oRö t oaonol cure. A p unj.hljt givu; nvrnptoOfl ftnd other lufurmatlun wat free t fciij addrsu. ÏTii rönnedj i SOLD a.4 MOT DRüéOIáDS IX ALL l'AKïö Oï ïliE WO111.D. Price 50 ccBts. PfcUt bv uiail, posipartl. ou t-eceijit of i itv cent;. , or lour p:cka'-ifB for two dollarth Etawar of coW('. ; ■'■.'.-■j' ittiiiutiaTiS. w tlmt luy private Stamp, wbicb is pcÍtÍTE guarflütè oí (fu Dlnenesa io i.pou tbe outfiide wripper. HeiuembeT th&t iliis prlvatfi ? tumi, íiiRoed bj thv Unitad Statva (Jovernnient, expresly l'jr stavftping ny rae'üciues. lias tu (mrira'i t, imifiK &nl adürtM-i, aodtiie word r. S.Certifitíate l Genuífteua;M engraved trpon it. and need iiot bc iuJi;ik..nI Dod'C bé awindled t.v tra velera und ofbem repreeenting themselvM ;is ir Sage ; íarnthéónlj man dojv liviug that kas tbe kn o wit dge and rigbt tu manucture the QmuitttDr, Sag'8 Caturrb Hcuicdy, a ml I nt-vir travsl to sel] thib uijiciiu;. K V. riKKCK,M. I. 133 Séneca streel, Buffalo, N.Y. ] 290 f GR CASH YOL' CAN BüT Lumber, Lath. and Shingle ál A 3ARGAIN, AT TIIE YAED OF C SÜTHERLAND& CO. AnoArbor.ïanuurjTjlS'O 1252 ' '■ Mortgage Salo. DKPAVLT Uavin bni uuuie iü the condltioo of , curtalii moriííHjjf ..ox.cuted by WiHiam Hoïl nkiunp Aiid Mary Mollenkftmp,of the towiishipof shiiron. CuaBty oí W ai hicuaw, and State of MichigaDi ti twenty-flftt day of September, A. D. iMy.i LoXutlicr Jjiiic.--, of the City t Aim Arbor, Count) aforcsald.and recorded in the office of tbe Rescbittit of Deeda for eald CöuiiI f ol Wa&tttfiuawi ou the 8th day of February, A D. 1870, al 5 o'clóck 1'. M . f ►-üi'l day', in l.iin-r -i2 of BCortgagee, on page 311. and thttl thereUclaimedtobe dae al tb Itereol th mimöf eleven lundrc(l and twonty-oue dollnreand eigb4j-egli CüDts, nlso r.u Attorney'j fee ]i" lifty dolían hoold any proceedlnga be had to foreclose tbig mortgage : and no uit or procoedinge at law oï in eqnity ha vin 2 been hád to récoi debteticurcd by said mórtffatfe ór auy part thereol : Noticüiahoreby Kiveü that,by vlrtne of the power of tale Lu tiiid mortgace contalned, I hall ell at public aactloa to the tilgheet bidder, on the foartb diiy of Marcb nest, at 2 o'clock in tin afterdood of thai day, at tha front door of the Court i u rJu'C-sy df Aim Arbor, in tbe C'ouut} oí Washfenaw, and State of Michigan, tbe premlsea dèscrlbed In -- : In places oe paresia t' land deacribed v, follows, ti wit: Be ing tlio wi-st half f the BOilbeaet quarter i.J' sectlon uutnber tweiitj flv. (e$ccpttng fivc rcwb in tha Bouthcat! c rner herctofore som tt C M. Pellowa), aod the oat iir.vd of the oast hult of the Bouthweal qnartor of tcHon No. twonty ftvo ',-■') in towoshlp Duraber tb ree south of range nnmbei tb ree bast; alto the lonthoaet quarter of eoothwett quarter of hcctlon nmnber thirty-ono (31 J In townshlp munber three Konth of raupe uumber (uur east, CcxoptluB on aero hëretofore sold to Jacob Schel e) In the i of VVaabtonaw and State of Michigan, áocordrng ti toe ri:ii:(l Statea mrvey, oontainiag one hunarti and fony Rur aorea of laad, mon or leus. UiUc'l, Nov. 28, iT. LUTHER JAMES, Mort' Joun K. Gott, Attorney for Üortgacee í-íí I 1VE GEESE FJ2ATIIEUS PIEST OTJVLIT-iT, (ontstïutt) uu liuiid aiul Ter bbLv by 1ÍAC2I& ABEL. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by ïj.falltg&6a,Srit0gigjg. Mortgage Salö. DEFÁÜtT having b m made Iu the comiltiorj oí ;i certain mortragfl fixecuten mv Andrew Ser'lcc y1.1'. ■ . his wife, oí tbe town .t I ni. u u. ■■ Oounty of Mashtenaw. and 8ti ■;.:i.tu Marcu.8 I. Rowè of :h; . Vren ty-fl f tu. Jy of September, A..)) í-n:,. and recordeáln the office of the I! -.;; ter ef D (Vu. íy of Wasbtenaw, oc Uie 2dt!i day oí SepU inM p, ! I), i ' ■'■■' -.1 ' . ' '■ i' Ck I M. ot raid day, íd ,iber84ol Mortgagos on page ! ;l,whicu8aid mortraye was duly aesigned foy sald Marcas II. Rowe to Jamnel Cnshman en of Fcbruary.A. T, isiis, and recorded po tlw Uth day of Febrnary, A I). iftCB. ni LOoxlock AM. Ín L'berl n. t v.:ir;.'-i-'v. ;.::.■ .'.; ', ond aííatii assigned by tan toHiram !:'' .■:■ '. ter of IVeds ot' Bald CoBiuy oa I ' iuiv'c i", wbti said Hiram llili to ; i Ann Arbor. C ■ ■ ;.:: n day of June ■ A. (i. imv.i, and recorded ím ti,' i ■ Ceister of Deeds fbr satd County, oo tbe :■ das f Novem .' VI., in Libar 2 it' ■ .-;. OB leiL'e fi.M . and thatthort ■ ibedueat U3 li-ri'ni tfie sutil ef one thoaand ;md twentytwo dollars and twonty-throe teu(, also an Altnrney's fee oí twcnty-llve dollarn !i ald any proceedlngsoe had to fo.rccfosc the 8fime, and furtber Insí to become díte on m;üu mortirafre, and nociuit or proccedtagl :it law or in qutl C'iv'rr ll.. . ny ]):'.rt thefeof: Notice le hofeby priven tnat . by vlrtuo "f tha powerof sale ín sani n, : si'll ai public aoctloo to thc hlL'hbst bidder on the fourtb du of Marcb. A. I). 16,1. ut -2 o'olock In the anemoon ofthat day,&t the frnut. door t' i tic Court Brbaso In the ' lly oí Aun Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw. and Ptate of Michigan, the tuin pieess or parcela of Ia ■ I ut follows, towlt: The west half of the oulheaat qnarterof Krri.ii n twi oty-five, ,t 1 tbe ei -: third of il. half oi' ;■ i; 1 nrepty-flve in tov,-(i three Boato t; also the sonthenr,t quarter of the. aonthwest 4U:irter of section UQubei Lhlrty-one in towr.■ thrce k iutb óimnge anmber iow? eat (excepili nere héretofore sold 'o .Jacob Scbeble) in t!if i :i nr.v of WaahtensWf umi State of Michigan, accor the United States Snrvey. ■ n-.m hundred iind ;'i..iv-Niin' ïicris ii" the same more or lees. Pated, Norembei LUTUER JAMES, Asdgl ■ . Joan N. üoTr. AttoriL-y fbr AsuigaÊS. iühi Mortsage öale. DEPAULT havlng been made in the condltlon of acertain mortgAgOiCODtalnlns tbereiu a power t)f sülefor eonilitinn broken, nnule by Charles Ghan dier and Eliza cii-nuiicr, hls wife-, l 'lini'ii, in the C' uuty oí T.i ïinwee, and State of , tu Piiiiiii'hi o. Chaudler af the Mime ofNovenBer, ei'iiteeu lumdrfd and itxty-three, apon certain Lands descrlbed in Bald mnrtgae, " Söutbeast (niarter uf yectiou nniiiber tlürt (S3;,in towoshlp number fonr t-'g somhof range nnmber ioar H) easti cODtalning one hundrod audj nbety aerosol landt more orleaSi11 and " ;. aitURted iu tow9hip of Bridgewater, ín the Cottnty of wasntenaw ana látate o!' Michigan' to seKiyment o the aam ofeight hundred dollars in tu' yeari from date, wlth interest payable aimitnily on the aame .t si -ven per cent. per .umi urn, and providlng in case of non-payment of Uio interest t Bhotüd become principa] . :uid lraw Interest 'i the rute aforesaid, and providïug also fur the paynifi.t of the Btim of uvrniy-üve dollurtí as an Attorney Bhonld any proceealnga be taken ii forocli ■ ■ the Bame, vrhlch m rl ■. '.o, witb saoh power of - ii . was ;!::' ■ n the office Deedsoi tl'.e Cosnty of WaBhtenaw i Michigan, on the 9th day of December, a. D. 18M at 1 ' ■ o'clock 1'. M j In liber 31 of mortfiases. ou page "lio, by the non-payment of the whole ïiniount of the principal fcitm , with the anu'inl . thereon einoe :lie ftrst il y of Q In r, A. 1) ;-,:. and the amoiint claitat:d tu be cue tbereon at the date of tuis notice h,ju one thoasftnd and-sixty-flTe dollars an.l Alteen cent, ($1,066,16) l'or prlndpal and Interest, tosether wlth the saicl Bum ot twuniy-tive dollars a buco Attorney fee, and no suitor procíedlns tiavhig been inutl Kt law to recover the debtsecuivd by tiaid laort or ah - pari i hereof ; Notice L hereby ivou that on Baturday, the Ï5th rtay ol IMi.-Miy, A. D. i t, ut ten o'clock !u tbe moftbatdoy, n door of tbe Cauri ii and for the s.'iiil Oonuty of waahieuaw ttbal place of holdinpr the Circuit Oourl Ithin the Cunnty in . '■ premisas o be soldare Bitnate). sald mortyage will be fo a Bale Qf the raortgaged ie part of t: nubltc auctlon, to the cash, tosatjj-ly the ftroount doe on gaid note and mortgage ai the date of tl : i out. with the Dreon, and the eosts, leec, aodexpeas provided or in aaj4 vaartaxe, and these allowed by law .:, Auu Arbor. November. 21bI . ]■■:'. PHIUMSA C. CÜANDLEU, Colman & Root , Mort] Atty'ö J'or -Mortijnee. Muriguge Salo. !tIIEHKAS, dvfaalt baa ben msilr hl the coadiTT tiui of a certain un rl by Mary K. Rnckmftn and SHas ('. Eiuckman. her Kellogg beariug dute the twen tleth (2oj day of October. A. D. ISüö, and re of Washtenaw, and ist.itc ot Uicbigan, iu Liber fori"y . A. : And whereas-tbere remaina dne and uu paid on ftaitl m -rtgage liie ram ol three Landred and twciny niiii: i.' ae ■-i:i (S-tf.49). and whereaa nö suit ot proccedfng either at luw or qbI tuted to recover tbc same or any Dart thcreol : Sow, therefore, uotl L'iveu tliat tjy yirLoti o! thi ■ sale in uuid murtgage contáined.andby rlrtue of the stal Bachean tded.lshaU Bell at puMic anctiou to i!:.p I ■ ;', on s.. ar ty-flfth ' ;., . D. 1 T .'at the of two o'cloch "uoon o said tlay. fit the oiiterdoor uf Llie Circuit Coart Lioom of the ( .i . - ty ut aihtenawCi in thfl e;;;.1 of Aun Ai bo ■■ Coanty :u the prepvsef desciibcd in said mort or s.' nm;h tln'i'u of as may bo . the amouute noV due or to tt-. on gaiü Dio:t.'a;e at the date of lilis uotiCfc, tojrter with ■ .í'íit. wblch sliaït have tlccrQQii Uivveon, au Attorney'a fee oí fifty CSCj dollafa m in sai.' gageprovided, in caeproc ikeu to l'urecox l be sa nu . a id thfa C - allowed by law, and provided for in sai:! mu. The deacrlptioxijof aald premisos Uw follows: All tlie foüuwiiig doacribed Coubty of Washttuuiw. ;-m . .: i Uclii_rnu,to wit: the west ouu-half ( V,) of the nurt oue-quarter (n v l) of sectiou Beven ( ,, tnwn lour fn south of rau fonrea?t, contflluin thlrh AlBO all ili;;l iiart of the west half of die sotj quiirter 4f eectlpn immbef onv Cl), ':! towliship utunbor four(4; iouthof lviui;e tiree f:tj . Boutlnvcbt of the Rlver Eaiein aud uorth of tlie Saline mail, coutalning about -ii i I property being oouyeyed to Silas C Hiickmaii bj .i.'.a.. Penuioian, Uy deed Qáted November 26th, A. I. ud recorded in tlbur nni -six of I)i-ed3, pax ■ in tile Roglster's ofllce fut tbe Coanty "f N ashtpsaw ai..: :..i.' of Mfcnigau. property to 1o voiit, snbject ta the pain nl of the -. i, ..i thn . :i.(l luteresl fromO u 2t, ; ■ lustalliiK'nts du ■ on si.i.i niiita;ü. Duted. Dec. 1. laas CABLSa KKLLOGQ, Mostgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.Tli:ivii'irliceii made in the eoadition of :; ■■ rtuln moTUage i-m culed bj Kllon ■■ i i oí' Aun Albor. Connty ufwaebieni 8tat of Michiiiu. to Muilhiuii ;.. Sluiits and HoraCe Xlckiuaon. of Washrcaaw '-'. ...." aud state of lljjjiigau, on tlie tblrd day of May. in the yer ofour Lord ono ihouaand eisht buudred and tuty-eeveu, and recorded in the office of the Register ■: lor sid univ ot Waehtonaw, on the -i;h ilay of May, A.D o'cock A. M.. iiUiuiAUof mo.tgagcc, page 480. which BaH mortganel s gnea By Ilóracc K. Dicklnson to Martinas I.. Shutts on the flrst di.v of Jnne.A. i1. 186T, anJ i oordcd in liber 'i of a8ftljrument8 of mortga;es, ou the 17t dny uf November, A. 1). 1S70, at ■.' o'clock A. !.. on i , nndagata asrigned by Martinas I„s;. : . . the lïth day oi B ptemlier A. U. 1UT. and recorded iu ilie ofBce of tlie Ri . lti r of . DthelTlh day ol November, -'■■■ D 9 o'clock A.M. , In liber 8 of assigunient of morléa268,011 ra1"; i"'-'. and ;iuu tacfre ■- i be dne at the date her lofSve bnndred ai enty-seven dollars, also an Attorney'x fee ol iu , nty:oi!hl aiiy proceedings be had to foieclosc this mortgage, and no snil or pn law or n eqnity haviup bee had to tecover I ' t;v saiil laoitL" :.■' oranj '■ Noi-'i-l . tnat by virtne of the power of en); in Baid inorl age conlaincd, I ehll sell al public auctlon, ii the der, on twenv-tiff iay of Pebrnary. A. 1). 1811, at two o'clock in t:. Doon ofthat dv, at the front door pf the Coort In the City of Ann Arbor. in the Oom VVaahtcnaw and State of Michigan, the premiseí de Ui HÍd moríjíage, as : All that certain piece ilofland in the Litj of Aqai Aroor, in the Count) audStatoaforcPald. a ml known i scribod as follows, to.wtti Lot nninber thlrtoeniu block nuinbor two fi; nortb of range Ko. fourteen i ast iu theeaetern sdditlon to the City ol Ai:u Arbor [tormerlyvillage j Uated.XuvetaberlStli tSTO J.OUISA .1 TK'KXOR. Bzeenlrix of the Last WW and Testament uf Dtirius DonglasSi Lite. JoiIN X. GoïT, Attorney for tb Bsecntrlz. Mortjrngo Sale DEFAJJJ,T having bem made i:i the conilUion of tt ,. .1 l)y Putrick O'Keeif and MaryO'Ki'vft' LesterXatimor dated : i ,ni. A. 1) i !■ '1 in the AVitshteiraw-Oiinnlj, Wifhiülin o the 18th day of August. A. I'. I ' 88 of mortL'iioes O ,;.iaiiiil in miil ir n ■ i and no pro tn 'nl sliliilril to verover i: orany part lUcreof, and the um of two bnndn forty-flve and iï-IOO dollars beinj; now cluiiued to be (in .'nu..:, :ii- mortffag ; NoBce is therefbre 1 irehy (rlven thui BAid mortgase ■111 be foreclosed hv a sale of the premlsea . ,1 in said mortgara, or Bome p" thereof, to-wlt: All öfthe followuiir'flescrlbed land Bitdffti d in the City ol Ann Arbor, Michigan, ou the nortb side of liaron Kiver,vli : commenciag on i! Itilu road as it is Inaamap ol Aun Arbor made by D.A. Pcttiboiie i. (he iiortl i "t land formerty beWngiuï to pwicht K kiiowii kb!, let) . don '■■ north II f said Clnvk !,,; six ,,. n : tucnee uortherly parallel wil ... ,.,.,., ,-,,., r ,,.,; , parallel wlth sa d aret ilne lx rodu, to said uce Kouiherly :ii,i„:; tl ast iine of said strc-i-t tour roda to the inini:, hnins Lbe ernuo i v.vrd tu san! IHlrlik (i'Kcefi'by Patrick D fan ..,,„1 ,vif, . I ebroaryï5th, [ pnb: ir. "at the Cuni . Honee. in ihe l Arbor, )-■ Hiud Conuty, on mr II th day ol' Fsbraaty upxt, at noon UaU-d, November Sist, 1STI 1 LESTRB LATIMER, N. W. Cim:kvfh, Att'y. ISOT UortjraHBO. JVI O T I O E ! N'-tlcoMs hereby glven that I forbid ; of the followlns notee to nny porsonh meb ivlng bo n lost h me on to i,;. : One WOtO ■■ one note ol sevenlv-fle dolíais, flatei 1 'l Blgntd by Illlam Pot ■ a's. dated . ■ Hogere ; one n if two an. on irhich there is paia hnndred dollrs; dated íeb ,lS,and bIj ...-,- ( ,:. ;,.i i i note of forty d( Hars, ilad aigned uy Jaobb D. Gle AU ,,1 Baid and have uut bec:i crallv tranBferti'ü 10 au) ■. IS&Im toxcue.


Old News
Michigan Argus