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Mortgoge Salo. rfipaÖtï baring been made in th condltion of ji Dcertali uted iy EUward Hyan,'ai Mlchiga . in rlie ofl of W8ht itiw, !i 1 1 ■ ►f nortgageBt m pae '■;-■. raortgane i w:ls flnlj I , Biitd Willinni S. Barry (o Lu ther Jarnos, ■; the i " ty uurl State aforesaid, on the fooi r. A I ■ and recorded In tbi lee - lor saUl Uonntr of Waubtefiaw, 011 the . ck l'. M. of Bud day, in líber B9 of morteag' b, on p4ge 2S4i and thtit therc ii cl'iiinc;! to be due at th ■ date li reof !-= and i.wi r.'y-niii cents, üi.-o ac attorney fea of Ihlity. doli ba had to fon clou the ::'! further ïnstatlraenta ry beeotte aald mo i . ■■ . and do Bolt "i ;■. ■ ■ i ind to recover the debt be curedby a&id mortj;aff6,or any Notu e la hereby givon,th of the pow-r of cale ;. i -d, I shaü sell at LCtlOD, tu tl ■! r,on the '-'!■■ day of Maren A l. 1871, at Iwoo'clock in the noon of ■ ront do'.r of thoCourt House, in the city of Abh Arbor, ii theCoontyof ■ ) State of Michigan, the ■ Bctib i! :1 -'■'"■ ■-' f" those i ! as fnllnws to-wit : 'I'ho iretft half of Ihu northwost qnarte.r if aection twen ty-ciirlit. and foor acres ■! the enst half f the nortbsecti n, in-ioï'.f i, fíútl party ff th j flral part t aald party ( the 'bcc,'nll beintí in twnstitp ne aonth oí six cast, in e.;i(l towttfhip "f NorthAeld, iu thfi Cuuutv f Waahtonaw, 8tte of Micb Date. I LUT1IKR JAMES, Asalgnuu of said Murtgage. Joiiv N. Qott, Attorney for Asnigneo. 1300 MortgBge SftleDSFAULT-having 1 1 In the condltion of a certain noi . d by Joaeph W. %'.- ï c , of thfi City of Ann Arbor, County oí WaöhtLBaw Jamc-s Treartwell, of the ate aforeéald, on the sevcnth day of July A. l). e of the Cottnl y of VVashtenaw. ou t lic tiuvf nLli day of July. A. D. I'. M. . ; i, anil that thoiv is elaimd to be tïue at the tmte of ttüs notice the fciirn oí' foarhuudred a&d sixiy-nine dol. lara and t wen ty-two cénits also an Attoroey8 fee of ftfteen dollars ehould any proceedinfl be taken to foreclose euid mnrtpage, and nd próceedlDge t law or incquitj haiiof; been had tu recover su!d mumsol i l thereof; : ven, that by vírtiii' oí a power "f sale u sald i I slmll H(.:ü al ut bidder, on tin; 18th da? ol U. oí Batd day l d wr ol i ■■■ i flrcnit Cuurt for the Coonty ■ beid), the followcribed piecee or parcele of land sltaated In the f ÍL,y of Ann Arbor, fl as followa to-wlt : . I wo mul three. in black eis in Brown fii i'nHt;rH Addttion to tin Vlllafte of Ann Arbor : alao ■i'.'itt n ! sqoare of land lytng aorth and juPtMiiiiiir sald block -ix, and fronungon Pontiac Btroet; alno apJece"uf land aóJointne eafdl erly, and beins nlne rode and eix Ihika In length and fonr r tlsin wldth, and üdjoiuing the uorth im ol sitid block six. Üated. November 28 d, lTn. i 8 TliKADWELL, aftorigftgee. John (Joir, 1 -' ■ j Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. Di:i-'Ar!.Tiiïi'. it.'_' been modelo tbe co&dlUon of a ■ executed by Uoshska N. or.v and Bdg%r . (irftgory f the city o) Ann Arbor, iir.-i dy ol Octobr , A. P, i lit-huudrt'tl and elxty-three and recorded tn the office t the !unnty uf ualiteuaw and Btate aforesaid, on thu flJ ■ ctober, A.D I ■■ as duly ppíriieil by ■ ■ i ■ L. James, of ■ . ni the ïte ■ ' ■ af = naw, on the a . ! 1&T0, oclock a II. ;r fber I i -1 whlch said mortsagu auü i i yinicthe same, there i chumo at tho daieofthls the Bnna of nlneteen buüdred nd öved iriiey'" feo offlfiy dollars Bhonldany procet oUi and iiu sntt or procei ■ ty hai Inc "'■- ■ ■ aiiy jj;trt i hereoí: Ñ05 tice Is I ■ i Uu1 power "i1 fiillü ilJ - ftnetion. to the tygtifbiiüder. on the Uthdnyof Kebruary. n xi, al 1 ■ ■ tdoor ufUm Court Hoiife ín the I . r, in -uil Oonn; ■ o! i uslitentiw, th All tbat cflrÍ11 the ':ti Arbor, iu th and Stftte 0 Mtchi; m - i ■-■....■ auo decribrd aa folIow8 to-wit : Lot n amber one iu kt) the recyrrted plat ii the viilago :■ ing all IhoBü t-remlöcti knoWL ;ií tli 1 tor lol - Koveui f IME3. Assii d c ( E sul I JounN. Gott, 120(1 Attorney lor AiuMu■' of Bftid I Mortgage Sale. rEFAri.T hvin ■ in the comlitionof X at ■- . of tli" city of Aun Atlior. in Cuunty Qfwashteiiaw, nna State ol M ichi on the twenia, and recorded 1 1 . ';; !; '■■-' :.■ il ..;.■[ : : ,■.- .'■70. and 1 iiow due and ui 111 uf oue huudred andone 1 s. and 1 d interest, at h p-.r Oent. . froin : liilrti cl.iy of AULUp1 ■ Attorat law or in cqoipuri th'.::'i''"; Jtow. thi reforo, uutiué la hcroby gjiv1 . by vlrtïie of ti power i mort 11 su il t public auctïon to the the 1 wenty-ftrat da v of Jannaty uext at 2 o'clockT. M of ïidlay, At the fr ut door of the Coart Houw, in the city ofAnn-ÁPbor, in ■ ; fciiüw a and ■ rhUow, to wrt : ■!.■ nonix, hi - .. Utuvaw, mul b.ato ni Michigan. lHttU, Uctobtr üñd, 18T0. LYMAN D. JAMKS, Hort?ageo. Jüiin X. Goit, Ait'y. f ov Moi-ía(.f. 1U3 lüa! Estáte for Salo. STATS OF MICHIGAN, L'onnty of Washteuaw. ea In the matter of the estáte ÓJ Johu George Volz, su anee ■ ranted t the undi tracor t-'C the ettate oí uaid ceceaned, bytbeHon Judgfl of l'tuhaio tt.r thu Con ni y of Washtt naw. on tho tw Qty-ae ond ■ ■ . A. 1870, . áaóf of üiu Cuurt HoDe. tu tbe . a the County of Waehtcnaw, in eald su ■ -.'.iy, tbe twenty-firít day of ac leo o'cloek in tho foronoon of thatdavi '-.'■(■ -■ to all on umbmnve by m wtpe exietiu of saíd d albo Bübect ti tho rlgbi ofdwcrof . ed real rcel T l.iiiil úecrlbel ñé & na ■ "f ih.' Eber White ■ , in the tow nshlpof Ann Arbor. and th1rt.X'n clamé nurth from ■ li-wel conn 1 henee ■ ihiríy, t henee ' wentyn chaint aud ?'■■ .■ Eüwr PP'hite road. tliencc aonth StíVPiity threoanda half Ü I .mili;.', ■ ,. thlrtyalongthu fcctiou ün1 fo ná fony1 bree lint - : a el ■ "■ ■ .-■ links, (henee wet forry fowjr chaii forty-tlireo lii.ks. trence nortp '■'-' ■'■ eKalne aud : h to the place üf boginniii coni ihirty-two and 7t l'-O Aleo cat Iialf of 1 ie soath wout qimrtor otscctiou 1 o, ■ 'A '(11 íng forty aerea moro or lesa. Also tw.uty tu g uorth of and off of ti ■ iat half of the ihi erof ecc■. in townsblp tovo soul h ol rango fiye líftttd, Dtceaabr6th A D ! l-t'j JüIIN A. VOLZ, Admlnislrator. Real Estáte for Sale. CJTATB OPMirlÜfiiN. County of Wa&htell ?) l.A c : che estáte ui Loúon ralnor Ruowíeryrautedto the underrizned. Guardian of minor, by lbo Hon OudgeofProiw, on the iwentvthird dny of '■ ■ ;) 1"'r"' there will I :■ SOUth ■ (' Aun Arbor, id tíiio, ou . A D. 1871, i;i (subject o exfet1 t' the right of iow : ' wiuow i' Kranklin ■ r.h uf . : Cmn nio n el j _ In the eost lima tweuty-uine, in townfthíp two nouth oí raogfl ■ ■■ . al a of Aun AiM,, . , ']n;il plat, lUcntu wcl ■■ to Hurón Btreet ten roda, theuce m-nhil. tbcuee ■ Bonth ti Btreet ;il luud co . . . Maynard, Marob . I5th A' D. !s '■ A!.-' OÍ ! :. ■ .-Pond, and .u the ■ ■ went, game toi . 1 1 piei ■ 01 lalui .- oíd '■:■ N1 .,,,1 v and aithe we tern terminu ■ l L'KU tommeuces ou Btreet, and rui U fonr nd Ion to t&ú ; y) of Añ Ariior. thence werterly on sald tveuty roda or mora :■ I mili poud, thenctidown said uiíll-pi n.l tn land gold ■ in i .■.' to ( lemënt K. Tbomp eásterly hIoi ■ ■ oí lana ...( r wiih the , ■ enter■ Lli :i team o ■ -■■ frue ■ ■ juor for all 1 eco sary uní b b. Alfi,o indlvidcd half of the Sincfrtir Mili p'roperty, In eniú dty of Ann Arbor, :u"i m the landa, . ■ --T. by ■ :n-i:iir and vfifc t Pronkhn Swlft aun Wiílian I In überslxtj 1 n t' . of of said .■■ il and flOSj in the HethLChureh f Aun Arbor. And aUo all 1 Vtleand etérea) of aaid minar Ín awdto klin . B8W1PT, ('hanccry Sale. IN PÜR8UAETCK and by virtne of n decreo of the Clrcuit.C'i'ttrt fór tin Connty of Washtenaw, in Ülioncci'; I day l 9ep. .1 ■ . . - ■ ■ - rtckett is complainattt, and Solomoi ih-i t. Joli i ' lo are dfiendanta ; Nótti ■■ y Elven, tb i1 i -il at public aaction, to the hlgheet bidder, on Saturday the tweni ■■■■": -Iúíi day of Jamiary next, nt (teven o'clock A. M of H.iiil fhiy t front os south door of the Court . iity ti f kv ing mi-vi ; Tb of the fxiiuh'.v'.'si 'i'j the OMihi'iwt qn I : t !!■' norl hfiiot , I ni irtheo! quarter of i ei ion invmj i tiweat quartt'r of tbc northwum quan r e1'vi-ii fli), all In towuslüp nuraber ■ ■ n.iiniii-.' fonr iij Gfl&L . ■ of eectlon 11 1b towii8hipxDO (ïjeontb of riuï$( tour (4J aagt, ooBtftiniui! tv ■ wkul bvi&g 'm V;.&iiteiiaw Couuty and State of Michigan. Dated. Ann Arber, December llttn.A.l). i mi;;,u a TAYLOBi One of the Circuit Couri Commtesiouera fop waahtenaw Counly, ! E. C. Sbman, Solicitor for Complaiuant. K1 I Coramissioners1 Notice. STATE OF MICH1OAN, Oounty Of WusMemnv. PM undettfgoed bavlng been appolntedbytht Prob-a Conrl - io ro oeive, examine and adtastaU clajma anddemi all pereons agalnet toe estáte oí Heman K. late of eald Oooaty. decoaeed, bereby, giye aotlcetbat yix moiitlif irom date are allo wed, by ordu ■ i Oourt, forcredltora to preseut thelr ■;. and chat 1 1 moet at tbè late ttfeidei ce oí said ducêaced. !u eaid nirdiiy, tin1 tweuty-fiflh day ÓT b'cbniarv, andMondi h day ni Juue, next, at ten oelotk A.M. of eaclto ankldftj'ö, to receive, examine, and adfrst saidclufins. Da teil. December l-tli A. 1). 1SÏ0. 1300w4 STEPHEN J. CHASE, ln„lini.siim„r(, ComniissioDerfi' Not.ioe. STATE OFMICHÏQ A N . Oonuty of Waahtenaw, ss. The undíT.'.-jut-i; : . appoiuted y the Probate Oourt for siiid Co:, 0 Ive, i:x:tmia!, and adjiut all : ihn ■ i tnd of all pereoni agninst tho etat of i lilrrlo Stuck, late of s:iid Uonnty, de eaed hen by gin notice tiiMt ehc moutha from dut are alluwed by order of aid Probate (.'tuut for c redi tors to present tnejr azafosl tbe oatate of said deceaeed, and that th'.'v will meet at the i ' Vanclere, n the cit of : Coaoty. m Saïiuday, tbe ■ oth day ol Pebrnary and Thursd ii_t.t!i day ol Juïiei ij-,r, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of sald daye, to receive, exumiue, uud ádjust Bllid Cllilli1-. i. December cth, 18Ï0, 1300 LKVE, 1"' Comniissioners' Notioe, QTATKOF MICHIGAN CountyolWashteDaw.BB. OThenadersijcned b apppirfted bj tbe Proba: ■ reto re e, and adjnftt alï péwsou i níjuHiBt the estafce of EÜzft J. Osgood late of sni.l C'ouni tice tliat. m" moutbs from date are alloweoby or derorëaid Probate Court forcroditorrtooreBéntthei claimsn :- andthatthe; tod ii ■ n of Aun Arl : :■::;■ . Kiidiiy, the ui; bf ■' uoe uext, at U Q oe] ck A M., of each o i receive, examine and adjui B;.i Datcrl. DiTomiierScr, A 0. 1STO. CommissioDera' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty orWítsfítoDftw, s. O Th"ii ted by t!ic Probate Conrl arijuet all c all pera "f Lydia i Inte "J' ■ ■ ■■.■by y!ve notice i hat lx iimntlis from na Probate Court. for creditors to preeent theïi of eald decefteed, and l tepftw Mutual Kire ÏDBurauce Uompany ii' tho eliy of Ann Arlior, ■ on Sitiurdny the eleventh day ■ f Feb. rnary.and Monduy, the flfth Cayof Jnne. next. at ten o'clocit W of eachoínaid daya, to itweiTe, adjust said r]íi!ir:s Dated, Pccmber 5ih, A. p, 1$ 0, Comnnssioners Noties. ST ITB ':■' MICHIGAN 0tttofWaphtei ii appointed by tiie Probate mers to re, camine and i ■ all persmis acainst e 3 mntlürtt. laie Oounty, deceased. hereby flve aotice that six Bald i ro!■.!■■ v'uMi't, r.r creditora to present their claims and tbai they wiU meet ïtt tbe atore oí B f. Whitakertin AueúiBta. i H said Connty mi Sal day of Pebrnary, aml Tui day. . Tjiy of .Tune u?xt. at lOo'clocfc A v. o7 each of saifl oayB, t'i rec airas. Düted, December 6th. A. D. I8p), 129) 'b.f.Bv! . fc8?11-1 Estáte of Lcvi Biahop. STATBOT1 MÏCniGAN, Qountyof gt vea. that by au order of the Probate Cowtfor tiie County of WasbtetiaW, mad6 ou the olneteentíi day of U mber, A. 1). - ■ ■ ■' ite were allowcd for cred iuresent their claimo against the estáte -f Levi Oounty, deceased, and thnt :ill . are roqolred to j thcíir claims to aald Probate Court. at the Probate AuB Arbor, for ezamhiatto na] ice on or before the twentietb day of June nxt, and thal will be heard before said ProoateCuutt, onTue&day, the twenty-firet day of March, and on the twemletb day of f'.ine, luxt.attüu o'clock in the l'orenoon oicath u:1 tho days. Duttjü.Auu Arbor. December 19th, ISTO. HIEAM .J. BBAKEH, 13 ■ Jadgeof Ptokaie. Conimïssioners No-io. STATE Oí? MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washtenaw n, The undcrsljined, hflviüï bt-en appointwJ by the Probate '■ art ot said Gouoty mmi shmevs i re. camine nd just aU clalmB aiid of al] perfoua rtgalHwt the cstatooJ nïlaon,late [ve m tice that hx muDthD in date are aHonred by order wf saSd Pr-'batü urt. for creditors tn present thvlrclaima ftwhml ■ f iü dtceaatífl. and tbai they wfll meel at Chiltls, iu AuLr.i.-;:i, la sald Conntr. on Saturday, the twenty iltih day of Pebrnflry, and Tuesdat, tiie tweutielfa day ■ i June iu-xt, at 10 uVi' ck a . M. f och of th se dujB, OÓJUBt s:ii J : Dal. , ,. D. IS70 1301 AA RON CH1 icommlwiöiifeM Goiarnisüionois' Notice. STATK ot'1 MICHIGAN. Ounty of Weahti'nrtW. sa The undert-ljfiied, having been app t&ted by tiio Probnte Court (to mid C utity, C tumiesioitera t rvCfive, examiue and adjustall claims and den ail pera the estáte of Ulrich eder, late -)f ,-ijil O unl lotice thal .-ix mojttha frozn date are allo wed, i on &r of said Proort, foi credltora to present thelr dama estáte of said doceasad, and that they of Aaron 1.. Feldkamp, iu Ddhip tf Satine, ín said Conuty, on Saturday, the twenty-fiflh day of Pebruary, and Moudaythe i ck A. M., of of said doys. to recelve, examine, aLd udjust I :iiis. Datöd, December i1 18T. I3o.w4 AAROK 1. PM.DKAUP, U'„mm;;(,m r Attachment Noties. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Cdirt for ibe lly :ï' W.iniriiMw. llfiiry J. Mlllor :nd ConielJ . nller and WlllBardlnfr. NotJ ■■ U hereby elven, thut ou the 12th doy of No?erabor, A. i l8T0,awri1 oí Atcachmeni wsm Ibsued out of sald Court at the puit of said Piaintiffa agaiu&t the lando, ten meots, poods andchattlea ofeaid defendant, for the snin f two handred aud pixty-seveu 21-100 dollars, whfch wrli was returoable Norembur sidth) iS7o, and retuxnod ii"' personaJly Berv I ■ Dated, December Het, A. 1"). irn. JOSLT1S A BLODGKT, 1&91 wd Plalatims' Attorm lístate ot' Frank Joiininge. QTAT ; '■■ QAN.County ot Washtomnv. ;- O Ata ■ onr) for theGotmty of Wafihtonaw. Ihe Probate OBic city of Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday. the fonrteentta day oJ 'i tbe ycar one thouBand elglit hundred and sei rnty. Preeent, EHram i. Boafc8,Jndee of Probate. In tho tn. uut of the 4ostate of Frank Jenoiíágs, -. I. ding and flline the petïtl d flnly voriü ed of Maviii 12. 'rnuiuics, Aomintatratrisc, praylug bmtahe . ' re il ottate woert 1, fut the pnrpoae f disti i oí the proceeds of Buen balo among the persoga iu - iid estáte. 'i'ïLöreuuuu ii Owleied, tbai 'i : rsdi y, the tweiii day oí J;iini:ir iu-.[, al ten o'uluck Lu ffiö ' mi! for the hearing of eafd I he hetra al taw ( euid 6 uU eted in Baid i Pi obatc Office, i ij thi Ann Ar.ot lVlü '■ reroft&ep Munt be pnnted; Audltisfurtherordered thataflidnetltloceraivc-no■ !m lnsu'lii■:■l.■iH: n }id rst :it t' Ol the ÚCnof vald petitJon, and the hearinr ther causiuga copy oh tl ooepnoltBhei ■■ a nówepaperprlnted avddvGQatlDfl 1 couaty, four eucceasive weeks preiounu eaia day ol hearing. fAtruecopy ) IÏIRAM -T. BEAKr. 1í; -i Jadjfeöf Probate. Estáte of Honry Eowcr. STATEOF MICHIGANjCountj ofWatfhtefiw,ss At ;i r.' ■ -:■ rii of the Probate Couri for the Cbuntj of w i1.'. koldsnatthe l'robate üiiii. Lu thi . nii Arbor, on Nituniay. the twenty-slxth koveiuber, In the year one tluaaaa&d eight ■ . seventy. Preseut, (Iirura J. Boa Probate. . matter of the Kstale f Hcnry I pd. On reaclittgand QUngthe petitton, du! vei :;n, pTftying that .. be Hceneed tofioHceriain ral i-üiai.c wkurc. ,■ seUed Thcreupon 'i i owlereJ, thatMonday, lay 'f Jauuary ueit, it ten ,o'c1ogk in tl ooon be m#UíU0íi fur thts hea&Jg oi aid petli . . . ; lrtv of said de(vasrd. ■ ft estáte, tircd to uppcar nt a fftpstou of sníd Cout, o In; )ïUUiu ni i ■ - iu tho Miy ui Aun .'■ wliy il lor slip ii ld not be ■ : And it i-fi'.rriu-r trrlered, that pnidpott- tionerjjive notic'e to t tic petaia iupr iu, tiie ■ :-y ol' tliis order hi lnp:iiilishcrl prlntcd and ■ ■; .iel Coinuy, four üuci!a o.' hearing. .i. 1IKAKES. i;,i■. ' . ■ Juacü of Prubatc Estáte of H:illv Ann Pruv TATE OV MICHIGAN, County of wWhtena . J Alases?iou of the Probate Cuurt for the Conni f Wafhunaw, holden at the Probate office in Tr ity of Aun Arbor, on Mondny, the twclflh H I 1 the year one thousand elsat hm? . Hlram J. Renkes, Jndge of Piolmtp In the matter of the estáte of Sally Aun Prat ,. ■■i-c-rl. J'"c8. Wheelor, Adminlstrator of snij esit, oma lato Conct and representa thnt be la ïinS I ... rentier bis iual uccoaat as eucb Adnuu I, that 8atnrday, the fonr day ol Jituuary, next, ut ten o'cluck iu th' ind .;iuWi„„ noli accouol. und tlial t'ie heirsat law of sm,) ,C ceafed anduUotherpereoiiHiuterented in saidestatT íí'-il toappe ónofsaldConrt.thïï obe li Probate Omco.Lrj the Citvof Aiiï lirbor msatóOoany aadshowcauselfanythereS 1 aot be allowed : AndltM ordered, that Baid Administrator elve notw - int Tested ín sak) estáte, r u,e „.„ nt.aud the hearing thereoi h : 1ÍH ..nk-r t.. „'tg Michigan 1. ..■, newspaperprlntedandcIrailathM 11 said Omnty, three succenive weeks kieviom 1 ■ i hearing. " (Atr.wcupy.) IIIHAM J. UEAKKS 13JUU Jodue of Probate, f Delh ChapmuM. CJTATE OF MICU tA3, Conniyof MTaehtena .. 0 At a session of trio Probate Conr; rr the UcW ly of AVashtenaw, hoideu at the, Prubate office ■ of Ann Arbor. 011 Tuesday, the sixtli ij f December inthoyoiiroue tliousand eitht hui' dred and sevenly. ""■ Present, Hlran J. Bea "f Probate In :!;.■ ju.ttor of the esfcUe of Dclla Channnn drceased. '""". ( ..11 rei dlug and flling the petttib. dnly verifica „, Maria einro . istrnment ï!i3 t. parporting to be ihe b,st wili and testament oí si , oiaj ■■: adroiited Á ■ and that hc or som 1 iltable.peisn may, c aopuinted AdiniuúuralrU with the wil' . :l. ""■ Therenpon ft is oniered, that Thnruday . the U-pim. di y ol Jannyty noxt, at ten o'clock In tin; for.noo, be asaigned for the hearing of said petitton aml n„! ateca, deïiaees and in n at ]., ol ,ti deceaeed, and all otiijr pursoue nierested in uj3 eatate, are regulred t apnear at 6e.f', nf f.iid conrt. tben to bc bolden at the PW Mier. in the City of Aun Arbor. and' nho If any tnere 1. whj the prayer of ihe pe, liontr simiilil not be granted : And it is fnrthe, „, tost said pitUloner giYe notice to tlie m;JZ catóte, ol Die pendency of mm u, i..:ü ;.., ■n,::i.in1; t'.li-rrof, Oy cau.'iuL' a to. 01 tliis order to be pabuahed in the Michigan Arn[ prii.ted and circulatin in snid loumr' ucoCBslvc weeks tu .-.iid day henrlni; ' CA ' uoy.) HIUA'M J. BEAKÊ8 18N Jndge o: Probate. Estáte of Nestel- MinöiT OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty ofWashtCBaww 0 At n aeaaion n the Prubate Conrt for the Couiii. of Waehtenaw, holden at the Pn.bate Oflicc újm: CUy of Ann Arbor, ou Wedueidaj, thi evrnth dar of Deoeiöbtfr. Ui tbeyear ouc thonaijdei"hthuiiri. andmventy. "' ; . 1 1 i rara J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter or the Estato of tíada J. Nestel 11J John P. NeKtcl minora. "" Obadim l'iicsi. Oaardian of m] estáte comn Into Cauri ftnd rep .; he in now prenmrf to icnder bis linul acconnt a ach (nardiauisS aek tbat he may be peimitted i" raiiigu tbat tru.t ■ it is ordered, that Thnreflay,tbetwlli day o. Jtnnary, next. al ten o'ulock In tiiefurii n. lor examinlng and nllowin,. ,JT acoonnt, and that the next of kin of büíu minor tS allotherperai edln said entate, are reoalnü tolappear at a Beetl faaidCotirt, then ini bolden, at the I'rouate ültice. in tin' i'itv of Ai, Arbor, In f.nid Connty, and show c,'uie' if .,,, tlK'ro be, why the sald acconnt plurald' not d lio wed: And it is further ordered, that iZ Unnrrtlan t;ïvc notice to the pereons DtercSJ in k.M estaie. of tlie peudency of i-aid accom? a:id the lic:.íiní,' thercof by canaine a cudt oí order m iv pnblished in the Michigan iï pupet prlntsd and circiilniinir in i,ü Connty. thxeesucoesaire week pre ious to m,idjii of heai " (Atrnecopj.J . HIRAM .1. HEAKES. '■ " JlldL'e of Proiate. lügtafe of Simon K;mouse. CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oonnty orWunteon ■ '" t a nesslou ol the Probate Cmirt lor the C'ounir 1 of Washtenaw, bolden at th Prohate office, in iit I Aun Arbor, on Prlday, the ninh da? of mber, ii; the jvar oae thousaud cight hand} vul; Present. Hiram J. Beakss. Jndze of Proliaic. In the muiter of the tstate of Himou Kauoo-! deceased. Edwnrd Allen, AdmlnUtrator of said csute comee into ('onrt Ruil represen e that he isnowpS pared to reader lus flual account as biich Adaiiu l!:lh:r. Therenpon it is ordered, that Thuradar. tl twelUb tlay oí January, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for examinlng ui tllowlUK aucb acconnt, and tbat tlie hró Irw of sai.: nd all other peraoos iiitercHtcd in Baid estáte are required t r.ppearati in cf s;:iil t'.:irt then to be holdeii at ik ProbateOflice, in theCity of Ann Arbur, In uU C -tinty, and show canse, lf any therclie, whj u bonldnotbeallovyed: And it Í8Tm tlicr nrdered, that sairi Administrator giTe notlceW the persona I In said estáte', ol llie pet. te lu ari:. u' th causlnt! 11 copy of liiis order to be pubiished in tk newspauer prluted und eirenin tnitl Coanty, thrtte buecossive wwki' mï oiM to 8aid (iav of hei (Atruecopy.j 111 HAM J DEAKES, Joiutd .Jndccol Prubii. lístate of Lucas Kittel. STA'; CÍAN, oouty of Wajitenaif : a ion of tiic Probate Conrl fui theCunnfj n!' h.aaUtenaw. holden at the Probate Oülce, iu ih! city ol' Auu Arbor, 011 Wedueaday, the twventli diy 01 December, in the yvoroue thousand ciübi linf dred aud aeventy Present llirain . Beakes Jodge of Probate. In Uit) matter oitúe iúáiüie ol' Lucas Kitk'l, de% Bmauael Maan, Admlnistratoi of said estaté,1 come Luto Couri aud represent tbat he ia uuw prr pared to render UU final accuunt as such Admuie' tra tor. Thereapon it ia ordered, that Thnraday, thetwelfta flay (.1 .l.uiuary. next, at ten o'clock iu the iorc' Doos, ü for examiulug and aliuwiuji auch accouni, and that tlie hcir at law ufnM ■!. aud all lier persone Icterested ii;iU-, are required to appcur at aseasionufiilÉ Coart, tlu-n to be bolden ai the Probate Office. iDtM City of Anu Arbor, iu saiii Conuiy, ■ndshoweMM( ir any tuete be, wliy l ï t t Biiidaccui.nt shoold uut bt ailowed: Aud it is further ordered. that sald Aimiaiistrator ííívc uotice lo the persone interwUdk; said estáte of the pendency of said account, aDdUe heai'ii.:.' thereof, by caulne a copy of thia unit' ', he pLibiithed iu the Michigan Argut, :t in'wgl[!ir urtnted andcircalatlngin said Connty threesuca ive weeks previous to auid day of hearing, (A trr.ucouy.) llliiAM .1 1SKAKES. lüüu Jud"e of fraaie. Estáte of William V. Grant. STATE OF MK'IIIOlN, County of Waehten,M; At 1 seasloo of tiie Probate Coart for the Coiei; of Washl-m-w, heiden at tin' Probate Office, in tb City of Anil Arbor, 011 Honday. the twenty-flrft All ofKovember, in tiie year one thousaud eililliu dred and Beveiity. i resent. Hiiam .T. Beakes, Judce of Prolmtp. In tiieniatler of the Eatale of William V. Ortit, deceased. tn reading and ftliug the petition, dnly veriCed, " Qeorce O. faire. Executor. prayiug that licniayt llcensed to ell ceruin rt;tl célate whercof enW e -. :y.i ii, lor the uirpofe of diilrilnitiODDI roeeetla of peb sale amuny thu persou iawtesli'd iu sald estato. ïnereupon it lu ordered, that Tuesday, the thut, day of January uext, at ten oclock in the lorenooiW aiúigued i'or the hearing of a:d petition, and t'1!tl'j aml heirö at law of said diceasw,_ aiM all dl !..■;■ persons interefted in eaid efti1. arew-. quired toappcarat a gc&ioii olsaidCourt, theDto nolden, at tlie I róbate Office, Iu the City of Ana bor.and ehow cause, if :tny there 1'. why tlie i'rij of the petltioner ahould not e i'ianted: Aiiflit furtlier ordered, that ea'd petitionei irivc notiretou persons lutereeted in -aid eatate, "f ihe i.endetij said petition, find thu hraitiiL' Ihereof, by chiihK copy of Ibis order tobe publi.-hed in lïie MMt ArguB, a newcpaper printud and circnlatiug j County, four sucecbsive weeks irevious to saÜfil'J. of heahnic. (A trae copy.) U1RAM .1. BEAKK8, r.".i7 Jodie ol ProWe. Estáte of John Gibnej. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenj - Ata session of the Probate Coart for the C0M8 of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OfliMi 1 Cityof Ann Arbor, on Prlday thesecondd; cember, In the year 011e Uionsaud cight liuudreo seventy . Present niram .1. Beakes, Judfje of Probatf. In the matter of Hu; estáte of Johu GW deceased, . Ou reading and Bling the petition. dnly verlneo Jalla Uibney, praying that a certain instrn11 now on ule m thls Court. purporting 10 bc the lj rU! :iik1 testament of said deceated may bc adnuU to probate, and that some Buitablo persou msj 'T appolnled adininisirniur with the wil! anuew Baid deceased. Thereupon it ii ordered, that Mouclay, the aw day of January, next, at ten o'clock In the foren(ï igued IV. r tlie hearing of said petitioD,1! i!iat the Iccatee8, devieeesand lu-irs at ',[! sairl deceased, and all other persoD intereflwrt estáte, are required tu appear at a ewi said Court, then to be holden, at the ProbateOlf in the City of Aun Arbor, and show caune, 1" there be, why tlie prayer of the petitionersb! nol be granted: And it ii further ordered '""."ï petitioner give notice to the persons intereetwlj saldestate, of the pendency of sald petition. Y: the beariu the.reof. by canaing a copy of this ö" bed in the.MiWiu;i ■'. a i"-"!1. ijiinti-d anfl ciroaiaiing in ald County, hreesuí" ,.- weeks previou tosald day of hearing. (A triic-copv.i ' IIÜIAM .1. I!KKKS. 1299 Jnd-e of FroW Estáte of Humuel J, Freemau. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waarden. O At :i nesslon "f llie Probnle Court for the CfS. ,' of Vashlcnav,ho!ucll at llie Plobate Oifieu City of Aun Arbor, on Monday, tlie ?ftll.J!j of December, iu the year 011e thonsaud eigut ft11' 1 dred and Beventy. pn - ui, Biram 1. Beakes, .T!iil' ol Prolmtf. I In the muller of the ustate of Samuel J. Fre""1 1 -■ ■ ,i en i.ailiii'; and ftlïnu'the petition. iluly ver'"l) Harriel rfreeraan, prayluc that her dower iu l" .j whereof said decuased diul seized may Bipmed to her j Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tlie tv day te.11 o'clock in the foraPjj ir the hearing of said petition, audin . Irj .-u law of, aald " ; ithei pereous intresttl in aald estáte. ( qnirtMl to appear al a sesgioo of said k'uurt, tbe ato OfBce, in thcCUyv' 1 : show Cainse. ff any there be, vhvtoeprJvt the petitloucr'hould not be irranted : Anditi' ' :. tliat said petitlouer 'i b notie ij persone luterested iu eald estaic, of the pf"";.! D.and1 the hcarlnc Ihereof. by Ujï( ; bo publisherl in 'tlcí,'t i', priuted and cirtulatinc "', ut . thn BaccesivoYTeekp?evlou8lo.i 55X,J UIÍUM J BEAKÖ;,. 1209 Judtfeof FrqQ, 1 . 1 . - GotoR.W.ELLIS C&i for3trictly Pure Drugs an Medicinee ,Paints.Oils,&c


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