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TIio followiiigia the lotter whicii wm thographeJ anJ eireulatod tlirougli tbo tate, aud also published in tho Fret 'rets 0:1 tho morniug of the recent Senairial caacus nt Lansing, aud to whieli 10 defoat of Got. Blair it in part atributetl. Qov Blair hows more pluck mn Ad:niral Fortkr and Oüvillb L rant, and bas not yct taken !ack n word of it, or pul in a claim tlial it was writton under ny misapprohensioD of the facta : [copt.] House ok JlnrnE8BSTATrvKi, ) D. C, Feb. 28, 1ÖÖÜ. 5 Dr. Gco. W. Fish :- Dear Sik- Your of tiie 52J of February Is at band. There wns nothing in tlic scnator'ml contest to givc oneRreatconfidencc in polltlcal iiflaii'.s. Iifurnishcd onc juoic evldence of tüe inconstancy of politicians and of Jiote UllU timber ü reaUy Uiket lo muke a greaí man oul of. ïhere seems 110 doubt ot the bargato mode at Lanslng, as detailcd by Stricklaiul, tlionli 1 refosed for somc time to belicyc 11 it. Air. (J.H.) Howard got hoUl of il and made a great rout over t, blew up Porter at a terrlflc ra te, and eickeil everybody out of bed, unlil he. had to ie appeased. He (Hou ard) has been the righi oicer of all the corrupt ring hen, but while ii bis tantrurai over thta business he taiked agninst the Ornnlboa bill nnd knocked things endwise. But tlicy have got falm quieted by dint of slrony lying, and lic has reported their bill and pali.s again into Une. These bargalus, howevcr, are of lit tle consequence. There is not enough of Ferry even to inake a muil appi'ehensive. Ihcy are a hl of corrupt scoundrcls and will keep no agreements, evcepl tuch as pui money ia their pockeis. You s:iy, wliat are we coming to ? Thls is a qamtlon I huve revolved a j;ood dual in my own mind, nnd cannot flud a very satlsfactorv answer; but lihink Uure m hvt aae remedy, and tiiaï is defeat. Whenever the' people iearn tlietruth, they vvill appiy the wholesome correctivo. Strickland is here, and Gale ia here, aud Rlploy, of Saglnaw. Mr. Ohanalfer is cheek-by-jowl wlth Stiickland, and will carry out his prograranie, f he can. There are no open raovements yct, bocause they do uot kuow who i s to be in tho Cablnet. Oí course, tliese men make no account of services rendercd the party or the country, but viily to themselves. I cannot teil you yet whether you had bettor come to Washington, but as soon as the Cablnet is formed we can teil better. It is said, and 1 think truly, that Delano, of Ohio, will be Coinmissiouer of Intitrnal lieven ue, and this will be very well indeed. He is a member of theForeign. AlTairs Coininittee with me, and is an bonest man. If we get a Secretury of the Trcanury as gooc as he, 7iaü hótt some hope of successfully op poting these raseals. Everything will have to go thnrugh the department, I think. Let us wait a littlc and sue. Il is a comfort that the rascáis wil luite to dhappoint a yoodmany, any way. Yours truly, (Sizned) AUSTIN BLAIR. Thia lottor was w itten to Dr. FlSB, o Flint, tben Collector uf Internal lieve nuo for the Sixth district. After tb removal of tbat gentleman, he claims te huve left it with othor private papers in a desk of his own in bis euocessor' office, and that t was abstracted thare frora. The Dr. dow, as tben, is a frieci aud supporter of öov. Blaiii. Letter - like a little learning - are duDgorou thingi. - Sinco tho abovo w3 put in typ Blair has been heard froni. In a letter to tho Detroit Tribune ho explains the circumstances under whiüh the letter was writtcn, and how it got before the public, through Stkicklakd, - aad then adils : This is substantially, though very briefly, the whole transactlon. The public will judge oí it, I indulge in uo reflections npon it, though the provocation is stroug to do so. I makc do apology for wiitiug that letter, and cravo no mercy in refevonce to it. I do not adiuil thut it was even au in prudence to wrile it for the highest huinai iugeuuiljr cauuot wliolly protect us agaius t hieres. Tliere, that ringa lileo good metal no lameutatioaa, do oruw-fwhiug, no re grotw. Like the man who swore tl. horsa was tixtccu feet - iustoad o hands - high, he proposes to stick to i Good for ..uu. No more will w catalogue him with Poutek and OkvIll Gkant. We are glad to eee that Gov. Bald win is a reader of tho Akgus. We fioc evidoDco of tbis fact ia bis reoommenda tion against au iucrease in the numbe of circuits and oircuit judges, ttie Ar gus beiug tha ouly papar ia tbe Stato - odiniug under our notioe - wbioh ha taken tbat position. Tbo Goyeruor reo ommends a rearrangemeut of the cir ouits with a Tievr of equaliziug the labo devolring upon tho judgos, but ia clearl' of tho opinioo that do iucrease in th number is necessary. We only regre that üov. B. did not sce fit to concu furthor ia the views of tho Aiiaus, ant recommend a constitutional amendmen - though wo don't wondsr he is sileu on amendmentg - dooroasing the numbe of circuits to nino or ten, with a prohi bition of legislativo ioereass, and an in croaso oí salarios to 2,500. Ten judge at a salary of 82,500 a year fach woulc do all tbe work, &nd without grumblioc tt a cot of 825,000, an excess of only $1,000 above wbat the sixteen poorly paid, gruuibling, and diisatisüed judge now get. Buoh ao amsndment coulc be adopted, but no amendmeut is poes" ble insreafiog salarios and permitting the Legislaturo to grind out a new gris of judge every term. We oommenc tliig VÍ3W to tbo Senate Coinmiitcu on "Coustitutional AmondmeDta." A wail of protest againBt Congression al usurpation has ooiuu up from an uu expocted quartor. Gov. Qbary, o PennsylraDia, in hia recont uunual mos sage ventures to pronounce against Fcd eral interfereiico with Stnte eleotions. - Ho is n evident believer in tho right o Petinaylvania, at least under hia admin istration, to regúlate her own intornal af fairs. ''Better lato than never," but a singlo manly word spoken in soason would havo been moro effeotivo tban a wholo message fired now ut a Congrcss entrenched behiud its aooumulaüon of unuostioned usurpations. Tiib Detroit Trihun is reconciling itBclf to tho defeat of its candidato in the Senatorial contest - Blaik, by publishing everytbiog said of Febuv, good, bad, ftud indifferent.


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