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Tkk PflïwroAtt Fjih 01 U'oman : Advice to the Malden, Wlfe, and Mother. Ky Geo. II. Napkktb, A. M . M. i)., author of "Compendium ol Modern 'i'iifirapeutics;" Memberof Phlladelphla Medical Society, etc. E. Hahkafobd & Co., Cincinnati and Chicugo. A few montlia ago an avti't'.scniciit aml noüceoftiiis book appeared in oor columns, and a coy was placed on out4 tuble. It is not a book of quackery, bul treats upon tbc important and delicate subjecta from a scicntilic Btaudpoint, mul is eadorsed by mcdicnl men and professional journali, s wel! as by dlstlogulsUed clergymen and eUucatlonallsts. No woman can aflbrd to bc witiioui ttic Information to be fbund In its pages. G. W. DECXBBt agent for the publlshers, is now canvaMlng onr city and viclnity, and ought to procura ft loug list of subscriben. T!ie New York Obscrvir "Ykak-IJook and Ai,manac" for 1871 Is on our tnble. lts 200 pal'S are fillecl witli a muss of politica], religlons, ediieational, mul commercial staiistical natter, mach of vvhlch is not of' easy accoss, Iiicludlng "the flrat Directory of New York, publisliefl in 1780, entire." This old Directory lilis bul 13 pages, but is sucli a rare curiosity tliat a k-w yuur ago co.)iea of It soll at auction nt $100. ]0vcrv subscribcr to the Obaervcr, payiiig a ycar in advance, wlll receive thi rcal'.y valuablc Ylu r-Book free. Pj-i ce !f 1 .00.


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Michigan Argus