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Where Are The Young Men?

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Thcre nro eurious f:ict. notic:able in tlie Eastcrii State, to vhioh occasional aliusiou h runde ia convensation umi the newnp.pcr - faotg whieh illimtrate tbe soarcity of young men of a cctUiid class. At every fnsl:ioi;alle u in nier resort, Ihe uihll Dtimber of g men and tbe i;oa;paralivc plentifuluein of jounw womcn are mat'ersof noloiietj. If tben hould happen to be, in uoh s gatheritig as tbif, half a doiea young men, of uncxeeptionftble positiou, to ix liuiei tbut nuaiber of young woiuen in aoone-piudiug positiou, the thirty-six womeu woull i iioeouut tbomselves peouliarly forluoute. In a liotül "hop," one will noe h:t)f tbe girle with partnera of thoir own WX. The ladii'B of a traveling pnity in Kurope are, ns a rulo, in uu nrerwhe!ümg uiaj nitv. Th fuot tbat beaux are carce u all publio places, is one with which tbe youn; wcmen of the EnsterD S':ito.t are paiufully familiar. Tbere or many good reasoiiH to be offerod fur thU disproportion of tbe soxes in sueh place - tho pressure of work or of itudy upou tbe men, at a perioá of life whou their tiire is not whoily at their diiposal, baing th [irincipal one If it wer ouly in the resorts for sumrner recrea t ion thut young rnen are souree, the fact wonld OOt ba noteworihy partieülarly. Thoy ought to have siüietliiug to do, and onough lo do to keep tlit'iu fiom pending greal deal oí tima iii ene pursuit of pleusure. It is a startliüj; faet, however, Itiat tlia yrung men of the first clasa, or those regardcd as beloDgÏDg to the first elass, are as snarce in tbe towtis as they are at the nummer hotels. Tbe marriacable irla umong Easteru families of the best poaitioa re in overwhelmiiicly larger number than are the mrrÍHgeable yonng men it the : same positioo. Something f tliis ig due to the ravages mailt) by the late war among tho ranks of the young men. Something is due to the emigralion westward of great niinibers of thora, o thut, in somo of the Western Stiltes, the men out-uuniber tho wonien Whaterer the oauses raay be, they oro stiffioient to ostablish a tuurked inequality in the imm ber ol the Bexes in the elass to which we allude. Thore are many oeiul circlc?, in everv Eastern city and oontiderable towti, embracing grest oumbers of bf autiful and well-educated yooDg wonien, ÍO which thero oaunot be fouiid a briliaiit or even partioularly desirable i:iatch araong the men. 1'wo or thiee liac-kneyod beux, wliose huir reinaitis black by reason of the barber, and bose teeth ara sound by reason of the dentist, do thu pulito for two or three geut r-itioas of beauties, and are so buy in the service tliat they forgot to marry, atd 80 pass aTay ; while, shrinkirig Into a thriftles maidenhood, wi;h hearts nnwon and charms unappropriated, the sweet life of tho women dries up, aid sinkg to the duat fiom whieh it rose. Now to us this is one of the m Bi seri0U9 thing cormcotcd with onr ocinl oondition ; and it has a. world to do with the uneasiness of wonien. niatiifcst in varicus wnys, - the univorsal sïeking for sointithitig with which to fill up Ufo, and make it sigmiiount. But we have a practical reasrm for calliug attention to this matter ; and this we propose to proseutin a statement re lating to a large uumber of youn men, umiaiiy asigned to the suooud class m society. While onr fine girls aro bemoaning the luok of youiig nion, and tho scareity of boaus who are marnageable and who mean murringe, there is a class of young men whom they do not reoognize at all, yot who will furnish to the next goneration itg men of enterprise, of power, of positiou, and of wealth. It is not the gons ot the rich who wil!, ai a rule, remiiin rioh. The bous of tb poor will get rich ; and tliere are to-day, drudging in offices, and counting-rooms, and storu-houses and machine shops, nnd printing eBlablistinients, the men who in twenty-five years, will coutrol thu nation socially, politioally, nd limiooiiilly Every man of them ineans to bc married ; they will, as a rulo, mako exoeilent bus baudg; thoy are 11 at work trying tt win succeis. They are me who woulil be easily improve 1 by reongmtion; and by briuging Üiem into K'-il intelliei:t pociety ; yet they are ub Httlc ïxvio'd as if they vveru sü uiany (loj;s. Viiluous youug men froin ihu cnnutry go inio tho oity, aiid live for years without any ïoolety, and aro regarded by the fasliiotiable youug women with indiffareüoe or coDterupt; but thoso young uien hae a hold upon the future; and yrhërj tlieir success is won, in whatevcr field o' enterprise it may be, the f-hionable will be glad to claim them aa b't'longing to their ow ouinber. We reijret to suy tht, as a rule, the young mm for whom a position hns boen tou by virtiiou ind enterprioing ffithers amount to but littl in the world ; and we ay thal coiupanions chosen from thoe who havs theii' fortuue to make and their position . to win, aro thoe to w1kuí a well-bred woman can gonaralty with ïtfety iatrnst ber hsppines and bernelf. If there is anything in all these faots, thus brought into association, whioh poiuts out a dutj to "our bot society," and urges its pi formsnoo, even by selGah motives, it will be readily peroeired. The hope of the country is in this seoond grade of young noen. They ought to liavo bettor. social privileges. What better capital can a ninn have than youth, Tirtrb, intelliorence, bealth, nd i'iitrpri.e ? What bftter claim thnn these ciin any man preBeut for odinisiion into good society ? To young meo of this clasi, now nlmost wholly neglected, the society of edueated aud aocomplishOi] wdinen would be a rure aud fruitful privilege - fruitful to thomRolves, ñnd quite as fruiiful to tboge whose


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