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When To Market

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Witb luaiiy t-inners, tliis perhaps is Lu imst peipk'iiiia question. The seaon for gaihcrin; fniiis ntd vegetables a a rirle, i the best time to nirrket tliem ; then will bp the greatost quanti ty of tlnro, a;;d thi-ir ■u;iiily will at tint tiine be the bent. Yet we hear farmers eay that po'atocs will be higlier. Ho lienrB of rot n somo sectinns, and lie pu's bis potatoes in tho cellar to wait highor prices Uut rot and sprout and rats aud mioe, and labor and sorting, and iti matiy iriFtnnoes exposure tn frost leasen, day by diiy, tbe quantity Hnd : quuüty of ihi produot, and be bolds till spriDg, üiid then the niarkct is flooded witli mei; wlio thnugbt 9 he did, und wben ten per cont. nf loss is addvd hu nuda liimself compulled to take twenty-live per co:it. le8 iu price or not sell ut all. Apples will be higlier, anotber gaya, aud lio bolds Lis to meot docay aud truublo. Hops, too, aro too obeap, and the growor piles up bis bules to wnit the uiüviii! of ibe niarket, and tluis wc m'rght say of grain!", butler, obeese, and ol'uearly all ot' tbe product of tbe farm, hay perhaps excepted. The most sucoessfnl farmer (as s rulo) he wbo can show the best balance ■hoet at the end of ibe year, uiarkots li i - produce when it is for tho market. After baving prepared your articles for tbe market, as bas been advised, take tbo niarket price, and pocket tho mouey, Your neigbbor may, in somo instances, sel! fnr a biyher piico by holding, but in llie experience of ten years, you will bo far abead. ; roduce marketing is done witb, all waste, ghrinksge and care of it ceases ; and then, again, you have the use of your money, and can apply it wbere it will be of use. One muro reasoti for tbis time of marketing is, that dealere are iu the murket, and have made their arrangemonts for buyiasr. It is important to the farmer, in diaposing OÍ bis produce, that he ebnuld meet a good demand. Tbis he will be most likely to find wben tbo aiticle is yiclded from bis farm, and is ready for tbe market. Dealers Live then arning ed with banks for funds, and are anxious to invest. Yoa will always meet a poor market when buyors have closed their aocounts and gonc home. You will be eou.-iiiered out of season, and if ycu Rell a'. all it must bo ut eacrificing coucessioii iu prioe. Preparo joilt articles in the best maoner for tbo mnrkei. Kspresent them honestly and fairly in tbo niarket, and then sell at tbe best price tbe mnrkot affordM. Let the motto bo "keep Belling," aud your cash acoount will be Jargely in your iavor. (SpjC 1$kjtpU %X$M


Old News
Michigan Argus