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The Catholics Of Detroit--their Protest

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OCR Text foMowing is iho "I'rulei-t" or adi!nh.i ad:pted by tbc Catbolics of Detroit . on Sundny evening Inst : Uls ILoXJSESS PoFE PlfS IX. : Most Holy Pathkk - Moved by coniiderations of liberal aSVctions and piritul devoiion ty yCHir gaored perkin, and wifh a great veueratiou for jour lluly 'Offioe, we, jour ehildreo, the Osthnlics of the Diocese of Detroit, ak jrou to accept this expressinn of our earnest yuipalhy for ytU iu Iho trials, d fficul ie and outrugcs to which you have been subjvctod by iku wicied de aigns ƒ tbe Pii-dmontese Government. Tbe sincere and lieurlfeU sorrow we feil er you, our lloly Father, in this your tiour of adveraity, 'n txceedcd only by iho niiiigled fueliug of indigualion and resontineut (vith whicli wc are filltd at bebolding the apeotacle of the Vioar of Christ upon eart-b, prisiner iu bis own hoaie, and dcsoiled of bis territory, bis ti-lo to whii'h i of bucIi venerated ant:iu:ty, and againct the outrago to the persoo of your Holmess and against the milawful occiipaton ofiomo, tbe ecat of tbe Catliolie world tho property of tlio cburcli, wo winli t record uur moet K)!einn aud emphaliü protest. As law abiding citizeus, we protest ajainat tho iuvusioa and appropriatinn of the te'iip ral possessious of our Holy Fther, beuause it is the outgrowth of a pirit of anareby and lawlo-ne-s, it attacks the principie of Bnrereignty in ei vil gorerament, and declares a doctrine that is oilculated to destroy all idea of permaueucy iu governments. As lover of law, justice aud social ord ir, wo proteiít, bcuauso it is an open violation ofevery priuciple of riglit and juiiioe, and iiiauguiates a career of cnine whioli, if not ckcckcd, wiU culmiuate iu the overthrow of all civil society. As Catholics, we protest 8gaiust te at'a:k upan thu früedom and iudepundensu of your lio incas, the supremo head of lbo great G.ithoiio body. Fnr iho right g tverninnnt of a rel'gious body, il ia impera'. ively necessary that it head b- free and untraumeled iu the exercise of its lunotions. Any interfereaoo, whiub aims to oiroamseribe your authority as Supremo Iloid of the Chjiruh, or to uliunute anything from your exthed positiou ns ono of the deposilaries ufoivil eoveroipnty, by forciug jou into exile or by forciug jou to beeome tho more subject of a temporal princ, wsrs gíi;iít the deslgDSOt Providecc-J, limits jour power nd restricta the e.tercibu of your sacied duties of propagating aud maiutainisg the Christiau faith. Wiih renewed assurance of our doep nd sincera compassion for you in your present suffering, whioh are borne by your IIolineH8 iu a pirit of patience üiid Christiiin fortitude, and with a prinoely dijfnity, wbich not only your dovotod ohildreu, but the whole world must admire, we desire you to accept this avowal of our homage and spiritual ■llegiance to tho Holy See. With tho same voice which utters our deuunciation of the outrage whioh you are under going, we culi upon the God of Hosts in fervent supplication to aid and itrengthen you in the maintennnce of jour rights, nud so scatterund confound jour eueinies, wbo are the euemies of the Holy See aud of aU revealed truth, tbat thoir civil couusels aud wicked detigns may not prevail.


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