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Ni EOEK, .Lm. 24, 1871. The frold markot lni.s V-ími stwuly un Hü.'íillO'j and vicinty foi s-vi-ral days, or sino.: it tV ,1 front Ox& maik of 111, to wlüch it nttainod two weeks ago Tlic uioney markci :J !!■■ h Statement "" í - urday u . ir aw i" tiiut statement were quite uniti-.f;i'!.r oompaiod witih t)' tary gtalátying exliíltit in al] iu-uis, .a( th Ebrmer date; ihm.' waa a taxge in cal, bul Latcr u deerease iu all exoept thaí of íoans. The loan nuurket la eay at í',' per cent., and the inoney tío. at 0. Stocks, with n few exi epUona are active and strong, n good si. The dry goorta murket is without t.rtcr:i:til. Sliort slocka on hand i! HL'Mv Iíih-s i]-omie nolhin.,' i' oot un adVtooe upou .in;_r í' s j iinf trade. Iii tlie Iomlon mar■■ - wen dullai 85 ■,; to íow for '') and flSd ■]■):■ Liverpool br a Istaffi marVctwafi flrmer; red winter wheat held ;it ll.s ld; western ílour, We 6d. The flrniv mnrkflt hore is active nnd hig-her, with an extreme advanee (í 75j per bbL fox white wi.stern, extra; nperflne westBrn and state at $G(gfc.2'i good to oholoe 8.75#7.25. Wheat i- active ;ind still aliíilhigher, adranoing Say by day ; eome grule3 are 8@lüc higher tlian liist week. íSprinír, ;1..J -i l..'-.'i - : onkbei weatorn, $1.5.Wil.üS ; shippintf (rade íimi vriih fair demand al 86.00 8.85. ioni u 3c higher, No. 1 mixed ; yulliiw, S.VjiíSfi. t)atsquit'1 ;uid DOt QUOtablj advauoed. Woétern ; d.at5A6e, leba Ñefl Vul k Ktttle maritet waa eutirely deored o:i Monday, ;!t faii ])i. at of the cold and heavy stonns west Drened bogi ndvanoed áLigUtl] doy by day and now conunand 8 ■■.■''■■ oren 8 ftw extra tots. siieep -1H "í-i. 7: wtó poid fox a prime caí oí Can:du, very largo. Pf.tïioit, Jan. 2."). Tíic m.-ukets for Un pfuril weeSc W6TO vry nuii'! gn neraUy, otdy bvcadstuJBta áhowing parÜcoJar activity Wneat and floi)i have been surely advancing, En ezaof ince wifll the prophecy w put forth lime tern demand and probábflity oí a stül hoaviei rly apringan !):-■ prindpol ea ion -. has odvanced Crom áó to 50 ccntfl per M'í. un iU gradee) und there i slil an jictivodemandL A choio brand waa sold yesterdayon arder fbr $6.87 %. Wheat b alaoontbè advanoa, and is ín iriMxl demand ; the groater port on speeolation luit fair for miUing and ahippii Extra held at il. 47, and No. l white i.37, an Ftuvanoo of finí 7e. vï hite and Treiidwoll went op to (1.45 on Wednesdity of hut week, bui reacted audoenly the next day and remained tOl thi Latterp rt of the weet at l.351.30. Corn is higher 2(5)30, Mo being paid. Oats are quiet at ■{'■ fbi mixed. and l(Sc better for white, lïuttcrremains at the I clin oí laei week, only 23vi24o offered, and tlii for very choioe loto; niarlcetw4ll8uppUea with inferior. Applee went ap 608Oc per bw. onder the shippmg demand nooompftnying the Late Ehaw ; good Iota commonding 3,40.3.75 per bbl. Bi . Ught aml market finn, I lot ohoioe jtl.7O. Bye in fair demand and nut mach oftenngt. Feed ir bobzog and tn good demand. Fine middlings, i car, í-7 pi-r ; ooareo do. $19 ; i car to arrive $21, Draaed boga aavanc sd durfi ■ I week, and have taken u higher step this weok Bhtppcn nave takon uil re oflereo, The marlcet ia aoti inj aeked, and 8.40(8.50 bid. Other markeba -ïi(i au advanoe, Botatoos quiet and steady al B5fiJ90 1 ■;. cor load. Pouliryquiet ai 10311 iorehickd Uc fur turkeys, Thu cattle uirkL-t this weok Was i'ai; . i


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