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That "big Sell" At Saline

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Yi'silanti, Jan. 24lh, 1870. Editor Michigan A.BOUB : - tío'cií' 'ííá"e íf thcSOtli you hav a communlcatiou from L., ot Ssline, 1 wliieli he says, speakiují of the entertain ment giveü by the younj; men of the Young Mens Iteacllng Koora ofthis place- "Bu the rost of the exercises wereofsuch cliaracter that the people of Saline do no care to have anythlug o( the kind com agatn." Nowwedo not bellevc the people o Saline were nsponsible for the expressec sciitiineiits of L., and It is as niuch in justi lication of the pcople ofbahue vvlio seemed to appreciate the yóüng incn and treutee tbem kindly, as for the youiig uieh's sake we wonld have the matter understood as it shouitl be. The Y. M. R. U. Ass. gave an entertain nent in Vpsilauti Kriilay evenlng, Dec. 30 for the benellt of the Iieailing Hoorn. The uulionce was drawn fi-oin the rtspcctabk eople of Ypsilanti, aml tlie eutertainme 't wiis well receiveo uy tnein. i ne einenainmciit was'-eprateci tlic next eveniug, and the hall was as fttll agaln as on the llrst evening Borne ol the Saline pcoplc whüt ed lo nave lt (pMkted ín Saline. Tlic young people accordlngljr went op there añil gitve the entertainment for the benefit of the "Ladles' Piano Fund." Tlie people ol Saline were to siiare tlic procceds with tlie young men Ibr the beneflt of the V. 51. I{. ]{. Ass. The Piano Fund received over thirtyJdolUrs, the Y. M. lt lí. Ass. netted ten dollarfi, anti had ïiót flie young men paid thelr own llvery bilis lt would have received nothlng. The yoiiiiíi people wlio took part in the ebteftatumetn were trom our most respectable families, nnd beioiif; to thc Ypsllantl Amateur Dramatic Club. Wc are uuwillinj; to acense the people of Saline of beinj; in sympathy with L. in tliis matter, l;'"'! wl are wllllng to believe that tlie ditiSiUisfiiction ofl. aróse froH liis Inibiiity to appreciate th entertainnieut. lie ■obably understands nothiiig about dramatic performances, and ignorance, uot naltce, m-iy have glvcu rise to his very mcourteuua letter. Vours rcspcctfully, Dan. ]{. 8BÏXK. NOTB. -Tlie comnv.inieation fi"om Saline carne írum riX'Hable cmd mpomfldB person, and by a wellínown citizen, wio wlatcvl BOOQ0 (hings wliinh ltid us to jink the ocnupbtfntB not rouiulless. 'f hat's all we cnow ubuut it.- Kd. Abocs. We regret t'o bea'r that Gkohos S. Fui:ki, of Lima, one of the most prominent c'.tizens of that town, and for geveral years its Supervisor, died on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Frekr, while putling a cow into hls bnrn was thrüwn or crowdcd agalnst a rlck of hay or straw, and had a rib brokon. Inflanimntion resulted causing deatfa. The deceaged was 42 years old, and the youngest of six brothers. A large circle of acqualiitancc, extending througliout the county, sympathize wltli his bereaved fainily. Wm. H. Pkak, of the ' Pe.-.k Family Beli Ringen," is arranging for a series ol "Bencilt Concert, " to be gl ven in tbc sev eral citles of. the Stilte, for ehurches or benevolent societios. Atm Arbor is on the list, and he siocld be addressed at Niles. He wishes to give two concerts in each city, so that two societics ni;iy share in the profits. We or'8 ti ld that n Ypeilanti end viciuity a uumberof cattlc dlcd suddenly and unaccountably, the disease not beiig rcally known. Ou opening the stoniacli seemg to be fllled with a compacted masa of food. Ilon. L. D. Xonuis has lost a V'luáble coiv ; and others, cows, steers, and calves. Whüt ife 1t ? A doublo ftiueral was attended at the M. E. Church of this city ou Sumlay afternoon last. The deccased w'cre husbandaud wiie - Mr. and JIrs. David MattesoV, Vho resided on the South Ypsllantl road aïóut three miles out, aged G7 and 6S years. The' wife d:ed on Thursday and the husband Fridny cvcnlng. "United In deith." Callaqhan & Cockcroït wiito of Judge and his "Blackstone :" "As an eyldenoe that any book by liira will flud s ile, we recite the tact that our ilrst edition f this work lasted us about one week, aud that the second edition is now ready."


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