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jfftWA QÜtt#. pn. 8CHKXCK ADTI3E8 COKSUMPTIVB t TO GO TO FLORIDA IS W1STEH, IlAviNGfnr Xf last tnlrty-fi ve reara deroteiïmy whrie tliiH' and nitciitiuulo KUdj Oi lnitk' AlMOMa and coti■uinptltjn, I f;t-l tllllt I imdrrstajid ful tv the COUTM t MuL ouk'ht lo tie pursued to reatoro a tolerably bad case of diicfts tl lungs to lualthy soundncss. The flrst and nwt Important step te. tortita patiënt lo avold lakincoid; tiVfl best of all places n t hm continent Tor thUnitrpoae, in winter, is Florido well down in tho Btatts wu-te the tempoiaturo 1$ r u):ir, and n-t Mtbiect to surh varistluns as in muro noithem latitudes. J'alatka In a noint I can recoramend. A pood hotel is kopt thor" by reterinan. I;ist winter I MW MVCTftl persons thert; Whose lunps imti boen badly diaeaaed, but who, underthe hrlJiik inihn of tho climatu umi my ntfitichioH, were gettillLT wcll. One Inindrcd milo farther down tbc rlvorf a polnt ; which I wuuld preft-r to Pnl.itka, ba tho temporaturo i moro even and the nir dry nul tracinp. Metlonvillu aivl Kntorprlso re lucalcd. tnerc. I nhould give a dtohlëd prcfcrrnie to Mellon vllloj it Is tw miles fiom river or fake, runt it scfins almnat Imponible to t.ike cold thert. TLe talilvs in Fwld inijilit be botter, and patlcnti complaln at timos; bul ísagood iiín, a it Indícatela return f flppt'litc : and, when tliisi. tlio cac, tin y gesr craliy inerraso in fioh, and Uien the lunt-t maat liVal. JaokaonVlllA, Hibfnua, Qreen Cove, and manyuihcr plactsln vurious paria of FlnrKla can bc tsnüly rCGOlB" niom'oil lóconsumptlvetln winter. My rcasoni foriajmg bo are, inat patlents ure ïo-s Uablc to take cold thcro thnn wIktc there is a K'fs even temperatura t and it i xiot itcct-SHary to wiy, that, whcro n cuiütumptKc peñón xptisi's liimsrif to frequent colda.he Is certain to dlo ■hortly : theríforo. mvlvlco is, k weil down int the 8utc, uut of the reiU'li of BTVTSlung eaat wind and fops. JackmnvHlc, or alumst nny other otthe localltiea 1 faaVa naiiu'il, uiil benofltthoso wbo are troubled with u torptd llTtr, a disordcred etomach, dorancd bowels, sore throat, or cough; but.fortlioso whu&o JunK9ftrcdlbcascd,a mor outhern potntfsearni'Rtly rectmmiondod. For flfteon yoara prior to I86it, 1 was pmtesiiionally m JCow York, Boaton, lïaltimorc, and 1'hiJade Iphia evcry wock, vhcro I saw and examlned on au avrrngo 11 vo hundred patients a wock. A practico bo extensivo, oinbr&cing every pttssibje phase of luntf d;ons', hAsenabled nio tuunderstand the discaso fully ; andlivnco my ca ut Ei n in regard totakinjí cild. A pcruön nuy take vastqaantltlos of " Scln-nck'i 1'ulmonic 8yrup, Beawecd Tonlo, and llandrakürill,"andxtdioii lie dyca not ivold taliing cold. In Florida, nearly ovcrybody is uInc Schenck'sínnrtrako 1'ilU; for tho cllinate ]s more likcly to pnnfuco biljoua habita thftn more nortliernlutitmles. Il ï a welieBtabliahed fnct, tliatnntlves of Florida rart'ly die Ofcoontmptlon, cspcclally tltoscof tbeBoutliempari. On the other hand, In New Knclami, one-ihlrd at least of tho populatiuii die of tliis terrible dUcatte. In tho UlddlQ otates, it doca not prevalí su largoly ; etill there are many thousniuls of cases thcre. Wliut a vaat percentage of Ufe wouid bü saved Jf consumptivt were as eotlly aiarniffd In regard to taking fresU ColdR as they aro about scarIct fever, emall-poxr&c. I but they are nol : the y tiiku ■whfit they term n Iiitlccoldwhlcu llu-y are crediuoue enouk'h to beliovo will wearoflTin a few day. Thry pny bo at [ention tolt; and hence it lays tlic foundation for another ftnd an"ther (still, until the lunga aru distaacd byoii'l all hope oi cure. Wy atlvice to persona whose liinps nro affect cd, even iligfitly, UtolAyinaBtockofSchenck'iFülmonlcSyrun, 8cnenek'a8eaweedTonloand Bchonck'a ji mui rake l'iiiit and goto Florida. I recommend Nieto í-arttculnr medicines, becauao I nm thoroughly aoqualntcd with Uu-ir actiOQ. I know, tlmt, where they are uscd in strict occordancc with niv dlrections, tluy tri 11 do the vork tliat lirenüircd. Tliis aL'Coii.ii-lir.t. nature wlll do the reet. The physicinn who prescribes 1 r cl'l, cwifch, er nicht ■wcals, and ttien advlsos the patiënt towalk orride out every day, wlll bc eurc tv have a corpae on lila hasds beInreliiiK'Myplan K i glvi mythrce mrtli:ino! In aer.ordanoe Vlth lbopilnu-d dM'4'Ctiuns, exi'eiit in s mie case wluro a freer use of the Slandrake Pilis ttnecoaaary. My object is, to cive tone to the atoinarh. - tOKcL Qp ■ good appetite. It isnlwavBa good BiKnwhcn a patiënt beglns to Í:rov hnngrv: I bare hopea of auch. With a relihh for bod, and the gratiilcation vf Uiftt relian, comea g l blond, nnd wlili It more tlcsh, whlcb lacloselyfollowcd by :i beaUng of the lunps,- tnen tho couli Ioobi nsanq abatesTthe-4neping'eWltBand elammy nlttht .,ts no !onvr p rust rat o nnd annoy, und the patiënt gctsvcli, provtded he l■ï.■ taking COld. Now, there ard many conaumptires who havenot tho miuni t.i tra t i Klnriitii. '1 In ntiril;in ni:iv bfl BAkod. 1 tkcre nu hope tbr tucU ? Certahily tboro is. ÍSy aihico tosuch Is, aiui ever nu been,to atayln h irarm room cl uring tlie winter, wiih a tempor turo of a bout bci onty deproes, ïvhieli tlioulil ba kopt regularlyat thutpoint by meansofs thermometer. Let sucu a patiënt lake bfa cxercise wiihin ihe Umita of tho room by walkinu upand down u mncn u bil strength wlH pcrmit,tn order t ftsm op aïicaltliv circctfatlon oftlio UihI. 1 havo curca tbousaads by tuis system. and can tío tu agaln. ConlumptlonlsM tasily curca ns any othcr dlscasc, if it i3 taken in ümo, and the proper kind of treatment la pur Hied. Tho tact Btandi undlsputed on record. Ihat Schenck l'ulmonic Svrup, SI:indrako Tills, iiml Bcaweed Tonlo have curoJ vcry many of what secmed to bo lïopelcsacasi-sof consuiniiti'iii. Go where you wlU, yoil viil lo ftlmost eertaln to iiml poor eonaampuve who has beeo ïTScucd frum tUc vciyJaVB uíücaili by tüeit i DM. Öo far as tlie Slnndrake Pilis are conccmcd, everj'ïioify houldkct'p a aappTy ol tbem on band. ihaj att on iho livcr botter tlmn Lftluiiiel, and leavo nono ol its hurtiul effecta tx-hmd. Jn fact, tluiy are excellent in ill cuses whcre ft purnative modlcinfl is nquircd. Jf you liava piiiinkon too fretly of fruit, üiui diai-rli(.v;v ensaca, adoso ui' the Mftndnkes wlH cure yoa. Jfymt are subject to eick headachO, tak e a dose of the MiimlrakCH, and thry tv-íll relieve yon in twolmur. lfyon wouui utiviatctne effect ufa chango of water, er the tuü frto indulKnce in rruit, take otiü of the Mandrukes everynidtlit, and j-uu may thon drink water, and out water iiuluiis, penrs, njiplts, pluins, peaches, or conu without the ribk of heing mudo sick by tiiem. 'J bey w'U protect those wno live in damp Bituatloii against chilla and (bren, Try th in. The varo porfcctlyliarniless. They ca.n do you good only. I Iiavt' abandoned uiy pptfeshiunal visítalo Bostonand liew York, but continue to bm iiatlenu at my oöico, No. 15 N'orth Sixlh Ütrei't, l'hil;uMpliia, tvory Batorday, from 9, A.K., to3, v.u. 'lhusc who wit.h a tnorough oxauitination wilh the ltespinnnottr will be charged flvo dollars. The lU-apironuttT declares the exact cundition of the luugs; and pationu can readily learn whftltcr lln-y are curublo or nut. But I deslro It distinelly underatood, that tho valie of my medicines depends t-ntirey upun their bt-lii laken otrictly according tu diroctiuna. In conclusión,.! vill say, thafwhvn persons take my medicinea, and the ir systems are brouüEht into a healihy condltlon thereby, they are not soliable lo take cold; yet no nno with dlseascd lunpscim boara suddenchange of atmospheru without the liability of treatcr or lc&s lmtation of the bronchial tube. Fuü dlieotlons In .ill languages accompany my mcditlnt's. .o explicit and elcar that nny one can use ihoin without cousaiting me, and can bo bought Crom oay IruotjiAt. J. H. SCIIÏNCK, M.D.. No. 15 Korth Sixth Street, l'2úladlpbüL JOHN F. HENRY, 8 C0LLE(5E PLACE, NEW YORK, W Holcisalo Agoixt. gOMBTHINö NEW, CROCERIES FO 1 CASH ONLY ! I OFFER THE FOLLOWING INDÜCKMKNTS TO CASH BUYOS TEAS: New Pnces. OU Prices. Best Gunpowder, 1.65 2.00 Best ÏOQDg Hyson, 1.40 1.75 Fine Young Ilysou, -1.15 1.50 Good Young Ilyson, .90 1.00 Best Japan, 1.15 1.50 Good Japan, 1 00 1.25 FalrJupan, .90 1.15 Best Oolong, 1.15 1.50 8YRUPS i New Price. Old Prloe Best Drips, 1.10 1.50 Best Syrnp, 1.00 1.20 Fair Synip, .80 1.00 Good Syrup, .65 .80 MOLA 8SES New Trices. Old Prtee. Best, .80 1.00 Second Qunllty, .65 .80 Third Quality, .50 .75 W A groat reduction u Crockery, Table Cutlery, T. TAYLOR, 1303tf No. 13South Kaïn Street, Ana Arbor. origtn&uft of thih winul.-rüi] medicine, claim tu have diccoverfd aud combinad in karmony moro of of A'ature't no$l s m ■ ign medical png ■ ;7i than was ;ver b6fON cnmbïned iu üne tn dicine. The evidente of Ukia in fhaud in the great vanotv of roost Jbslinato (lisüase which it has buen fotind to c nquer. In ihsf care of Brom hüü Soera Oovshê and the early ita;e8 of Gonntmpiion ' tlM Mtonlsh the mt'dicul faculty, nud hnodredfl of the best pbjstcUDH pre lonace it the grtatest mtidioil diKovêty of ihr age. While it cures tho severest Oough, it ■tr'HL'lliMii the Hyttcm and pnrifles the blood. By tí ffreai and thorough blood puiifyinf properties, it cui'H fill Hinnors from tiie worst SCTOTQla to a comDon blütch. i'ijnplf.' or lüruptlou. Mercurial Diseae Ktneral Polsoni Syphilltlc and Venerial ÜHseasf, and thcir eílVcU aro eradlcated and vigoroqfl health ind a Hotuid oonatltBttoa cubli-hcd. Eryslpelap, ■ialt Ithcum, caú lload, Fever Sores, Svaly or ïongh Skin, in short, all the numeroutt difiease CADSed by bad blood, aro conquered by thi powciTul nriritiand Invlgoraling medicine. For "Liver JompKmt," ïiilious Disorders and Ilubinml 'oustijation, it has produced hundí cds of perfect uut) permanent cures where other medicines had falled. Tho proprietor offers $1 0i)o rewartï for a medicine that will equa] tt in the cnre of all the ducales for which it is recommendcd. ilieware of counterfcits ind iinitations. See that my private Gov'rnment tamp, which f a postítot Quañintee of (c'nunenes, fa apoo the outsidc wrapper. This medicine h eold by Drngcristd at íi.oo per bottle. Prepared n V. PTKROE, M D., Proprietor, at hls Jhfmical J-abonitory, 133 Soneca street, BuiTalo, WHAT 18 IT ? THEA-ÍMECTAR. Jnstcali et the CITY ARCADK, get a packugo, and huvo a cup of Ton made sucti ai the Ï5ra(eror of 3hiua ips in his nnlace. (Uietomers ay it can't be ïcat for flavor and richncis. Only $t.uo pur pound. CLAUK & CROffiHY. [o, 40 or 60 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. Ch' ice Sp it for Oardeninf; and Fruit. One and nehalfmilai frora tho Oourt lloute. Inqoira al hie ofiire Anu Arl):r, .'nunry 3d, 1871. lSWwl Tö PIIÏSICIAÏS ! Nkw Vokk, August löth, 18Gf". Allow me tn cali your attention te my PKKPAKATION OF COMPOÜND KXTRACT BÜOHÜ. The i:oiuponent psrts are, liUCHIJ, T,ic Lkaf, CÜBÉUSj JUNIPHIl liEKRIB8. Mode of Pkepahation. - liuchii, ii vacuo. Juniper Berrws, by dNtülation, to fnrm a fino )in. Uabebw extraetod by di-tlaretnent with piritH obtstneH from Juniper Burriea ; very ug:ir s usi'd uid a pni'ill pr portion of piru. It is more puhtable tlian any now in uo. Buchu as prepared tiy DrugtfistB, i" of a dark color. It ia a p'aut tliat emit 's fraurance ; the actinn of h 1'iine di'stroys II is (its nctive principio), leaving a rlark and glutinons 1ecoc'in. Mino b t!io color of ingrediente. The Hucliu in my prepnralion predomínate; the smallest qunntily of the other injredients are adiied, to pruvout fermentntion ; upon impsotion it will he fonnd not lo be a Tinulure, as made in Pharmaoprpa, nor is it a Syrur - nrd therefore ian be usod in ct08 where íeTet or tiflammatinn exr"t. In t h i s , vou havp tho knnwledre of the ingrediënt?, and the modo of proporation ITopinir (bat yoo will fator it with 11 triiil, and that upon inspiction it will wt wiih ytmr appmbation, With a fijelit5 of profound confjdence' I sni, vi-ry respect fu 11 v. Il T. JIELMBOLD. Clipmist nd Drnggist of 19 Years' Ejsperieno. (F'rom the lamt Mannfactnring Cbom is!s in t!i: World). NoVKMHKR 4, 1S54. " T am aoquaioted with Mr. II. T. Hflinbold ; he occupiftd tht Drug Store lpnsitu mv residenoO, nn'l was succesful in conduct'ng th businens wlnriotherd luid uot been equally so beforje him. I have Neen favonibly impresaed with liis chi.ractcr and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGIITMAN, Finn of Povvers and Weiphtmnn Munnfactaúug Ohemiats, Nimh and Bruwn Strocte, Pliüadelpliia FLUiO EXTRACT BUCHU! For wrnttnpflR ftrtolog from ncrfltion. Tbcexhaustt d p"wers of Nature which are ar-'oiiipn niMi I'T s" U iiv .sjiuloras, amcng wliich wit) bef muil , r.i'ilKpuMtlon kO íKertíon, Lo of Hêmorj, Wakwfuliiejd, Hnror of I.'isprsw, r (onbodlngB of EtU; in i'.iv;í , Uní rersal Lassittie Frostrtíon, auÚ ] [ ty tu riitci into the enjoj mt-ntH of kOClvtji THE (MSTITliTM oijce affocie1 with Orgnric WeakDefP, requirt the :A of Medicine to sngtben and lnngorntn the Hyoteui, whicli HEUWBOI D'S KXTRACT BUCHU loYtriabl j ilots . If no trcntment ia subiuittodto,Con suin j "tii ia or Iiihunitj' insu?8( HELMBOLDSS FLUID EXTRACT BTJOHU m a Hit ti "ii r peculmr to Femóle, ïfl unequallert by anyotln-r preparation.fts in ChloroKis. or Re tention, Painfulncssor 3uppre?.Hionof ouetoniarv KracuatlonF, Ulceratád or8obirm tate of i'& Uterus, nndal compIaiDt.4 iaciectal to the ufcx, or decline o chftnge of life. IIELMBOLD'S FLÜID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPBOVED ROPE WASH Wil! tK'li :l!j extermínate from the system digcane irisingfrom habiti of tinBJiiation, at little expende little oruochange in liet, do iuconvenicnce or ex posar; coniplotely supersedinf: those unpleasant hd(1 dangfiioua remedies, Copalva nd licrcury , ín kI 1 tlic&v distaseis. XJ8E HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BTJCHÜ in all dignases of ibeite oranfl, wbether existing in raaleor feinale, f rom whattver cauae ofigluatlug jii.'I il- matter i imw lona: standing. It ia pleacant n taste and odor, ' ' itnmcdiate" tn rcHoi, and mor" Btrep(ítbcBng tban any of the prej-aratioiio oí B&rk or Ir od. ThoHP'sufforinji frrm hrot er c"( v i.or delicate con - stitutionH , p roo ai e Uie recipdy at once. raader muft be aw.irc that, however liglit m y be tíie ttttvcko! t)ie above iiseaKcs, t is eertnin ín iilTcct the bocUly lieallh and mental powerti. AM ttit' above U8eaea ro'juire theuidoí a Diure tic. KXTüACT BUCHU ii a grent Dloretfo. So!d by Dxugglats Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Ueeciibe Symptoms in all(ccruiu .catioua ADDRESS, K. T. HELIVSBOLD, Dru & Chemical larehouse, 594 BROADWAÏ, !New York. JVONE ARE GEWUiJNE imlcss done up in steel engruved wrapper, Vfith fac-sinille of my Cht-mical Warehonse, and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. I Pinest Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by S g 3 i ï 'S a 5 H o H ff) fé v-m s H Í 8 . g % Si - tl . tij s -5 Sa h " 1 n lij JS ! _ R ui si h : Sí5' 5'1 . ,111(0 S L n o 5 ö O ; L ;L (BS P H ! j)ÜY YOUK Looking Glasses W. D. HOLMES, inn Arbor FüH REASOilS. 1 Wíl at, bcan t hekefptho bext of ImporteJ (las i and guod ■rtttiii! of qumrf nnd arch tirf riimtífl , umi ii]i Scon'lly, berauHA tliey bolonjr to hin buulnftfii. U ai uk et. them a tpccinlty, doenhi utrn work , and ouu atïurd to 611 CHEAPEE 1 Tbirdlj, BeoauBf he manufacturcF theiii, and eau auil MUI '-'I the CHBAPJBST 1 of au y one in the ei ty . HraUo fells PICTURE FRAMES! Thecbtupestof nnjboilv in the State- tufar as heard trom. iVCí" OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picturo Cord, Tassols & Nails! FRK.VCH G1.A8S- bj thclight op box- ForPicturn orfor 3SCOTTS23 CTjAZITfl-G ! 3 EA.ST HXinON STItEET, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. instf ATONE F CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK OlOUTT ISPKICEIiESB THE DIAMOND GLA. -i S, Miinillncturcíi by J. E. Spencer &Co., N. Y.,lih!i are non offerod "tr tlie publicare pronounmédby al! cplebrated Opticlannof th World to bth Holt Perfect, Natural, artlBelal help to the human; cvcr known. Tliey are uround unaer thelr own supervisión, froin minute Cryatal Pruble, melud tii)ic r, and derive thi-irnanie, " Diamond ,"on acount of Ilieir bardim ni brillianoy. Th S.-ien1iflc prioclpl i whicli tlio are con-it ructed biinpH f lie core or centre of the lene directa in froot nf tba fvc, pnxlucing a clear and ilifitinct vikidn, as in the Datural, healthy )lit, and prtTBDtlng all nnpleJisaDt senat'onK, jíiich a.s plimxorinK and wiivering üTsight, dizinesH, te, peculiar to 11 ojhri in aae Tbey are moimted Ín tlm KINKSÍ MANNKR, in fjainea of the best quality, uf all mntcriaU uwed for ihat purpose. Their HQish and dilrahlllty cannot bd aurpaned. CAITION'. - Nuoe gonuine uniera boaiicg their trade mark stamped un every fraint. J. ('. WATTS & BRO., Ji'welemandOptiolain.arc anleae rito (or AN'N' ARHOR, 1I1JH., fiom whoni they can only be oMaíncu. Thnee goodü are notnupplKS to Fedlern at any prlce. 1267yl A UGÜST lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR uperior qualtiy, ni the ÁNN ARBOE CITY MILLS. Vcrv nice bolted Corn Menl, coaree Meal, Uraham Flour-.-ood ecoud qnality Flour at luw price,- Crnckecl Wheat, and all kinds of Peed, at loweal prlcee.anddellTored Inauy part of the city. Terms Cah. VW Orderi loft in my Order Box at the Poit Ofllce promptlv alteuded to. 1" J. T. 8WATHBL JUST EOEIVED A.rv WÈY!. WAGNER'3, A Lurïf and Cholea Stor.k ol FALL ANO WSMTEB Gpons, INCLUÜ1NO OLOTHS, CASSIMERKH, VEST1NQ8, &C. UTEST 3TYLKS AND BB8T QUALIT1E8 WHIOH Hl UI LI. MiïNUPAOTUaE m term to guit, and in the line of READY-MADE CLOTI1ING AND Gents' FÜRNISEING Goods. B23ST 53 "3? Y Xj IE3 ,3 Al(. r.AriF.4DiliKNT8 MOROCCO SATCHELS No.ïl Sontli ials Strect- F1 s!cl CALI. AND BJ3E TI1EM. VTILI.lAJü WACNEK Ann ArUOT, Srpt. 1870. .Cersus Bitter. j Porho foïlowlng' i;k.ns Sm-rW Quiniiie tfhouUl rtilace t lic olI iornfor 7;.:Li ; (u tuint I .Vc'fAWfnltfi? in wK;tAS!f:i) mXlirinalïy wi vi u '!:■■ h;is nom: of Uio 'í c and ;■ .- eiit Hitcr.ivSA of comiiioii Qi rtlnó. jwhI Qttïiitn'c is matte from T rnviaa li:i conly, lbo fioúrcu oí UlUorQi laiae. In sv t QfAlnttte the bittarneas is iVrfoct!y c :fiu.U], l'i:l muy lo iustuntl tlovelo 1 If uo&ir il. Iwwt inlnln wi'i not Bleken, narory fcitt . Lancea ulton do. Swrt'i ulnln'e ij remlily t-t'n, flifd viiï oa Ihuluorit he&ltaUon,byoldanVyoung. fwt;c3 uinlne Ontirely obviates tiyf unCOi ii'i'ulix' dislitCO whicll cliU'lnrhíiavo to Irrljuiiunr. 4 Sweet Qsiinïiii' roqtllres no clüliontlo pTOpararan to take, U loaüy for instai uj ■ . fivret t Anln!?ir, fn 11 3 ÍLffrocábDlt ;;uï projiL ciU'Mcy, (lisjilms. tï lïie yubllo ml !■! of n.iicii prvju lico uípüna) CiunlnQ nii'j n:.!:s lbo cit'oiti !' Iho In elVgont Sivevt Wuinlnc COfltS i)O niorc 'J;;uJ the liituV Qululno Swcet tutninif can be had ai the Pnig Storfs In two förmtf, vfeii iltiirf, ffoitípnvi'u:'iiK'(ï of famiUtw tiü'l tltó" ;.inr:L"ju licjSgintl L-Jer, fór UÜ OSi 1'l.ysK'. v-is aiuIiViöts. V i StiSins, Farr & W., y fiWtfflCTURIFiG CHEKISTf X r ew YoiiTC. , X For Sale by Eberbach ftCo., droggtttt, I2r4yl Chancery Sale. IN PVRSUAKCB and by vlrtne of a doeree of the Circuit Court fur the County of 'sbtenaw. In CtiMiicf rv, made ou the twesty-elghtb dny ui St;ptembor, A. I). 170, In the case wboretn Hannafa Loolse Sackctt is complalnant, aud Solomon Van Vlaeti Johu Oo(#llo and K i run Costello are deft-ndnnth ; NotlC6 i hereby pi ven thai 1 Boal] feil ai pnbllc anctloDi to Uw blghest bidder, ou Siiturdny, the tweiHy-eighth day of Jamiftry nelt, at eleven o'clock A. M. of s:t! day, at thv, front or sootb door of tfie Cnui lïoaee In tbO CUty Qt AtmArlior. in the County o Washtcr.tiw. in the Btateof Michigan, the folio win demeritad reftt efltato to-wlt : The sosthwest qua ter of the wathweet q-ifirter of eeclion number tv (2 the oaftheaêt qaartei of the iontheaat qaart Oisecttöti uumber f hreo 3; ; the northeftel (unrte of the Dorthfiaet qaarler ol eectlon oomber ten fio; thenortbwefll qaartor of the oortbwut Qoarter uectlon aombtf olsveo fli), nll in townshtp ïmmbe one-(l) south of rango oamber four -ij cast, con talntng on hncdred and tlity aerea moie or lep and the north bftlf ol the souuiweat quarter ofth douilienst quarter of tectlon number el t ven C", in tpwnahip oue fij outh of ranga four ,4j eas conlahilog twi nty aerea more or lesa the who' Cumttltatlng t frm bi-ing iu Waslitenaw Couut and Btate of Mlohigau. Dated, Ann ArbJr, Decpraber 16th.A. I 1870. 8TBLKY J TATLOR, One of the Circuit (Jonrt CommtBsionen for Washtcnaw Couniy, Michignn. E. C. Sram ui, SoHcitoi for Complainant 1300w6 Mortgfige Sale DEFAULT haviug beru made in the eoudition of a mortgage eiecuted by Patrick O'Keeff aud Míiry O'Kiicfï' liï-; wife to Loster Lutimer, dated Angost ïïtii.A.D 1808 andrecorded In the Regla ter 's oillcc for Wuhtenaw ( "0111113, Michifran, ou the lfith day of August, a. I). 1808, in líber 68 of morítragea. on pago 47' whlcb defaalt the power of Httlr coiitHiiuMï in e;ii:i mortgage became operative. and ut procccdiújjB En ïnw or equity baylns hwn ka stituted to recover the debt lecnred by anid raortu'ae or any part thercïf. and Lbfl eum of two hondrod and fortv-fivc and 22-100 dollars being uow claimcd to bc due i;pon tatd mortgare ; NotMe is thereforo hereby giren that saul morteaKe will be feHcloasd by a saje of the premiaea deacribe.d in said mortgafre, or some part theroor to-wit : AH of the followlns descrlbed lant' sltoati d intheityot Ano Arbor, Mlcblgan. on the nonti pide of Ënron lïiver viz : cora men riur o the ea slde of Trayer Btreet or PnUle road as it i marktsd in n ; map o" Ann Acbor miuhi by D. A. Petllbono tnlSM.atthfl northcftft corner of a pleeeol latifl formeriv telonglns to Dwïfrht Kellogg, and Udowq tii.' clark lot : 1 henee eaterly it rilit angles with iald Btreet or road on the uortn line of eaid Clark lot eix roda; thence northcrly jnrflll'l whh eaid itreel (bar rode; theuce westerly panülel wíth sa ïd arat i'.nc slx rode. to said sfreet; tbence sootberly aions the eact line of eaid srcet fonr rods to the ;lacp of begitrriittg. belng thfl nitte premisèa convoye d to t íi ï il Patrick O'Keefï by Pa'rlck Donoin ind wife. by deed, dated Pebrasry 25th,1864, at public vendne, at the Courl HonaOi in the City of A::n Arbor, In pani Conuty,on the lsth day of February next, at noon. Datcd, November Sist, 1870 LKSTKR LATTMER, N. w. CiiKEVKR, Att'y. 12ÏIT Moitgageeb Mortgape Sule. DEFAüT.T havlng been made In tho condttlou of act ruin mortgage.contalnfng tbereïn s poner f Bale lor condltiuii brpkeu made by Charlea Cbanller and Eliza Chnndler, hfa wife, of the vUiageof 'lint n, in the (I"iinty ot'Lnnawce, and State ! of flchlgan, to Ptilllnda C. Chandler or the enme !rc ■. beartnje rtate the fonrteenth day of November, ik'b-ccii bnndred and sixiy LhreB, npon certain ands described in siid nrtgafie, aa betngibe oQtheait quarter of section number thirty-ihrce B8jttn tow.iphlp number four Mj Bonthofraqge inmber loar (4) enst, contafnlng one hnndred and : x t y acres of land, moro orlees," and 'ftabetng Ituated in the tosrosblp "f Brïdgewater, in the 'oanty of Wfi.htcnaw aud Stite of Michigan" to st:ore the payment of the aura of eieht bandred do!, urs in f"iir yeart1 from date, with interest payaple muiJïlly on the aame at Beven per cent, i r :n-imm, nd provldlng In caao of non-payment Of the ÍnterBtitflhoald Become principal, and draw interest t be rato aforetald and provldlng also for the paylent oi' the pum of twenty-flve dol la ra aa an Attorey fo ehould nny proceedlnsa be laken to forcclose hè nmv, whlch mort gaffe, with Bnch power of sale, vas duly recorded in tne oftlce of the Register of leed8olthc Connty of Washienaw and sniro of Ilchigan, on tlic Dth day of December, A. I). 18fl 1 "Mock ï'. M, In Hber ü' ot mctrtagcB.on :iL'il (65O, by the non-psymfiit of the Whole. rnnmil of the principril umi, wltU the nim'inl ntercet thereon uinco the ilr.nt dy of Beptèmwr. A. D 18(ifl, and the amount clnimed to jo due thereon at the date of thls notloa bolng one lousaud and Kixty-five dollars and fifteen cents, f i,(Mi''.lf.j for principal and interest, together with ie óêè Bnói of Iweiity-flve dollars as söch Attomey ee, and no soit or prooeedlng havipg been Lnsütnited t law to recover the debt aecurcd by said mortfiago, r any part tboreof ; Notice is hereby gtvou, that on Saturday, tïio 20th ay of Pibriimy, A. 1. idTt at ten o'clock In the orenoon of tluit day, ai the sontb door of the Conrt [ODBO, In the City o( Ai. 11 Al feor, within and for the tid Connty of w ach tona w fthat belng the place of olding Iho Circuit Court ithin the Coutity in ffhich the premisos to be soldare sitnato), paid mortape wil) be foreelósed by a Bale of the mortgag ü remtMoa above describcd. or eome part of thenL, t nblic anction, to the Iñgheat bidder, for cawh, to eat ■ fy tb amount due on pald note and mortgage ;t the te of thfl OoUce, iili th6 Interesl thereon, and the BtS, leftK aodazpensea proviried for in eaid mortaje, ftnd tïioac allowed by law Duicd, Anu Arbor, November. Sla1 . 1870. PH1LINDA C. CUANDI.KK, Colman & Root, Mortgagee. Atty8 for HiOTtg&üoe. 1298 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicinéis .PaintB,0ils,&c. Mortguge Sale. DKFAt'I.T li?iv In b'cn made in th ' c nditton of a ccTt'iij: inortLMLV exc-ui'-d by Edward Uvan, of ERorthAeld, Copntar of SVashhtenaw and Ntnte of Mi'hÍL':m, ti) Uilliatn S. Iïarry, of the place im llrft ilny or a'jl'iikI., A. D. I8BI, nnd recorried in tin office of tin: Regteter, of Dee-ia for aald Conuty of Wsshtenáw, on the fminh da? óf December a. d. I8M, .a Itvoo'olook i'. M of nald day, ld lllicr.1T of innriru.'i-, on page '-i'. whirh ïaid mortgavfe wusdnlv ikíl'ü. (M.v -id Williuni S. Hi.n-y lo .'.;: Ihcr Jamos; of the City of Ann Arbnr. i'ouuty and sr:itf áforesald, on the fbnrth day of Dewipber, A I). 1(68 andrecordedintheoffleeof the Register of Deeda for salri l'oontv oí Vanltt-iiiiw. n the fonrth dayofD nber. A. B. 1860, a{ 5 oclock P.M or said day. in liher :;o of morlgag h on pago 234. and that there clalmed to be duo nt the date hfcoC the mm of oti' t Ik.ii and andeighty nlnedoll irsand twenty-one cents, abo nn attorney fee of Lhlrtydollara snotttd anr proc'eedings be had to forPelon the ■iiid iintlirr Instatfmenta to become dncon safd nnd no milt or pro oingfl :it Inw or ini'iiiiiy Invini.' lii't-n had to recover thedcht uecuredbysald mortgasc orany part thefeol! Noti,.,. a hereby frtvon that'hy vlrtueol ttiHpowrr rfalelnsaid mortgage contalned, I ihall gellat pnbllr aai'tlon, to iliê hi;het bidder, on theeieventh , day of Miip'Ii A 0.1871,111 two ovluck (o tl iiiiMii ofthal il;. y at the IroDt do r oftneCourl hoöo. In the city of Ann irbor, In thoConntvnf J Wnnhtennn and State of Michigan, the premiseedescrlbodln ald tnortgago. as all tbose certnin pleces i.v parc-ls of land descrlbed as follows to wit : The west half of nortnwost qnarter i.f secllon twen ty-oiirht. and f. nr acre f the east half ..f the m rth, west qnarter ol aatd secti u, hei e tí re dwded by b s:i.. party of the flrst pari t" ealri partv "f cec ml part. nl] h'in.' n fwDshlp nc K"iuh of range ata eat, In said t wnohtp "f Ni rtliticld, In the u uuty i f Washtonaw, Stnte "f k'ichlcan Dated, Dcc. lMli, WTO. LUTHBB. .TAMKS, Aseignee ol enid fi-irtznuc. John N. Oot. Attcrney fbr Asslgnee ia"o Mortgnpe Sale. lKFAI'I.Tli:ivii!L'bccii made In tV onndition "fa , U ertsin morhrage eietuted ly Joscph W. Walt, oi tne City of Ann Arbor, Comrry of Washtenaw and 8tate of Michigan, to Jame Trpadwell. of the tow rinlii]) of Ann rbor. Conutv nnd Stnto aforesald ion the M-vcnlh ihiy or Ai). IS6?, and rocordcd i ti tli' Regiati'r'e ofllcc i f the Conoty of Wanhteunw, on thr seventh 'ry of.Iuly A. I). isiw ál ;-'... O'clock P. M.. in liln ■ of Diortgaeef nji j,íí'-4.:4 and tnatthercis clalmad to duo at the (late of thls noticp the mm of f buidred mul rlxty-nlne dol ; :ir. and !■ ■ . ■ itorm ' (ee "f Bfteert dollfiTs ehonlfl any procredtnei be rorsclute said nr rlnpf, ai d no proceedlnca at. law or in cijnitj I svlng bi i n had to recover eaTd enmi ol moMoy nr any imrt therfof: Now, tl i ulo la hereby elven, Ihatby yi,:u ol apoworol aT6ln aia mortgagecontained, I hall geil it paWicanctlon to the h hert bidder u thi ISlh rv of Febrtiafy, A. D 1871. at i o'clock P M. of rak! my a: the (foni door m the Conrt ñoane, (boing the place lore thi Clrcull Conrl Tor Mie ( bnuty of nahtenáw aforo ild if i eld). tho followiirr deacrlbed phcee oroarccln o( landeltoated In te i Ity oi Ann Atbor, nnd descrllwd m followa to-wll Hi-i'i-r le:s No ooe. iwn and thrw In blockslr, tn liii'v.n f iller'n ili. ilion 1 1 the Villace of Ann Arilso clL'ht rodi qna.'e of land lylng north and adjoliilotf wild Wock ;. nnd frontín? on Pontlac .-ir. n: :,].,) a plece of Innd tKlJoInlng aaifl lots eatorlv. and helne nlne roda and mx links In lengtn and fonr r dm wldth, and adjornlng the uurth line of raiil block i-.x. i alcj, Novolnbor 2Sd, lTf1. JA MES TEEADWEIX, Mortpigee. JonM N". i'".rt, i_j7 Attorney for Mortgagee. AIort-i;a!je Sale. DEFAtJl '1' li.' Ing i ei 'i made In the condltton of n ■'■:■'■ lecntfld hy Dorhska Ñ orv .■nul Edgar . ti;- ,ry oí the city ol Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Snoch Jmnca of the saine place on the tint day oi Ociilior A.l'. obh thousat) elvht hunDd si:-:: y three and rccorderl la the ofQce of the Register of l : nair omi iute aforefuidj on the llfth r!nV of Ovtubcr, A.l) I' ff. ofsaltfilay In Hbcr Hl raortffages ''i::'1 ■;.íi. which auii! mortjratre vrosdi] ■ bj .-..i-: Bi ■ :■!! Jamee tu Il.nryl. James, WlliIaKeburjch, Musachoeetts, on the roni ilny rr iiarcli. A. I). i-i.i."., .nul recoided ii; tlioiillii of the Rcifletcr of Dceda for sald ' onuty of Washl haw, on the Sd dny of November A.D lli'. at '■ oclock x H in i i-r ti of mortfragep, paje :_'' o which sald mortenge and bond accompimylne th Mino, tlicrc Is clalmed tobe doe at the date of th notlce the sntn ol nlnctecn hnudred and live dollar :ilo nn ree of flfty dolían thorldan pri Ing be labn to foreclono tho same and i Rtilt or proceedlnc ffi luw t rí;iily iifiin: bren init tatadto recover the debt or nuy p:irt Chereofi Ni tlcc Ie hereby plven thal byvlrtne of the power sale in sni'l moriL'uL'o contaiued,] -hall st'll at pub] nuctlon, to the hk'liist bidder, on the ïlthi! i l'Ybruary. m jt, a :i; P. M. of pald díy. i the frnt door of tho ('■ art li'niHe, in tha citvi Ana Arbor In aald Couuty ol WashU'oaw thi i'' '1 scrlhed In said mortgaLre i : All that co tain plece or pnreel of Innd eltnate and l in' In tl CitvofAnn Arbur. in the County uf Wasiitenai ond State of Michigan knowii nui descrlbed as fo lov.-s, to-wit: Lot mimber one In bloek No. ol nortli of llnron street, in rruiL'e two. accordlng t the recorded plat of the vlilage tnow rfty) of A Arbor belng all thos premlaes knoivr aa the Mou tor Motel property. November 2d, ibTO. 1IKMJV L. .IMES, Aasignee of sald Moits JOUN N. GoTT, J..,; Attonïej for Aralgnee. of iaid Moitgase. Mortgaga Sa'e. DBPAÜLT bavinjE been n'.ade in the conditiong o a ct'vuin tudentare of mortgsgu, executed i Auffnstiie Bond mul Uatiio M. Boud lii." . David lJrown, benrlux date the nlneteenth day o Oetoher, A. 1). l?64 and recoided in Uio otii;-. o! tl Register of Deeds for the Connty of Wasflteoa and State of Michigan, in UDer88oi inortaee, o .. on the iwenty third day of November A. I 1864, which t ld aaorteage wh aadgued by i-:ii' Davtd BrowB tO Jamefl '1'. Morton, bj wril ten ::íl'1 1 ment, lieating date tfabmary 6tb, 1S65, tml n cordoil In llw :;:: of mortgaacs, on ps.-f W 1 lu allí Ri1l;!Iit'. oílice. on the fonvteetth da ' ot Febrnary, A. 1). 18 .ï. by v.-hi.h defanlt t!i 1 [jmviT of sale contained ia saiti m rtgage ïn tu come operntive, nnd iio stilt or proceedlng i ncerj havlag been instltated to recov, tbe amoaut dne on sald mort2ajge, and there bein upw cl.'uined 'dne on sald ihorËrage and note accompánylng the same, the bqbi orsaren biindred am'. twenty two dollars nui tnrontj-sli centn, as wel] :ts the furthor tiiM of Bfteen hnndred dollars wfth interest from-Octobei Iflth, I8Ï0, sccuredandto become (neon sald mortffage. and also the fttrthér i-um f flfty d ■)!;.!■- as an Attorney t'cc "n thU foreclosure expnaalv sgreed to u pald in and by sniii nortgaoe as ulu'i: n any proceedlng is taken lo forecl-ise this mortgage, either at lêtw orln Chaucery; Noiic.' therolt-rc, ia hereby given, that yaid nvrtaoe will be foreclocd ou Monday, th twenty-.'cv enfin day of March uext, at "teu o'clock ie the forenoon of siüd day, al tho south door of the Court Qonjsv, in the (ity of Ann Arbor, in said County, (raid Courl House belng ihe place of holdliig the Circuit Court for the i'ouutv of Waahtenaw), by a aal at pntHc antlon, to" the ■ l bidiler, of the prenitges desrribed in uaid mortaííc, or soinucb thereof üí" Bhtll be necesiiary to satisfy th.iamount t'-ae vu said mortgage. witii reaonable costs and expenses, and the iutereat on snid ni()rtniïe, togetller witfa hïi Attorney fee of flfty dollacs provldi d for in said mortgage, and subject to tho paymcni of the forther sum of flftei'n bnndved doSara irith the interest tberiv n fronst October I9fh, r!. vit to become doe thereon, which raortsaged prmise8 are'descrlbed In said mortgage as (ollowa : -ll thoae certnin pioces or parcela of land altnated in the townshlp of Saline, in the County rf Waahtenaw and Btate ofuichigan, deftcribed as lblluwa. iz: UicsonthwestquArterofseo tioi. In township lonr sonto and range flve east, in the State of Michigan., exceptiny ten aeree off from the eaf-t tíide tbereuf; also twenty acres off from tho uorth end of the oant half of the northwest cuiartcr .:' section twenty-ewht, and tei icre o ft' from the n rth end ( the west half of toe west half of the northeast charter ofsectloti tweuelght ; all in townshlp f nr foui' ' iitïi and ra1 ge fivo east, and contniutng In all line hnndred andolghty ■■icros i.l land more 'l' less ; which two !;:st iloucrihiil pareéis have beon dispaarged from said mortgayo. and will not be sokl by vlrtue thoreof auder this i ". i : , ■■. Dated, December 2Sth, 1S?O. JAMES T MORTON, Asoignee of Mortyage. Colman, Koot & ElHlfi, Atl'.rneye fur Aignce. 1302 Mortgage Sale. DKPAULT havirr been made in the condltlon of acertaln mortgage executed by BTlen Rnel of the City of Aun Arbor. County of waahtenaw and Btate "f Uicbigan to atartinna Shutta and Horace K., of Washtenaw County and State of Mlchlgau, on the third day of May. in the ycar of our Lord one thonsand elght hnndred and sfxty-seven and recorded in the offlee of the Regirtet "i for said 'onnty of WaKhtenaw, on the 4th day of May, A.D. 1S07. at il1, o'cock A. M.. inliber30of es, page WO. which sald mortgágewaj aa"y Horace K. Dickineon to Martinne L. Shntts nu tho Brsl tli.y of June. A. l. 18-T, mui recordad in liber 2 of asslgoments of morteagee, on the I7lh day of November, A. D. 16"O, :it. '.' o'clock A. M.. nn page 651 .amlngain asslgned by Martinns L.Shuttsto 'arhiïJ Dooglass.on the 2tb day of Seiitomber A. U. 1G7. and recordod iu the offlee o:' the Heelster of Deeda on the lTth day ol November, A.D. 9 o'clock A.M. .In liber 1 ofasslgnmént ofmortêapagflOSfl, and that tiiere ia chiimed to be due at the date bercol iii-1 mhh -f live hnndred andeevecty-seven dollars, also an Attorneye fee of twenty - fivedoll.iiM ehonld any urocecdings be had to foielose thli oiortgage. and no snil or proceedlnga at uw or in eqnity bavingbeon had to recover thedebt eenred by faiil mortgi ge, nr any pari thereof: Noice is hereby glven, that by virtne of the power of aio in said mrtgagc contained, X shali sell t public oetion tn the hiiyliost bidder ,on the day f F bruary A. li. ; sTt at two o'clock Intheafternoon of tiiat day ut the fronf door of the Court rnnse. tn the Cltv of Ann Arbor, in the Oonntyof sfiti-of Michigan, the premisos de crlhed in.fiftldmortgage. asi All that. certain rparcolof land stFost in the Cl'tj of Ann Arbor, i tho Connty and State aforesaid, and known and decrlbed as fouows to-wit: Lot nnmber thlrteea tn look number two C'O north of rame No. fourtoin ast in the eastern addltlon to the City ol Ann Arbor formorlvvül.'U'i1 ) Dated 'November lSth 1P70. LOUISA J TICKNOR. Bxecntrix of tlie Last Will xnd Teetament of Dariim Douglace, Dec. John N. Gott, Attorney for the Executrix. Attaohment, Notice. ■N THE CIRCl IT CODRT for the County of Wnsh- tenaw, Bllen Mead, nlaintlff, '■■. Ji lm Mead, deemlant. Notice is hereby gtven, that on third ay of Novouilwr, A D. 18F0, a writ of attaehmont liainM the goode and chattcls lands umi tencments I John Mead, was issnéd out of the Circuit Court r the County of Washu-uaw. iu favor of Bllen oad, pluiiïlift', agalnst .loliu Uead, 'lefeudfint, for ie snin "I six hnndrad dollars, and returnable on h day of December, A. D. 1870, Kt tcu o'clock n the forenoon. Datedi Aun Arbor, December 2-ith, 18T6. CUIiAN & l.OOT, 13"2m-íí Attv'8 foi PlalntuT. Attaohment Notico. oT.lTEOK MICHIGAN, The Circuit Conrt for ihe J County of vVashtenaw. Henry .1. Miiler and irnoliuh p araons w Hernando A rnller :u Willni II. Harding. Notici hereby utren ihatou Uth ilny of Norembec. A. O. 1S7O. a writ i, At aebment waa Ibsned önt of said Court ai the snit of id l'laititift"; agalnst the lands. tenemests t,'ods nd cbattlea of aald defendant, fr the eumofiwo mi dred and rix-seven 21400 dollars, which writ ;.- reiurnablo November ?th, 187n, and relorucd ot. personally Berred, Dated, December '.Ut, A.D. 18TG. JUS1.IN IILOPOET, ISOlvft l'lalmifls' Attornej. Mnrtgsgo Sale. DEFACLT httvin;; been made Mi the condltlon of a cortatn morrgage exeented by Andrcw Scrvlco and M.irv Service, hi wiiv. r the fcOWÈ o( stmron, in the Connty of Washtenuw. and 8tat of Üleh. MarcneH. Rowe of the eame place, on tho twenty-flftb day of s . ; 1 1 . in!n-r, A. ]► 18115, tmrt re.cordeo In theolHw of theK'uWerof Deedfl for naid Ooui i.y "f WahtoDvr. me the 'J'.th dny of September, A. I. i-i-.. ut V . 'dock A M. oí R.-iKi dny. In I.liwr '■■! of 'ortfcagei "" Pf '■-'■ riiicn aid morteagewa ■),!■.! r v :,.i Marcne H Bowe to Snmncl Ciifflimnn on the fth day of FebrnaryA I) IMS, niiH recorded n ih nth dny of Pehraary, A d' 1-iiH. ut lOo'dock A.M. 11 Lherl of Aaaknimenta of MortengoR, on pacniV. ml atratn aeflgned hy SnronelCoshmantoUlrani II t ■ rï ■ ofSharon. rOnnty and State afnreaald. on the ÍMh flay of December Á I 18 8, nnd recorded in the office c.r ihc ttglater of -,ï -. iii Connli on the Mth day of ■ ccember I8S8,II l.ihi r 'o i of .Ki;nn)cntK (ir Wortunffed on P ;. whlch ■ ir: morteaire waa airaln lgned liy silid Míl'Ii Id I.uthor .lam, of tlicrilv of nii Arbor. Coaoty afoivMlcl. on the :'2th day of jane A, I). iso'j, an! recorded In the office "f'thu ReelatiTuf )im-íN fnr Miiil Conntv on ihe twenty-elebtb ilnv i.l Nove mlnr A I) : kTh :ii VH O'ciock JL-K. in f.i'ier -' of iSKlennK-nti f Mortiiire, on pa(re 0.1" . :uid tnattnere la elálmed tobo duo ni the date bercof tha gum "f onc thonaand and twooiTtwo flotlnfi! :md rW"nty-three tenis, ni nn Ai' f.-cof tweutjf Bvedollara tli nld nn.v pmceedtngsbe had to lorociof e the aame, anti rorther inxtnlmrats to baooino dae on snid mortntffe. :uni n s;iir or pro ceedln utlaworin eqmty havloicbeen had ín reoover the debl secared iv said morttrnfee or any j:irt Ihereof: Notteria herwf piven that. hy vïrtne of th power of w:il in s.-iiil mortgace contAlm .1 ! ahaii aell ui pnbllc .■itirt.ion to the Mshtot bidder on the foi.itli (mv of Marr.h. I). tïl at 2 o'clocR In the ufrernoon nf that day,at the freni of the Conrl Honae in the rily of Ann Arbor. in the Connty ! Waahfenaw. aod Btate of MlcblKaDfthe premfeet dfrlbed in ttM mongueo nu. all tnme certuin piece or parcelu of land desdibied ;ii foltowa, to wit : The weit hnlf of tiie sontheoat qtlarter of ectlcn twenty-tré, and the ett third of tlie em. half of the sotftbwoBi oiuirter of seciion tweory-flve In town tliree south bi range three eaet; alw the ontbeaM qnnrier of tho aouthwest riuitrtcr of aeotlon nnnthoi tliirty one in towaaMp nambér three eonth of ranije nnmber fmir enst (excen Ins one :u re heretofoje 6od -o Jacob 8cbblej In thA Connty or VTaehtenaw, and State nf Mlchlean, cccordlne tó the United States Smvey, eontRinlng onc himdred and forty nine tere lv thg aame more of lpea Duifd, November W ISTO. LUTJIKR JAWBfl, John N Qott. Attorrey for Aíelgnee. IS99 Mortgnge Sale. DEKArl.T lüiving been made In the condlilon of a certain mortjrage exicated !v Wil' lam MolIrnkatnp untl Mari Uolle&bmnp. of the lowimhlp of Sbaron. üonotf oi Wathtcnaw.and Statu oí Michlcaq, on the typenty-ftftt duj of September, A. D. ISO'.' to Luther Jamea, of tlie City ol Ann Arbor. Count) aCovosaid and recordod i:i the office of the Rcglrter of I)( etl.s for Büid County ol Wiiehtenaw, on the Si h dny of l'Vbrtniry, A D. is;o, at 5 u'clock I'. M. 01 Liber 42 of.ttortKagea, on page til. and tbal tneré la dalmed to'be dn e at the data htTco! t ■ 4 Bttta of elev'.-u liijiidri-rl aud rwenty-tni'j dollarsand elffhtj oijthi ceptfli alw) 113 Attorney's fee of flfty dollara .htm M :my prooeedfnjn be ti,ti to fori}Cloee iníh mortffage : and noaaltcrpfooetdlnAfl at luw or In eqnlty havins been had to recover tho deiit Bcctrred by t: ld monguee or nny part thereol ( Notlce 18 hereby glven that. by lritie of the power of snle in satd mort'ra'ic contafned, I ehl! peil ut public anctlon to the btghes; bidder, on tbe fonrth !;iy of Maren nest, at 2 o'clocii In the afterDOonofthnt day, il the front door of the COUTI Utilice in the ' ity of Ann Arbor. in Ilie Count of W'.'t-):! 1 1 ::;v . ïtid State nf Michipiin, the premiaea deacrlbed In m.í1 mortgage aa( al thoaecertalu plecea or parcela of land deacfloed ntj follows( to wft : Be log tiie wet half of the ponthenn qnarter oí pectlon camber tw.i,ty (lv fexciplinc iirr.s in he sontheast corner heretoforo eoid to.o. M. Fellowa tmc) the flaat third pi theeast hnlf'of the sonthweal qoarter ofeection No. twenty i'. v ■ ':j Intownahlp nnmber three ttnfh ofrange uamber three eat: nlso the Epnlheaftt qnarter oftho Bouthweatqaarterofaectitn ni.mbi-r thirty-one fSTj in townshlpniintber three aoiltn of rfntre number fonr eait. (cxcptlng ono acre her tofore Bold to Jacob SchobleJ in the Connty of w.-t-d-tt ti.iw and stMte ti Miohlgao acoordfng to tbe dnlted Stiitpfl survoy, contalnlnji ouc hunurtd andforty fuur aerea of land, moriorlesa Dillcd, Nov. 8. iTi'. LUTIIJ'.Ii JAMES, Mortgagee. Johm N. Gott. AttornSy for Morlgi aee lv'JD M:.rfgíire Sale. WIIKRK ' 8, dufaalt ha been made tn th condiliona oí' a certaln mortiraye matU; and i'xecuted liy I-J. Uiickman and SÏlaa C. Rockman hei _' bearlng dtte the twen t.etli Cïo) day óf Oclobtr. A. D. 1888, nnd rccnrded il; the ffice of the Iíeí_'itt■r of Decda forthe County of Waahtcnaw, and Stüe ol Hlchlfrau, in Llber forly one ''■'■; "f ,Mort':iL'ec , OU aje fonr i: 11 11 d red and Ihree f98 ,on I ■ eccond dav o! F broarj A. D 18 0: And whereat tiit:re remains dne anti un paid on eald in rtgao tlie tum o; three Landred and tweDty hlne dollars and fortynlne crut f:'. and whereaa no snifor procecdlng. either nt luw or v. has been lust tated to recover the same or any nart thereof: Now, therefore, notice is nereb; given that by virtae ot the power of sale i r t said ige contalued and by vïrtne of the statate In Bach chaos in.i.!' and provtded, 1 Bhali scli ai public anctlon to the htghest bidder, on Satarday. the tweniy flUh fB daj ül Pobrnary, A. D. Wi.'at the boor : ivo o'ci iel m tbe afiernoou of eaid day at tbe mi;, rdoctr af the Circuit Court Hoom of the. Ooiniv o] W;i btenaw,ln thedlyof Ann Arbor Connty Bforef&td the premiises described in s;:id mortgage, ar aü ranch thereof ae may bc necessary to satisfj the Am :u:its now diie or to become aue on ni-i mortgAge. at the date of thi uotice, togethor with tbetuEerest wbich sbali have aocrtttd thcreon, au At' oruey's fiie of fifty fOj dollars as in said mortgage provlded, In caae proceedlnga be takou to foro c.u-c the Mme, aad the ooeta. ebargoa nd i sallowed by law, ind provtded for in aaid mortgage. The decrlptlonS)f ssid premftes ie ae followe: All the folio wlng descHbed premlsefl) UoAted " the Concty of waehtunaw, and state of Michigan, to wit i the west ontf-half (vr H) uf the north-ffost one-qnar er u w '.tj of sectlon seven (1 vww foor 4) -onili of range tour ea4t( containins thirty acres. Aleo al! that part of tlic west half of the soath-eaet qaarter of eection uiïnibt-r one (ij. In township namber foarf4)aoathof range three (?) east lylng ■t ol the ïïiver Etalsin and uorth of the Saline road, contalútug abont eigbt acres, eaid prop eriy befng convöyed u Silu 0. RöckBiaB by JTamee Peunlman, by deed dated November 26th, D. . ui recorded in Líber ntímber thlrty-eti of Deedfli page 384 iu the RegUter'a office for the Coanty of Washtonaw and State of Michigan. Paid proper (y to be aotd, e affect to the paym-nl oí the slim of three hundred and Are Tt-100 dolían fSoft.tlj aird Interest from Ooi. 80, l60j boiirg ftartber Uratalinentsdue on aaid mortgag6 Dfttod. Deel, 1S70. 3298 OHABLBS KELLOGG, Mortpagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFATTLT haring been made in the conditiont of o ; mortgafte, exeeated by Jacob íwentrBeeond aay of December, A. D. L8w, and wordcd in the oitit:f oi' il' I Deeda fór the Goonty ui In liljt-i1 i of mortgagee, on page372, on the SSddayof Dw A. D. 1865, by which defbnlt the power of Balecoatainel in siiid mortg;iíre has beoonao oporative, and no -.uu .i prooaeding at la w ai in ehanoery bavUD ins;iim cl to n co er the umonnt doe on said mortgage, nul there being no ■'■ aan á ■ eu on Baid mottgage and ; di e .Mcompaoying ; l1 ■ aamo, the aom ot' two hun!rcl and seveoty-flüi dolían andautty-onecenta,a2id also uie fürther axunof lort y do&an aa anAttorneya fee on this lbredoMure expreefily agreed to be paid Ín andby said mortgage u aften as aay proeeeding is taken to tbreeloae suid mortgage, eithtr at law Of m chancery ; No::i:u is tltcrcforo herrshy a-i ven, thai ■ will foivdoded on Tttèeoay, the eightèenth day of Aprü uext, ut ten o'clock in the forenoonofa at the soa tA door of the Couri BCouse, inthi i itj ol A nu Aibor, in said Coimty, [aaid Courk Hooae being the place oí holding Üie Circuit Conrt for tho Connty ut' Waahtenaw) by n milc at public ouction, to the highi st bidder, of the nreinisea aeacribed in aald;.', oï 90 mucn tl i reoi as shalL neceasaxy to aatiafy amoant due on tadfl íoitíjiigo, with reasonablc ■ togethor with --m Attorriey's fee of forty dottan proiid mortgage, wbicb i ■■■!;■ -. ■ All those of Landaituat onty of Waahtenáv uta otate oí m wniffftTij Kiutwn auu uostíi'i ixti as ioilows, vi : The easi half of the Boutheaftt quartcrof oteen, town four m ave cast. .'..;.) : 1 1 1 aero of land on the umtb tade 't the iiitil, ott iioin the. nartheast ooraeï of the west halt' of tlic southeasi quarter of t - ivi al ten, ín a tfn-'v corner lof on wbich a Log house fannerty stood. Al -ii ;i pacos ii' land ooiiunenciiig at the southea-t -orner oi the west bajf of the west half of the northwesi quartai oi seotion bfteen, in said town imir, und running thence. west on qnarter sectíoa Une nve rhains, Ihenconorlh twenty ohains, thenee aast fiw rha-in, io tliu place of beginning, oonlaining ten acra (t' land. Utticd, Saline, Junuiirv lüth, 1871. , :u M!!iliY, Mortpageo. P. M. Eaton, Att'y. Ifotgi 1305 Real Estato for Salo CTATB OF MICHIOAX, County of W.-.shtonaw, ss. i In the matter of the esiatc of Lewifl A. Ruckmun. ' ■ i bereby :rivcnf thai in ponoanoe "f uu oiU-r pr:iito(l to the anderajgned, Sxeootor oí' the estáte cl -■! i deoeaae i, by the Bon. Judge of Probate ' üumy of VasljVn;iv. on ÜH trwenty-third 3ay of Maivh. A. i. L8Ï0. there will bo sold at public vendue, to the higheet bidder, at the dwelling house on the prcitïii's & 1, m the ('ounly of ""allienav, in said State, on A . i.-i}ith day of Ifaroh, 1871, at ono o'clock in th& aftenioon of thut day, [sabjeot tu all encumbranoee by mortgagQ orotherwue sxisting .-;i the tune of the deain ut' saitl deoeased, aad also subject to ti i I of hi widow thereio thefoUowing deesibed resístate, viz: The west half of the northeas; nuart r of -.■■- liuri aOTeUi in township four south ot' raiiL'c f ■. , i.l State. ■ p,nt tbeveoj taken bom the northeast corner by t litj Ljntoii road; a!ao all that part of the enst half of the t isi huif of tlie notthweet (jnnrtor of fuikl aactios Beyen, whloh lies nprth of the highway, und ooutainixig föorty aerea; also a paroel of land dëusibed as commoncinj? in t i at a jwint ten chaim eaet "i ihe northwest corner of the -■ ; ■! half ' f thé north wosf fractíonal ijuarter of said .-: tlon-seven, running thenoe aoutb one degree east thirty-onc chaina and forty links, thence alone the north sideof I north tlfty-six iletrives and thirt} nUftuteu n Gthaina and flve ljnks to a stake, thenoe north one u-gre weal twenty-seven ooaliis and ainetynBye links to :t stake in noiih line ut' said BCOtioa Heren, thflttOS til line easterly chaind and oinety-a ■■ d ink-s t.) Uu plaoe of ot'frinniiig, fonrteen and three-fdurtha acres; alao the west half of the or!h etri bnctional Quarter "f sald seot Ion Beven, ex optinpand reeerring that portion oonveyed ly the Olofl in;: mnitiniicd aeeds, all reoord il in tbc ottiot' of nterof Deedsfbrsaid County, viz: Bydeed wN A. II ii. km; m ;md Phebe üuckinan to John " . n :■. 1 1 -. ! i , ■ trded In liber 61 of Deed ■. on i ■ y ieed froio Williain Ruokman, Lswis Ruokm tunes Penimao to the Michigan Southern B ; la Hl r 80 of Deeda, page 106, and by deed of ewis A. Rnokman andwixe to Uáry B.Bnokman, recordcd in liber 71 of Deeda, on pi AVTLUAM M. GREQORY, Exeoutor. Dated, Jano&ry L84h, (871. 1305 E cal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashtenawaBk j in the matter cl theeataleof WUlIara v. Grant, .:. Noiire hereby giren, Lhat in pareo a nee f hu order yranteil to the ondereigned, Execnfci r f the estáte of said deceaeed, by the Iloa Jndae of i oda te for the Goanty of W a-htenaw, on tho third iv i)t' Jainiiiry, A, 1. 1871. there will bc sold public rendue, to the hlffbet biddêf, at .01ortt Baoba&ge, iu iho viiluge of Deztert in ie Coimty ol Wathteoaw in said State, on 'iH'-dny, the twenty-ftrêt day oí Pcbruary, A. I). ÏI1, at ten uVluck iñ the. forenoou of tlmt day fsubi- to all enctunbranceft by morteage or oth rwlse [leude at the time of th deaih of snid daueasedj ie FÖfiowlng deecried rt:il estato, to-wit . Lot aeinblock Din e teen ot the ril lage of Dexter, in ld Oounty aud St;it. Dated. .Inuuary 'i. A. T) T8TU 13U3 OKOKtiE C. PAGK.Exccutrr. Estáte of Edwin J. BH. QTATKOFMICHIOAN.Coiir.ty -f Wash'ti.,, O Ataaeaslonof the Probate Pmirt r„nhe ?," ofWaphteuaw, bolden at the Probate om,. !""" Cuy oí Aun Arbor, on M-nday, lh , " day ot.Taimary, in the yenr one thoiaiji ''' Imndred aud seyenry-oi.p. lid eig,, Presont, Eflram J. licake, Judirc of Prohm uble perron p; i,ü uppoinUid -tdmininiratrix „r'!1;1" estáte of ald eeccaetS. x u' b rhcraauou i „ Ordored, thni Satnrd i elereutb dat ol Febrnarv ueftt, „t ten o'elock i tke roritioün, 6e atKlgc.d r„r the boarfn, of ".! peUtlcm, and :.■„.. ,,., beln il law „i,i"dec .'Ü4 and al] other panen fntereated in .ui, !'"' are rrqmri-d to appear at a aussion oii,w.uie' thra tobo holdnátthe Probate Offlw.UitSfdwi Aun Arlx,r. and .-!,(. canse, if nnv M„.r.. h,"ï.lP' thp7rot tbp.tltlonerhoa)dnot b ir.iï1 AndUltfBrtBororderea ti. ■.llidpeiiiloncr?M ■ ticetoth.'inir.Dii.intereBti-insnidestutcolthc,,. den of hiu1 petitlou, aud tvir burtnr ilitri„f i caafnga eopy of thi Order to bc publu.hd li'iH tnnfJ connty, threeaoefv weekp urevióc, l ald dj of bearlng l (AtrnPCiipy ) HIKAM .1. HKAKK8 iï_ JttdgfofPfolt, Estáte of Diantha Jones. QTATIOVMIOBIOAN.Coniit) ufWa.hiea. O Al a jewlon of the ProbaicCourtfor theConJ ( Wnxbteuaw. holden nt [lie l'robate tutli-f in,;' Cityof Aun Arlior, on Baturday, Iba .in'.i ?' ofJanuary, in the yer one lhoiiai,u elahi k?' deed and ercnt)-uiie. U11" Preseut. Hiriim J. Bea)ie!.Jnd(:e or Probate In tbc niatu-r of Ibe KBtule of Diaiuba ji On readiiiR auj fllinc tbc petilioD, lnl y vcri(!f j „, PhilaiiiW-r J. Junea, praying ibal bp mny bc iildih'i,; ed AdminlBtratOr or the tute of aid drceani-d Thorenpon il is ordered, tbut Monday, the'.Wii. iïy (.f I'Vliruaryncxt. at ten o'clock iii thefm noon ha usigued for tbc hearing (r utd nZ tlon, aud tln' hclr nt hiw of sald L ceased, and all other uerniaa interented in aaldeatiiT arereqnlred to appear at a uesílon or aald Cuan thcu to be baldan at the Probate Offlce iu City ol Aon Arbor, and how cauae if auy thrre , wliy the irayir of tbc petitiouer sl.ould , „, 1 grauted: And it isfurlhcr ordered, thai Midi? tionerglvt notlce to the persona hnerested In ,,j eatate.or the pendeoey ofaald petltlon and :' hrarlne tberepf, Oycnnsinea copy of Mi! order ,i bepnblUhed In the UUkigm Argut.t newnn ld and clrculallDJt in nit foiinty, thrioïil' CCMlre week preTlom ïa(d(Jj : henrlna f A trut' copy.j Hifi AM J. BKAKKS K Jud-o of Prunat'e. Eetate of Gottlieb üecterle. CTATB0FKI0HIOAN, County ofWashtenaw „ O At asesalon ..f the Probate Conrl fortheConiT, or Washteoaw, holden at the Probate Office, in U. i Aun Altor, on d.iy tlic nlnth dayof .1,1 uary, in the ytar onc ihoimaud elttht liüurtrcd m aeTonty one. -uan Present Ilirnm J. Henkos, Jucige of Probate In the matter of tbc estáte o' Quttlieb L;:-trf decaaaed, "rü" Ou readiDC and filme the petitiun. dnly vería,,] of Maria V Peckherle, praying that a crtaln instromen nmvnii Jleinthla CoBrt, purportiuL' l" Ij, iheli,,' Hl and testament of nald deceutei mny lieadraltiri t'i'irtí)t("-'t""a """ shemay te '■I'Pn'U'MUSltt Thereopoii il li orderd. that Monday, the bit day of PeDruary, uext. at ten o'uluck iu thVforenooi b uaigned lr tbc hearing of mU prtiiion m tbat the Ircateea deriseea aud hinrn at luw of aald ileoeased, and allotbei persona luiere, tjï iadebtate, ara reqnlred to ppar at a tnion ald ' 'iirt. tben (o be holden, ar tbc Pmlmte Off In the City of Aun Arbor, aud show canee il .o. thereb, wbythe prayer of the pethlomr hoVlS no be granted: Audi; la farthcr ordered ibt(,i3 petltoner gire notlce to the persona IntercsteiT k nldestate. of the pendency of ald petiilm,, ',t the hearing Ihercof, l.y cansiuj; a copy of tbia onl,, to bc pnblifbed in tlie Hkhigan Argut, a iinwípanír printed anfl cJrcnlating in ald Connty, threesucciu. [ve uí ■ prevlona to eaid day ut hearing (Atruccopy.J HI8AM .1. BKARES 18W Judííe oí Probate. Estáte of John C. Depw QTATEOFMIíJlilfíAN.UountyofWashtena., r Sr' B i0" "' 'hl' Probate Conrt for tbc Uuuii-i orWashtenaw, holden at thé Probate Offlce, inthi CityofAnn Arbor, onThnrsday, the twmv.clmb December, in tb,: ye.u no thonsand eiht hnndred and aeren', ' Present. Iliram J.Beakeb.Jodgeof Probate the matter of the Rurale of Juhn C. 'pcw, On readlpgand Bllng the po tl ti on, duly verifiei ol Mary E. Depvw, Adniiuii-trntiix. praylns that bt Ji,-, :,,,; u, ,e cerUln real bíute wherref eared dled teiied. Thereupoii u is ordered that ThurMlav the miith day of Pübrnary m-.xi, at ten o'clock ú hí Rrenoon,beas8Ígned f'r the hearin" of soul ceti tlon, and that the beta al law of said deceaüd and all ntli. r persons interested In sal are reqnlred lo appear at a sesslon ol aiii font thea tobe holden at the Probate Ofliccin theCiivol Ann Arbor, and show canse, ifany there be whv'tkt Prayer of the petitiouer should üot be jrraDtBd ■_ And U Ufurther orderat, that sald petltlOBer irlri to the persons Interestedin said estáte ol the Li y olsatd petition.and the hearing then-of hr ean&Ingacopy of thfo order to hc puWifhed in thé ilviiujun , iv., a newapaper printed and circulatiie in said Connty, four sncceísÍTe weeks preriouMa aald day orhearing, UIRASl -i.HBakfs W08tdePi' Jndceof Probate. Et::ie oí J. Philip Sel enk. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty oí VaahteniF.W o At a aeaalon of the Probate Conrt for the (.'ontij l W'aahlenaw.bolaniMthg Probate Oftirc. in the cuy ui Arm rbor, on Flrdar. the elxteetenth to ot December, In theyearone thonsand ei'-hibca. dred aad sevimy. Present, Blram J. Beakes, Judge ol Vrobttr In th matter of the state of J. PhilipScArak dtiCea.-M1.!. ' on rotding nnd fllliis the petitlon, duly verleed, ol Johu Seoanfc, Ailiniimtrntor de Unit vi, n prnjic" that hu may he UoeEaed t Hll real rétate vrherof R.iid deceased died seized, lor the pnrpnue of dlslribatloo of the proceeda of snch sale amon" the vuBOD Interoted lu said ealate Thereupon it is ordercd, thnt Monday, the thliticth daj uf Jünnnry next, at ten o'clock in tki forenoon, be aesljned for the hearing of said pet:tum, and thiu toe heirs at law of said dcceiued and all other persons Intereated in aid eitatis arerequlredtoappeBratsseaelon of raidCuurt, thentobe holden, at tbe Probate Oftice, in thoCHj of Add Ar)íl show cause, il ny tlicre be, why the pravrto! the petllloner 'faunld not br itrauted : And it U fot. thcrordered, that said petitioner givc Dotice to tb persons intereated in said tétate, of tbe pendencjol said pi tition,and theheariuL' thcreof, by cnigi copy of ttii orf'ir to be publiühed in the .Kiciijar i"(-. a newcpuper, priuted and circulatinc in id Conuty, four sucecseivo weeks previous to taiii dl) of hcariu:. (A trnecopy.) HIRAM ,T. BEAKES, IBM .Ind-eof l'r..bat. Estáte of Samuel J. Freeraan. QTATE OF .MICHIOAN, Oonnty of WaeliteBaw.M 0 Ataeession of the Probate Conrt for the Contty of Wnxhlrnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tbi City of Aun Arbor, on Wcduesday, the twenU-flnl day of December, in the year onethousand elght hutdred and Bovcnty. Pieaant. Ui: am J. lieakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Eeiate Samuel J. Freeman, deeeased. On readtng and fllinsr the petitlon, dnly yerided, of WilliMin Geer. Execntor and Adminitiator, pmjinu' that he may bc llcensed to -dl certain real csute wben if said deceaaed 1K-1 aelsed. Thereupon it is jrdcreci, that Thnrsday. the eecond dayofFebruarym teo v'clockln tlië forenoon b rtaalgned for the heariDi; 6f said petitlon, and tlintth legaM, í!' ■■. and heire at law of said deceaiei and all oiher pornons interested i-n said ectate. arerïquired to appcar at a scson ofsaid Conrt, trien to b bolden, at thi; Probate Offlce, ís tlic city of Ani rbor.iiii'.i show lfanj tlu-rc be. why the prsyer of tbe petltlpner .-liould [not be giaated: An.litii further orderedf tfiai ea;(I petttlonei ffive not iet tnth.i' persons inienv-ted in niM estute, of the lorderryui Raid petition, and the hearing thereof. ly cauiníia copyoftlii order tobe publlsbed In weÑUiifit 1 ■■■■"-- a nawipaper printed and circulating II i Connty, four succetfaive weeks previoue to Baid ö&J of hearing. (A trae copy.} I11RAM J. BEAKES, 130:2 ■ Judge ol Probate. Estáte of George Sutton, 2J. OTATEOPMTCHIGAN,ConntTOfWíhtebw,. At a sesion of the Probate Cvnrt for the County of Washtenaw, ho)den ai the Probate Office iii lfc City of AnD Arbor on Wednesdny, tbp fourthdiyof Jnniiary. in t lie year one thou'sand eijjlii huodrwl and sevonty one. Present íliram J. Beakes, Jadee of Probate In the matter of the estáte oflicorfe Suttou, 2d, Sedgvrlck Dean, Guardian of unid estáte, com Into vonrt and representa that hf i uow preparad lorrndc-rhts Srt account a snch Snardiant Thereupon it is Ordertd, that Moiulaj.Hiethirileiti dar of Jannanr instant, at tn o'clock u the fel noon, bo a.-sitrnl for cxaminiíij.' and .■illuwingsucli account, undtliat the nextol klnofaald Incompettol tnd ál 1 ot her persone Interetted i: id t-sinte, ar requirvd lo Bppear al ;i BeMion o( said CourL ther to be noldenat the Probate ODice. in the Cuy oí Atn Arbor, in aaid Couuty. and show cause, if auy there lní.why the said account shonjd rot he allowcd: And it ík furlher ordefed i!mt said uordiíB j;ivi' iiíitioc tu the persons Intcreatqd iu said eetste, of the pendency of .aid acconnt, and tho hearing thereof. bycaouncacopT of tiiis order to be pnf In tho Micki'jíiv Argusy a oewspaper priutetl and OUoniattDg in said L'ounty, three successire v--k previon to eaidday of hearing, fA truecopy.) H11MM J. BEAKES, 13i Ji.l-e 01 Probate. Estáte of John Peatt. DTATEOFMICHIQAU.Conntj of Waahtenaw,M W AtaSeísronof the Probate i.'ourt for tlieCountJ ol WaahtanaW) bolden at tlie Probate Ofiice.lntlie City of Aun Arbor, on Satuniav, the thirly.flr! day of DeosmbOT, in the year oüe tlioueand eigM huudri'd aiul Hevtiiity. PresciU.IIiriini.J. licakt's. Judien f Probate. In the matter of the Estáte oí .lohn Peatt. deceaied. Ou readlneand rtling tbe petition, dulv vcriflpd.of Altha Merrithv, prayiiij; tliat she or eonic oilwf euitable peraon niay be nppuiutc-d Admimetratrii of the estáte of aald deoeawa. Thereupon it is Ordcreil, that Mondav the thirtieth day of January next, at ten o'clock In tha fbrenoon,be usigned for tbe hearing oí aald petition and that the beira at law of aaid deceaaed, and 11 other persona Intensted In said estateï are rfquirei toappear ata seaslon ofsaid poort, then tobe liolch ü at tlu' Probate Office, in the City of á rui Arhor and show canse, if any there be, wliv ueprayu oftM petltionerahould not begranttd: And it isfurtheror eroed.thal said peötfoner glve notlce In the pewoul lntereated n h;iuí eatate, 'i toe pen&acy of taíú pp t;tion,and the hearing thereof, b] ,-, .jv t f thUOnli'rto bepabllihed In the Michigan Argvt,t newspapei printedand circnlatlng in aid Conmy, ■■i-esivc weeks previoue to lalddav ufbei Ing. CA truecopy.J HIRAM J.BEAKES, l30td Jiuljicof Probate. PHYSICIAAIS PRESCBÏPTiOSÏ AliCl'üAÏEI.Y ANI1 CAHEFULLY PREPAFED BY ; R. W. BLUS iê CO., DRU0GIS18. - - ■ . ' i hit "


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