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Ministers And The Local Press

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' be lato Albort Barco.", iu un aiticle i tliu Congregatlonalist, urges ministers lo gbarpen tbeir pens in the work of jourualÍMii. He saja : Thoro ií, probubly, tciroely a oounty nawspaper u tho land, ia conduoting rhiob tlie editor would not gludly avail himsalf of the aid of u Corintia!) minister iu promoting tho funeral object relorrecl to, and iu incruasing tho usofulüoss of hú pupor. lt is riot puibaps too much to .:iy that t!ie eduouted pastor of a oh'di'cli iu a ouuiity tow:i could Lave, if he ühose, ouo or lwo columns a week of suoh u paper at Lia diuposal for purposes whiclj, il'they wero not decidedly roligious, are iu tho íine of thu graat basílicas of bil 1 i fe. The editor ot Buch a papor would not dcüiro th aid of a olergyman iu it business or its poütical artiules; hü would not wisn, and irobably would not tolorate, articlos of a saotarian relíious coaraoter ; or artiolo that would bü 8trctly religious at all but there ia apart l'rom theao, a large fiuld in whioh the object aud the usofuluess of tho papar would be greatly proinoted, and where the aid of a olurgyman miglit be oxpected to bo weloome, Edueation, temperance, moi'als, inanners tho duticB of charily, the proper tieatuieat of Iho poor, prigon discipline, tho reforiuatioD of youthful oífeuder, the duties of a oomtnunity toward orpliaus, and towarda tho unfortunate; artiules on sciouce, as bearing on aariculture ; urticles in renard to the influeuoe of tho gospel in converting the uation of tho oartli - all thtjMe aud uiany more of a kindred nature would be appropriate for Huch a paper, and would bo welcomcd by a laiie proponion of tho eouduotors of iho local presa, aud their rwaders. I aiu gure that whon I wns settled as a pastor iu a country town, it would huvo been easy for me to have contributed overy wock two coluains of tho two OOÚDty papurs published ther, aud that uiy services withiu iomething like ttiose liiuits would havo becu thaukfully roceived. Auna Dickinson says sLe propones giving uewepaper men, tiiat talk about her, " tit for lat." 8ol Miliur, Kansas editor, replied to this by saying; " AU i-ight Anna, we'll tráete ; here's your tat."


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