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Dairying In The United States

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íle following stntibtics aro from lie Live Stock Journ.i! : "15ut faw persons realiza tho rr.aii tuflo of the dlirying interests of the country at the preteut time. Tho pro duee of ct'eese ia supposed to bo tlirtt bundred million pounds, wbich ;it fifteen cents a ponnd amounts to 15,000,000; and cE butter fivo hundred and Hoventyfive million, wbioh ;it twenty-flve cents a pound; amouoU to 152,000,000 ; with ooe hu: di'cd mill'on jallous cf uiilk sold o cities and tovfus, and 6Íxty Biülion consumed in the families whero produccd, worth 825,000,000 ; roakinp tcgether a dairy prodíiet of 82I5,Ö0O,O0ü besidcs the pork made frotn the rcfust of butter nnd cheesc dairies. The number of cows is probahly not les (han ïiine million ; tho numbcr in 18G0 was eight million seveu huDdred and thirtythousand eigbt hundred and sizty-two. Jf we allow five tnillion cows for muk icg the butter, it will give one hnndred nnd fifteen pounds to the cow, nod onc million five hundred thousand cows, cmpToyed iu produciug checse, which will be two huudred pounds to a cow; feven hundred thousand cows for the production of milk consumed in cities and families of producers, leaviDg one million eight hundred thousand cows in tho Western and Southern States devoted to raisinsr s!ock. From these facis it will appcar that tho average product of butler -ind checue is vcry far below whnt it might be wilh th intelligence and aiteLtion of breediug, feeding and general manegemerit wliich the maui'ude of tho subject demands. The firat Collins cheese factory of lirie county, New York, for 180!), reports the averase from eeven huniJrcd and thirty co ivs at fonr hundred and twenty poands of cheese to a cow, while two hundred jounds nnd over is a common jield to a cüï in buttor, from goed, well-fcd cows.


Old News
Michigan Argus