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The University--president Angell

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Tbe vcxed questiou Is at lant settled. A President of the Univcrsity has been electUnd ha$ aeeepted the positlon. James í Ihu, M. A., LL. D., now President cftbe University of Vermoat, is the "cora i:jmau." He was elccted at a full session oltbe Board of Regents heUt on Tuesclay mnlng, receivlng a iinanimous vote. The "port of the committee recommending the tctlonofMr. Anqei.l was very compli nenliry lo the adinlnistratlon of Actiug fcrident Frieze, and Intlmated that that Jtatlemau had been oflered the position of President but decliucd to accept it permaMtlj, mid urged that Mr. Amíki.i. should lecled whenever he could be obtained. Tbe salarjr of the ncw President, is flxed at RWOa year ud lila house, and he is to utcr upon duty on the llrst of August Kt President Akgkli, was bom in Rhode kind, January 7th, 1829, and is therefore 4! Tars old. He graduated at Brovvn üni "rsltjr in Ï849, at the head of his clas ; Uujlit lor two ycars ; went to Eurape in UBl to pursue his studies further ; carne klul853 and aeeepted thé chair of lern languages and literature in his mmer, nolúing tlic sanie acceptably '111860; írorn 18G0 for sevcral years lie u the popular editor of the Providence knal; and In 1860 aecepted the Presi"""Jof Vcrmont Uuiversity, which posi'lonhe win resgn to come hure. His selecto Is favorably recelved, and we look for"'rt to & successful adralnlstraUon. -Weflo not understancl tliat any chair orPfüfesorship was assignert to President A5ELt, but we believe that History is his ',nd that he gives Instruction iu that fcputment where he now Is. Thealary may secm too great an adTwe oa that pald in fornier years, but r' AkorlIj would accept nothing less, W desirable men were scarce and found toeornniand their own prlccs. Besides, he lotje prime of Ufe, without accumulated lth, with a faraily to support, aud Wnt8toget his support from the UnlvW 'lli. w that he may give his full time to the "l'ersity, and not piece out a living as a Reling lecturer. Agaln, as President of yolvereity, hemutt keep open door, and ' tg money - as President Havex "oltohiê sorrow when his out-jocs were Wrea with his iucoiue. Thcsu facts oOüJW considered by lcglslators and 'ilars irho may tliink tlie salary large. V. Johnsok, publisher of the late Srlottc Argut, ha brought out a new ff,Uie Deinocratic Leader. Success to Wlticiiy and flnaiicially. Saxford of ths Muskegon EnUrr" hs vcutured on a daily cditiou. The W nuniber is a neat looking slieet, and Pfomises sprlghtiiuess aud vigor. " NothieDtured notliiner gained," and my yJinterpri,,. Aaother communioation from Saline ön that "big scH" is neceosarily crowded 8 ..' &nd' bwWes, nothing is to be made by 1w.YpiiaiitiIor"any other man11 by lwPl8 up the contest. Faturdny evening last, the M. E. Cliuirli tvas Blled wlth un KudicYi'ce oí our lectnfe golng people, to listen to [,n,i,:w Ö. Kdoauton, iu opposition to " Woinuu's liiglits," is ezpoaoded bj Diokisso, Stanton, Howe A Co. Altliougli one mlght ijucstiou tlie proprtety of u lady In tlie leciutc ë!d altovvlug Iidr pliotograph - teken in a hljrhly sensational style - to be placurdcd inevery store and ihop wlDdow, yei we suppose it is neccessary " lo draw," and can alniost overlook tïie offonsc after listeninjj to her iecture, bellevlng tlmt f any ero attraoted to tlie placo by her plctnre, and wí'tis attcntlve to what íhe iad t gay, they must have recelved a grala or two of common acuse. " Woinan s Coming," was her subject, but not in the political arena. She thouht that woiuan, as a class. was liardly prepared for the ballot ; that she Deeded a vast itmomit of educatlon ; that we liad iguorant voléis enongh without Incluiliug the jfnorant portion of her sex ; but it did DOt follow tlmt they shoukt be classed willi ldots and negroes bee;uise deprtved of the elective franchise. If vroman wished place and power let her prove herself capable of noelTtog t, and man tronk) be the last one o stand in her wy. Let a!l trades and professions, wliich physlca] and mental ft ity would allow lier to enter, be tbroWD opeu to her choosing, so that wlieu obllged to support herself .slie could io so, but let her stand above the macblnatlons and trlckery of volitics ; that was not her place ; it would elévale neltber sex, but tend to de grade both. The " bearded monster" had governt'd the world for the past six thousaud years, and bc was ecrtainly capable of dolng so a few yeari loager. Womaa dld not wlsh to crowd man off the stage of actlou, nor usurp his power ; tucy ore created to travel through llie togctlicr ; man to provide for the home, aud woinan to make home happy. The lecturer evl deutly believed with LohGFBLLOW wheu he wrote : " As unto the bow tlio conl is, bo untu 1 tn' mail Ü wmnan, Tl.iiiU'h bIic btllds liilli. oboVB llilll, rt:li-ï ouch without the other.1' Woiuan liad a sphere in which to work, and the ballot was not the panacea of all her lis. Intemperance .vas the worst eneray of the home, conscqnently oí woman, and heru was a Held in which she could work, aud work effectually. Let her ambitlon and tooergles be arrayeil in coiubut with this monster evil, and her talents giveu to devlflny meaos to drive this curse, which was the cause of more heartaches and pains than any other sin, irom the laud. She could at least try, aud if niet by .'allure, would have the satisfaction of worklng in a good "cause, and one that would elévate the entire human fainUy. lu speakhig of the fallen sisters, Miss Edoah tos said that woman was her own worst enemy. If a woinan is betrayed and falls, women are the last ones to take her by the hand and lead her back into society and tiie paths of virtue, wliüe her betrayer Is not only received back, but often - it 8Mnu - made more of than belore. She had seen womeD gather up their skirts and walk in holy liorror by a fallen one, lest the touch OÍ lier garnieuts should prove polluting; and thus tbous;inds of young girls, shut out from the better life and influonces, were drivea to greater'shaaaè and deeper degradation every year, by the action of woman, and bhe was led to exelaim : 11 Alus, for the rarity Of 'hristian chaiity, Undur the sim." " Woman is Coming " for a place in the hearts and homes of man, to be a co-laborer, and to help ïnoralize the world by endeavoriiig to extermínate existing evils. We can uot give as long a review of the lecture as we shouU likc, but snllice It to say, it was dellvered in a very aiimirablc aud pleaslng mauner, and the re was nothing iu it impracticable, improbable Or impossible. Il' all the female lecturers would take Miss E's. view of tliis question, there would be greater applause from the men' sidc of the house, and thcy would uuitedly exclaim : Let her come I A few "Old Settïers' of Coldwater recently went on a sleigh ridc to "Deacon Cooley's" near Union City - the "Deacon" used to live at Coldwater, - and are repoi'ted as haviug had a good time. After the nupper, as a correspondent of the Senlinel states, remarks were made by various persons and maiiy interesting reiniiiiscences related. Mr. J. 0. Leosakd, ol Union City. is reported as saying, among otUcr things : "One year, ou the 4th of Juiy, the Sabbath Schools held a celebratiou, coming from Coidwatcr to Union City, - 700 persons had rilnner. It was a very pleasant occasion." If our memory don't serve us a shabby trick, we were one of the "big boys"counted in that "700." The dinuer was served ui the bauks of the beautiful Si. Joieph, under the bluffjust below the village - then not a railïcad town, but with aitpirations to be at "the head of Rteamboat navigation." A. steamer had just been built to test the ragi ng waters of the St Joe, and was theu "tied up" balow the bridge, the wondennent of the unltiated ainon; that "700." We believe she was run down to Three IUvers or Constautlne, whcre her engine was put in ; that on her fint trip down the river her engine exploded, kilhug her proprietor ; and that thus euded Union City's hopes of being at "the head of navigaliou. ' Are we right, Bro. Leoxakd. But bout that Sabbath School excursión. We were unlortunale enough to get a poor seat ior the botneward ride, - the hinder end-board of a lumber wagon, - struck for a better conveyance atter gettlng over to Baumiakt's .Mills, and by a short cut and "foot and walker's line" made the remain ing eight or uiue miles in as good time as the "wagon train," but considerablv denioralized by the "day's doings." It was our latí bunday School excursión. We invite atteutiou to that "Kailroad Report" which wasn't furnished us last week. lts suggestions should be acted upon promptly, To fail now vould dis grace our city, and make its very name a by-word and laughing stock in every enter prising towii in the State. The road can be built if our pcople wíll lt, and will lay aside all petty jealousies and work together. - A committce of the Board went to Toledo on Wednesday on important business, the particulars of which we are not yet advlsed of. - 81 nee the above was In type we learn from Dr. Dodolass that a contract lias been closed for gradlng, bridging, and lieiiig a road from Manslleid aud Tiffln through Toledo to the State line. It is also understood and agreed that no contract shall He made with any eastern road or roads, or their representativos, to irou, equip, and run this Ohio road that does not also make equal provisión for the line between the State line and Ann Arbor. - We understand that a meeting of our citizens will be called for to-inorrow evenlng, when the Dlrectors will make a fuller Htatemelit of the cohdltioh of things, and present the several propositions received ior ironing and running the roac!. Let every citizen turn out. The Rev. I. F. Walker, of Lansing, will deliver a dlscourse to young men In the Episcopal Cburch, on next Sunday evenlng.


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