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%muü tn. sen coysTTMPTirEi ' t TO GO TO FLORIDA IN W1KTEB.! time .iii.l nttentlon to the atinly ot lone il. ■ fully mu ..ui lmporUnt step Is. j i anA Ui n wlntor, is Florida, i I o State, wHero salsa lumit 1 ean recommend. A ■ xl hotel la kopt there i : man. Lul winti r i unes h ' ' who, under il InglnOueaco of tuocltnmtu :;;id niy medicina), wcr.e b';'tii'K well irhlch I morí' even and Uic air drv ra! braclng. ilcllonvllle anit i Chore. J ahould Klve a ilreldad ..Is two miles from rlvor or I ü. wems aln plalnnttimoa; tuitthat In :i (rood firn. as rotura of appettte : and, y iicnarallylncreasoinflesh, mi" il" the lunet jnust !■■!■ jaelt, : uia, ürcru Cove.aud many other plans in varlnns parts of Florido aan b mVK ntoffi(1 ilif-r Uin wlicie üicre la a Im hci Mmperatiirc: and II is to sny, tliat, uhero ft conaumptiyo xposcahlmaelf to frequent coldn, he ia certain to tliu anortly : thcri foro, mv ailvlcn b. k wou ion Into tiiu State, out of tlio reach of pn Jatic-.-nviUc, or almoat any oll ■ iinT named,wlllbcnefltth I Iwltnatorptd ÜVI.T, ft 1 1 oí ("i. J: ; : r.t.forüioso whn 'loeajtd.aniore tontbernpolntlaeameatly r Por liftten yoars prior to 1W5, 1 waa proftwlonally In Kcw York, Boston, I ■wc'k, wlioTO I saw hunilml ijatleiit ii ■ liracint; ■ me to umhTpt.ind tüe tl i-ca.!n regard t,i taking cold. A perx.n may ti t les of "8ch su v'h 1'iilmonio Syrnj, Seawecd ronle, :ind Mandnkt PU1V nd yet die li hc flocs nut avold toklng In Florida, nearly ererylx I onmet'a Maflrako ï'iiis ; for the ■■ is moro likfly to pr luco liiliot habita Uian more northern latitudes. Ii " wollestablHhedfo,tliatii!UveofFloriilvra] m, wppciall.vtl'-.-oof tbcaontnem other hond. In Xcw KntiLind, onc-tlürd ai I' ast of tli ■ populatiun ('.iv of thli terrible dlseaso. In tlio Jlnidlo stiü ' ü doi s m i ;:■ : fü'l then aremany lere. What o. vasl percen üo wuuld !■ savfil li'consiiniptivcaiv io ascssilyalarmedlnreeard tota:;lngfieeocolla utcarnot: tlioytiito :■■ a little col.l, v.h:i ciniouj enough tobellove v il -nrparoiT in R noattenUonto 1! 'aya i'% !:.:■: I , ill, irntil Dio luns aru dleaaod bolond all hopo of oure. jiiv advlce to porsons v.-lirse lnrspa nro alTecti allgutlv latolaylnaativki fscln ■ Scncnck'sSoawcedTonlc.niul sc!v and go to Flnrlila. Irecomi eines becnuso I am tlioroi action. Ik', cordancewlthmydiicctto ■ , . ..■ rert. 'i)K' ubvBlelan who prescribí Bwoats. and tnen advl il töiralk orride oat evorydav, wilL lc Bure tü lutve oorpaQ on ln liamla Mt plan 1, to cIto nn-üiroe mefllcint n freer n ■::■' ' ■ i, to i : titc. liiaalwa;-sat'i growlmngry: I hai Food, and liio blood, ■ bv a lieaHngof tho luni-, - tñon thecou nplns clilllB and cliimmy nlpht sweata no . and the patiënt gi pr. wiV.I bo aTolda taklng cold. ov' tbore nro many conaumptlvea wno liare not tlie I irsnsU? Certalnly then . iiiMtii is, and CTOtbaa ben,to stayin a wam (luvmir ilio ivlntcr, iviili a tempers'ure of aboutecventj , meanB of a Ui down i 'VV anmptlon la oa i . ii ir is taken in time, nmUli ... ■' ia pii!med. 'Hie Uel i Scbonck's Pnll wed Xonlo l. ia cascaof con : n ill, you imntivfl wbo liaa b':türccutAUVo::i i;m Tcryjaw . of deatli hy tlioir uso 8o far .-. tlic Manaiaka riUisro rr.ncemcd, evorylim'.y ■ tTeI ;,. o nono of itühurtful ■ i scellcut in all vhere ■■■ '■■' Is roquired. liyou ]-av.i sariaken foofreely of (ruit, and dlarrheea ohmio, adoso cf the. Mandrakea wlll oure you. If you aie au dokbeadache, take .i d.'W cfiíio. Mandrakes, a wlUrellevftyou Intvoboura. Ifyotiwi i effectofaxhangffofwatór, orfhe ti fmlt tako onc of tbc 3In' I and you muy then drink water, and o:it water mclons. peara, apñíes, plunu, peachea, or corn, witl i i'fbcing mada slck by tuem. t Uiom b damp sltoauons agal ra. Try tbem. rmleaa. 'ih.-y tan do yon good only. 1 h:r ■ New Vork, but continuo to eco pniionts at my ofllce, i. 15 XoriU Si.ih Ktr fr.'ra 9 am,. to3, p.M. Th' wboSvihathoiHglifxamlmatlon with tho I I of tlio luníís; and pat.c-uis can readily learn wiiotncr theyare. cuniblo ornot. Iïut I dealre it dirtinctly undorstoüd. th&tthe valuc t'f mv mcdicfnea depend i lyupontlielr i "K tuilhoctlons. oclusión, I wlll aay,thatwhen persons tfl xsedlclnoa, and tlielr aystema are bronght into ;: I condiiiun tb n . tiioy aro not to ta] yc-t no one with tü ieasel hinscan hcara i íatmo!.)horewiii!.iii . tiieliabllity of jreatcr orKssirritatlonof the bronchlal i Fuil dirintiniH ii :üi langnakaaaocottipaiiy tóy molió expllclt r.,v clear that any on coasaiUng . ■ oé buught from anj iroffglati ,7. H. PrneseK, M.D., N'o. 10 Korth Slith Street, l'hiladelphia. JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE , NEW YOSS, "Wlxolosalo Agent. .Cyersus. Bitter, yf Foiho REASOKS Rirec.J Quininb sliould M "-il fonior JJittcT" Quininí. 1 SveetQnlnlnc ia WARRAKTED mirticinaKy ideMeal In effect witb Biltcr ?, Sfircct Bnlnino hna none of the niJs" nml per&Jkh-txi bitterness of commou Qi nlne. STcoil Qwinhsr is mtule from Pfnn-ian B:ioni. : oi" Bitter Qiliiih':. In SvtVt Quln ?'fectIy cVicealed, bu ïuny be lustantly le. cd. I - Swcet Anlnhie v.ill r.ot sickcrj, mj rory bittef substauces ofteu do. Swetu J1i-.:iit iiürcn, a'IU wi(l;ovij the least uesitÁtáon, by old iintWounr. STrectiihïlne entiroly obviatOB tlAit nnconVucritblo disltko which c!iildrcihavo to IiVtcr cjuiniue. Strert Ciinliit1 nqnlres no lflhoTfitci propanitJoii lo takc, is ready for instar uso. Srcet hnlnine, i i:s agreeabiltt' nnd proipt ■ ie 'pnblio ■','Aininn, ftnij aids tlio efforts r the inlclWunt Plrlsician in its aUminiítration. Sxreet iiliilno cos'3 no moro thílni tho BittcV QuinLno. I Sieet mixsilne can hc iiart at tho frn}3r Storls in two f.: ■ ■. vj : : fluid, foif conveu:imco óf famillps mul t;íencral)tiyi i''! j&ftcder, for use Oll'liysitAs andtujggists. v Sfrins, Farr &fe., -y MAMFaCTURING CKESISTy f SEW YOItíí. J X Fo.r Bali .claims mare of íVji medical properliíi t!, OTcrbi-Í! Hnonem liciiio. Thn c of this fact lefoundln tho tn-at ranatyof m stinat(!'; stsseeof Conti fsculty, and liiiiidredx of the I ; age. v. hilo it era orett Conghs, It ."trcntheriB tho stm andthoroagl c.rt'sall Hnmi .:l to a coin. moi.' Hlotcb , Pi Minor;1! Polnons Sj-phllitic mul Vene; and theh' cffccls are eradlcatd anfl soroae and a 'flouuíí i Snit Rhenm, tcld Rnnirh Skin. 'm Iiort. nl] otaaed by linrt blood purifjir. Por "JJyer Compl . . pation. El :ic) perThe proprieto that wlll cgual it :u the cur which it ifi recomraendcd, ernment ftamp. which IR a IncncR. in tiprui the i FOld hy hl-llgg! In nl by n. V. PIIÏHÖE, M. R. Chemical Laboralory, 1: H. Y. .$,-( Per ntontli. Ihc hest telling book ever PliAIW HOM F; TATK AfiD 5IEÜ1CAL COHJIOV 9KXSE, havonorompetilion. Thoro Ticvcr -n-as s hnok pnblished liko it. Anybody cfin aeil It. :'ih "ollino: thls woodrfui book. 24 ' y n pdeBiro to tío good 88 wdll aa mako monj. Addreas WzLi.a & l"rv, 432 Broome Stroet, New York. ItV PBYWCIASS1 PBESCRIPTIOHS" ! auci..rat:"ly and CAREFULLY PKEPAI7ED BT il. WÍKLL1S & 00., DEUG GIS' Nkw Yokk, Aucust 15th, I Allow int to rail your altcntion tomy PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BUC1IÜ. Tho component pnrts are, ]JUO11(J, Lono . CÜBEBS, JUNIPER BEHRIBS. uu of Pbeparation. - Buchtt, in racuo. Jmiiper Berrúa, DJ di-Uillation, to förm a fine gin. Cuboba cxtraotcd ly d:f!neir.fnt with spirits obtained froia Juuiper Berries ; very littlesugar ifl npeds and a sn;ll proportion of spirit. It is more pal&tablo tlian any now in u'-c. Buchú n prepared ny Drnggists, is of a dark color, ft íb a plant that emits its frairrancc; t!ie action of a flame rlestroys tliis (its active principie), leavfrtg a dark and glntinous decoclion. Afine i tlie oolor of ingrediënt. The Bncliu íd my prepnratinn prcdominatef ; the BtnaHcut quantity of the other in{;rcdiéntR aro added, to prevent fcrracntation ; upon inspection it will be found nol to ha a TioQtnre, as made in Pharmaííopcpa, nor is it a Syrup - nnd thoreC uaod ia oases here fever or uiflammation exist. In this, yóu have tbe knowledge of the ingredients, and the mode of propnration, Hoping tliat yon will favor it with a 'ni, and tiiat upon inapection it will ment with your approbation, Vv'iib a feeling of pvofound confidence I p.m, very rcapcetfully. 11. T. HELMBOLD. Chemist snd Druggist of 19 Years' Experieoo. .n tüfi latgéit Manufacturing Chem ists in tlio World). November 4, 1854. " I arn ncquainted with Mr. II. T, Helmbold ; be oceupied the Drug St )re '■pposite my residente, and was puccessio eonductiug the business where oliera h,ad not been equally so before bim. I have been fovorably impressed tb bis ehsracter and enterpriee." WILLIAM WEIGIÍTMAN, Firm of Powers and Weightraan Mnnufacturing Chemiste, Ninth and Brown Streets, Pbiladelpbia. FLOID EXTRACT BUCHU! For Wilknes arisin from indipcrotion. Thtox:! powfra of Kature wliich rp acconipanip.5 many ahirmirg sjmtoms, among wl.ich will hnfnun.tnilippnsitionto exertiün,Nfl f Memoiry, (rakfalni Horror et Iiispase, or Forebr.rlmirRni D"ni vor!il Lassituilc Proêlration, And itj totutpi ialc Ihe enjoymeiits of society. TBE WTTTUTION oncpnflTcrfed with Orgnric TVea1;nofs, reqtiir-f tLe aid of SIcdicine to BÍreñgthn nml invigirat ttie nystera, wl.ich HELMBOLD 8 EXTBACT BüÖHU inv.iUM j iloe. If uo trea traent ia submÍtte3to,Con auroption or Jnsfinity ensue. HELMBOLD'S FLÜSD EXTRACT SUOIÏU in jkfTectinns peculiar to Feinilen, ia ancqtilled by ■ r proparwiion .as in Obloróflis. or Ifotentïon', Pnrif!iliiossorSupi)re'=ionofcii8tomarTETfioufttionfi, ülceratad orSchirrus State of the Uterus, and al int incidental to the sex, or decline o ohange of Ufe. HELMBOLDS FLÜID EXTRACT BÜCHU AND IMPROVEü ROFE WASH Will rnïioally cTterminitefrom tlie systeni diaeaae arfalafffron hftbitsof disnipation, at Iittlc expense! litile ornochange in Üet, do ioennveuïence or ex poBure; compTetcly (iiipdruefïinjf tliost impleasant mil dfQKOrUfl rrmediïs, Copaiva and Mercury , ;n i! I thest? diRCaaee. TJSE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTBACT BUCHU !i)pn!psof these orgrans, wliciher rxlitlog in maieor (einalo, fr'm wli tover canie orlglnatlng, aatorof how lonic tandlog. It ia pl.ianr (n tasto ani'i 'itlor, " immcdliitü7 in actioi, and mor strepgthening than any of the preparatious of liaili or Iroo. ril ..m hr'lim'Miror delicate con- . p roe ui e the re me! y at once. must bO fiwftre tlüit, however n&gbt ■ tho at tí ck of the above dip panes, it is cortníníoairect the bodily healtli and mental powers. AM the nbovo du-eae requiro theaidní a Diuret0ja XTRACT BÜCHÜ Eb a great Diurt-tie. SoM by Druggists Every where. Frïco $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $630. Delivered to any addrec3. Describe Symptcms la all cerem icationa ADDRE89, H. KELSViBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehousc, 594 BROADWAÏ, ISTe-w ÜTork. WON E ARE GEWUiNE 11v?s done up in steel engfaVêd tvrapper, V'ith fac-siniite of my Ciicmical Warcïiousc, mtl signed H. T. HELMBOLD. 711267 QOOD NEWS! Al ARBORÍTILD Til! EXCITi R HIGH PRIÖES EXTEEM1NATED ! S. SONDIIEIM Hls eist ULTVKNEU FKOU THB E AS T , WITtt THE I,ARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK o:f FALLgAWDi WINTER CL0THI5ÏG ;:;vrs firmshixg cgods, TRUNKS, TALISES, SATCHELS, &c, &c, &c TIIAT ITAS EVER BEEN nr.ftUGIIT TO THS city, wuiuh hb wili. seic Oheaper than the Cheapest foi Cash, AI,SO A FINE ASSORTMENT OP CASSIMEBES, CO ATINGÍ and VESTING& WHICn'IIE WILL MAKE UPTO ORDER IlV THE EEST STYLE AND WARRAKTKD A FIT ORfNO 9ALE. ff? ás S r EB Sb h w i ' -S S I e ui i-h d s ë i HEI pJ8? ï BC a i-i rt b CC BJTRjr ' i Tbr raritit tk'-n eolnmi i ii rprfoi ich;Lu!ft Muctitnery Depot:! WO:RMËR& SOK, Dei :' I Ril kinds of WOÜÏ) ANP [ROS WORKIKG MACHINRRJÏ Dl PBOIT, MICHIGAN. ÏVy 'pds, VVIiolesale. ALFEHT Ï!T CO., wnoij tvU, imY (oodjb 35 WOOEWAPD AVZKTUB, DETKCIT, ï JMIOÜia-jSLTT f.. - - . -■;-■-. What Johnson has Hfl haaa largo si.HATS & CAPS ! Kor the Fall nn-1 Winter trade - the hst n town Ha háfl a ful liue of LADISS' AND GENTS' EÜES1 '■"'■■■. Styles and böat quailty MANUFACTURED TO ORDEU. Ile haa ;t fu!I Ptnolc Of Gents' Furniehing Goods GluveStHo&ifi ''nivate flrc He Las evorything in his lino And he tcont be andersold. t That's What JOHNSON Has V South Main Stm Ax:: Arbou. Chancerv Sale. TH TTttsiwïCE and by virtne óf a deerne of he E Circuit Conrt for the Connty of Wafthte Chancery, made on the ti th day oí Step; ii tambor, a. . lftTO IXannah L T,onÍ8C Kncfcett Ís omplnuim)t. and Solomon Vnn Pleet, John Costello and I "vilo are defendants Notie' 1 hereby giren, ptmU Bell nt puit! ie anctlon, to f) il t. ou Satarday, the tweoty-eighth day of Jannary next, M el te . H . ol ■ ;.:y, af th front or BOatl ':c Conrt lïouse.'in the City Wai I tor o1 ihf MntfarwBt qnarter of pet don nun I ( tbc aoo ' nrtei of the sotfi of siof the itorthe9t qnarter i the norl hwest qnari pr of the í ■imii)!i ni inbor &leven fllj, ti] i j po n th ■ r t tainlng oo hnndred and eixty acros 'j .nnrt th'! north half ol thesnufhwcftt kaarter of tlie Botttheo&i qnartr pf even C'1) constitntln Ing in Waehtenaw Coaoty nnil state of Michigan. Datad, Au Arbor, December 15 th . A. r. iTO. ÏX)R, Onf! of thE ' ■ "ers fo Washteaaw Conniy, Michienti. 9 K. O. EficAW, SolicitorforComplainniit 181 Tho abov sale is post poned to Tneiday, the fonrr enth Uy of Fbraary. then t - (■;' ■■ ; ; ■ ■ ■ . ,'itmc bour and place pecifled ia tlie iüreijoing notlc, Aun Albor, Jrihuv STBLKY G. TATtOE, C'w ait Coart Commlmioner for v ar I I i:;' 7w2 Connty, Michigan. Morfage 8ale. DBFAULT ■■;' ;beei - on nfn certniii mortgage exer : h Vf.. Walt, of the City or inn Áníor, Conufy ol Wai and State of Michigan, to James Treadwell, of ihc tonnahlp of knn rbor, d d and 9 i ■■'oresaitl, on the seventh di' of July. A. n. i "02, and rceordcd in the Register 's ofüco ol ■ . on theteventh day of Jnlyj A. . P. M. , In lihcr 2!' of mortgacreti, on thatthercls claimed to be ana at the date of thla notice thr snoi of four hucdred and ebciy-nlnè dollars and twenty twoosnts, altto ■ flfteen dollars shonld any proceedlngs be taken to forecloHf Bajd mnrtfrage, and no .proceollnire at law or Lu sqnltj fcarlng been had tü i mnis o! mfnn'y orany part thereof Now, ihereforêi notire iw hcfeby Erivan, : vírtuft oí a power of salf ii baíü mprtgitgecontatiiea, I Bhfltl ■■■!? at pnblic anctlon fo tl :!'r, on the Wth day ol PebnuftTy, A. ). i 'dock P. M. of Bald day, fit thp Iront (Joor qi the Conrt Hoqsa, tho piuco whoro for te Conuty oï (Va?htena ishold). tha ftHw in;' [Icscribctl pi -ccf oipnrccïfl of City or Aun ■. icribedns fbllowa, to-wit : Befng lots fío ojio, two a i block six. in Urown - Fniler'fl üdtlitlon to-the Tillare of Ann Arbor ; nlpo eight rofts sanare of Land l.ffng nor tb nud nflioiTiinir snïd Wock el s, and IVotiting oi I Btraet ; alfio a plece of land adjotntns aald lots e a terly, nnd betnc nlne rods and nix link? In lei ■ four rods in widtli, oud ftdjöfning the noríii lino of pftifl hl of-k . i'ated, Novembdr BSd, ISTft TEK ADWELL, MortK John N (ïott, Attorney for Mortgagoc. MortgifgQ Sale. DEFAULT hnvïnp been made in the condltlOB of a mortgage eiecatd by Patrlck 0Keeff and MaryO'Kccff, hls LeBterXatlmer,dated Aogaptl7th,A.D, 1SC8, and recorded Ia tbc Kegiscr's oflïc for Wnshicnnw Conntj, Michiiyjiii, on th 18th day of August, a. ]).!?(■,-;, In líber Öfl of wortLAg0s,OTi pag64T9,by wh,Ich de fa uit I mooperaÜTC, and do proceedlne ín lítv i een in stitutedto recover the dt'ht, srt-iii fl by Bald n ■ orany part thereof, ind ihe o hnndrod and )rty-tïvc and 22-100 dollars beïiiLr now claimed to be iic upoQ sald morteage ; Notice ïx raèrerore h reby jffven i''.fl.t pair! mori■ ill be foreclpeod by n pnleof the p cscribcd In sald morlgnpe, or pinie port thereof, o-wit : All of the fbllowiue descrified i the City of AmvArbör, Sli( north Ida of Hiir-in ïïivcr. z : coramencltlf! on fide of Traver Ptreet or f nttle road ai it i i o :i n m.ap of Ann Arbor i n 1S54. at the northeaet corner óf n ptece of land ïrmerly bel on ging to Dv. Ight Kellocrsvand I r the Clark lot r thonco ei ald street or Toad on the porth line ofnaTd CLark ot six rodx : tiience nvrthr?y iar.t11 roet four ■■■ dflj í ■ ret flne Bïx rofls, to said efroel long tho easl ''t etrcot fonrrodt lace of beginnlng, belng the pai i si I ! Patrlck O'Kreil' by Pn riek Donovan i; witi-. by '; c vendne, nt tho Coort Honiie, In ('"- ■ rbor, In aafd Cpunty, on the 13 tb day of ffebruary fT. at noon. Datcd, November ïlst, i vnn, N.W. Ciinrvr. AitV. 11 7 Mor tg;1 D''T,T hiivirir been made ïn the eomlitionof aci-rtnin mortgage éxvchled by Ellen R i le'Oltrof Ann rnor, Cotuity ofwáBhteqfl ato "!' Miclii;1 ■ ma i. ■ ShnW . Dlckiiis.m, . cli:'.u!. mi lic ! '! flny of May ;n t1!!1 year óf our ord one ihon iabd ciffht h nnd red and sixty-seven, ■ rsBid Connty of-Wasbtenaw, on tb ■ ■ .ni to Slartmtia L. Shatts ohthi fitt (U.y of Jane. A. ':-d in liber 9 of aesleuineuts of mortages, ou tl dfiy of NovemlsT, A . n. ! -to. at " ofclocfe V'. 'M., on ■ bartas I ■ D, 1M17. and recorded In the office ■ ster of I'i'cds tn the tTLii d;iy i)f Xovt-ïniM-r, ■ i inV]ni-k AjM.,fnllber S of flfteignmont ofm ges, on page 052, audtbatti at the date hèrteöf the snm of ftve antyseven doUftrs.aïonn Attorney's fetot I ftve dollar Bhoald at close thtfl mor! gage, atu bo Btiïl ■ law or ín eqolty havh to recover tlucdeUl secnred by palÁ rhórtg ■ ; ' tic? ii? hereby rfven tnatby vlrtef of tbepm :o in Bflff] xn ;'lll)lic . uicfioii. t'. . ■ b!ddron the tweuty-fli . I . ai. twp p'cJock in the noon ofilmt rhv. nt the frttnt flooKof thoCoürt Sonso, In the City of Ann Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw and i a. the premJsi scrihed in íald i Au that certaiti piecé ' rr paril of land eli n ■ :■'.'. tIi" " icribcd os foïlows, to-wlt: I tr thirtofii in v ilock nrtmber two (t) north of rarpe No. foi i ■.i-i in naefem cddition to ihcCity oí Ann Arbor ! ■fiirmerlvvillage ) Datod.No.v amber : ; LOTT1 . NDR, :1 Execnl I i t wïll and Testament of Darlos Donglaas, Di-c. JOBN X. OOTT, A ttorn i o ■ ; ■ - - ii Pinesi Assortraenf. of Toilot Soods in tho City, by ■ ■ i ■ ■ 1 'OnntT Of V:i-!:;i-m:.u ... : il i. . I), I8Ö0, ':: 5 O'clocl P. V. Ol ■ lllïit tl" ■ ■ inmc, and fti ■ ■ ■ . o'clock in t. rtbon of tl hHINh! in 'RÏrl mortaa:, ai all those c illowfl tOMvlt : Tlw ter rf oprtïoi crea f the èast half -r Uu ; ■ ■ I tv '-r Wíwhti ■ Dated, Dep.lötU, LÜTftEft TAMK Ignee o( sal I Jo n.s N. Cott, Attrney R U ■ 'in lier .4 H(Js forthe ■ of Vabtenw. bui ty-owe f4ij o ■ 1 1 .i w r ia eqal . ■ In s.v'l tnortg ■ Li piiliiif. ' l(;ron Hrttn of two o'clock i: the ootétdonr orthfl Olrcuii Uonrt Room 1 Anu Arbor County aforef :n l t ; oreo ii - I a) may bo petesaarv : the amorfnta now dne ■ lïiL ntereul wbich Bhall hve neerned thereon an Attorv allo wed by ! ■ ■ The thf fo in the wit: tbc wpst one-half fw ; of i one-qtiner ■ if i '■) went ; ■" nuinber ono Cl). íti to ' 1; BO1 tb 0 ■ '. the River isrty ' tl, A. P. : iu Líber number thtrty-sfx o Deedi, pn ■■ - office for tli" CoUnty 'f W;l-],1 ■■i.:uv : ; r of ti;e beiag fm tli. i menfi 1293 Di éerl ory and : ftaïtday of Oct : i r, A. D, " Ol fl ifth e'sy rf . , morrq Willjamebnr 'rteentb duf of -nul recordad in the ofilce ■ of the! [cmï for fn Connty ol Washte1 naw, o 1 o'clock ' nnpanyftij? !i'' ■ ■ notipe I dol tara SS-, , prwecdlnge be taken to ' ■ ttitefl to tbat by Tirtne of the power ol n public on the ; i'!i 3j y o vy. n-.t.r I tilt' fr' tu iloor or the Co;irt Honsei In the i Anii Arhor. ii "üitl L'ouni hepremtflin p!( in the ■rimr. in I ;' WnehtenflW, :n known i nori '■■ !"' '■ -i co the re ■ ) fnow city) ■ Arbor bfinall thosepremiaëa knuwaöthe Mou;tor ' fotel pro] November Jedf 1S7D, HBNRY L. .TAMES, ald Mi Jos N. Onnj lfiW Attorney for Assignce of síiííI Mor t DICFAUIiT I Ion of u ei . ;n iï power ofíaleforco irte ByCharli dlor and Ellza Ohandler 1 Lhe villageóf ■ nty of Lei ■■ tn, to l'iiü'Liiri e. Chnndlèr of thr Mme i day of "8o t ixty-three, d land a fJescribed in Baid n rtjraire, " r thlrty-thrce (33), tn towiship n timbe r lbnrf4j boi numbor lopr (4) eost, contalolng odö sixty r ■ ■ or loss.11 and i 0ituatd in the townshtp of Bridge wat er, in the Co'intv of Washtenaw and St?te of Michigan' i eecurè the :m of eiirh t hund foor yearp l'rom cinto, wilh interesj ; aniuifllly ón the same si peven p-r cent. per acnnra, and iir" tdtog in oase óf non peyment of th est it ahculrt uucotnc principal, anti ih . ment of the fiim of tweni ney fe shonJcl the pamc, whtch murtgae, Tv-it'.i snch power oT palo, wasdnJy recordwd in the ofUce ii the ■ i'. f , in libir Si of mortgagea, on page üM, by fbe non-payment oi of the principal mm , wlth the annnaJ interest thereon pince the ftret fly of Pept cm - ind the amount claiiaed to : boosaud rtftd tíxty nrl fiftecn ■ ::tl and interest, toether with the i'fiiri puin nf tweuty-five do! I are as inch Atl ob unit or proceedh ut law to recover tti1 debt secured by said mor or aoy part ' he Notice lf hereby ■iivo, thftt on. Satnrday, the 85th flay oí February, A. D. 1 at ten o'ciotk in tbo forenoou ot' that ilay, at the south dooi House, in tin CHy suid Ci 't belne thf ■ holiliü whlcu tho ] gage wilt be foreclosed by n. ?y' ■l of tli' ü. :i pub1 i o forcftsh, to süt hty th" dato of ■ ■ : ■ cos -. iWv, ■! ii'l morí f ]:!V Dited, Ai i Vrh. ■ tNDA C, CIIAM Atty'sfov Mortgnjroí. K'í9 Mortjrag Saio. DKFArr.'i' :m tho condltfons o 1 t te M. Bond, iii ■ Oetobcr, A. 1i. l--''i and recorded in ti:: offl l Washttina ■ ■ . , on twenty tblrd dajr oí November, A.'d . Vlorton, by v ': ;i :rv Om. ISflö, b :■ ":i of mortgfl " i . A. I). IS 5, by which the power o' ;il! coutalned in saia iutíl' oporatlve, and oo 8nit fr p ■ ■ the iimount dnc on ■ now cTaimed dne on sald motteage and notoawomiiiving tiic 6h!nc, tbe Bum oisevtii bnndra Mventy two di the fnrtheriiiirt of flftpcn hmidretl doMnrs w!th in. ■ 6 aïflo t he hi ■ n ihN roreclceure, lu and by - ■ a to forecli í liori Noti: I i mort . the twenty-acv ■ ■ . : ia he f th : Conrt for the ounty of □awj, by a '.o the r, of the 'r ■■ ■ ibed In aaid ■ (Doani diie on èftld ra i saiil mo ■ with ao Al ad dubject to the psymcnt of the fárther sum of í . li, i t ",■■■! tt botiointi Aae thi mortsraj wrlbed lu sakl moi fta followa : All those certaín pïecea or pai tand f-itnrttort In the tfMtil the County of ft ■: n, detion ttrenty-one In t6wnhf) foiir sou;., live ei! in the State ot ! . ■ . r ha' f of the novthw est nu arte r ot sucttoo twonty-eight, and ten , trom the n "heaíí qtiart' p ■ .:■ in towufthin :'■ -nr toxvt -i'h and ran id contnliitng ín all one bniidred ■:! cljthty ftcres l i-'!';. more i r less whl !h two I ■ and wil] not be Bold by virtuo thereof uuder thla JïciLfd, December 28 th, 187, JAMES T MOHT0S, ' : ' "igO. CoxjifAV, Toot & IviNvr, Art rtieye for Awifftree. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strïctly PurO Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &c. „ „ MortLge Saje■ ■ ■ ■ . 'T -TT■ ■ ■ of Moi ' ■ and 8m ■ ■ ■ ■ - -, M. ; inXtber I h ut' any ; ■ h;'fl ' I r pro■ ■ COA'CTth arch. A. D. ■ nï thi I ■} Ami As'.Hir. in the premis ■ ■ ■ !l ihir.ï oft] ■ l:nndred and fortr r.lne nr DftttKUNorcnfbi r LUTIIÊn -TAM' ■ . Joïff X OoTri At1 Mortgage Salo. DEFA i ' mor Sharon. ■ fnaw, nml : ■-íifíl. -y a-{ Sttemhtfr, A. I). ■ Cotini -■ ■ of the I v 'W. OH :■ i'.-po, n píiL;e 311. and tiiiir th.Tc i ■!i of í'h'VfTi dollai p or the ■ power ' peil Ht : t'i the hl 2 day of Marcti next, ■ Roupe Un r íty of VVft-íhlenftw. nr.-l :- or pnreelsol i i ::i til i"1 qaArtor dambQj three tlip eontbea1 nnar ■ - mpraJtntownnhWnnralièi thre ■ of Wahtenftw and Stato or MI I ir eres of !nnd, mo : jo nu N. Oott. Al VvQ M !■■. D" ■ - iipty of ■i liber W i?f ■ ■ instituí ■ ■ : ■ ■ A mi Arbor, in ■ ■ .■'..■ . pieoe oí laad e ■ . town fbnr, nn ■ Dato 171. 1'. Jff. Eat Jeal Tsiate for SIe. STATEOFMICUlON.CpnDtyofNVw :.r.--.-. ., in tlit mfitter f the estaie of WlIIiara V I .■ gjveo. thfti m purtoMiM of au order grauted to '- ■ Probate for the County of Whttnaw,on ene dy of Janñ'ary, A, D. 18Í1. tbere wïl] r, ii dn -, thï twoiiiy-iiiH' r(i3ry, A. ]. .rflifi' or oti ftt the time o? the d i'-l: uf - : I.O!. T!i;:i In blook oïneteen ol the tülage r Pextert in lary 8fl v B isn. !. ?AGK, Exccntr.r. Rcnl EsUto for Siilo. rrn order ■ ■ ■ ■ '■ ■ ■■ 1] ■ ■ from I Ij c ínveyed Uy es V. ifi:! : . ■ vo, hnh of range ftu 1 ! . ■ Iïenl Kstiita fór 8' k J n - ■ r of tl 1, the tweuty-thinl dnj liuö, to the hiu'hcit ))■'■■ .■ v. ::■]'■■■ 1. " -:' honso rwi 1 ■ widow :: : The töwnsl " ■ ■ nimn fíñty . tint t'M half of runniti . ■ ■ t siuke in nr-rlli li: 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ . Euckmnn .■1 liber Tl o) WIL! : Diitetï, Junuary 18th, IH71. Estato óf Gt'oríjc Sí Frcer. nïA'1" ii' Ann I ■ n-onty ■ 1 1 - ■ ■ - . ii . ■ ■ ■ f A truprory.) -.!.■.::;■ w :.-■_ of !iY'!:n L. Jo?' s J . : ,'m ■ ■■II ■ -I" Eeíníe oí Mary Jor.e RaywaiT" CT ■■ O Al . , - ■'■ of V ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pllOv, tion, ■ I'%t:ïte of Jedediah Winslow. Si ■ : in Ann '■ '.-■ year one th I ■ ■ - Jndge Estáte of lij cha rd IVIurraj, QTATBOP IIOHIGANvCí,nnt.vofWíflhtB4wh w-' -f :'- ■ onrtfortheCflMi ■ Enthoyeur oaettwusnud ■ and h . In tiumHttur f the i - i Mnrrsr, i On ■ Thom !nrr y. prjiw n tliiit n eer tuin iDstnmra DOW ■ . thetfcWíl] ! . , jjjj,! t ?■ ■ ■ kstm ■ TO f. ■ 'i'.'t' ' , tbetr Ín the i lor the hearing tf nt l.-uv of s.ri'l deceased, and nll oiy ■ ■ ■ : ■ : . ■ recipe -■ I Coart; theo :■ v I A nu ir! ' ■ pmt? ■ Amliii ■ e to Vk h'e rcrnlenr_v,i copy o ■ ■ !ícií lig lt His vs i cks prvioaa to ühidcu of he ■ lïIKAMJF.BKA Jnüe ol'Proíftíe, fístate of Eüzabi I n ai of W Arbor, on S itïi tay, tl: ■ day 01 n the yuai óne Uiousan Vr On readÍDsanfl lilïng t);o otiüoii, dnlyvrjlkj.if i ít is orde re tl thftt Mgnday, tb foreno ned for ihe ! tion, :■ kin of sald minor, fluil uil other persona iaterei d Coan, then to he. bolden at the P A n ii Arbor, mul shflw canee, If wbribt ■ .t of kin o: Othov : . penden cy ol - " htóop rhcreol.hj C:hï.-ïü' .■ t: in the .'■■. i -ii'l ■ i rc)al!rc :OQS I'ï sattdijyofhoarlug, MIKAM . iudr'cof Probsu : Eatnte of AIb$rt.StevenSi c;TTF:o7ncnTí;. O Ai ■■ ■ ■ ■ mrrt for ttie i f Vttehtenaw,holtien ai ,he P City of Anr. irbofr, .n F i;. o( Juiinnrj. in tl)e yeaï oc tb o as and el drc-fl and seventy í :, Hir.nñ .'. Bénfeíí lo tíiO matter oí the estáte of Alliert B ■ Oo re MnrEa Stv Henry PralLch or isnuí . ithí-r - tor of the ■((. 0 '.■:'' ' ■ ' . it ten (-''-lork In ui ■ ■ ■ nntt aii ■ ..irertqnlri'íl i, Ht tfto Proft , i It i pnblMicri in ihc : ■ Umin !iid (h) ot bei (A trm-coi .) HIBA'iT .1. r.EAEES, 18PÏ ESt': i'i';. CiTATEOFMIOBIGA O Ar i ■ i-jr che íjtmiij City oí Aim Arbor, ou Sato one tiiuusand eigtt ■ ■ ■ :le. In . , (: Xmhiim. rnjrlng tli.nt lf m.'v 1 een - ■ whcreci - Ttawrtipoh i' liOnlered, (Wal Montoj, the scveutb clay of Febrann i o'cloek l(M 1 petitlM ■ISt'fi. H!(l il'f ■ fi ; i) iuicr .■. are it-qïiiie toappe !i 'iiy ui .Aiiu Ariwfi rr oftbt ■■thcror and the beai MiK-i cir nln to s:i;'. úay i iiipcopy.J 31' i: ' eof rro!i;;e. Hstate of liilwin J. Jiks Si ■ r ol Wahti ■ . bolden at the. Probati f Ann Ar!'. .famiiry. ín t'-' yo:tr oiie thottPftE luindrofl aar - pr,.r Probate. I ii tho n lot in i ■' ' ilwln 0. Bi f!!-) ■:;:■ 1 SItnfe Ihe pctftlon (IllTy V - ïhen k ni u. ■ - bor. iiüiI show cause, I nny I thepr.iyerol thepai ril intt jUllUl wueks prevloBi 10 ■ FinSTQtrAÏ,ITT, 2(ji;stanti5Oii h mul roVVil ■ ?í(' Í. ' i 1 - - " ■"■" iJ3EOP;LB'f3 DRUG SïOiviJ R. W.ELUS& CO. i, irj


Old News
Michigan Argus