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Local And Other Brevities

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„Asad mifu-mifl fortune. "línlcommonces Wednesday ncxt. 'ifuhlngtou'B blrthday- next Wednes!!Tlic pr!tte of the Ínter- last, Monday ud Tci-sdny-TI Ropul'licnn County Conveutlon JSfHiyat.theCourt Home. _Irou lor the Detroit & Howell Ral!7i isbeing hauled Irom Pexter to Hoiv' !_ " Fíra'ly Record " - D.irwln's ncw , nefng hi anecstry to the Catarrliln 'TtelhrontcU milMly rebnkes whist. cateáis, uud ot.lier rowdyism in _The borers of the nrtesian well are jjty i, h stock of wood Air a tammer empsií11_You enn get a hetter Hill-FIead or EiinosCnl at the A.i3i;s olttcethan any btredMititl'.ccity. ,_ 1 t'ntholic churcii !s to le built at twicr. Joiix Costkli-o and Peter Tuite ttrtlM for proposals. -Thatswcet poet, Ai.ick CarKV,(w!ov „I ofmauy readers died in Xew York on í::idny last, ncd 50 years. _Uw. Mr. ÖÜ.I.ESPIB pre.iched at Lan,íjoii Sunri;iy lat, and on Monday morded as Cbaplaln to the House. _ The pnstoffice wiiscrowdeü witli uoys un Tueaday,- all the way betweeu JamliOyeftis oid- looking for vairiitiiies. -TfcePrayer Meeting In Heil" was Bfer&WOT'" iinouiicfd subject for Tuesilay cvi-ms Tliew'a "o accounting _ The laiües of the Congrcgational t'iiurch al Mtcr, glvc an oyster rapper ind imfc-tie social this evening, at the üeiter Bxchiuge. -lfthat hole through the floor in the mr part of the postoffice is not closed np. We Sam or his local agent may have a k;ol some l)oy or girl to pay ior. -Dot Todan has taken 90 days lodg hp at the House of Corrcction. Cause tyrncy. His diet and habits wlll be decttercd for that space of time. -We have discovercd onc sectlon of ibtcoinpileil lawi which no mmner has wproposcd to nincnd. To name it might pwlirehalf a tlozi-n bilis. So, mum is the toni. -The nifctinft of the Wishtcnaw MuIhI Fire IiHurance Company, on Friday hu, was largely atteilcd, aud the propui diarler amendments made wlth great mnimity -öocoii'n lectnre on " Circumstanccs" ':■:, , (o a lull lioüse, on Thnrsday eveifofiasl ireck.waa Wéll received. Makliis hcarrrs laugli hc also gave them '.Jth tothink about. -PiTTisox, of the Ypsllanti Commercial, MUstranjer on ihe cars recently who in liim Í2 to get rid of hlm, for which hc PUapuff and is to hsye the Ctmnwrcüil tticicrt on hlm for a yesr. -The auroral display Monday evcning Ú was grand. The "merry dancere" W clothcd In a varicly of colors, from 'íjhtyeüow to a deep blood, and assumed ilihipes tliut üincy could desire. -The prcliminary eiaimination of Phil"iIJacob Joiins, charged with burulng Wand threshing machines some raon tlis ■f. for the insurance, was commeoced on fiüif Ust before Justlce Sessions, but ijowiied to Marcli Oth. -The Circuit Coiirt commeneed lts seW on Monday, Judge Higby presidïng "i ltss since been at work on the civil "lindar. Tlte second jury trial was on !8terdsy. 'i'i,c criminal calendar is to be ukeo np next weck. -Aflrcbrokc out In the house oo Jef"" Street, second east of Flfth, on "Incsday mot-nlng, owned by J. D. Imsn, ll! occupicd liy G. F. ItomsoN, damaglng 'tare to extent of about $100, and Mlng sllghtly. Tío Insurance. -llissatanlc raajesty, vulgarly known "thcdevil, has been going the rounds - a 'Üwnc-of the different city puiptts, and "' top at the Unltarian Ohurch next !'ibath evenlng, when Rcv. Mr. Brigiiam '" teil whence he carne and what nis lïion. Pcppcr and spice, bombast and non have so long been the staple of popj1'" tatures in onr city, that a. lecturer "ftsowni SMiTn fails to hold an audl' ce'ltacss large numbers " shootlng the jy01"" "won as they discovered a j0S8l"''"ïo'belng instructed a llttle. " rs. Sat.i.y NoniK, widow of the late '1TiAxna Dasiei-s, and mothcr of Mrs. rGKTand JIrs. Stephess, of Dexter, w the residence of Dr. Grat, on the 111 ln8'-, aged 85 years. The deceased had "'Wed Id Dexter slnce 1825, and was gen"% respected and belovcd. "E.Mdkro Clay," of 197 Broadway, "' ■' plcked us np " for a flat ;" has wcsscd us „s i. My Dcar Friend," sab, nbI2 hlmself " in F. I,. and T." fraud wi Üiitting ; and proposed to scll us y lou of "hls goods "-counterfeit 1' " clleaP-" He calis it ■' a profltable ft a'ation." and says : " with cominon ''dness, and by keeping your own coun 'JW can make a pile of money in a few k5 Xo doubt, bot thon we don't j ilmcncy, don'tkiiow vliat lo do with 1 'ïnff, aud bc3 to bc excugcd. - The wind has boxed the compns wlthln a few days, spoilhig the slclRliini? íig lt passed the southern polnt. Yesterday morulug expoSed bare groosd nnd a track, wlth wind from the west. - But the thaw was continucd 1 uring the dny, like a Ledger story. - The Flint Glotis !ay9 tliftt tlio Mr. Mc Graw who Is toTMttng $150,000 In lihniry building, etc, for the benefit of Corncll Unlvcrslty s a Saglnaw luniber mannfacturer, and " might do as well for the l'nlversity of Michigan out of what lic has made In thls State, and then havo a good slim left." - At a lyceum In a nelghbortng village, a young man In the couiseof hls argunicnt had occasion to refcr to the landing of the Pllgriiu on l'lymoutli Rock, and all: " All yon who have read the tiojk osllefl Pllgrlm's Progrcss, wlll ■ recollect the Inci dent to which I rcfer." The nudience miled vislbly, bat the (peaker couldn't Me why. An obituarv notice in tlic Dexter Ijtmler gives the following sketch of .Mis. Sally Daniels, who died at the residence of her son-in-law. Dr. Amos 'irav, ou tlic ith lust.., n the 85th ycar of her age : lin. Daniels was one of the oldest Betlers of Waihtenaw eonnty. bhe was twlcc married - her flrBt Imsband bel Dg Mr. Üyl■niiiis Noble, who carne to Aun Arbor in 823, mul ussisted in erecting the flrst log shanties thsre, among whlch was the old {iimsey Lo Tavern. Mre. Noble and fnmly followed hlm in the fall of 1824, and removed to Dexter the (bllowlng yer. The ate Judge Samuel W. Dexter ivas the onlj' H.TS011 then scttled here, and for two yean hey were on the extreme frontier - there Mint; no white settlers between thom and jiike .Micliiiran - cxperienclng all the dan ers and privations o( frontier life. In May, 182!, her husband died, leaving her n the ivilderness to provide for six children; bnt shc was possessed of wonderful courage and fortitude, relyins faithfully, is she did, on her Jleavenly Fathcr for trength. In 1843 she was married to Nabaillel Daniels, and again left a wldow In 85t Binr.e which time she has rosidcd with her son-in-law, Dr. Grav. The deeased was the inother f Kev. Louis L. nd Frank E. Moble, of Jersey City, and lis. Dr. Gray and Jlrs. gtephens, of this lace ; who, thouch deeply bereaved, yet ïave the assuranee that she died as shc ved, possessed of a " peacc that passeth nderstanding" - "in the sure hope of a ilessed Inimortality." She was a faithfu! nd consistent memoer of the Episcopal tiurch, nnd her life had been one of selfacrillce to her God. Tliough she had suf'ered much from sickness in late j'ears, yet icr patlcnce and resignation will ever bc ünembered by her childrrn, who will ïerish her sainted raemory and rise up to all her blessed. The fjllowing, froffl the New York urhi, Is but ftiiother evidence of the trutli ' the old saying " you must go from home o lcarn the ïiews ": A notable meeting took place at Ann Aror Miclilgau, a week or two ajro, wlien for ie first tliue Miss Anna Dic.kinson and iss Ulian S. Edgarton laid eyes upon ach other. They were counterpart long undered, the fonuer being, as all the world iiüh's, a pretty, petulant, Üery little bruette, and the latter an imperial blonde, a ïassive Alruna inaiden who might have ung to the " wol ves of the Goths" in search of Asirard. Miss Dicklnson is an ■AlDCblojt advocate of woman's rlght to otc, but Miss Edgarton thinks women ïould not bc enfranchised. For a long me thcy had vainly yearnod for each othr, but at last tlu-y met at a hotel in Anti Arbor, aud each cxelaimlng " 'tis she," they rushed llke torretits into each otliers anns. or. ratliec, the suntrb blonde opened her anus amt the small brunette neslled ■ i tli i 11 them, purriug like ft llttle brown kitten. Henceforth thoy would be as sister, and the last tliat was seen oí tliem was a tableiiu oí the brunette sittlng on the b!ondeï knee, wliile both sippcd from the snine tnmbler l liquid Whlcfa the ingenions hotelclerk ctilkd a hot lemonade ' with a friuge." Monday eveuing last, the Good Templars of Aun Arbor Lodge gave a rery pleasant evcning's entertainment !ti thelr new rooms In Paui's Block, on Main strtvt. The exercisfs consistid of speeches, charades, tableaux, and a dramatic ptece, wlth iiuisic interspersed. Prof. Bim.aud, the VVorthy Chief, opened the exerclscs in a lew neat and appropriate rcinarks, refcrrlng to the cause of tem pers nee and lts necessities, and exprcsslng a belief that flnal success would come from obstinate and uutiring perseverance, and itrict observance of their motto, " Faith, Hope, and Charlty." He was folloived by Dr. (Jockkk in a brief but pertinent, poinled and plensing speech, which tended to encourage the workers in the good ennse, and adtl new life and vigor to an old, but not woru-out subject. Kemarks were then made by other gentlemen, and the prograimne of excrcises gone through .vi'h. The entire entertainment was plcasing, save the annoyance of a few boys- we won't cali them young gentlemen - who had more candios in their pocket tlian brains in thelr lfcad, and who were constantly throwing them among the audience. A moderately filled houe greeted Goldwin Smitii, Tuesday evenlng last, upon the occasion of his lecture, entltled " A Trip Through England." To say that the lecture gave general satisfaction, would hardly be truthiul. His delivery was very poor, his voice not at all adapted to public speakiug, and his pronunclation thoroughly English ; mld to this the impolite and exceedingly selñsh oction ot some, who Dot belng able to understand well, took it upon themselves to depart, thereby keeping up a general stir, and one can imagine the (liflicnltics with which those in the rear of the church laborcd. Our reporter found himsell' in thls locallty, so it would be very difflcult for him to give a synopsis of the lecture. It is but justlce to the lecturer, howcver, to say that thosc who were so fortúnate as to be withln hearing distance, commend what he said very highly. At a regular meeting of Ann Arbor Lodgc, No. 320, 1. O. O. T., held Feb. flth, 1871, the following were installed otfleers for the present term : W. C. T.-Prof. J. F. Billard. W. V. T.- Miss Kate Sippley. W. S.-Wm. Btevens. W. F. 8.- J. H. Mtrrlll. W. T.- Miss Eudora Woodruff. W. IL- K. Banister. W. I. G.- Miss Katc Gcrner. W. O. G.- John Emery. "W. Cbap.- J. II. Nclson. W. A. S.- Miss Katc Mattison. W. D. M.- Miss Jiellle Arkscy. R. H. 8.- Miss Ella Nye. L. H. 8.- Miss Clara Woodruff. Regular meetings of the Lodge are held every Monday cveninï at 7 o'clock, at their hall, Paui's building, west side of Main Street ncar Liberty. The rnilroad meeting held on Saturday eveniog last, was largcly atteuded and reasonably enthuslastic, though its results renialn yet to be seen. After a report of the condition and prospects of the company, followed by the usual talk, Messrs. 8. H. Douglass, C. Mack, J. F. Millcr, H. G. Wil. liams, Geo. H. Rhodes, and J. A. Scott, were appointed a comraittee to procure the necessary additional stock subscrlptions. These ouht to be obtalned wlthin a week, the line establlshed, and the work pul under contract. But talk won't do it, gentlemen Those "olid men"- sec Trihunt's lint- must down with their namen and "the dust,''