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Sffttül püte pn. ficnxXCK AnnsK 'roxsr.vrrjyeg t TO GO TO riQXJDA IS' WJXTMM. llAv;Nofir;;l.iJtt!iir(y-fnv vimimiI' ■v.l.Mmy whr'.,Umi' and attcntion tu the stu sumpti ifoelUiatl lindemand fullpt&o courao ihI ouclittono purxuulm nature uilorahlv bad I lunas tuhrai-.hy '. 'rh.;fjr.-i and mort important t.iep Is, f.,r i uklnireuld; and tho li.-st of all ].:uts uii:: .■"'.::;. ut f..r Hu t.nrpow.ln inter, la Florida, wi-il ilowii In the State, hfio tbc temperatura is rfiiular.aml n..t subject touchvariaKom h in moro northorn latitudes, ralatka aa polnl I caa ree..iimutd. _A (.'iwd hotel I kept thcre ly )-i termnn. l.'it wmtrr 1 i.:i n'versl penan' iherc who luii'i bad tcfii b.iiïlv iïNoitstii. ï.tu won, undrr toe heplIng Influenoo of Ulo oluaato and :iiy ktalltlnea, wero rtttinii wol!. . Oni' hiiniired mllc. lirthcrdoivn lh. rlvcfl. : point wblchlwoulilpreiorloPahitXa, a Uw iomp.rajuro la even aml the ir !ry aiid ftrarln. Moliom lila and Knterprise are locatcd lluro. 1 shuuld Kivo a dccldcil {iroferenccloMcUonvUlo: il la two miles from rtvrrpt akc nnil H itoiT almoat imponslMc to take cold ihero. labk-a In riurkta miclit In' lulu r. aml ptltli nUCOH' Main at times; tuit Uut is :i"od lun. as il Imhcatra a return of appotlte: and, vina Uil la the caso, 11 trally IncrraM in Aoeh, and ttn n Uio tuafni must heal. Jackto&vllle, lllhvnila, Oreen Cuvo, and mauy olhfr Maceslti varliua parts of Florida crui bo. aately rocom1 :o consmiiptivea In winter. Myrenwuia lorcaylnur aoare, that patlenU aro les Hable totakc cold iluto taan tlicre is a les even teuibcratii iv : "ml II is not nccessary to sm', tïmt, n llere a consumí'!''' ;,, :-:i expones uiinsrlfto frequent coldB, ho. I; corlaln 1-. go abórtly: Ibereftne mvmlvl-r is. , veil down nt' lío Btate,out of the n-nch ol irvillni: eaat wind nmi ra Jackwuivillo or almoat ;inv olïur ol tlic lecalltua I liu naniuc!, win benent thuso wlio ure trouuled wllh a torpU liver a dlwrderod atumach, derangedboK-ela.aoretnnar orciut!h' bui furütuso wlionolunfiiaredlacaaüUtaoivr ■outherapolntlscameiiUyreconimcnded. Fur flftcon year prior to 1, 1 waaproftMlonally in KewTork Boatan, BalUmore, aml 1 biladelpnla e week wbere I eaw nml examlned on an arcrago 0 nundfed Batlents a week. AunicUco bo xtcaslve, erfbrarin- overy pliiw oT lunt! dlwan', lm. enaMed metoiinderatandüiodliieaofullyandbncomycaiiton In i cgmnl to takliK oold. A ptrnn may tak' ;i,.i ,-.11111111tlta of " Schenck'e i'uluionlc syrup, Beaireod rpnlc. aml ilinulrake l'ills," anJ jet die ii hu loi-s oot uviU inklng In Florida, ncarly eveo'liody Is uslnf! Sehenrk', ,r:mdrake I'ill; ft tlio ollaata Is uiorc llkely 10 prwluco billuu habltstlian morenorll.iTnlutiliulvs. It la wt-liC5UblliUedfact.tliatii:itlveufyiortdailirelydii;iirfui:- tmnpiion niK-clally tli.oof theauutliem puit. 'n tlic other hand. In Stw Knfland, on.third at lenst uf Uic iiopulatiuii öw of thls torrlWc di:i'. In the Middlc ílítoí.lt does nut prevalí 80 larcrly: still tlictvarouiany tbouandi ofcaati ttaeie. Wbat a va-i percentan of lile woultl ho saveil if conaumjjtivvs wero aa eaally aiannc In reiianl tatakiiig trtth ruUi a Ihiy are ubuul .-. 111 - Kt fover, small-po;!--.! but thvvoiv ni : llu-ytiiko what tli.v Mrm a iittlecold, whkh they are credulom cnoiiKli tobelleve wlli wearoff In a tm dura, riuy pas noattenUontolt; umi henee, it l.iys foundation fbl anotlier and another UU, unül Uic lunfs ure Jiamaed beytunlall hope df euro. _ , llv advlce to peraons whoso lunsa ro fr.Ttnl, even lUghUy.lstoIaylnaatuckvfKelii-iick'sl'uliminioSïriir, Bohonck'sSoawccdTonio.and Scnenck"! Manilraüc lili-, uil Eo to Florida. I recomiiu-nd theso juu-liciilarmeilitlnes, booauw I nra thorouühlynciuainud wllli iheir actloii. I know. that, here they uíu.1 In atrtct aecurdance witli niy dlreeUon, they wlll do the work is reanlred. InU acconiiilluhrj, nature will du tne renj Tlio whn pri'surilus tor colil, Ccmtli, nr nislit swTOtí.'aml then advine th.' pnUvnl tu valk or riilo 0116 cvory day.'wln lo ure tu have n colapso 011 lus hsiula MrDlan is to glvc my thioo nirdlelncslnaccordanco wllli fiie nrinteddlrecMons, exe.ejit In somc cas.s wlwto afreoruMoftheiiandrake riUsUncceuary. Slyol.Ject 10 alvo tone tothaatomneU,- togt up a i.-..U appetite. Itisalwavsagood nicnwhrn a p.uicni begins to urow huiurry : 1 havehopisulsucli. ith a n-liíh for f,.a andtne sriitlflcation of nli.h, comea gowl 1,1,. ui, and wlti ltinorefleab,whlehIacliielyr.,llüWK} bva healriutof the lunsa,- tui n Uiecouvh loonuianit abatCI ïlio cn'i'pinKClillN aiul rlriininy nilit h.:its n, longer proatrateand annoy, 11J lite patiënt gels wel), nrovkkflliemouIaUkhigcM. No tlicie are nwnv coiwiimptlvos wlio havo nol tho menm 1 go to Florida. The. quesii, n muy bo askrd, u Uicrono sopo for such? CuOlüly thcre 1. .My adieo tosuch is. and ev. r lias stayln 11 warm room dunii" the winter, wllh atempera! uro of ahout seveuty dezrees whlch tJiuuld be kojtt;vKiilaily at point i,y of a ihennometer. l.i'l sueh ■■: patlint l.tlr hls ejcrclaewlthln lhc limit of iho room l.y nalking ii,i.i.a 4own as imich aa his atrenüth II lu-nnlt. In order to keep up 1 hi-althv circnlntluii ofthe blood. 1 hnvocureu Ihousands by Uil ytroi and can il" s" aicain. t'011tuinplionlsoa casllï cuiv,! :, .Ifilla taken in time, and uie proper klnO 01 Lr 1 purnuJ. 'l'he fact stands undiiutt,l :, : 1.1. il,n; Schcnck's rulmonio Syrup, Miindrnkc l'ins, aiul fiawoed i'onic havo euted ory many of hat secmed t,, io hmififsscivsesof cniisuiniilioti. tl" where you uih.yi.u will bo aimost certaln t.uin.l imi poor cunsumptlv ivho has been reacued Dom the vl i y j:i 3 oí' dealh by tneir Su far s the Mandraka PUh arr nmecmed, everj'body houhl keep a nipplv otthemon hand. They act on tlio Hver botter thsncalomel, and kao none ol it.shuruul effect boliind. In lact, they are excellent In all cates where a purentlvc medicine roqulred. liyou havo partaken too Trcely of fruit, aml dlanhoca ensuos, a doto of tho ilandrakea vil! oow jrpu. lf jrod are nibjeet to lek hcadaclie, tako a di'so of tho Jfandrakea, and I4e wlll relieve you Intwolionra, 'fyuu xouid obvíate tho effect ofaeuange of waliT,irtha too free indulgencc in fruit tako one of tho üandi'akeii cvery nisht, and you moy tlien drink water, and cal water molons. pears, applei! plnins, poaohos, orcni, without tho risk of belntf luado aick by tham. '1 hov will protect thosc wlio live In damp aituallona Kaiml chilla and l'ovcri. 'I -y tin-in. Thov :irü parfMtljFMrmless. They can do you guixl onl.v . I haveabamkmed my profottlonal iMl.slo liu.t,n aiul ütw York, bul continue lo sec i;itk'iitö at niy olhce, Ho. 15 Sorth SixtU Strooi, l'hikidelplila, cvery ünturday, from 9 A.M.,to8, P.M. Those wlio vlsh a tnorougli tj.amimatiun wlth iho Uospiroiueter 111 be charged tlvo dollars. The Hoipirometer declares the exact conüitioü of tho lulu's; aiul pationu can readlly leam ..wlu-tlier thev are curable or nut But I deslre it distinclly undorstood, that the value of my lnedlcinos dependa entireJy upon uieir beiiuj takon ktriotly nccordinü todirections. In concláslOn, i wiU wy, thatwhen persons take my medicines, nnd tliclr systems are brought luto a healthy conditlon thereby, they are not so Hable to takc cold; vet no ono willi aiaeaboil lunpscan boara stidden chango ofatmoaphere without iho liability of tixatcr or lesslmtation ol the broncbial tu'. , s. Full directloná in :ill langunceR accompany mymediciiK'w, so explicit and elear tliat any ono can use them without cootuiUng me, and can bo buught ftom any tU66UtJ. H. ScnBNCK.M.D.. Xo. 15"orth SIxth Streel, l'uUaUdphJa, JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YOEE, w nolcsalo Ajcnt. eet Quiituie JCversus Bitter. ( A Foih(' ttulowing REASONS Smef (uiniii! .-?Uoult.l ri'i!;icc lv M iurnor Jïittcr Qtiïtiiite. I Sm'Aii1hIiic s "ARRASTED vitoliclnall] ikiXind in efflbet witii Qtauinc. Swcfi Snlit!;ic Iüis NONi; of the íHíflsí and prrsiitait Oitti.nttM ol oommon tiluine. Swcetl 4]tuliiiite is minio froni I'lruvitin 1 '■ J only, tlio soareo of Bitter Ijlinmo. In KivA-t litlnliic tliibitternesBisiVrfectly cVicoalrd, luit muy bc instaut dovcloicd il' duáiivd. I Svut Aulnlnc wi'J not slrkcn, ii-i vcry billtf subst:mccs oftcn do. S-H-ceiMluliiliK' m ïiiulily tiiken, ailcl witiloul the Kust hosiiaiion, by oíd un. , c;.r. ■. S-neetWuinlne cnlirely obviiltcs tlit unconVuorabio dislikü wliich childrcimhavo to Mier (Juiuiiif. 1 ,. Swcet reqtiin1 110 clnljonita proliaratyon to tuko, is rcady l'ur ii.stiiij. usc. Sivect uliilnr, 'n lts ngreeablftt nnd pvoiypt ciTicacy, dlsabus'H Uic ïpul)lio 1 ui ld of mtioli pi-cjtidlrc iiinst Qiïlnin'o, umi aids tho elTotts of tlic iutelV ent I'liioiau iu its udaiiiiiBtrtttiyn. Swtrt Vtnluliic costs no more Umi tbo BtttcrQalnlne, Sweet itinluo can bo liad at tlio rng Storls in two rorins, vi.: fluid, foi conVi'Ti'linc'ü ol' families and tikgononi purf licMiml avder, for uso .l'hysiokus amlforjfgists. k fi StAStns, Farr & 9.T yj MAWtf ACTURING CKEMIST r eW YORK. f V. Kor Sale by Eberbach Co., druggist. 1264yl ES íitíwí MjMhTTI Theoriginatorof thie wonderfhl medicine, claims to hnve discovervd and combina! in harmimi mure of of Nature's mvtt êovertig n medical jrroptrtiu' than was ever beiorc combinod in one m diciue. The evidecce of tin fact ie found in the great varlety of most obstinate dieeaec which It has boen fuuuu to coaqnax. In the coro of IlronckUU,Smre Oiught, and the early slagen of VoruimpHoTt, it han astouiehed the metiiciil faculty, and hundreds of tlie best plnsicianB prouounce it the grtatat medical discoreri, „f tht age. Whllo t cures the ecvereet Coughs, it in "ctheiiBtlie. syftem and purlfles the blixui. lly lts grmt and ihomuRh blood purffying proporties, it cures all Humorsfrom the worst .'■crufula to acommon Blotch, Pimple orBruption. Mercurial Dlsease Mineral Poisons Sypliilittc and Vpnerial Dlscasc, and flecU are cradicatod and viRorous health and a'eouud conatitntinn eetablhud. Krysipela Salt Kheum, Scald Huarl, fevor Sores, Scaly or Boun Skin, in short, all the namoroua diseasus ennsod by bad blood, are cunqnercd by thli powerful potifjiogand iDvigoratinj; medicine. Por -'Llver Complaint," BillonH Dieorders and Habitual Constipatiou. ilbaHproduced hundí rdv "f perfect nB permanent care whcre other medicines hnd fui lul. The proprlvtor oflere $lü()0 reward for n that will equal itiu the cure of all the di; cases for whlch it is recommended. Ileware of cuntirfeiti and worthle imitatione. Seo that my private 7ov. ernmeiit stamp, which lBApotitiniffutrutiu of Bonnincne, is upon the outbide wrappnr. This medicine Is sold by t i.0) perbottle. Preparcd by J{. V. I'IKBCE, M. D., SoloProprietor, at hls Chemical Laboratory, 1 Séneca streot, Buflalo, $(;.-.() Per Manth. The beJ-t selling bdflk'"erer mblished. AOENTS who sell our new work,', PLAIN 1IO1IK TALK ANO KOIVAI. GOMJHO.V SEKSE, lave no competition. Therc never was a book pnbished like ft. Anybody can sell it. Everybmly vantslt. Many penis are m,v inakiuf; from $500 o $K0 per Dionth Tellin thla wondorfnl boolt. 0-1 lagee Descriptivo Circular sent free on applicatlon: s'e vrant Rood live A'i ut ; mon who can fully aprecmte the mcrits of the work, and the fnct thal it mretea universal want. Agenta who desirc todo jood na wall as make money. Arldrcsa Wki,i.s &. CnririN, 132 Broome Street, 'Hei York 1306w4', mmmv prescriptions AUOCBATKLY AND , 1 CARBFULLY PRBPARÉD BY R. W.ELL18 tC0.,DRU(JQIS7B. tí iraciMS ! Nkw Yokk, Auffust 15th, 186í. Allow mu to cali jour atlention to ray I'REPARATION O F COMPOÜND EXTRACT BUClltT. The component parta are, BUCI1U, Long Lkaf, CUBEliS, JUNIPEU BERRIBH. Müöb of Pkeparatios. - Buchu, in vacuo. Juuiper Berries, bj distillatioii, to form a fine gin. Cubebs extracted by disp'ncement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries ; very littlosugar is useii, :ii)fl n emll proportion of spirit. It is more palatable than any now in use. Buchu as prepared ny Druggistí, ! of a dark color. It is a plant that emita its fragrauce ; the action of 11 (lame destrovs this (ts active priuciple), leaving a dark and glutinous decoelion. Miue is tbe color of ngredients. The Buchu in my prepnration predoniinatep ; the sniallest (juantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspectiun it will be fouod not to be a Tincturo, as mnde in Phartnacopopa, nor is it a Syrup - and thereforo can be usod in cases wbere fever or iiifiammation exist. In this, you have the knowledge of the ingrediënt, snd the mode of proporation. Hopiog that yoa will favor it with a triol, and that upon inspection it will meet with your approbation, With a ffeling of profoiind conGdence I am, very respectfully. II. T. HELMBOLD. Chemist and Druggist of 19 Yeuti' Experience. (Frotu thn largpst Manufacturing Chem ists in the World). NOTIHBIB 4, 1854. " I arn acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helmbold ; ho occupied the Drug Store pporite my residence, and was pucccssful in conducting the business where otheid had not been equally so before hun. I have been favorubly impressod with bis charactcr aud enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers and Wcightman Manufactuiing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Pbiladelphis. HELMBOLQ'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! Forweakneas arisinff frora indincretion. Theex hatt8ted powera of Nature whicli are accompaaied by au many alarnuug ynitoma, Rraonjf which wHI befound,lQiiniofiiti'n to oxtrtiün(Loa8 of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disensc, or Forebodingsof Evll; in ïnct, ilni vercal LiisBitude ProtaiioD, and InabtHty toentct into the eujoyments of aocieiy. Til COMTITUTION once aiïectrl witli Orgaric Weakno=s, requirm the .■i'. of M'-iii.-ine to n'.Jt-iitlu'.i and {vigórate the ajfttem, which ILKLMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHÜ invvri;thl y dut-fi . I f nu tren tin ent Ís ëubmittcd tO,Con sumption or InHuuity t-usuea. HELMBCLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU in iiiTtrttonft peculiar to Kontnlpe, is uni'quall6d by aqy other preparntion.nR in ChloroniN. or Retentlon, Piiiiifuifjit.a tir SuppBiI nuf cu stoma ry K vacua lionn, Utceratdd or Scbirru' State of the Uterus., nnd l compUintj fceWenttl to the sex, or decline o chango of fife, IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IMPB0VE1) BOFE WASH Willradioally extermínate from the system dísoarto arisiïitf from habita of diseipation, atlíttle expeniiee Httle or no change in JLIet, no inconventence or ex posure ; cumpletely supersedtng tfaoitp unpleattant and dangerous remediss, Copalva andMercury, in alltbese dieaaes. XJSE HELMEOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all disensos of thene orpans, whether exlctlng in maleor lcmslR, fr-m vtrhaterer caune origlnatln, and no matter of Ikjw long stundlng. Itiapleasant ín tagte and odor , ' liutnedfatö' fo actioi, and morf 8trergtbenín than any of the preparationa of Bark or Iron. Those'HufTering from broken inwnor delicate conatitiiti'Jiin , procuie tbe remedy at once. Tbe reader must b aware that, bowerer nligbt luuy hethe atticn of the abovo dfataites, it is eertuin toaffect thebodlly health and mental povern. AM the abovedieeasen require theaitlot a Diurp tfc. HELMBOtD'S EXTKACT BUCHU ia a great Diuretk, tíóld by Diuggiste Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address. Describe Sympt'bms in all cemm n oatlons ADDRBSS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, ISTew York. JVOWE ARE GEJMUiVBuness done np in steel engraved wrapper, With fac-siinilc. of my Chemical Warehouse, 'ind signet! H. T. HELMBOLD, QOOD NEWS! Al ARBOR W1L1) ÏÏITI! ËXCniMEM1 ! HIÖH PEICES EXTERMINATEDI S. SONDHEIM IMS JCS1 RiTÜRXKI) FROU TÜE E-A. S T, WITO THE LARQEST AN'U BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALLfllANDJ WINTER CLOTHING OHPI KlllISIIlS COODS, TRUNKS, SATCIIELS, &c, &c.t &c, THAT HAS EVER BBKK BltOUGHTTeTHIS CITY, WUICH HE WILL 'SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Gaeh. AL.SO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CA89IMEBES, C0AT1NGS, and VESTINGS, WIIICIKIIE WILL MAKE UP TOrdWDER I lV: THE BEST STYLE, AND WAREANTED A FIT ORNQ SAI.1S. &! M o H 2 . O L ! P pq es 3 B uT : h i 8 1 ï :ü Ö í s li i sí: rtiiii AJ ! U g j i j 1 n o x 2 's , , CO C0 w L nj 8 o P 5 0 3' gI te S n Op 8o ft b Keal Bátate for Sale. STATK OKMlCIÍHiAN, r,,tint '■: v i h.nv.í,. lm tl1 m:ttvr of th Mtnte of Htimuel J. Efseexnart, Notioe is hereby given, of fcn oxder granted to the underei tor aml Exoeutor ■( ih; }■'. ■ cd, ï j Hun. Jndtre rrf i'iui. ■'. p r thi Couni nw, mi iii -ifjL'htli diiv of Febraaxy, A.J. 187 1, will h boM at public vendw!, to at the hanae -f DeWitt Frecmtni, in tho town of NaU-m. in thfl Oounty of Whti naw, in sipd Mul, on wedneeday, the twenty-ñinth Jny oí March, A. D. 1871, at ten odook la the fonmoon of r'. i jíct U) uil uuuuinbxanoi ■ by mortgii ioor ottierwtae ebtiïu af thfl t i ju rit i J i ■ ■ dcath of siii! deceauod, and 41m) svii.ï'i:( t t!it' riirit ni dower of lits widow therein] the (WJowing rivil estáte, to-wit : The i ttf Hto éasl half of the -onrlii'iisi quarter . Jiu i -:-i, in township onesoatb i in i-iii'l Btóte. üated, TrlTuaiy Stb, A. T. W). Wü.I.lAM GEKR, 1HOS ! Mortgage Rile, DKl'A ti,T tuvving boen mitde ín the oondltionsot ' ccrt;iu ntdentun oJ mortga e,execated by Jacob F. ifmiK io i.rstiT il-iiu y, beanng date thötwenty(vvh:k1 tluy of ih'ccmi'ir, a. 1. L8w, and m oided .n t'ie oificc of the Begisi anty of Wariitenaw, and otate i fiüehifran, in liber 4 of lnortgageL on pam 872, an the Wd öny af Dooembor, A. I. 1666, l'v mdeh defaoït tftf powoi of aftlccontained In -ti'l morteiupc has becoine operativo, wad no suit ra ptMoeding al law in ohanoory haring been intititutffl t rooo'Ci lii1 uinount on stiil loortgagc, ut til then beiuft now claimed tluq on sái Biortgüfc and the note HcoorapiinyinK the siime, the wa !' two hundre1 íuhI Beventy-üix dollnn und slxty-one cents, nnd u'bo the furthor enniauf forty dolían ;is kii Ai. fèton Uiifl forecloHure ; ■ ltobeMiidiQ a ui by Miid mifttgnge as oftea iw ny prooeeaing m titlvc-n to foiedoae unid mortgago, oluber at law or in ch moery ; Ndtioe i thcrefore hereby ffiven, thal uid mo Will be fbnolosed in Tuofjuuy, tho oightoenth duy ut' Aoril ut-xt, i tt-u u':(H'k in the fbreooon of wüitl day, attbeeouth door of the Courl Eonae, tatfieCityoi AnnAil.oi, in y;iiil County, [said Caurt House U'iiuï the place of holding the ircuit i ourt for i he ( 'ouni y of waáhtenav,] by i nüc at Ditblic auctton, to thu hlghent biddei , 'i' the pi-cmiaea dewribed in Bnid mortvtigo, ft bo nnnli then ol u sha)] beneceasaxy to Btitiiify na iiiKiunt on Baid mortgage, trith reasonable costa umi expenses, and the tuten -i on Baid mi tusethi-r with an Attoyney'i feeoi Fort] doUa vifítxl for in Btiid mortffagc, wnich mortgn ;rv dwonbod in aaid : folio w: Ail thoèe paroabof laad irituatb Ih Eh ( aun] oJ W . htenüv andState of Midiigtin, kntrwo . ffií dcdóñbed ns follows, viz : TUo eoai half of iiu. noutheoflt quarterof i+i-ctii'ji Beventoen, town tour muth, range oast Ali an hoio of land on the soatli idde of tho Chiongo road, off iVom the northeast o mier of the west half of the BDittheturt ouanex ui .-.kit Bootkni .-f' -ut ■ -n, in n throu eonior ii on whlch ; log house formerl; ,ls ik pieoe of land eommenidng :t the southcast corner of the wwl half )■ the wobI half of the northwes) ti nart it of seotion (ifteen, in Baid town tour, and ïuntüng theni woat on qaartet seotion line BTe flhninft, thenoB norih twenty clmius. thenoa eaal Uve chaina, thenee south twenty cliains to tho place of bcginniny conÉninin.' ten acrM of land. Dateü, Saline, Jrumary Wth, 1871. I.KsTKfí 8IL8BUBY, Mortrnffee. I'. r. Kati.n, .tt'y. tur MOrtgágefi. LS06 Mortgage Sale. DEFAtHT havinj: bften made in the condltldn of a córtala morlKBfícexecntod by Andrew Sorflce and Hnry Service, liis w ifr, of the town ol Miaron, in the Connty of waahtenaw, and Btate of Ulch MarciiK H. Bowe of the sume píate, on the twenty-ilfth day of September, A.lMSdfl, and rei-unittu mi theofncdof the Register of Deeds for said Coun(y of WasliU'imw, or ihe ü(ïth day or Soptember, A. I). isfó.nt Mocluck A.M. of" naid day. In Liber 34 of Wortgafiefi on pajre 281, whicii sald mortl'hjíc was d:ily ualened by aid Maren n El, Howe to dftinuel CnshmAD tn tho 6th doy of Vebnuuv, A. T), lSfifi, and recorded on the Uth day of Febrnary, A, 1) isr.s, at l" o'ch'ck A. M., in Líber i of Aiéïenmente pf llortgages, on pne 5C'-1, and anain asslgned by ii.'iiiiui-t Oashmai) ii Ellram Hlahof Bharon, Connty and Srnteflfoiesnid, on the 25tn duy of Dcceinhcr. A. D. 1808, and recorded in the office of ih.' Register of DêedBof sald Coonly.on t& 2ith dav of December, ïsos.iü Líber No. 8 of Asaignmenta of Mortgagei on pase 80, wbtcb eaiti mortffmirfi was ucaln aMfgn il by uuid II iru in High to Luther J hiiicp . of thecity f Anii Arhor, Couuty afort-paid.on the Itth day of June, A. D. 1RCO, and recordod in the ofllce of the Registerof Deeda for cuifl Ootmty-, os the twenty-elffhtb dflrof No?ember.A.D. 1870, attOJi piclock A. Sf. iiiï,ihrr 'J of Asglffoments of Mortgflges, on page 66T . and that there i clnimcd tobe duc ut the date heroof the auni of one thousund aud twenty two dollars and twenty-threc cents lO an Attorney8 fee of twenty-flve dollars shuld any proceedhiftsDe had to lorocfoM the same, and finther Instatmenta tooecome dne on Bflid mortfnMEe, and PO all or proccedinirs ar law or in eqnity havinp heen bad to recover the dabt Beenred b lald laorteaoe or imv jmrt thereof: Notice la hereby jriven that. by vlrtoe of the power o" Rjilc In iaid mortgape cnntalned, I Hhnll sell at public anctlon ru hlflhhst bidder On the fourth day of March, A. D. fSn, at 2 oclock in the afteriioon of t hal day, at the front dor i?f Öonrt HoDse in the City of A mi Arhor, In the Connty "f Washtenaw. and Btate of Michigan, the prumtei desci ibed in eaid moxtgago as, all tbose tain piceos or parce! of land desenned a6 foltows, towtti The wet half f the lontheMt qnariferof eeeticn twentr-flve, and tlc eest tliird ofi) li;il' of the Bouthwest (marter (f section twcnry-flve in town Ihree. eouth oirjmffa hu - eatfc; also the ionthcnBi qraftef of the sou th wat quaricr of Bection uiimlu.-! tliirtyone In townahlp nnmber three voulh of rfln-e nnmber four east. ("oxcep'infr oue crc herctoforc 80ld 10 .laciih Scheble) In the Ooinity of Wasblonaw, and 8tat6 of Michigan, Bocordlns ti the United States Survev. contalning om' hnndred and forty-nine Acres b tbo same more or lesa Dated, November 28.19T0. IJ TH RH JAMES, AMlgnee.1 Joun N. Gott. Attorrey for A88i;nee. ]'J!;í Mortgnge Sale. DEFAlTLTlmvliigheen made b (besondlUon of a certnin mortflagQ eiècuti (! by joseph w. Wait, of the City or Ann Arlror. Couiity of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to James Treadwell, of the townehip of Anu rhor, Couwty and Stnte aforesaid, on the aeveuth day of July, A. D. 18CJ, and recortled in the Regiiiter'i oflice of the Couuty of Waehteimw, on tho seventli 1ay of July, A. D. lS0'it ni 0' o'cKiek P, M., in UIht IS Of mortgAS6fl on pag 464,flnd thalthereie clalmwl to be doe at the date oftble notice the emn of four huudroii aud aixiv-nint' do lara and twenty twoecnis, a(o an Attorñey's te if liftten li.illniH shotild any proceedin?s !■ tukfn to fórectoíe 8fi!d mortpape, and DO proceedlnfffl at law or in equitj havin been had to recover s.;d smn o! money. or auy part thereof ; Now, tliereforc, norice is hereby given, tlmf by vlrtn-of apowor of fa!'1 in saUi mortsage containei I hall sell at public ancticn to the Irhest lïlil,'r on the lSth dav of Kehninrv. A. I). 1S71. ut ■! nvl, ik l M. of s:ud day. at the lronr door the Court Tionse (being the place wherc the Circuit Court Tor th County of tvaxhtenaw aforeaald is held}, tbc ftrtlow ini dcscribed pieces or nárrele of land -ii:;it. d In th City of Ann Arboi1, iitul described as follows. t o-wit BoiiK lotp No one.two and three. in biockstx.ti Brown k Fuller's Addition to the VlHnffe of Ann Ar bor : also elsbl rod square of land lyjng nortb an adjoinlni; eaid blork x. Bod fronthiL' on Pontia street; alxo a ptee of land adjolnlpg yj:iil lots eaf-1 erly, and helnc niue rods. and stx links in lotitrïli mu fotir r"dsiu wldth, and art.ioining the north liue o said block six. intcd, November 2!id, lsffl. JAMfiS TUKADWKLL, Mortpagee. Joun N. GflTT, 1297 Altorney for llorlgngoe. Mortgnge Sale. DHTAULT haring been made ln.the condition o a mortgage exeentod by Putrlck O'Keeff auJ Mary O'Keeff hiswifeto tester Latimer. dated Anftnat 17th,A.D ISCS.anA recurded in the Recis terV office for Wftihtenftw County, Michigan outhe ISiIi day of Anu'tist. A.l). 1888, In líber 88 of mort gages, ou ]age4TU, by whlch lefttaH the powero sale coDtained in Bald mbrtgage beenme operatyve and no proceedinys in law or equity haviug been In stituted to recover the debt et-cmed by enid mortcafre orauy part thereof, and thcüura of two handrod ani forty-five aud 22-100 dollars beinj; uow cluimed to be dae upon said mortgAjre ; Notice is therefore hereby gïven that said mortEaRe will be forecloeed by a sale of the premlsei aescribed in said mortgAffe, or tome part tbereof to-wit: All of the followliis described [and aituatct ín tht1 city of Ann Arlxr, Michigan, on tbe nortl side of Huron Rirer, vlz : oommencloe on the esai side of Travcr Ptreet or fiittl1 road aa it is niarkei: in a a map of Ann Arbor mado by D. Á. Pettlbon In 1854. at the northeapt cornci' of a pirco of lauc formerly Ijelongiiii; to Dwipht Kellogib and known a the Clark lot ; Ihence raaterlv -u rQftl anfle Ui said street or road on tlu: north lino of sflid Clark lot slx todu ; tlieji.ui nprlherll parallsl wlth taiü stteet four rods; ilicnce wejttriy parallel v.ith Bald flrst ilne sli rods, to said strect ; tbcnee southerly along tho east line of eaid Btreet four rods to the place of bezinning?, belnfr the same premisea conveyedtosaid Patrick O'Kuuft' by Pairirk Donovan and wife. by deed, datfd Fcbruary 25th, 1RC4, at pnblic veudue, at the Court llonsc. In thu City of Auu Arbor, in said County, on the 18 th day of February iift , at noon. Datcd, November 2) et, 1S70 I.KSTRR LATIMER, ■ V. W. Chebvie, Att'y, !2H7 MortttaeéjS. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havipg been made in the coodition of accrtaln mortgage ezeentod bv Ellen Ruel of the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Martini L. Sh;itts and HuractK. Dickinton, of Washtanaw County and State of Michigan, on the third day of May, in the yearofonr Lord on rtioeeijd e'i;ht hondred and Bfzty-aeven, aud recorded in tlic olflce of the RggUter of Decds for said County of VVashtena.v, .i the 4th d.-iv of May, A.D. 18ÖT. at !"., o'CQcS A. M., in líber 30 of ntortaaffeRjnage-480, wliich said mortage was ass'icned by Horace K. Dlekineon to Martmus L. Slums on tho flrst dty of June, A. I). 186T, and racorded in líber 2 of aHsI'inn'iits of morteagea on the 1 7 th day oí November, A. I). 1870, at ft ovlock A. M., on page 651 .audagaia asnigncd by Martinas L.ÍHhntUs to I'arius DouKlajs.on the 12th day of September. A. 1. 1807, and recordcd iu the ofllce of the Ro(;Ister of I'cedsonthe 17th day of November, A.D. lsTO, at io'clock A.M.,inliber 2 of ascignment ofmortga(rcs.on paire 8S8, and that there i claim. -d to b '. :■ at the date hereof the suin of flve hnndred atidseventy-aeven dollars, alo au AttorneyV fee of twentyfivedollars ehould any proceedinirs be had u Ibreclose this morlgage, and no milt or proceedloge at law op iu ftjïiity hn.infï had to recover tin debj scenred by said mortgage, or any pari tbereof: Notice ie hereby gfrén, that by virtne of the power of sale in said morl.){age contaiñud. I slull Bell at public anctlon, to the hiphest bidder,'on the twenty-flfth day of February, A. D. 1871. at two o'clock in the arternoon of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the Citv of Ann Arbor, in Ene County, of Washtenaw and Stnte of Michigan, the premiad 3escribed In saldmortf,'af;e,a8: All that c or parecí it snd nltvtatc in the Cit of Ann Arbor, In the County audStntealbresaid, and known auddescribcd as follows, to. wit: Lot iiumber thirti-.n in block numbur two (2) north of range No. fourteen east in the eaatern addition to the City of Ann Arbor [formerlyvlllage ) Datcd, November 18th, 1R70. MUIRÁ J. TrCKNOR, Execulrix of the Last Will and Testament of Darius Doitglass, Die. John N. Gott, Attorney for the Execntrrx. r ive öeësefeathebTs PIBST GiTTALITTT , :!onstantlyou hand and for sal by BACH & ABEL. Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors , for Medical Purposes . Mortgage Sale. TVEFAT'I.T ha vlug bi ■ : üf :i i hbtenaw aw ■ on tht flrut ujiv if Aiiut, A. Í. I . of WiiüiiTcnaw. dn tt" Fonrth day f December Á. ■ i'. 1800, ai ftvc o'clook i'. M oí mld dny. in llbz 3T ' of i í j r ; ■ : ; t_' ■ . ón ;■(';(■ 2?ft, which wild mortgaue ' riin . Wiiüjiin S. liJMiy lo Lü■ the City of Ann Arbor. Connty and , n fourtn ■■:■■.- ol ! ■' moei . Hnd recorded in the ofllce ot the Iitruifi e of ' pofWashtfDrtw on the fourtih ' day of De mber. a. rclock I'. M o!1 SÍ4, ftïid ' Ihot tb r I cHImetl ko be flnc :it in-tho Mim - iedolHr and twcnty-one !■■■;■.-. ftlsfl bb attoruey of larHhonldaJH n'd t foTeclone tbc 9i FM', b mi fürthcr u. . . . , mi j ,,. ,,,, salchmoi , iw r in i-qiihv ïi:vjri' iii'i-n hnd k rcovr ibeüebt ;■- cti" v il mortffsee orauv prt thereof j Notícc Is ii'Ti'iiy "ivt ii . iiiii hr vlrttw oí ïiow-r ol' #tftU in snit! i ontüined, I fball bpII public nncti ón, tothe hljrhwi bidder, on theTevcntb dy if&larchA f). 18Tl,at twoeWock Inihvaflernoon of tbat dar, at the Ironl dot ofttii l ïiou-f. In tin! city of Ann Arbor, in the Cono ty of inw aud State of Michigan fcfae premUei de (crih'rt In a1d oiorteflrft, as 1 1 those certaïn piecea or parc1 ol land denertbed ;k RdIIowk tfi wit Th wc si hftlf f ii..riliwri qnnrter "f Metion twen i. and f' nf swea ■ f Hw - .- 1 t half if th 'rnhirter nf satd sectl n. lieitf r doeded hy Kjiiri party of the flrsl pari t" Patd party of th nnd part. uil U-hnr In t wn ih of raneé . In safd i" nnhlp "f N' rthftejd, in the U .,i' ty ' f Wachten i w . ötstf i I Mlohlj ' Datud, Dec. Uth,1870. i.i"nr R .TAME9, Aajrifol aafdM rtgage. JOM' X. OOTT, Attorne; for Assii:nre 131 {1 Mortgwge Sale. WHi:iíK.s. í.-faiiit Bas be n m i.,( cmdi1101..- ui ,1 certaio morUrane marte ntidezecnted ;y Miry K Kuckman and BHai" C. Kuckmuu her iimi;uK, t Charles Kellopg bearlndHte thf twen ticili C-'u; day nf isioiï.'i-. a. D. iw. and re lu tho office ól the RegUteruf Dceds forthei 1 t)f Waabtenaw. and State i Micbifran, In Liber forty-oatj (41) of Uortgugett.ou paue Tuur huadred and uiuety-tUiceM1.) i, on theeecond ft&y petxruary.A. jj. LSIO: And whereaa lher rematDa du e and an püid on sald Tii'TtL'iiue the suni oí three hundred and twt'titv bliMdolhtra and forty nfne centi Ciñü.46). and wbereaji qo uuli ur proceodiug etther tl Uw or in L'Qtiity, has been lnBtitnted to recover the same or anj part Lhereol 1 NoWi thercfore, nodce a hereby glventhatUy vlrtne ot the ioer of sale iu said mortgagecontatned.andby virtne of the statu te fu suchcA8CL raatle and providttd, lehall ti-ll ut puMic ü net ir !i to the bigheet bidder, on Baturday. the twen: ty (iith fï6j day of Pebnuny, A. 1). tTi , at tl uf two o'clock In '!n afterpoon of eatd day, nt the ooterdonr of the OlrcuitConrt Room of tnn Connty of WacbtenaWriii the City of Ann Arbor Cmiuty aforesaid premisea dericrihed In aaid mortjfafft o? so mnch thereof m mny tta necescary to satlify the ara tunta now doe or to becomii dne on said mortKagcatthedate of thla aotïce, tosrefher wlÉh theiuterest which shall bave acero eri thereon an Attorneyia fee of flfly (&0) dollars as In Raid mortgRge proviücit. 'm cm e proceedfrigs fae taken to fore CjO6c the sMiiu-, and the costa, cliargw oud expi oses allowed by hww and pVovided for í-i sai.! mortgan. criptloi] of sjttd prcnalsei tut? foilowB: All the folio wl ug deqclbed premieee, itqated in liie Coiinty nf WMMih-!i:iv, m-i 8t#to of Mirhi;r;u: , to uit: the npest (i)ic-lialt' (w }'2) of the north-weat (nie-quni-tcr (n w l.) of flectlon seven C7)tnwn fonr d) simih ci f ranse foor ea, contalnfnc kUlrtj icre. Aleo )1 that port of the west half f th quarter of neotion number on e (1). In ti-., onreber four f4j Booth of rase three '■■) pai lying sonthwept of the River Ratel o and oorth f the Rallne rund,contátnfiig nhont elsbtacros, ald prjoperty belng conv?yed to siinti 0. ftackmab by -lamcw l'ciiiiinitui, ly deed dated November 20tb, A. Di ■ [n Llber number thlrty-ptx rf Deeds, page '■'■"■- in tbe Regliter office' foi the County of Wachtonuw and state ofMlchi; n property to bo old mtfbject 1 tbe paym-nl of tbe Hinn of three hundred and five 71-100 dollars fftO6.Tlj aiid Interest fromOct. M, lS09b(!ini;fürtherlnstalI doe on said moi i-..1:. Dated. Dec. I, I8T0, 129S CHARLHI KVLLOGa Mortfrsgee. Mortgagc Sale. DEFAULT hnviiiL' heen made In the COTfdttlon ol a círtuin mörtgmoe,containin.& than In a powef ofaaleforcondltl' n broken made by Cnarl ■ dier nd K1Í7.H Chnndlcr. his of 1 lic vlllage of Cllntn, lu the CoqDty of Leimwee. and State of Bflcbigan, to Phlilna C. Chindïer of the fame place bearlltd! date the fourlcotith dny of November. ughleen hnudred and Bixty-three, npon certain latida detcrlbed ín sald mrtgape, ' as belng tbe Bout&e&st (uiutor ofarctton mi mber thirty-thre ; townshp numbec fonr M; nonlh ot nnmber lonr M) eítst, ootttÁInlnj)! nne trandred and i'ixty acres of laml, more oress.1 an,d kkaflbetng Bltuateü i the town.-hi of llridirewuttT. In iliö Coohty of Waahtenaif and tttate of Hleblgan' to securo the payment of tbe gum of eleht hundred ■ ui o in i' ui ir;n - ii nuil , niui JljicifL 1:1 y H 11 ](.: aniiually on tli; a&mv ni 80V6D por Cent, par arn;irn, and provlding ín case oT dou payment oí tto íntermI Li ib principal. jijkI dt aw interest ;t the rate aforesaiu, and providing also for the payraent of the snm of twenty-flve dollars as n Aitorin y !.■! sho-.iM mi v :■ be i ti k c n to foreclose the sume, whlch mortgftfte, with such power of sale, waa dnly rocordud in the ofilce of the Bétfisterof Deedsoíthe Coanty of Washienaw an State of Michigan, on ttafl Mi: rlny bf December A.. D. I81 S c1och i'. M , iM líber yi of morttfaceB. on pn'e ó5:, by thè hoayment f the whole amount of tb principal turn, ivith the annna] in torea t theretm 6Ínce the ftrat Uy of September, a. I) i -i"', ana the amo ni: t dalmed to becue thiL"Oíín at the dalo of this notico buiug one pd and slxty-flve dollars nnd Jlfieeu cents, f 1, 006.1C J lor principal and Interest, tofrethr with the eald Bam ( twenty-flve dolí a r as saco Attorney fee, and do snit or proceedlnfE having been Instltuted at law to recover (he dobtauctired by :iid mortgage, or üixs parí tliereof ; Nollce i heteb; ivou, ttiat on ftaturday, the 2Sth rtay í Penrnary, A. J. LS71, m ba o'ofoek In the forfir.oon of thal day, at Ihe eouth (loor of che Court House, ín tho City f Aun Ai hor, wrthln u:.i fqr tbp 8aid OotlDtj of Watíhtotiaw' flhal belOQ the place of holding the Circuit Court ftilhin the Connty Ín which the pramfses to he scld are sKoatcQ. p.iid mortIfage wíl] be foreolosed hy a sale f tlie oiortaged premisefl nboVe deccrlbea, or pnnu part of tbem. at pabilo aoctlon, r t he hlghMt bidder, for cash, to patfnfy th,e amoDBt dae on pnhl note and mortgage at the date f tiiis do tice, wiih the Interest Ihereon, and the costil ftitv-, ox;h'!ifpi pvovlded for in satd inortgaKe.and thoseállowed by íaw Datuü. Aun Arbor, November, 2It. ifftO. Pili LINDA C. CHA N, Colman A Rooi, Mortgageo. ALty'a tor Mcrtgügee. 1218 Mortgage Sale. DKFATT.T Imvintr been made in the cóudltlona ol ji líTi-iin ladenture of motHKi exccul AnfrnettiB Bond and Bultte M. Bond. hls wlfè, tj David BrowDi bvarlnx date the olneteenth dayol Oetober, A. ]). l04 and recordad In the office ojl the Register ofDeeda for the Conmy of Washtenaw and State of MJcalgsu, ín HborSSof morrirurt, on in e 6tf, "ii the twenty tnlrd day of November, A. I). ISGd, whlcta sdtd inortL'.'iL'i' waa aaslgried by tald David lirownto James T. Morton, by vrrltton a8Ígu ment, hearing date February títh, 1SC5, and reeonU-rt in Hoer ;;:; of mortgi ige 208, in Bttld Hfputci-'s sílice, on the fburteenth day of Fibnuiry. A. I). 186, by whtch flefhult the power of balo cuiit;iinu(l In Mld mortg operatlve, auá no K:;it or proceedinií at luw orin cnaooerj baviDg been Insütutad to rocover the amount dne on saj9 oiortt;age, and there balng dow chúnted úné on satd mortga ;e and note acoompany ing í,ho sume, tbo eum pfsdven handred and twenty two dollars ttnd twenty-ala oents, au well ;iö the fartherauth of Bfteeo hundred dollars wlth inKereal trom OctpberlOth, lff?o, secareAantftoí) come duo on siiil inoiÍL'ii'í', aul itlso tlie fnitlicr Mip .f flfty dollar a asan 4Uori)pV fee this foreel osare, tíxpresslv agreed to be paid in and by sai tl mort gage H8 OftOll 11S OUT ])ivn;rc(]}_' ÍS t;lkiTl to foiC'cl"LC tlliti DortgAgOi eithor ;it. law or ia Ohanoory ; Noiii-c thi-i ■ eby giren said mortu'ac wiil be forecloscd oq MouddF, the tMrenty-aev enth dy of tfarch néxt, ut ten o'clock ín the forenoou of said day, at the soiiih door of the Court House, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in said Conntyf (said Conrt TTouee bolng tho place of lioldlbg the Circuit Court for tho County of WaehteBaivj, by a nlto at ptibllo qtrrtp, to the ïighest bfdaer. of iui premlsea dewrloed in said nortgage,or'soinnch therdof aa hall bent ■ DBatleff the iiniount au; oü said mortis :■;■ with 'ea-onal)1e costa and expenses, and the : Gerest ju said mortgage, togetlièr wfth an Attorney fee of U'ty dollara provided for In said niQigage, and sobf ecl to the poyment ofthe farther snm of fifteon mndrod dollarts with th uotonet thereon From Octo )vr líítli, I8T0, yit to become due thu(. mi, w hidi nortffaged premtsee are decrbad In sald mortgage ie follows : A} thOSA ctTLüin plocefl or pai i and gltualcd ra tbe townshlp of Saline, in the County f ITaibtenaw and State of Michigan, deicrlbeu Ho fQJlow, viz: tliu soutïnveat quartorof secion tweiitv-oiie lh tównvhlp four soutb and range ve eat, iu the State of Michigan; ezotiptlng t-n cres ofl from the eact sido tlmreof; also twenty crea off frojn the north oud of the east half of the orthwest quarter of sectton twenty-elght, nud ten crea off from tho north end of the west hIf of tbe wsi liïilf of tho üOrthi-awt qnarter of eet ion twenight ; all In township fnnrfour south and range Uve wtt and contalnlng in all rne hnndred acdelghty crea oí land more -i lesa wnlch two bist desenbed arcels havo been dipcharfird from eaid mo: nd wtll not eold by vlrjuo Ui. r afuadèrtbis o tice. Dnied, December SSth, 1R70. JAMKST MORTON, Asüignee of Mortgage. Colman, Uoot & Kinnx, Att' -rneyit for Aeeïnee. 1202 Mortgage ,8alo. DEFAULT bavlng been ma] in tho eomlüiou of a certaln raórtgage. ex.cutcd bv WilUana MolenUamp and Mar Mollenkatnp, oí the townsblp of laron. Collntv nf Washtenaw.aml State o! Hichlui, on tin' twcyily-ulïl. day o!' September, A. 1). IOS loLnthcr J.umi-, of tho city 01 Aon Arbor, ount) ufm-esaid, and recordad i: (he olliee of thi el of Deed for Bald Coulitj ol Wa-tinunv, on 8th da oí Febrotcy, A D. 18J0, al 5 o'docli I'. . of ala ar. In Uber ïi of Mortga 1. iiud thiit thcrc ia clainieti lo bc due al ■■ ireol t'u öi-ïn ol1 eleven huiiilivl aud t iv.' n[_. ose ol]:usnml (Mgnty -i;,'hi ceut, iilso au Attoruey ;e if flfty dollars siuülld any Pb ■ hadto recloai and do solt er procdioa9 t law or in . i:iii y havinc ''icn had to nepvm iliu i nred ty eald morfgaffc er :uiy part tju-reuf : otlcc ts hereby glycB that.uj vlrtuo oftbi ofeuleln sald mortgatre cootaiaed, ] ehall pnblic aDcttoa ti tha bigbal bidder, on the foartb ilii.v di' Uarcb iicxt, ai 2 o'clock in the noon of tliut duy, at tho front door of the Court. q the City of Aan Arbor, in the Coantj oï . [ Ulchlir&n, tbe premUea ■■! in .-lili mortgapc ::s. iV tin.-, eer tal ti I as follows, to-wil : BeiiiK the weet half of i síqiinrterof twenty flve, texcepting iic acres n tUo 8outhoat rurnpr ht'rctof'To eola to C. M . Fellows), nirtlthn wist tliird ui If of the louthweat ■ of i'irti.m Ko. twentj fle (1SJ .11 to Bouth of rauge number threeeai thscontheasl qtiarti'r oftheaontliweatqnartei tion oiimber Ihfrty-one C31J in towi..sliin oumber thrce iOlltll of rail : .; OU(J ai re berctofore old 10 Jacnb Schebl) n the C of laatennw oud Stste of UlohiKUi.atcordina tó [lic r:iiffid Statce earvei contaiuint one mtiidred and forty four acres of land, more or lees. D.'Ued', No. S8, ! I.UTIIKlï ,)A!rtES, Mortgafjco. Jouw N. CioTT. Attoriu-y for 31ortaify. iüik) Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Eeal Estáte for 8a)e, l ■ - ' ■ OF MlflUíi.W. :■ ■ . . I ■ wit : The v. ■ uu;.rtion thirfy-1 ■ Hve ucre off tV. I!i!l ; and titeo ft tl)" HOI i !.'■■ ■■ ! 'il' : Wft in r-1 ■ State, iinil i on i I rid iiíiy-tí.i A. I. 1871. JOHN KCWKKK, 1107 Ach Kvil EttBfe for 8a?e. EOFMK'Hl In the ii-.ii id ■■] theeetatuoJ Leww A. Ü ickiivúi, uit order rauted to tht imden-urn estáte ol ■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■!, by the Hon. Judge oj ! ten Mie fount) of Whtnaw, on thetwonty-th . of MarcU, A. D. 18M, thore . i the [iren Statie, "ii Wi ■ i in ,,i' ftfarëh, 1871, -i' oue o'cloel ' n of tliat .lay. (auhjeot to all eneoul . . : Uu rein tii.' follón ii.-: wsi hnli of 1 . ',n i-r of Hon neven, in tovndüp i-ur Routfa of rai fj the rart thi reoi Inken from tinton (■■) : h bo uil I t.-.r . v of i ho ohhI hall i tlif c;i-i half ojl uier t mu. wliiüh lirs ïtuj-lh of iIh-'mi: Ijumv, :. n. 1 -- lini ten rol tin i .i-: "i the noi ■■.■■ ■ i ": .r ■ -.nul quarter i Huid runnintf thcnoc ooiith oaed forcy links, then i ,!■ ■.,;■ hihway Dorth flfty-sbc dci ehoiits and fivo liuks .' .-,.■ norih uue de.i . ii.; rúas I m nortli lifif of wüd wotior seven, thonc-e ildiiK said line eastei ]■ toar efaaüu And hfni feyHeven to the place of tHiKmi)ijQ, ■ ourtcen :uil thn-c-foujtlis : ■. ;. vest half ( the ■ ' kmiti quartoi ';' bíiícI seoti . I , . the lleta -'■'y of f '■' I . Etnoktnan and Phebe KTickmnn to John W. Non ir:, recorded in libei i ad Deed, oii Kiiekmán nd Jtimos Penimoïï to the Michigan Southern Km reoorded in libra 36 of Deetltt, paj?e 406, nnd lij I '-. R ckm&D ondwiLe to Mnry E. Uwdonmi, LU Hl KT 7 1 ('t ;i i.i m Dttedj .huni;iiy t8tfa, 1871. Estáte oí Lewis Lobdell. otati: oi' mCfflGAN, Cotmt] of P lï At ;i sessifin ot th CVuity of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oifia pü Arbor, on Uionday, the sixth djay ol Febnuir-, in the yeur OttO thOl hnndred and scveul s i 're&ent, BÜmni -T. B i.. t)i) ipattpr of tte iluto I Lobdel], ■ i. '] n qding and M' "ii. dtfly vi At.l j Jane I ol d 11, prayinf) tl , i she "i Mm Biiitiiole p irson, m tj :!.!■ w i!l annexod ol - Theieupon i; i n l. i ■ Uonday, the uixHi day of Match m-.xt, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be ■ sifmed Por the hearing of &uid petition, and that Üe i, devisees and neira a1 hm ofsaiddtced ■ all otbei ]■■■■■ ■■ .n' ■ t j appgur u1 u ; I !oui i . !: n to be at the ! show i?uiiM it any there be, ivhy thé pmycr of titioncr Bhould BOt be mvBtra; -Su-1 i: ia Purtber lid estáte, "1" the pendency of eaid peti■ ■-: the hearing thereof, by causins :t r, y oí Üifa order t l in the Mioingan rmu% newalatiaji' in Bnid Copnly, thj-pe . ■ ■ A trne oopy.) HILAI J. BEAKPS, 1308 Jud-ci Prol :■■. Estáte .f Alcrs - Minors. ÓTATEOS MICHIGAN, Countyof Wadsti At a session of the Prubuti Court foi the County of Wa i MHn , in the ( iiy of Aun Arbor1 on Mooday, Hie sixth dar of Tchru.n . 'ii 1 1 1 ■ - thousand ''-ht huudrud aud seveni j Present, Siram .T. Beakes, Judge of f'1 i :i the mat t r of the i tf, Algei and Bnos U. A!. ■ r. minoBh On readimf ana filing the ix?tition, duly vc-rifitd, p: ■ r Mai (h, l ' tiardiun, pra i ihay m hcenseu to Aï ttrtafn sea! estáte beloiiyüig' to aii JliiltillS. upon ii is ordered, tbal Mondar, the i.rh day "f Slarch ncxt, al ten o'clock in the f oj .triiiir of said petition, ai ■ d uil otlior te, oxq roqui .-■ ion '! Miid ' 'mi t, h ■■ I OtBoo, Ii Irbor, and any there be, whj the pmyerof petltioaer ahatild [: Ai;d it ia furfcher oran red, Ui ■ petitíoncr give notice to the in ; of km of said i ! lnteretcd in s&id ■ pi ndl -i-y of said pel ' cauaing copy of tlüa order tu be publiahed in the h Argut, a nowgpaper printod and oijre ■ dtiy of heariiiff. (A trae copy.) HIXïA M .T. RI'.A K BS, 1308 Judge oí Pzpbate. Estáte of Wiliiaui Wardle. STATE OF SJCIOHIO AN. County of aahtonaTVBs. At&6688Jonbf the Probate Court fot the County of Waehtenaw, holden iii tin' ProJMte Ottitv, in th'u nn AiIhh, on l"ri'i:i', üie Tiitf-l l iy ■ rnaiy, in year OIW thuusiiud eiht hundrod mul aeventy-one. ■ . HirsmJ. Benkes, Jtidge of Pro In Uu; matter oi Üie estáte of AS'üli;i:;i Vaiul', dctavid. liiiitm 3'. Thompaoo, Bxe ator of tl;-1 lest v ül and i testameni i ri i 1 aepentM 3, oomen into Court and i:!iat he la now prepdred to rend r lii.-. Bi . ouni as suph Executor. Thereu]Hin it i ordered, thni Monday, thfe sixth flay of Moreh aext, ni tea a'clocfe in 1 i"1 asngned for examinin íh;it thetoftal ■ law f.r -uní dermis Vi, and ill üíIh'1 pemoi are n g to ii holden, al toe Probato Office, in the City of Aa Arbor, iu Baid County, and show cause, i t' any there be, why thesmd acoouni sbovld nol b4 uBowed i Anfl ;rivu aotice tu ' esl -i!i-. of the p of sm] account, imd the bóitrinfi tlitreof, bj ■ imáog a oopy oí Üiia orucv ti bi published in tho Michigan ArffiUf a newspapex prfntea and cireulatwf? Ir soul Coun - [Atrueeopy.] 1Í1RAM J. BEAJELS, 1308 Judffe. Estáte of Benjamin Oerlef STATK(KMI(Jí;UíAN.1.Hiiit()rU';'MMv, Rk Maneésioaof the Probate Cutirt fortín i of WÓMitonaw, holden at ií:-1 Probate office Ín th; city oí Aun Arbor, on thurday, th uluth díty of Pebrnáry, in the year ouc thousáud eight huudred and sevenfcy i' rest1 11 1. Ilirmn J. Boak f Probate. In the matterof the estáte ol Cólfe, Qftlíecry F. llainmoiid. Admiuistratnr of sald estáte. comea hito Coort and represente ünit he. is uow brppared to render hlfl flnal account as sach Admfoletra tor. ThereapcnitisOrdercd, t!.:i! itfoDday, h day of Mnw h iuxt. at lili o0}ock iu tht íprenooiii b aelgned for examiolng . mi ní, aiui thul ; ; ttiW ol t&ld dflceased.nndaUotbei I ín said estáte, are requlred to oppearat a'seMion of ssld Court, then tobe holdon at loa ProbateOflice.ln the city of Ana Arbor infialdCounty.and show canse (fañy there be, whythfl sitid aooonnt shonld doI be allowed : And it is further Qrden ■'■ Admfnlaírator elve aotice to ti:t persoBfllnterested Jn Batd estáte, of ti deney óf saidacooútittáad tlu; heuriiig thereof by camlDg a copy of thls order to be pt}blÍBhed En tlit1 MichigoM Argu$& in-w siuijht print t-d and oircolaltnc In said County, tlir(-c sooc - prevloaa lo aaid asy of hearinï. CAtruocopy.j IIUïAM J. BEAKE8, 13üStd Jadee oL Probate. Estute of Charles Moore. STATE OF MICHU1 VN, County of At a se alón of the Probate Court for the County of Wadhtenaw, holden at the I1!■ ' the (1i!y of Aun Arbor, on Wedneeday , tóe ;re; day of bVhrnary, iti thu ycar uuc t!.i;.uil elght huxiureü and seventy-one. Preáeut, ijiniüi J Dake, Judge of Prolate. ,1-b ttié matter of the estáte of Charlea Moore, iaed. SolUvao M. Cutcheos and Robert W llemphil!, Adminístrators of sai.! estáte, come Into Courl and represent tlmt they are now prepared to rouder tli5-J' Hnal accoaot assuch AdoUnlstratorSa 'Riere u pon It Is ordered, that Mooday. the sixiii day of March uoxt, at teu ' ín the forenoon, be ftssgne for exanilnlug ad allowinu' Boch account, ftñd that the hfirs at law of sald (U'ceattí, and al! olher person inu-rested in said estáte are reqnired to nppear at a sosslon ofsaid Conrt thi-n to be bolden -t tfhe Probate Office In the City of Aun Arbor, ín aid County, and show canso, If any there be, why the saidbocoantshonldnt oállowed : And it I ther ordertd, tlutt sald Administra tor giíe notlce to I he persons tntereffted ni said estáte, 01 to dency of snid account, and tbs hearing causfnga copy ofthls order tobe 'pnbluhed tu Ch Micltígan Argut, a newapaper pHnMJ hud rin-u BtliK in s:iid ('oiiiiiv, sugceeaive wéeka previoas to said day oí nearinc CA'truecopy.J IIIRAS1 J. BJEAK 13CStd Judte ol Prubate. Estáte of Jacob Macbrlc. STATEOPMIOHIGAN, CouiityorViishtcumv,a At a sesslon r the Probate Courf foi of Waêhtenaw, holden M &e PfoUatedihce, in tLt OJty pf Aun Arbor, va Satardajr, th.o i i February, iu Llie year onc tliousnifil otgbt huudred aod '■ ;' '■' one. Prasetit Hlram J. Beakesj Jndgo of Pro!.. Iu the matter of l!io estáte or Jacob Maehrlc, ed. On read ng :ind flllnthctictUlon. duly ve John Maehrle, pnytng that Jacob Batwr, ot oino o!!icr pi:-..i::, maj be.appoiuted Amiui-trulur i:Mi the u-i! ;: i-ed. Thrcupon d, that Mouduy, tbe slxta day Of March ncií, at teno'clocfclnthe fu etltlon, and that tbe legal a and heira satd decoa-ved, and all.olher persous iutereeted in re reoairéd to ' ■ snid Court, tiiuii to bc holden, at tha JPi iutheC'iiyof Aun' Arbor, and Bhow caiise, fny [ oí llu1 pftitioii'-r Hlnuld not be granudi And it further ordvred, t! petitiouer glve notice to the persona tnCereated in eaid estáte, of the pendenejf ol' said petitlon and the hoor ly causlng'a copy ofthlí lo be pahllahedln ti1.'1 Michigan riu., a oetvpapor [jrinted aud c}rculatfng Ín icceasvc weeks previons to sald tfay of ': (A trueeopy.J U1KAM .). I 13US Judj;e ol Probate. DEOPLE'S DliU.G STO...L.í R. W. ELLIS & CO. Enlate of George S. Freer il Jaiiuary, in tliu yciir olio tbnuibud eijrht h'nïi li' ■' tlitajn J. Beakeá, -ïudpp f prftv , la the maltei ui tb BnattT !t I ii rendlnu mid fllin? th. x-titton, dulv „ I ! -;. MPini ■ son, MDiv be .iiiM,i,i,_i t t. ,,] ' "'"ifciij '■ ' Satiird tu Üfili ik.i .,; Pebrunr; ..„' r ,,Jh iHn, be MsiKncd lor the b i ',.'.' fJ t1,:,l tl, ' ■ '■' ' '"' 'lUiiLl % 'il Coilrt, thc-n to .7iH I ■. in the City of „„ rl ■■" ■-. wbythepi 4A shnuldnotfa _■:.., .i An.l i.t.u't],,.-,",'""', i said petitioner uivc notice td the persona iniüïï ■ i :': '".Vk poblishrá in the .i;.W,„,.„ ; . , T'll:'kl idCom ■ .„,',''' T; Wji sjj Bátate f Lydia L. JouTg SJTATF OF Mlr,;x. ,■„„„.,,„„■ V„V ' ■■I-u.. r„urtf„r &% "I Washtermw, holdciint the Probate Offinefa,? ■r.on ii;,;,y. !„. luv,,,,-.,,;:.!11 v'"ill"; ■'i'huïbAn Plwrait, llin.m -I. Be!, Jndge of Vruhn, A. W],i,,,'... Èiecutör fef t),t '(,,,„„ m : "!„,,„ ( 9 thni ].- ia now pn :,.r Ki ." M8 nasi 'literetimn it !s ordered, thnl Mondav tl i of t'ebrunr}' oext. ..pï iviifn) for examiiiiiiK and aliuïïï". !"-':' cd, ml all perwn. tSi in kiM wtatc, re rwiuircd to ;,vAr „t á S wud Court, thcu to bo holden üt i-hJuMíRS?" the i tv of Ann Arbor, in M i he, wbv the lid ....ouñ'tsffir tor mve ntfioe u, tlie penoiu intvrestcd in SS? Ot. V" ■'""" "'"1 !- lariítí of, bycniwinacopyof thisorder to l imS??the :!,■■,,,:„ Argut, n i-wí]nT printii j2í in a.! i ity, three sureosniv; w-kT12v -v-.i. day ui1 )i ara ' '"'''■ ■■ .-1!1." ■■■"}■ IIlHAM.r. HIUKu. _';' ■ _ Judge of PuJJ-. I Ectate ot Mary Jane Raywt" Cl W EOF MICHIGAN, County of WaAta. Al ewion of the Probate Coort for tWi I ..f Wtubtenaw, bolden at the Probate ri J'S '"■ '■ ■ "" 'lu.-l,iy. tbe tWtS5 ' unry, te the ywir on thousaud tiAiS? aieil und Bprenty-ni6. ■-"i-.i am J. lionkes, Judfroof Probate In tbe matter of thu estáte oi JIiry Jun.. p'..t docenflod. xmiïth On rcadinfr and Büng the petition, lulTi-erifcj John T. üaywalt, nniyiui? that he r sonieoihaL" able person be Hppujutul HilmiiiistrutorriT estáte '-: uüd deoéued. "" pon it ia oideted, tlmt llondn tliet. Kveritb day of Pebruary next, at u-u 'cloek iSl '"""■ the hearing of aaü JJ .iikI thal the heira al Uw of Buid decenéed ind3l7Í et I i ted in lid entate, are mnihtdZ IJ"', ■ ■■■ ■-■i.lCi.i.rt. thentoU'holtai ""■ e City of Ann ArCi! how raiibi'. ïf any therc be, why the ltütctÓiu. ■ii. r -tiould not 1.. ntcd: And Hsfunï tlpnei ïintiietothe Dn, Interest] in üd i-.-t..u-. uf tbe pondency nf i5v? tii.n, and the hearing thcreof, l.y raiiiin-TmïlS pablished in the Stickim, (-2" nowspapar prínted and circulutiDg In iiiil cm.' sive irceki pn rious to id dnv -f h2É (A trueco] JllüAJt .!. Bt-:KK ''"7 JHrh}.! of ProQj. Kotate of Jedndiali Wimsio CTATEOPMICHIOAX.CountyofWadita'. J :' ' onrtforthetMiihi itonaw, Lolden .■ the róbate Office intknü n Aibof, on Ueoday, the thiitieth dn ni luí my, in the year tlioiuiud cight hundrwl tai .T nt, Hiram J. Beakea, Jodge of Trotmte In tlie matter of tlic osluti; of Jodedkli "m- deocH ■ Oa I i.tirir.n, fliitv rorifi! d l.iiiiuii Winalow, prnyuig that .Iw-phodr other Buitable person, may be appointwi tratoi of the estáte of leid decèwed. Therenpon t is ordered, That Uonday thetwwt ■v next, it tiiioVlockiiï forenoon, umgned tor tbe bearingof Miid petjijZ and thal the heirs ai law of sold deceated, nnd allï üiti i. jted in aio eatate, aa-requiredtoi. i Baid ourt, tlu-n to bc holden í the Probate Office, in tbe City of Ann rbor 1 draw -iiiM-, i f any there be, wtnr tbe urnyer tk petitioner should not be gmnted : And it U fuUrf ordered, lUut .u.1 petitioner notioe to the perxu i ui stuw, ui viuleney of Midutt üon, ibi the hearing theroof, l.y rausinnii captor,! order to be pnbli&hi il in the Michigan Anuí, a nen. pspei prinfed and circulaönjt in suid County.tlm In provioiu lo iJ day of hrarins HIKAilJ. BEASSfi Judgi'of Probate Estáte of Richard Murray. OTATE OF MICHICAN. County of Wastitmw 11 A; nneiwiou of th Probate Conrt for tk CoiiS or wnlenaw, bolden :it tbe Probate Office. Inib't ChtotAbd Ari'ur, on Tui-iay. the tliirtT-ftotdit of in theyeai oue thbuaand ci"h't hoDdrtk and seveutr-one 1 ili'iin.I. Baakea, Judee of Proliatr In the matter o( ttie BsUto lüchard Murrw it. On rendin-rand allne th peUtloD.tTair rerilA, Thomaa Hnrray, prayfng tbat a certuiu iueUumeM ndw n Alt; in tliis porportlog to he the Iw; will and testament of ald deceaaed nujbe admli. tt'd td probate, and that he nnd Thomas Clarkmis linted Bxecutora there f. Thereupdn it la jrdered, thnt Mi nday, the twet, ty-sevontu day of Febrimry uext, at ten o'clotk in ;!■ [orenoon lo u-siiicd for the hearing ol satd petUlon, aud thnt tho legateed devisces. mi u-.Tt at law of aald dfCfased, and all other pcrs.13 iotórested In suid ctatc, are rcqnlte r it. a session of snid Conrt, then tobt I tlie l'robate office, iu the City of Ann Ai. ■luw canse, ir au; there be. wliy the prajn uribopetiüonersbovldnot be gmnted: AndliU mrlner ordered, that aald prtitinncrgrrenaticitnKi penóos Inlereèied in uid Mtats, of'the pendenfyoi ou, and tb hcarlns thereof, ty csuiídji cupyof thla order tó be pnottahed In the .li.-í I . . .i uswBpaper printed and circulatlng ir. tui Cuunty, thrce sui wi.L-ks]reviou8to saiddii of heurmpf. ' t.rt irutí copv.j lllitA.M KKAhKS, IH07 Judjje uf Probafo. Eötate of Klizabetb Marsh. STATK OP .MICHIGAN, Ouunty of, At a aesalOD of the Probate Courtfor theCoutf of Wx-hiiuau . jioiiu-u At l Ik Probate Ofiire.iniM ■ Aun Arlan-, on Satarday, the twectj-tlrtU day. of Jjiuuary, in the yeai oue ihousanii trib; tuindred and Bei enty-one. l'i ■■■!.:. II ' .) . liciikt'.-, Jtidgeof Probate. In the matter of the Katatc ofEl:zabthtya(& ï, Ou readlneand Bling the petltion, dolj vei ifled-d Pecccu Jiaylcy. Guardian, prayjng tliut he innj l licoiised to e 11 curraiu real estáte bclouxiug ta minor. Thereupon H a ordered thiit Monday. thetwenty BeTetrtb day óf Pèbinaxy next, at ten uclock in the bteupon,Ueaaigued r)r hearlns of fiml ptilion, aud tliat the next of kin of miid rninoi. And all other persone Intereflted in saiti ítats : ;ri-i] to appear al a ses&lon ofsaldCwtl1 n ii :■■ it the Probate Office, In theCfty of Auu Arlmr. anu ahotv pause, If uiy there be.why thflr nnyer of the petltloner bhould not be íintutcd:■. thntsatd pftiiioner jflw to the jn-xt of 'ii of aald piinor, anaill üfl Interéótea in satd estáte, of tbi ehdencyofaaldpetitioniand thehearlafi therfof.hjr y pi thla order ti be pabltvbedin the HUrhiffan Arjits, newspper printed mui ei reu latín); ín sftid Couuty. tbree 8iiooetve weeks previo to aalddayófhéariag, UIKAM J. HKAKES, Atruo.:opy. uuileuf Probat. ISOTtd Bátate nf Alben Stevens. STATEOF.MICIIKïAN.Cmmtyof Wnshlenaw.M. At ;i sessipu of thj l'robnte C'ourt for the Countj ol W'afiteuaw, holüt'ii at the Probate Office, in ib% City of Ai.n Arbor, qn Friday, the tweutieth dr of -laniiary. in the ycar one thousand eightbun dred and .-.fvrmy onc. '. iiir m J, Beakes, Jjidge oj Probate. In tht niatUT of the estáte oí Albcrt Stevens di oeased Ou readine and flllng the petltion, duly veriöed. o Mnria Stfvens, DTBytakg t:at Ih-liry Kralick p t- - other su Hable person nftj be appolned au'iinu rv tor of tlu' estáte of sald doceased. Thereupon it ta ordpied, that Monday. the twenty seventh day of truary m-xt, at teco'clock In 1Ü4 Foranoouj be auinied ïir the hearing of said i-1' tloD, iiml Lhai (fie heirs at law of said decetttdj and al) other personsinterestedtn Raid estáte, src re quir'tl to appêai ar a sesslon of saidCourt, thentobi holden, at the Probate Office, in the City oAnn Ar hor, and show citnse, HasT Iberel, whytbe praHP the petitlouerboald not be eranted : And it i f"rthT orde red, thm said petltion tfr'gflve cotice low perBOBa teterestéd in .-aid i-state, of the pendeiicyol Bald tUion , and the hearing thereof, by cauiinp copy of thfe orfer t" be pabllshed in tneJfieij i' . , h in -wïnprr, prluted aud circtilating in saia Góanty, thrce succesfllvc weeks provious to saiti d) of hearing, (1 truecopy.) UIRAM J. BEAKKS 1807 Jtzflge of Probjwft Estáte of Norman Mnrsb. QTATI.or M.R llIUAN.Uonnty of Waphtenaw 0 Ata setslon of the Probate Conrt for thcCotmT 01 VVableoaw, bolden at the Probate OlHce. In th City dI' Ünt Arljor, on Sntiinlay, the fonrteeiK. ay at Juniury. in the year one thousaa.l eiji' aDd Beventy-on. ut. Í litiim J. líeakes.JnugeofProbflte. ín lilr. huiILl1! ol" Uie. Kiiflte of "01D)au IfalWt il i enscd. '( UnrciKüufrandftllui; thepetition, duly ve rillfi ol Galpiu, Admiujstraur. praylDg iliatU I ceusid to sell certaln real etate wht?' ce il c Li ■ -1 selted. Thèreapön ir ieOrdered, that Monda} , the twmtr (!.y of KebriKiry ]:cxt, at ten o'clOCfc i I' ' ! forthe hea;Dgofeaid petltleo ; lat of s.-ii.l deeeaaad, ano afl LntW68t6din'aaid obtaie. ure rcijnir :i seseioo ofsaid Coprt, then ib itittlieProbal BCltyofAniiArb? and ShowoBUff Uanf tfiere bc, why thepryer oftoC önldhot oegraDtefl: And il isfurtherorj Kit Bald petitlonei frtv doÜc tb the i lntr8ted sil oí tbe peudency ofsaifl ffrt'of, fcy eaneldga . inifil umi ctrcnlatlng In Bald Colli .fourduocüssive wueks previous to Baid day of lic' "(Á trnecopy.) ITIKAM J.BEAKES, Itd ' Jndccof ProbjiffReal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, (Akü.l.í of Washtenaw, (J In Uk: njuttar ol tlio cü;ate of Wiiliam V. Gru. dwmeed. ■■ ren.Tharinpormianw of an order gninted to iiie anderfivned, Execnt-t c.r the pítate f sald (iecoased, by the Hoo .Tudirc' Piobate tot theCojintj of Washtenaw,on tnc tnira Al )). 18T1. there will bc so UI t "public rendue, t" the hlghent bidder, nt Air Bxchange, in ilia vlilage of Dextei, ■'!? inly "I Washtenaw In sald 8tte, I :y, the Uv.nty.tir.-t duy of Febniary, . " 18IX, "t K'n.,vlock in the foreDOOU of thatilay ('("v lect to all encuthbranoé bv mortgage or othtrwi-' at the time of thodeath f aiddnthe fbllowlug descrlbed real e.-it', to-wlt: '-"' nlneiublock hlnetcen ol the villaye of Dcxten 'O i lonnty n ml State. Datcd, Jannary sd.A. T ïsri. !. PAflS.BiecuUa


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