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Appeals For Starving France

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To the Clorgy of the country : It ia propoetl tliat a timulianeous colleclioD be taken up on the second Sunday in March in all the churches and in the country for r, lief for starving Franco. It is not sympathy with her cuse, but sjmpatby for her distress that SDimatea t'nis appeal. Eight tnillione of people at least are suifering in the winter for want of food, elothing and fuel. The neighboriog nations of Eogland, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland aro makiiig the most generous efforts to relieve their distress. Will America ■llow distance to stiflo tbe cry of famine ? We know of its existence and must hear its moans. At ('hristians let us show ourselves prompt to recoguiae the laws of a comino1.) humanity in bunger, naked, liouselees and homeless It is cónsidered important that this collectian should be a einiultaneoueone. Let all churches on tbe second Sunday in March be engaged in oue good work. A common prayer for meroy on the famirie strioken will go to God, and a common feeling of sympathy and a common act of helpfulnees w:ll miite all churches and tbrill heaven and earth. We appeal to the pastors of churches to make Ibis request from the inerebantsof New York effectual by their personal zeal in the plan. CoutributioDs can be forwarded to Charles Laoier, No. 27 Pina Street, New York. (Signed) CHAS. H. MARSHALL, Ch'n of the Netv Vork Committee, CHAS. LANIER, Treasurer, ANSON PHELPS STOKE8, Boe. of the Chamber of Commerce. HSNRY W. BELLOWS, D. D. Zo Ui 3 Fanac-rs of Uie Country : One-third of France bis been dovastated by war, and not only its harvest, but its seed wheat consumed. The Coinmittee of the Chaiuber of Commeroe proposes to send as many cargoes of eed wheat to Franse, to be carefully distributed smong the email farmers, as the American farmers will eupply. We will find vessels if you will find wheat. Three receiving stores aro open at No. 84 Pearl Street, No. 38 Water Street, and Nos. 30 and 32 Moore street, and arrangements have been made for storge, lighterage and loading free of charge Uannot tbe noble farmers who havo five or ten bushels cf wheat lo spare get togeiher and load a car from their own Vown and eeod it to Nw York. Free isilroad traDsportation Las already bten oflered by sorae of tbe compaaies, and we will pay tbe freighf on any amount of one bundred buBhels in one coutignment. 'J'he cali is urgent and the time is shert. To be useful this vvboat nauBl be in France ly April 15th. Let there be the ut!i:ot diipato'u in your rnnerons gifts of sced wbeat to etirving FraDoe. (Slgncd) CHAS. H. MARSHALL, Ch'n. of the New York (,'onunittee. CHAS. LAMER, Treusurcr AX-'ON PU KI. I'S STOKES, Sec. o( the Chaiuber of Commerce HENY W. RELLOW á, I). D. Two joung ladies of SavanD&h pitcii td burglar out of au upper wiüdow,


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