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The Magazines For March

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table is llterally Blled the mag nzlucs for tlie coming nionth, aml oiu' uo tices must necessarlly be brief. 'J,'bé Galaxy opena with two more cliap t m Of Lady JudUh, by J ustin McCarthy liasfjur more cliaptcrs of Overlaml, by J W. DeForest; and chapa. VXU. and ix. o Ought we U isil lier, by Mis. Kchvanls tlñ'. Jalla Vfafl Ilowe has a pocm, Deatl in two forms ; Donn Platl tells, Almul Bears ; The Hlgher Edu6atiód in America is wltliont tlie wrlter's nam' ; "Amertoos' dlsousses The Annesation of San Domingo, y. the Preslden't sido, glvlng a map nml mucli info]iii:il;oii ; and the re are sevenil otlier arbtclea, thongh Ifark Twain's ■Ueraoraada" is missing- to be reramed lextraontb. $4 a yoar. Bheluox & Ca, 7? Broadway, N. Y. - The Atlantic lias : Wouiau't llijíhts In Ancient Atlicns, by 15. W. Ball ; Ups ami )nwi)s of llie lionupiirlcs, by J. A. ; Kate Beaumont, III., by J. W. DeForest ; Jolm Vesley, iy (. A. E. ; Marguerlte, by hiiler ; Öhoddy , br B. 1'. Whlpple; Prelude b the Second Part offFaust, bj Bayard ?nylor; A I'assionntc PllgrÜQ, I, by II. ames, Jr. ; Active Qlaclers wlthln the United stat.s, by Clarence Kiog, U. 3. Geologist; The Mnibtrrtes, by W. I). Huw Hs,j poem ; Our Whlsperlng Uallerj-, more f !"awhGiT.e, I y J. T. Fields, etc. A rcaii a'jle list jarely. $4 a ycar. Jamks K. Csoood & Co , Boston. - Beribntr' MonOdy lm? Wcather-Tele(raras and Btorm-Forecasts, illustrated, necond paper ind vcry instruntivc, by Prof. T. B. Muury : Klng Gambrlnas and hlssubccts, 111., by Wra. Wells ; WJ11 She IHlIc or 'alk, by Miss Tïafton Lacky Peer, yi - ., by Hans Chrlstlan Andereen; The Ancien t Fenlans, by L. Clark Seelye ; Llfc 11 tlic Canulbnl Islands, Ilias., byj. C. {utes; Wiliï'ul Cumbo rincilc, ïllus., XV. - wil, by Georso MacDon&ld, a capital tory ; The Cclcstials in Suiulny-Scliool, .it Cortil Adams, Ifass., by Jas, L. Boweo, vith Lesaer papers, posms, reviews, etc. A trllllant number. Sayear. 8ciubee& Co., 054 Broadway, X. Y. - Lijtjuncotl's Magazine lias : The Ariny fedlcal Jluseum at Washington, Bisteen i'ears Ago, Her Mcssiifre, A Leafiutlic itoim, ltaly, Student Liambles lu Pruasla, 'lic Blood Secdllng, My Mlsslon to San tomlngo by liobert M. Wttlsh, Book Co'ectors, Mora! oí the FraiicoPiussiail War y Amasa Walker, M'inihly Gossip, Litera ore of the iJay, etc., with a gapplement ontalnlDg tlie flrst pai't of "Hookstone," v Catherlne8. Hacqnolcf so paged as to e bouud separately when complete. $4 year. LlPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. - The .'■■' " 'i' has a splrlted portr&lt of VilHain L, Emperor of Germany, wltli a lograpulcal sketch and In tlie table of onténts, selected with great care and adgineat (roa the leadlng forelga periodlals, the most aotlceable paper?, are : The lennan Empire, by Prof. Von Sybel, The 'rue Story of Fr:inccsca da Rimluo, The Iccorils of the Venltlan Inquisition, IIow curae out of Paris Ia a Balloon, Mr. )ickens' Amateur Theatricals, and the pening chaptera of Patty, a new serial tory. $5 a year. K R. Pf.lto.v, 108 Fnlon Street, Jí. Y. - Oodey's Lady's Jlook s profuse In 'ashion platos i'or t lic season wit! worklng rawiugfl and directlons - all of whlch wili lake it welcomc to the work-room ; aiul in ddltton lias several readablc stories, recies, etc. Tiic "uditor's table" is also readale, aml the "health department" lustruc ve. The reader about to build wlll also nd "an EHzabethan Villa," by Isaac H. Iobb-i cV Son, a 17,000 affair. Í3 a year. j. A. GoDtv, Philadelphla. - Arlhur'.i Lady's Home Mtigcuine bas its sual list and varlety, story, verse, etc. rlrglnia F. Tovvnsend's story, "A dollar a iv," is continueil, and Artliur has "Too jate," a tomperaace story. There are also easonable fashlon and worklng plate?. $2 year. T. S. Autiick & Soxs, Plilladelhla. From the same comes a capital number f that favoritc of the little ones, the Chil ren's Ilour. lts pictures, stories, and little joems are all good. %1.25 a year. - Golden liotirn is beantit'ul in illustraions, anti lit a list o( papers whlch wil! joth Interest and Instruct, Inclodlng chaps. v. auil vi of BreaklDg the Bules, Part m. fWilliam's Betum, or thé Story of the Wonderful Friend, Rosa's Temptation. jost in the Wöods, Ben Gordon'a ltesoluion, About SnoWjIce, and Hail, ftnntlng he Leopard, &c. $2 a year. Hitchcock Wai-de.n, Claclusatl, Ohio. - Onr Yowig tolks has : Jack Hazard and his Fortuues, chaps. vu. and vm., ill-, byJ. T. Trowbrldge ; The Faraous Voyages of Cadamasto, by James Parton ; The Great White Owl, poein, ill., by Celia Thaxter; Fllbertlglbbet, 111., by Ellzabeth Kflham : iTolcanoes and Gcysers, 111., by Augustus íolmee ; The Story of LltUe Syl, ill., by oiih Perry ; A Lullaby, poom, by Mnry N. 3rescrtt ; If- poem, by Edgar Fawcett ; low Sorae Boston Boys "treeil" a Fox, 111., by C. A. Stcpliens ; Our Young Contrlbutors The EvcniiiK Lamp, etc., a bilí of farc that the boys aud girls will fatten on. $2 a year; witli the Atlantic, $5. Jas. R. Osoood & Co., Boston. . - The Suftery is a small mine of good things for little folks,vith pietures, stories, etc, that will touch the rtght spot. f 1.50 a year. Joux L. SnontY, Bos'm. Snit water web ptruck in the nrteBiau wel' o i Main St .eet, on Wuduest'ay, at a depth of 33-t feet. It filters clear and pare, aud its strcni;tli i put at 30 per cent. The water riges In tlie tube to within about 25 fcet of the surface. - One gallon of water, brought up in ti; sand pump throogh 300 (eet of fresh water, produced by cvaporation, at the drug store of & Co ,mepound oftaU. IIow's that for salt! Washington Birthday, whícb ocourred on Tucsday, was observcd by our Geri)i ni fcllow cltizens aided by the Porter Zuüiives. The procession In the aftcrnoon was partlcipated iu by the Germán Fire Company, tlie Workingmeii's Association, aud a number of masqueraders. In tlie evening therej was a concert at Hangster fer's Hall, followcd by a ball, the procecds to be dcvoted to the relief of the suffering wounded and sick in Germany. Every Monday and Ti.ursday, at 3 o'clock n tlie aftcrnoon, Miss Ci,ark is prepared to glve lessons, apart from the school, in any department within her province. A class in Botany lias nlready been formcd. AttcntioD íb invite 1 to the advertis;ment, in another column, for proposals f cxcavation, materials and mason vro 'k fo the ulilition to tlie centra] school building The studeuts of' the Univereity otnit ted their usual annnal colebratlonof Wash ington's Blrtliday, OWing to some "slifrli dissensioiis-'aud a fuilure of selcctcd orator to respond favorably. We are indcbted to Hon. E, Mann for the "Report óf the Commissioncrs to examine the penal, reformator}-, and charl U 'j bic institutlons h;" t Biste."


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