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The Distinguished Japs.

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New Yokk, February 27. The party of distiuguished Japanese arrival at San Francisco has already been aiinouuced, reached tbis city in a special car yestcrday afieruoon. Tboy remain a few days and tben prooeed to Washington. The party consists of Mits Fueimi, unele of the reigoiug Emperor of Japan, with scveo uttaches, sons of the nobility ; ulso Lord Ariuori Mori, Minisier from tho üovernmeat of Japan to the United States, with two secretarios and an attaohe ; also 18 students, sons of prominent men, mostly f r om 18 to 23 years of ago, who havo come to atteud school and finally acquire a oollego education. Lord Mori is the first native resident Japaneso cbarged with diplomatic functions seut to the Uoited otates. The Consul at San Francisco, who for 11 years past bas been tho only agent of the Government of Japan in this country, accompanies them and wül proceed with tbe party to Washington and soe the Minister and bis suito duly installed in their legation home before returuing to California, bis official residence. Japan desires to edúcate beryoung men of rank, witb a view of fitting them to take position in their civil service, and thua inaugúrate an era of real progress nnd prosperity in tbeir oountry. Tho Govornment intends sending out about 000 more this year, in addition to the 400 already senf. Amerioa was the first country to conclude a treaty with Japan ; so Jupan has scut her lirst resident Minister to tho Unitod States By the next steamer o uu for llussia will orrivo witb liis suite, and other.s may follow for other European oations.


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