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Two Bonaparte Princesses

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Without overstepping the bounds of Bociul propriety, brief ;. Ilusión in commendation may be perinittcd, after half a oentury to personages alrtkdy bistorical as uear relatives of Napoleon. Ho hiniself, on one occasion, epeaking of bis inother, said that ebe was a womtin of Doble nature, who bad traiued her ohildren wel), euffering noihing but wbat was great uud elevatud to taks n ot in their uoderstuudingB, abhorring falsehood, and not toleratiug the tlightest het of disobedience, combiuing tbe ent-rgy ot a ui uu witb the gi-i leness iinl tlelicacy of a wouiua. 1 i.-r lovely I ec accouiitud for niuuy noble traita ia &_r ili-üc. udiiuts ; and il bas b-en nellreni'trk.-d by Sir Bercard Burke that 'the Indien of the lini ajmrtu family ever, to a surpaaain degree, re murkable for talent, beauty and Btrength ot' luiud." Such encüiinuui had especial application to the duughter of Luoien, whi'tt society contituted ouu ehief nourcs of our eujoyment ia Roine. In their salooun conversatiou flowed on nith a pletieant ripple of freshness aud good humor, briugiug to a fiiting close days pagoed aniong tbe marvels i f art an üiitiuity ui the Eterual city They were eií-tUi'iil liuguÍH'.s, at home in FriMn i uud Euglish as iu Italian. The Priuce8 Gabritlli, au exct-llent niu-ician, sang wilh greal swretnuss and effect; uud Treutanova, who liad al-o a g)iid voice, contnbuted big pal t to the general entertainment. Au improvisatore, a varicty of social ttiiiusciiioni thi-u in vogue, often atttnded. Thorwaldseii and mauy other oelebrities fiequemni the peluco, as well ae eardiaaw aid other diguitaries of the Chuich Oardinal Fencii, the uuole if Lucieu, wi stil 'in fine hcaltb and fuil vigor ai d, ibou h diguiñed, fruuk uud cordiul iu his addreaw. Iu person he Wiis uoi u .1 ke our ate Seeretswy of Sla: e, not very tul. or ■tout, beariog llim■f simply aud without pretensión, eugaging remlify ro onvereation, witb a mire and ezpreneiion pecoliurly winning His usual dreas wan of white clotb or Ham. el, wilh tbe red titockings indicativa of bis rank m the hierarchy. He was good enougb to procure for us au interview wi h the Jfope, theo Leo XII, with wtiom we fjased liaif i-j hour in aniinated converBation. Pat tly through the fre&dsUip of tbe Cardiual and bis lovely uieces, who were so kiud us to take au er-psoinl interest that we should pass our tiiue pleasantly in rtotue, partly froin our othe lettors of intruduciion, opporiuoitie were couBlantly offered us to attend halls at tbe great paluoes, never seeu to suoh advautage bb on these occasions. The CiuutesH Possi,. still very young, exoellmi in the wuitz, a dance ttiuu reoeutly introduced in polite society, aud alreudy in a degreu supursediug the quadrille. Botb sisters wero appan-ntly uncotiHcioui of any especia! claim to coniideration, putting every one at ease in their preseuce. ïhey were gay and oomi&nionuble, quick at repartee, and always raceful and ongaging. We were indebted to them for many pleasant acquaintunces, and fouud they were equally disposed to dovote their own moment to our entertainment - trom the Atlantio Monthly for March. A woald be sur. ooi teacher n Alabami receutly replied to & qnestion by ose of the exuunners, " Do you think th woi ld is round or fl t V" ty wying. " We!l, sotne people thiuk one way and ■ome anobher, and I'U teaoh round n fiat, juBl as the parents plew." OENRY T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component ParU-flui ( Extrart R barb ai.d Í luid Exinel Cútatela Grap Juk. FOR U7BR COMPLAINT9. JATTNDlCE, BILIOUS AKFK'TIONS.8ICKOHNER."Ol.'SHEATAOHEr COSTIVKNESS. Krr. PURKI.Y VgOETABI.K. 0ONTA1NIN0 NO MRRCUBY. M1NERALS OR DELKTERIOÜ8 DRÜG8. H These PMli M the moot delightfnlly pleatant pn - irative, eupersedlng castor oïl, saltn. magnesia, etr, T.H'ri' ík imthlng more aeeeptable tn the stomaeh. riwy glve tone, atid cause nefther nausea nor griping pnilirt. Thi'j are romponvii of Ihe fluest lugrelient. A fter few day use of them, sucti au mvh'oration of the rntirc system cake place as to app ar nllrfictilüU to th we.ik and enervated, wbetlior aritftng from imprudencO or disease. H. T Helmbold's i ■"!.](. umi Fluid Uxinici i'atawlia Ornpc rilla are not wuuarfoated. from the fact that sugar coated PUI Ho pot dlssolve. t) 't pam through the aturaach wltlmul dUiotYing.conseqnontly do not produce the 'Icslred offect THE CATAWBA GUAPE PILI.S, iiolncr tileasant In taete and odor, do necessltatc heir sugar-coated. l'RIC'K FIFTY CENT8 PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND PID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA WI11 radlrall? extermínate from the system Scrofnla ■STphllls, Fever Sore, Ulcera Soro Eyca. Soro Leg, Month, Sore Hmid, Bronchitis, Skin lüwmi, 9411 Rhenm. Cankcrs, Runnlngs from the Bar, White Swelllngs. Tnmors, Canccrons Affectiou, ■lodes. Rickett-i. GlandularSwellns, Nleht Swcam, La8h. Teller, Humora of all Kluds, ('hrnnlc Rhenu:i;iJiii. l)Tpe si:i, aud al) diseasea that have been ■scibliühei in the eystem for yenrs. L BEINO PlüPARBO KXPRESSLT FOR THK HOVK CO IPL.MNTS, IT8 BLOOi'-PUKIFYING PROPERTIEAKEOREATKRTHAN ANYOTHKR PRKPARATION ob" SAR9APARILLA. IT OIVES PHE COMPLEXIÓN A CI.BAR AND HEALTHY :OUK AND KKSTOIiKS THK PATIËNT TO A SI ATE OP HEALTH AND PURITY. FOR PURIl-'YING THK BLOOI), REMOV1NG AI.L CHRONIC CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASKS ARIING FROM VN' IMi IIRK STATE OF THK BLOOD, ANDTHB ONLY REIHBLE AND EFFECTUAL KNOWN KKMK'Y FOR THE CTTRE OK PAINS AND (WELLINO OF TUK BONES, ÜLCERATIONS PTIIETHROAr.iND LEOS, BLOTCHK3, PIMPLKSON THK PHB. ERY8IPELA-1, AND ALL -; ÁLY ERIPTI0N8 OF THE SKIN, AND BFAU1IPY1NG THE COMPLEXIÓN. PUICE,1.6U PER BOT1LE. M I1EM1Ï T. IIEI.MI1OI.1V CONCENTRATED FLUID EX1B-A0T BUOHU THE QREAT DICRETIC, iaa cured evcry case of DIABETES in whlch it han b -en glven. Irrluition of the neck of the Bladder iiidiuliammationor the Kidoey and Bladder, Re■. iition of Urine, Dlaeaac of tne Proatrate Gland, tone ntho Bladder, Calculas, Gravel, Brlck Duit -pO!-lt. and Mucuons or Milky DischarKes, and for Ki: iccbled and Delicate Coimtitutlona of both Sezee, ittonded with the followlng symptoms : Loaa of Memory, Difllculty oí Breathiog, Indlepoeition to Fxurtion, Ldss of Power, weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dlaeage, Wakefulness, Dimnesaof Vlnlon, 'ain In the Back. Hot Uande. Flnshing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin. Ernptlon of the Face. Pallid Couud-nancc, Universal Laseilude of the Muscular Syft'-iu, Etc 'Ued by persono from tha ages of elghtecn to twenty-five, and from thtrtï-Dve to flftjr-five or in fhedoclineorchangeof lifo; after conflnoment or labor palns ; bed-wettlng in cblldren. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BTJCHU Ie Dlurticnd Blood-Purirying, and cures all Dlseate arlalng from Hablts of DltiBlpation, and Excesses and Imprudenco In Life, Impurltles of the Bluod, Etc. , Soperirdiiiï Copabla In affectlous for which il is used, and Syphilitic Affectione- in these diseases used Ui conneclion with Uelmbold' Rose Wash. LADIES. In many AfTections pecnliarto Ladies, the Extract Bnchu is unequaled by any othei Remedy- as in Uhloroelsor Reteution, Irrogularily, Palnfulncs or supprestion of Cu-tomary Evacuatlons. Ulcerated or schirruí tuto of the TJlerus, Lencorrhma or tt'tiüf.i. sterilltjr, and for all Complaints incident to the habita of Dinaipatlon. Il Is prescribed exteuxively by the most eminent Physlclans and Mid wive fir enfeebled and delicate Contitntions, of bnth Sexes and all Ages tatteuded with auy of the above diseases or symp.oms.J O H. T. HBLVBOLD1? KXTRACT BUCHTJ CTDRE8 DMEASE9 ARISINÜ FROM IMPRÜDENCES, HABIT9 OF DISSIPAT1ON, ETC, In all thelr Uges, at llttle expense. Hule or no chance In dlet, no ínconvenience. and no exposure. [t causes a freqnent desirc, and glves strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructlous, Preventing Strictnres of theUretha, Allayiog Pain and Inflammatlon. so frequent in thie claes of diseases, and expelling all Poionou." matter. Thousands who have been the victima of incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured In a short time, have founil thny have been deceived and that the "Poison" haa, by the nse or ' powerful astringents," been drlcd np in the system to break out in n more aggravatcd form, and perhaps afler Marrlage. Ue Helmbold's Extract Bnchu for all AfTectlons and Dlseanes of the Urlnary Organs. whether exlsting in Male or Female, from whatever cause origfnatlng. and no matter of huw long tandlng. Prlc, One Dollar aud Fifty Cents Per Bottlo. L HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'8 IMPROVED ROSE WA8H cannot be snrpasscd as a Face Wash , and will be tound the only speelde remedy In every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradlcates Pimple, Spots, Scorbutlc Dryness, Induratlons of the Cutanuous Membrane, etc, dlspel Redness nd lnclp'at Inlliimmatioii, llives, Ra?h, Muth Patche, Dry„,„ or ot Skin, Frost Blies, and all purposes fur which Salves or Ofntments are used : restores to the Skin a state of Purity and Softnesp, and insures coutinued healthy action t' the tlsiiucs of lts ra seis, on which d-pends the agreeable clearness and viv'a'city of complexion so much soughtand admired. But however valualilu a a remedy for existing de. fectsof the Skin. n. T. Helmbold's Rose Wash has long snstalned lts principie claim to unbounded patronage, by pottseBKing qualíties whfcli render it a TühTkV APPENDAGE of the most Superlativo and C"iieenial Character.corabtetng in an elegant formula liiosc prominent requisites sAFKTY and EFFICACÏ- theiuvariablc accompaniments of lts use- as a Preservative aod Rt fresher of the Complexion. It Is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a SyphilltU; Nature, and as an injection for dlseaae of the Criuarv Orean, ariaiai; fr roj habvts of dinstpaion, used In coniieetk wüh the BlfoHÜ, ARSAPAKII.LA, and CATAWBA ORAFE PILL-, In such dUeases as recommonded, cannot be aurpassed . Prlce, Ouo Dollar Per Bottle. D FuB and expltcit dfrections accompany the medlKvldence of the most responnlble aodroliable char actor fnrniahcd on aiiplicatlon with hundrctóof tbonaands of living wltnesse, and upward of 30,000 unwlicltcd certlflcata and recommendatory letters raany of whlch are (rom the hlghost sou rees. lncluding eminent Phyalclans. Cleraymen , Statesmen , te. The proprietor-ba never rejerted to thelr pablica tion ïu the-iiewBpapers ; he does not do this from the fact that HIb anieles rank a Standard l'reparattoas, and do no need to be propped up by certlncates. Henry T. Heluabold's Genuine Pyeparatlons, Dellvered to any addresB. 8erare from orwer .-ntlou ESTABLlHBD VPWARD OF TWENTY YEAR8. Sold by Drugglsts everywhere. Addresa letter for informatiou.lnconfldeiice to BEMRY T. UELMBOLD, l)ruirt?lst aud Chemihtt Only Depots : H T. Helmbold'e Drae and Chemical Warehonse, No ft4 Broadway, New York. or to H. T. Hclmboldv Medical Depot, 104 South Tentb Street. Phlladelphia. Pa. BEWARK OF UOUNTERFEIT9-, Aak for Henry T. Uelmbold1! Take no other. 1319 Q.OOD NEWS! Al ABBOR WÍLD WIT1I EaOTMIT! HIGH PRICES EXTERMIHATED! S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RETDRNED FROM THE E-A-ST WITH THK LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING GEVT'S FURJISHIlfC COODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHEL8, &.C., &C, &C, THAT HAS KVHTl BEEN RROUGHT TO THI8 CITY, WHICH UG WILL'SKLL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A PINB ASSORTMENT OP CA881MERE8, C0AT1NGS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER IiV THE BEST ,STYLE, AND WARRANTED A PIT ORNO SALE. , S g íí í H Si . z S H I 30 " .O En g . 8 55 bM H 8 - -2 -s 1 ' ti 5á Hl I; hifi fci plaL 5 i plrí %li 2! 5 L■ nágo ? 4 n n O g 8 ■ SÍ8 Ï fia f AIONEir CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK SIGHT ISPRIOELESS && TUE mAMONDGLA8SE8,MiinuUcturedby J. E. Spencer &Co.t N. Y.,whichre dow oilered tí the puMir.Hrr prunouuce'l br all the celebrated Optirin:i ■! the World lo be thi Most Perict, Natural, ArÜhcial help tu the human j pvtr hoowo . They nrcgrouoiJijnior their owo mipftrvMoii, Trom minute Oryatal Pebblca, tnclted tofctfur, nriii derive tlieii mime." Diamond," on account of the!r bardoen ainl brtlliaucy. The Scientiflc Principie on whifii they Are conntructed bt iug the core or centre of he lensdirectljr in froutof the eye, producIng a clear and dUtioct vininn, nu In the natural, hen 1 l.y KJglit, and preveiitibjf alt unpleattant Rfnxa tions, such s tfÜmtnerin and wartTÍng of 0ight( dl zrinenn&c, peculiar to all tliertt ia xne. Thpy aremounteil in thn PlMBBT MA.NNKR, Ín fíame of the bent quality , of all mmtenaU used for thatpnrpoft. Their tinuh and durability cannot be xurpaitAed. CAUTION.- None genuine un1RR bnarlng their trade mark ütamperl nn everv frame, J. C. WATTS & UKO. , .lwVlem and HOleftntp for AMVARBOR, M1JH., from whom they can only be obtatnvu, Thete goods are nut aupplted to Pedlers at any price. l2(I7jl rïSSOLUTION. By mutuiil consent we this day dissolve thp co-pnrtnerahip known a lïiot' & Fuller. All nccountH and indebtcflnesf of aid flnn are to be aettled by B. F. llioe, and the buainc&j will be oontinued at the old stiind by him. B. F. UIOE, J. T. FULLER. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23d, 1871. All my old cuatomurs and friends in nood of bootu und (hoe or rubber ircx l-, will uIwhvh ün. I aa f?ood an aiwortnient, and as low jnricos iw :t any place in the city, and fair dealing. Work madu to order and repairiiiK done promptly. 130fiwö B. F. EICE. A SSESSÖR7NOTICE. UNITED 8TATKH ÏNTERNAL IlKVENrE, ) Aaa't. Asae8or'a Otficr, 3d Dist., Mich. ï Ann Arbor, Feb. 15, 1871. ) Tlio Sixth Aftsppfiinent Divwion of the 3d Collootion District, Micliigan, compowd of the south half of Wushtfnaw County, hnving tjeen merfccd Ín the 5th ])iviiuii of tvid District, the undenugned hereby gives noticc, that he will attend for the purpoae of rccoivinn1 . returns for nwttsinnent of taxet and the transaction of othcr business pcHninins to paid consolidatcd división, im f()llows : At the office of Ënoch Yont, in the City of Yiwiliinti, on Monduy of cach weok. At the office of C. H. Wnlliice, in the vilinge of Baline, on the2dTnesday in each month, nnd at the store of S. H. Perkins, in the villuge of Manchester, on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays of ejh nionth. R.J.BAÏÏRY, 1309w3 Aüö't. Assessor, 5th División, Sd Dis. Mich. Chancery 8a!e. IN PURRrANCE and by virtueof adecreeof the Circuit Court for the Couuty of WtiHhtciiaw, íq ("hancery, made on the flfth day of Mayj A. D, 1870, in the OMB whwein Ebenezer J. Penniman ia Complainuiit. nnd Simeón Root and Cordelia Koot are defendanU : Notiee i hereby given, ttmt I shall seU at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 1 flrst day of April next, at eleven o'elock a. m„ of said ' day, it the front or south door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Albor, in the County of Wanhtcnaw, in the iStnte of Michigan, the followmg dewcribed real estáte, to-wit : Tn thu townshipof Salem, Wanhtenaw County, BtJitelof Micliigan, being the north half of the east half of the northwest quarter of section numbe twenty-nine, (29), and the east half of the northwes quarter of section tweuty-eight, excepting the interes ín i ïif abore described lunas of the heirs at luw o 1 Amandu Hirsington, who was the daughter of A&hle; Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. 16th, 1871. K. BEAHAN, Circuit Court Commissioner,, D. C. HouutoOK, AViiühtonuw County, Mich Bolicátor for Complaiuant. 13ÓÍ) Mortgage 8alet DiEFAITIT having been made in the conditione of Nyrtain indenturc of mortgapr, executed by Jaco V. Hung to Ijeter Silabury, bearing date the twenty sewind day of December, A. 1). 1866, tind recordedin the ottico of the Register of Doods for the County o Waahtenaw, and Ktute of Michigan, in liber 34 o mortga(fes, on page 872, on the 23d day of December A. D. 1865, by vnich default the power of wilc con . tainel in Huid mortgage hau become operatire, and no snit or proccedintc at luw or in ohaneery having been iustituted to recover the amount duo on said mortgage nnd there tM'ing now claimed due on said mortgage an the note accompanying the Ramc, the sum of two hundrtxl and eventy-six dollars and sixty-one cents, and ajpo the further Bum.of forty dollars na an Attorney's fee on this forecloHure txpressly agreod to be piiid in and by said mortgage as oftcn as any proceeding is taken to forecloae said mortgage, either at law or in i chancery ; Notiee is thcrefore hereby given, that said mortgage tvill be foreclosed on Tuesduy, the eighteenth day of April next. at ten o'elock iii the forenoon of said day, atthesoutn door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, {said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Coort for the County of Wawhtenaw,) by a Bale at public auction, to the nighest bidder, of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof ns shall be necessary to autisfy the amount due on Biiid mortgage, vith reasonable costa and expenses, and the interest on said murtgagt, together with an Attorney's fee of forty dolltirs proided for ín said mortgage, which mortaged promiaes are deflchbetl in snid mortgage os followa : All those pareéis of land sitúate Ín the Cotrity of Wasiitenuw and State of Michigan, known and deacriUnl as folIowh, viz : The east half of the s jutheast quarter of section seventeen, town four south, range flve east. Also an acre of land on the south side of the Chicago road, off from the northeast corner of the west half of the southenst quarter of sníu seotiun seventeen, in a tliree corner lot on which a log house formerly stood. Also a piecc of land commencing at the ioutheast corniir af the WMt half (tf the west hall' of the northweet quartor of section tlfteen, in said town four, and running thenco west on quarter section line flve chains, thence north twenty chmns, thence unst flve chains, thence south twenty cbairu to the place of beginning, containing ten acres of land. Dated. Saline, January 16th, 1871. T.E8TER SILHBiriiY, Mortiragcc. P. M. Eaton, Att'y. for Mortgivjee. 1305 1 Mortgage Sale. DKFAÏ'LT naving been made in tlic condltions of a certain indeuturc of mortgage, cxecuted by Augustus Bond and Hattie M. Boud, hls wifc, to David Brown, bearing date the nineteeuth day of Oetober, A. D. 1864. and recordi-d rn the office of the Register of Deeds for Ihe Couuly of Washtonaw nnil State of Michigan, in Hbcr $3 of niortgages, on page 06, on tho twenty third day of November, A. I). 1804, which said mortgage was assigued by taid David Brown to Jame T. Morton, by vrritten assignment, boaring date February Oth, 1365, and recorded in liber 83 of mortgages, on page 29, in said Register' oUce, on the fourteenth day of February., A. D. 185, by which default tho power of sale contained in sald mrtgage has bccome opcrative, and no suit or proceeding at law or in cnancory having been Instituted to recover the amount due on sald mortgage, and there being Dow claimcd doe on sald raortgage and note accompauyiug the same, the Bum of seven hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty-six cents, aa woll as the ftirthrr siun of flfteeu hundred dollars witti interest from Oetober 19th , 1 870, srcured and to 1 e due on said mortgage, and aïso the furthor snm of flfty d'illfir.- au an Attoruey fee on thi foreelosure. expressly agreed to be pafd in and by said mortgage as often aeany proceeding is taken to forecloee thiu mortgage, clther at law or in Chancery ; Notice therefore, is hereby given, that said mortgne will be foreclosed on Mouday, the twenty-sev cntli dny of Maren uext, at ten ovlork in the forenoon of eaid dny, at the south door of the Court Iïouse, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sald County, (sald Conrt Hoasc being the place of hoMi&g the Circuit Conrt for the County of Washtcnaw), by a sale at public autlon, to the hlghest bidder, of the premisos desrribed 3 in eaid mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satiwfy the amouat due on said mortgage. with reaonable costa and expenses, and the interest on sald mortgage, together with an Attorney fee of fifi y dollars provkled for in said mortgage, and subject to the payment of the fnrther mini of f! f tren hnndred dollars with the interest thercn from Oetober 19th, 1870, yet to become due thereon, which mortgaged premises are described in said mortgage asfollows: All those certain pleces or pareéis of land sltuated in the township of Saline, in the Connty of Washtenaw and Smte of Michigan, decrlbeuaa follows, vii: the Southwest quarter of ectlon twenty-oue in township four soutn and range flve cast, in the State of Michigan, exceptlng ten acres off from the eaêt eide thereof; aleo twenty acres off from the north end of the east half of the northwestqnarterof section twenty-elght, and ten acre off from the north end of the west half of tne west half of the nortliennt qimrter of secilon twenclght; all In township fourfour outh and range flve eaet, and containing in all nno hnndred acd elghty acres ol land more r less ; which two last deKcrlbed parcela have been dlccharged from sald mortgage, and will ii -t be sold by vlrtue tberesf ondttr this notice. Dated, Deíember 28lh, 1S7. JAMES T MOHTON, Aeslgnee of Mortgage. ('oi.m s, Root & Kinne, AtturncyB for Assignee. 1302 Mortgago Sale. TvEPAULT having boen made In the conditlon of a IJ certain mortgago excented by Edward Ryan, of Northflelil, County of W'ashhtcnaw and State of Michigan, to Willlam 8. Barry, of tb same place, on the flrst dav of August, A. D. 18fi6, and recorded In the office of tlie Register of Deeds for said County of Washtcnaw, on the fourth day of Decenber A. P. 1ö0, at fivc o'clook P. of sald day, in liber 37 of uiortfrnert, on page 228, which said mortgago was duly useigned by said Wllliam S. Bariy to Luther .Turfl, or the City of Ann ArDor, ('ounty and State aforeeniü, on the fonrth day of December, A. D. 18(jfi, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deedo for sald Conntv of Washtenaw, on the fourth day of December. A. VI, 1S66. at 5 o'clock P. M. of sflid day, in liber HO of morlgnges. ou page 234, and that there i clsimcd to he dne at the date hereof, the sum of onr thouand and eighty-nine doDArs and ■ twonty-one cents, also nn nttorney fee i lars should anv proceedlnrs be had to forcclose the 1 same, and further ïnstallraents to bocome due on I atd mortiage . and osuit or proceedings at law or i In equity h:uing heen had to recover the debt I cured by sald mortgage . or any part thereoi : Notice 1 hi-reby givon , that hy vlrtue of the powvr i oicnR' in said mortgage contained, I shall sell at t imblic anctlon, to the highest Wdder.on the elevr , i . dyof March A.D. 1871, at tw o'clock in ( noon ofthat day, at the iront door of the Court Houw, tn tho city of Ann Arbor, In the Count.v of Washtenaw and Stnte of Michigan, tho piamltei '■■ Bcrilcd tn aUl mortgage, as all those certain p fies or pnrcels of land described as follows to-wit : The west hatf of the northwest quarter "f sectiou twon ty-eight, and four acres of the east half of the oorthwest quatter olsaid section, doeded by jaid party of the flrst part to caid party of the 'secmdpart. alllwinjiin t-wimhlp nne south of range ilx east, in sald township of Northnold, in th'e Cotfnïy "f Washtcnaw, State of Michigan. Dated, Dec. 16th, 1STD. LÜTHRR JAMES, Assignee of said Mortgage. Jon N. Gott, Attorney for Assignee 1300 ■ Estáte of GottHcb Ueckerle. 1ATEOK MICHIGAN, County of WBhtenaw.sB. Notfee U hereby glvcn, that hy an order of the 'róbate Coürt for tbe Coantvof Wawhtenaw, made d ihe wventeeuth day of Febiunry, A. IJ. 1871 hïx nonths from thnt date were allowtfd for crédito to resnt thelr clainiK ngAiiiHt the estáte óf Gottlicb Jeckerle 1 Ate of taid Connty.dcecaBcd, and thot.all reditors of said 'leceaijed are reqnired to preeent lifir claims to Bald Probate Court, at the Probate Ifflce, ín the City of Aun Arbor, for examínatlon nnd illowance, on or before the seventeenth ilay of AuTi8t next, and that such claims will bo heanl before tid Probatt'Court, on Satiirdar, the thirU'nnth day )( Mny, and on Thurnday, thewYpnteRirhday of Lunst nrxt. ut un oc1ock intheforonooc oí each of thopedaye. lated,Aun Arbor, February lith. A U. 1571. BIKAM J. BEAKES. 1310w4 Jude of Probate. Real Estáte for tf Ir. QTATE OF MICÖIGAK, County of Waahtenaw, es 13 Iu the matter of the ltate of John C. Depew, deseased. Notice ia hereby giveu, Tiiat in pursuanco of nn order granted to the undersigned, Ad ministra tri x of he eetatè of said deoeased, by thé Hon. Judjr1.' of Prota for the County of Wfthtenaw, on the ninth dy of February, A. T). 1871. there will be nold rtt public vtmdue, to the liifghettt bidder, at the dwtilling hnuse oü be premisos hreinftftr deflcribed, in the County of Wnshtenaw, in said Stnte, on Tuesday, the eleveuth drty of April, A. D. 1H71, at ten o'clock in ih fote loon of tniit day (Huiiject to ftll encumbranceaby mort?:ii' or otherwise exidting at the time of Male, and iüao mojeet to tlie ritfht of dower of hia widow therein) the following decriWil real estte, to-wit : The northeiwt quarter of the aouthwetit quarter the ncrthwent qimrtcr of the toutheiit quutcr, the north half of the nort beaat qunrtor of tlie autheast qpafpBt of seotion ekveu, containiDr one hundrtd ocres moro or less, and ülso all that part of the quartur of the southwest quarter of uid wjctioii elevcc, lyint? north of the Michigan Central Railrcod, acd coniaimnp seven tmre8 more or lew, all in towna!iip two south of ranKC three east, in. snia SUiie. Dtttod, February 23d, A. D. 1871. MAR Y K. DEPEW, 1310 Adminutratnz. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washtenaw, m O In the matter of the estáte of Jo'm üeorge volï deceaaed. Notice is hereby rveu, thnt in purpuiuico of an order granted to thi unaorrigne'i, Adminiatratoi of the crttte of said deceased, 'ry thoHon. Judge of l'robnte for the County of WashtemnY, on the t-wenty-econd day of September, A. D. 1870, there will be aold at puMic vendue. to the higehest bidder, at the south door of the Court Houüc, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of "Warhtcnaw, in aaia State, nu Patunlay, the first day of April, A. D. 1871, at ten o'clock in the forcnoon of that dayt (üubject to all encumbrance by mortgae or otherwise exidting nt the time of the de?.th o MH dt'-iwclt nnd alen s:ibject to the right of dowcr o: the widow therein), the followinc described real estAte to-wit '. A paroel of land descriowl ha oommencing a' a i -int in the center of the Eber White road on he wi'.-t line of Hcction thirty, in the towxiBhip of Ann Arbor, find thirteen fihaine north from the wes corner of Raid Bection, rutminp thenw south two and a half (lt'UTKis west thirteen chaina to the Bouthwest corner of said ection tïiirty, thenee north eighty-even and a quarter degrees eut twenty-two chains und eleven Unk, thenee north two and a half dpgroos KM eiKhtec-n chainB and sixty-three links to the center o Raid EIht White road, thenee south seventy-three ant a half depreca west along the center of suid rod to the place of befrinninfr, thirty-four and 96-10 acres. Abw a piecc of land boginning at the northwent corner o section thirty-one, in the towu of Ann Arbor, running thenee eaat along the section line forty-four chains onr lorty-three links to a stake, thenee south even clmini and thirty-one links, thenee west forty-four chame and forty-thrëe linkt, thenee north sevcn chains and fortyÜve links to the place of beginning, contnining thirty two and 78-100 acres. Also the east half of the east hal of the southwest quarter of nection ten, Ín townwhi] three south of range five east, containing forty acres more or leas. Also twenty acres of land lving nort-li o the highway, and off of the west sitie of the east hal of the outheast quarter of aection twenty-flve, in townuhip two Houth of range five east ; and also ftf teen acres of land lying sontn of the highway, and oí the east mde of the eaat hall" of thn southeast quarter of aaid section twontj-Uve ; uil of said lamia bcing in said of Michigan. Dated, February 14th, 1871. 1309 JOHN A. VOLZ, Administrator. Real Estáte for Sale. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtonaw, es. In tho mntter of the estáte of Samuel J. Freeman, deoeased. Noticc is hereby given, that Ín purmiunce of un order granted to the undersigned, Administrutor and Executor of the Estáte of said deccased, by the Hon. .! uiV.'t of Probate for the County of Waehtenaw, on thn eighth day of February, A. p. 1871, thero will be sold at public vcndue, to tho highent bidder at 'the house of DeWitt Freeman, in the town o Salem, in the County of "Waahtenaw, in wuid State, on Wednesday, the twenty-ninth day of March, A. D 1871, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (sub ject to all encumbrantes by mortgag u or otherwise ex iating at the time of the death of wiid deceased, an nlflo subject to the right of dower of hia widow therein the following real estáte, to-wit : The east sixty arrea of the eost half of the aoutheast quarter of aection thirty-Hix, in township one tsouth of range eevcn eaai in said State. Datod, Fcbruary 6th, A. D. 187!. WITXTAM GEER, 1308 Executor and Administrator. Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of "Washtenaw, ss. n In the matter of the estáte of J. Philip Schunk, deeeased. Notiee in hereby given, that in pursaanre of an order pranted to the uudersiened, Administrator of the estáte of sjiid deoeaod, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Wiujhtenawï on the thirtieth day of January, A. I). 1871, there vü be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dweiling house on the premisos hereinafter deflcribed, in the County of "Wushtenaw, in said State, on "Wednesday, the twentyseeond day of Marrh, A. t). 1871, fit one o'clock in the ofternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgiijG or otherwise existing at the tiiue of the death of Haid ueceased, and alao subject to the right of dowcr of bis widow thercin) the tollowing descrited real estáte, to-wit : The west half of the northeiist quarter of section thirty-two, excepting about flve acreö off from the south end of Baid lot, fonnerly conveyed by Jaou Oillett to James V. llill ; and aluo the ea-st half of the northwest quarter of lid section thirty-two, being in township three soutb of rangu four etist, in said State, and eontnining one hundred and flfty-Üye aerea more or luss. Datod, Febraary 2d, A. D. 1871. JOHN SCHENK, 1307 Adminütnitor de bonis non Beal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, . In thu matter of the estáte of Lewis A. Ruckmun, decensed. Notiee in hereby givun, that inpursuance of an ortler granted to the undersigneU, Executor of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Cownty of Wiwhtvnaw, on the twenty-third day of Marrh, A. I). 1870, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling house on the preininea herein described, in the County of Waahtenaw, in said State, on "Wednesday, the eighth day of March, 171, at one o'clock in the nfternoon of that day {subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or oilierwise existftig at the time of the detith of snid eeaaetl, and also sunjcct to the me tmite ot hi widow thercinl the following described real estáte, viz : The west half of the northeast quarter of section ven, in townehip four south of range foureast in said State, excepting the part tliereof taken from the northeaat corner by the Clinton road; also all that part of the east half of the cast Tuilf of the northwest quarter of wiid section se ven, whieh lies north of the highway, and oontnining forty acres ; also a parecí of land doscribed a commencing in the section line at a point ten chains OMt of the northwewt corner of the eiret hlf of the northwest fractional quarter of said section seven, nnmitiK' thence aouth one degree east thirty-one chains and forty link, thenee alontr the norf h uide of highway north flftv-Rix (lfüris and tbirty minutos west six chains and flve links to a stake, thence north one de pTee west twenty-seven chains and ninety-five links to a stake in north line of said scction sevcn, thenee along said line tnüterly four chains and ninety-st-vuu links to the place ot ueinnintf, containinp fourten and threv-tourths acres ; also the west half of the northweat fractional quarter of said section seven, excepting and reservinp that portion conveyed by the followiiiK mentioiuid deelw, all reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County, viz: By deed fiuia uniit A. Rurkman tmd PhcU' liuckinan to John W. Norris, rtTordnl in liber 01 of Deeds, on pnge 328. by deed from Willinm Ruckman, Lvwfl liucküüni ;md Jnrnes Teninian to the Michitran Southern Kailroad, recordad in liber 3(3 of Deedn, page 406, and by deed of Lewia A. Ruckraan nnd wife to Mary E. Ruckman, rccorded in liber 71 of Deeds, on page 336. WIIJ.IAM M. GRKÜORY, Executor. Dated, January 18th, 1871. 1305 Estáte of Jonas W, Gleason. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenawt88 O Ata session of tUe Probate Court fortheCounty of Wu8htenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the nhith day of Pebruary, In theyear one thousand eight hundrcd and sevcnty-onc. Preeent, Hirum J.Beakee,Judgeof Probate. Ju the matter of the Estáte of Jonas W. Gleaeon, deceaMd. Ouroadingandrtling thepetitiontdulyverifled.oí Chatio KÍii'l'sI'-v and Georgc U Palmer, Admtnlstrators, prayïngthrtt thcy may bvliceiwit"i stil ccrtain real catate whereof stti(l deceascd díed aeiecd. Therenpon It isOrdercd, that Mondaj, the twi ntyserenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the asBigned for the hearing of said pet Itton and that the heirs at law of said dcceaged, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessinn oftjaid Conrt, then tobe holden at the Probate the City of Ann Arbort and show cause, If auy therc be, why tneproyer Ofthf petitionershould not beranted: And itisfurtheror erded.that said petitioner glve notice to the persone intcrestedin aid eetate, of the uundency üfnaid pet'tion, and the hearing thereof, by causfnga copy et thls Order to bepubllshed Ín the Michifftm Argu$9r newspaper prlutedand circulating in said County, foursaccesslve weeks previous to eaidday ofheaitng. fAtraecopy.J III KAM J.BEAKE8, I3lotd Juéxeot Probate. Estáte of John F. Breitenwesober. QTATBOP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O AH scasion of the Probate Court for the Conuty of Waehleimw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, ou Friday. the evitiiteenth day of Februftry, in the year one thousand oight hnndred and seventy-one. l'ri-wnt, Iliram J. Büke, Jttdge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte John F. Breltenwesch. er, deceased. Ou readiuf and flliug the pctitlon, duly yerifled, of Hcnry J. Davidter. nraying that a certain lDstrument iiow on flle iu thifl Court. purporting to be the laat will and testament of suSl deccased, may bc admittud i.) probate, and that be inay be appointed Lxccutor tht:ri'"f. Theroupon It ie ordered, that Monday, the twentieth dy of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be issijjiied for the hearing of sald petition, and that the legatees, devisees, and hoire at law of said deceased, and all othcr perflous luterested in said ettate, are required to ap)H'iir at a seseion oí aeid Court, tben to be holden, at the Oölce, tn the City of Ann Arbor, and show cuuae.Ifany therebe, why the praycr of the petitloner Hhould not be gianted: And it is further ordered, that said petititnier j;ive notice to the persona interestcd in said estáte, of the pendency of eald petitiou, fliul the ht;aring thereof. by causlng a copy of tliis order to be pubÜBhcd in the Michigan Artjus, a newxpaper printed and circulattng in said Connty, three succeesivc weeks previous to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) DIRAM J. BEAKES, 1310 Jndge of Probara. PHYSÏCIAM' PlBSiJRIPTIÖÏTI ACCUBATELY AKD CARmrtTLLY PRBPABED BT R. W.BLL18 d G0;,DRUO0I838. E-tate ot Catharioe Kconan. LTATE OF MICHIOAN, Cöunty fff WíWhténrtw, mr J? At a sewionof the Probate Ctinrt fór the County S f WashteAiiw, holden nt the Probate Office, in tin b 2ity öf Atin Arbor, on Thurwday. the twenty-third v ny of February, in the ycar one thousand eight hun9 red and srventy-oiM. T Present, 11 nam J. Beakc, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Catliarine Keen&n, uceasad. On rending and flling the petition, dnly vcrifled, oi " SíiirthaT. kecnan, pniying that she or aome other uitible penan nmy be appoïnted Adminiatratrix of the tat of snid doceased. [' Thereupon it is ordrred, thrtt Monday, the twenJ1 ieth day of Mnrch next, at ten o'clotk in the foreT' aoon, be a.H8Ínetl for the hearing of said potitionj F ind that the hrirs at few of wdd deMMtd, muí ftll oth, t pi'Twmt1 tntatfwted iu Mid oatate, are reqiiinl Ir ap2 ietar at a of sid Court, then to bfe holden, at 'f he Piobiiti) Offlee, iu the City of Ann Artxr, '"! ihow óause, ií any thf-ro bc why tho pfayor of the Í' writJOPflOT aliould not ïx ftraitted : And t is furthfr trlered, that Mid petltiofker x i v notioetolho persons a nteretitrd io said tte, of the pendenot )f smd petis on, tiud the Le-iriu tliereiji', by euitmifr a rpy of thi order to V; publwhed in tlu1 Michigtirt Argux, a f ïewspaper printeü suid circul.itinK in naid ('tmnïy, 1 hree Bvoeeasive weeks prcrioun to said day of hearing. H (A bat copy.) K1RA31 J. BKAKES.' c 1310 Judge of Frdbate. j Estáte of Gortre W. Lurnbr1 ' QTATK OF SflCHIQAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. O At a session of the Prolwitc Court for the ('onnty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the seventh dny of n the ycar one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. Protkint, iiirum J. Bcakcn, .Jud?e of Probate. I In the iruitUT of the estáte of Oeorge W. Lumbard, ■' deceaHed. John C. Winans, Administra tor de boni non of said i estáte, comes into Court and reprecntii that he is now prepared to reuder his Ünal account as such Adminwtrator. Tliercupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentieth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaiffned for cxamining and tillowing such account, and that the heira at law uf Baid deoeosed and all otlier persona interested in said estat, are requirwi to rsar at a sesdion of said (.'ourt, theu to be hulden, at Probate Otilcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Ooimty, iind fthow cause, iï any there be, why the naid account should not be allowcd : And it ia further ordered, that said Adminwtrutor pive notice to the persons interested in said eetatu, of the pendency of xjiid nTfHint, and the heurinK thei-eof, hy eniuing a copy of thi.-s ort'.er to b published in the Michigan Argusy a newspaper prínted und circulatinK in s;iid County, thrce sncceaaive weeks ureviuus to said day of hearing. (A true oopy.) HIKAM J. BEAKE8, 1310 Judge of Probate. Estáte of James R. Busb. STATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, m. At a sotmon of the Probate Court for the County of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oniceiu the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuosday, the seventh day oL February, in the year one thou&and eiglit hundred and aeventy-one. I'i.'esent, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James H. Bush, deoeuaed. John C;. Winans, Adminintistor of said est-ate comes into Court and represente that he is now prepared to render his fini'l account && such Administra tor. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the twentieth day of Marfh next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be ossigned for examining and allow mi.' guch account, and that the heirs ut law of Ba d deceaaed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requircd to appear at a session of Baid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Otlice, in the City of Ann Arbov, in said County, and show cjiutte, if r.ny there be. why the said account ahould not be allowed : And it is íurther ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persona interetfted in said estate, of the pendency of said account nnd the hearing thereof, by causin a eopy of this order to ba published in the Mievaan Argut, a newspaper printed and circulutintr in s;iiil County, thrce ducoessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearinur. (A traO copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKEB, 1310 Judge of I'robate. Estáte of Edward Barbees. TATtwr ju.iv .tiiuAíN, ,onnty oí wasfiK-nnv, m. 3 At a session of the Probate Court forthef ounty of Washtcnaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in tbet ity of Ann Arbor, on Mondny, the twentiet h day of February, in the year one thousand cight hundred and se-venty-one. Present Hiram J. Beakes, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of the catate of Edward Burgess, deceased. Ün reading and flling the petition, duly verifled, of Dorothy Ann Burga, praying that she or some other suitable person, may be tippointcd administratrix of the estáte of said deceased. Tbereupon it ia orderod, that Monday, the twentit-tli day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at luw of said ueeeased, and all other personB interestod in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there bc, why the prayer of the petitioner ehould not bc granted : And it in further onlered, that said petitioner pive notie1 to the persons interested in suid estntc, of the iiendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiDg a oopy of tbis order to be publianed in the Michigan Argus, n newspaper, printcl nndfireuUtiumsaid'County.three eueoessivc weeks previous to s;iid day of hearing. (A true copy.) H1JRAM J. BEAKES, 1310 Judge of Probate. Estste of Adam Mutz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WoshtCTiftw, m. lo At a BG8Hion of the Probate Court for the County of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Priday, the third day of February, in the year one thousaml eight hundred and seTentyone. Present Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estute of Adam Mutz, deOn reading and flling tho petition, duly verifled, of John Ooctz, Administrator. praying that he nui y be lieensed to sell certain real estáte whereof said deeeased died seized, for the purposc of distribution of the proceede of ttuch milo nmong the persona intcrested in the estáte of said deceuHfxL. Thereupon it ia ordered, That Monday, the twentieth day of March next, at ten o'dock in üio foreuoun, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the hcirs at law of said deceawed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requircd to appear at a session of (=aid Court, then to oe holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner tihould not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner eive notiou to the porttona inUreatcd in said estáte, of the pondonry of wiid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cnusing a copy oi this order to be publisned in the Michújnn Aryus, a newspuper printed and circulating in said Couiity, four succes&ive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true eopy.ï HIBAM J. BEAKEfl, 1309 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Henry Canfield. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw.s O AtasesHionof the Probate Court for theConntv ofWashteuaw. holdeu at the Probate Offlpp. ïnthi City of Ann Arbor, on Toesday, tbo lerentb day of February, in the year one thoassnd cight huudred and seventy-oue. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndce of Probitf . In the matter of the estáte oí Ilenry Cttnfield, deceoied. Onreadinirandnllunthe petitlon duly verifledof Charles II. Krmpf, Adminintrator, praying that he may be licensed lo Bell eertahi real estáte whereof said deceaeed dlcd eeiïcd. Thereopon ft ie ordered,tbat Wednesday,the tweny-second day of March uext, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be asBigncd for the hearing of said )etition .and that the heirs at l:iv of said deceased, ,inl all other pereons intereated in said estáte, are roqnircd to appear at a sessiou ofsaidCourt hen to beholden atthe ProbateOfflce.ln thecity of Aun Arbor, and show canse, Ifauy there be,wh) theprayerof the petïtionershould not be granted: Andit Isfurtherordered that .-niilpr! tionrr pvenotice tothepersonsinterestedinsaidestateof the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing thcreof, by ciuisfng a copy of this Order to bepublished lnth Michigan Artut,& newspaperprinted andcirculating In uaid county, four euccessivc weeks previon to said day of hearing. (Atrnecopy.) HIRAJIJ. BKAKE8. 139 Judeeof Probate. K.Htato of Rhoda Booth. CJTATEOF MICHIOAN, County ofWashtenaw, se. k3 At a 6e6sion of the Probate Court for the County ol Waehtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office in the CitT of Aun Arbor. on Wednesday, the flfteenth diy of Kebrnary. in the year one thousaudelght huudred and seventy-one. Present Hiram J. Beakes, Tndue of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Rhoda Booth, deceascd Philip Bach, Exocutor of the lust will and testament of said deceaeed, comes luto Court and representa that he is now prcpaied torender Lis aual ao count as such Executor. Therenpon it is Ordered, tbal Mondiy. tbethirteenth day of Slarch next. ai ten o'cluck in the fore noon, be aseigned for examining and allowing Buch account, and tbat the legatee, devise and helrs at law of said deceased, and all othcr persons interested in said estáte, are reouired io appear at a sesslon of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cauae, If any there be.why the said account should not beallowed: And it is forther ordered that said Execntor rSre notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causlng a copy of tbis order to be pnollthedlnthe tiichiyan Argvs, a newspaper printed and clrculntlng iu WI Ceunty, three successlve weeks prevlons to said dny of heariug. f A truecopy.) HIKAM J. BEAKE8, 1309 Judge of Probate. Estáte of James O'Brion. STATEOP MICHIGAN, Connt) of At a session of the Probate Conrt for the Countj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu tbc City oí Aun Aruor, on idujmuj., ib iiiiuü aaj of Pobruary, In the year ose Shousand elguthuu dred and aeventy-one. Present, HiramJ. Beakea, Jndge of Probate. I u the matter of the Estáte of James O'Erlcn, deceased. On reading and flllngthe petition, dnly rerlfled, of MaryKeal, pttiying that Thomas O'Bricn, or some u ther suitable pcreon, muy bcappointcd Administra,or of the u-tutt; of ilil decetued. Therenpon it is ardersd, that Mondar, the thireenth day ofMarch ten o'clock intheforenoon be assigncd for the hearing of said petiion, and that the heirs at law of said decased, and all other persons intcrcBted in siiiclistiitf, are required to appoar at a scssion of said Conrt, hen to be holaea at the Probate Office, in the Mty ol AnnArbor, and show cause ifauy therebe, vhy tbe prayer of the petitioner should not be 'ranted : Andit isfnrther ordered, that saidpetlionerglve notlce to the persone interested in said state, of tïif pendency of saïd petition, and the learinir tbercor, oycauslnga copy oftltls order to i published in the Michigan Argus.a newapaper, irintcd and circulatlng in said Couuty, three anc■esslYe weeks previous to said dav of hearinp. fAtniecopy.j HIRAM J. BEAKÏIS, 1309 Jqdge of ProbateVJOTICEf Notice is heroby aiven thnt nfter thifl date I shnll pa y O bilt of rav wifc or any other perwjn's oüntructmfc. afcsa said büls wito milde on written orders signcd by lVBcLf. ' WM. BUCKTNOHAM. Aun Albor, Fcb. 8th, 1871. 1308wü Finest Assortmen t of Toilet Goods in the City, by fl.3JÜJIlig&6O.,ShiggiVg. Estáte of Thomas Aleiand STATE OF Bhf-HIOAÍÍ, CdudtV af Wast,,-., O Af a sosston of the Irobate ( ourt for thefw?' . Wirfhtenaw, holden (it the Probate Office ni?"0 A Aan Arbor, on Haturday, thcetercoth d ïïl nmry, in the yclir one tliousand etoht hmAÍaseventv-one. "rea Present J. Beakc Judge of Probate In the matter of the eititte of Tkcttni L--„On reading ind min the petitkm, Avtt vfctBUi KlchMtl H. Afc-xander, wüyinK tbat a rertHhiiSL mentnowon Ie iri thiit Court, punjorthuí? Í- laf will „ƒ testament flf ;M dcVÖMA tol to probatje, and thiit Ilcnry I Banoétt m Y Thompon it is onlercl that Mondar, the tlm_ torf Mrrhwxt.atU.-noVlo.ikm the foreSJ?!11 I frr the hcariBif of aid prtition, odöÏÏ'.i' li&atee, devisew and hëirs at laif of mid dnceM? all othpr peTHoTuj intenwtod in sai3 ètat; íiITSÍJlJ to iippwir ,t. wajrion of anid 'ourt then WhJiSS!1 at t6e Proliatc Olfio?, in the City of Aan ArtiI show inaif ,my therc be, why the praTWnV?1 pOütion.TWiouldnotbe ranted : Aal it í V3 yrilurij, thnl uid petitionnr jrive nrt to tbê Í-I?? loVted intiTrotPtl in „„ia estHte, of the oSuSÜ? rnü p.ition, and the hearing thereof: bTnrai1 " copy of thi onler to be poblished i the ÏS? u-,,,,,,,, n-if-psir prmtel and cireiilatins TfaiÜI! he"r'in:r' u week previon to Sd 4J3 iA triwCPT' HIRAM J. BEAKE8 _ 13 Jndge of rioU Batata of ( athttrine B rdao CTATE OF MITBIOA Jf fó-iinty of WMhtem# Ê ,.At ? SCKaoa $ th! l'robate C:ourt for the Con'JÏ; of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office ÏX' .( ity of Ann Arbor, on Tuexlay, the taarfétaal SJíS ftbniary, in the ycar one thousand eiht htratlteaii! neventy-one. "" "H Present Hiram J. Itenkd, Judge of Probate In the matter of tbc Eitate of Catharine Eni deceaaed. "onau On rvading and füiBfr the petition, duly rerilUI Daniel Kieratcud, praymg that he or ome othermii ble person, may be appointed Adminútrutor oftt etate of aid deceased. '■i Therenpon it is ordcred, That Mondar tbc ik teenthday of March next, at tn o'cl.-k in tbe ÏÏL" noon, be assigned fur the herin( of aid prtitxi j that the heirs at lnw of aniil deeeuied, and Uv! persons interested iii said estáte, are rcqnirwi to anSÜ at a sesaion of aid Court, then to be holden Ss1 Probate Office in the .City of Ann ArW, ö cause tf any there be, why tbe pmyer of tbc peötS! should not be (franted : And it is f urther ordned tS, s;iid petitioner give notice to the persons intereatéd ■ said estáte, of the pendency of said petilion, and ti thereof, by cmMing a copy of thi order to 1. puulwhed in the Michigan Argut, a ncwapaper nfau and circrulatinjr in mid f 'ounty, throc uca Mive nrt. previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIUAM J. BEAKE8 13 Jndge of Prob. Estáte of Lewig I.obdell. OTATE OF MTCHIOAN, Connty of WasHn,,. - i At a sesirion of the Probate Coort for tbe Cm1 of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlh jS City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the utth day j? ruary, in the year one thousand eiitht humlrwi iTi seventy-onc. "■ Trosont, Iliram J. Beakes, Jndfie of Prebafe In the matter of the estáte of Lewi Lohut deceased. J'-iOn rcading and filing the petition, InJr miMJ AbbyJane I-obdell, prayine that she orsomèotii. ■mana perwm, miiy bë nppnnted Administratmiin, the will annexed of said üeoeased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the nitkfl„ of March next, at ten o'dock in the forenocm sipned for the hearing of said petition, and 'that 0. leñatees, devisec and heirs at of said deiwwed. S all other persons interested in said ette, re rmS to appear at a session of said Court, then to be bolén :it the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbw3 show cause, if any there bc, why the prnyer of .'.: titioner ahould not be granted : And it ■ tra& ordered, that fuiid petitioner give notice to the urn interested in said Mtate, of the pendency of HtS! tion, and the heuring thereof, bv imw a mr rftki order to lw pulilishnl in the MicMgan Arm?i paper pnnted and circulating in said "onnty tb suceessive weeks previoiu to said d.iy of henrine' (A true copy.] HIRAM J. BEAKF8 1308 Jáge of Probate. Estáte ff AJgers - Minora. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washten. ■ O At :i sesnion of the Probóte C'ourt for the Coñrtr of Wnshtenaw, holden at tb Probate Offltc nu City of Ann Albor, on Monday, tbe xth day 'of lï ruary, '" the yeor one thousand eürht bndnd ui seventy-one. "" Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Prohnte In the matter of the Estáte óf üytmterU JW and Enos M. Alter, minors. On reading and flling the petitioo, dnly TerÜVd, tt Lucretin Marsh, Gunrtlian, prnyrng that 1, licensed to sell certaiii real xUteMongine t oii minors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondny, the mtt day of Mnrch next, at ten o'cloek in the forera, be assigned for the henring of seid petition, lutdS the next of kin of said minors, and all otter paita interested in said estáte, ure required to apnnr al i sension of siiid Court, then to be holden, at the Froto Offioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, and how aatLt any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sbwid not be í.t:iiiUk1 And it is fnther ordered, that uil jietitioncr pJTe notiee to the next of kin of snid mita and all nthor porwins interested in said estáte, oí te pendency of snid petition. and the hearing themf k ciiiisiiiir a copy of thi order to be publiahed in lie JfteMom Argut, anewspaper printd und cirruktn in said C'ounty, three succcssivc weeks prerioui toï3 day of henring. (A truc oopy.) HIEAM J. BEAKES, 1308 Jndgc of Prott& Estáte of Wjlliam Wardle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Caumtj at WnsMa, O. At a x'ksíi .ti of the Prolmte Conrt Ur Mie Conlr of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate Office, to tW City óf Ann Arbcr, on Friday, the third day of February, in tho ycar onu thousand eight hundred ad w.-'.iTity-one. Present, Iliram J. Benkeu, Judge of Pn&ate. In the matter of tbe catato of Wüliam WeJfc, 'licra.-ci.l. Hiram P. Thomption, Executor of the last wiUn) testament of sttid aeceiwed, comea into Court and nprcsent8 that he is now preparetl to rnider his final k oount as sueh Executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thedztb day of March next, at tn o'clock in the formaos, te assifiued for exumining and allowin suoji account, and that the lctfatees, devisees, tmd heirs nt law of aaid de ceased, and all other persozu intereated in said catate, are required to appear at a sewion of said Com% then to be holden, at tne ProUite Omce, in the City of Ana Arbor, in said C'ounty, and how etrase, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : Aid it is further ordered, that said Executor gÍTe notketo the persons interested in said estáte, of tne pendeaer of said account, and the hearinff tbenof, by mará! copy of this order to be pubb'shed in tho Michigan At,Vi, a newspaper printed and circulating in said Cwfi-' tv, throo succHsive weeks previous to said day o tet ing. f (A trne copj.) nntM J. BEAKES, 1308 Judge of Frótate. EstAte of Benjamin Cole. , QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj of Wahtenw, . UAla aession of the Probate Court for the Comiij of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in tbr city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the nioth ƒ of February, in the year one thoatandelght tav ' dred and seyenty-one. j Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Cole, dfr r ceaed. lleury F. Hammond, Administrator of raid nttle. . comes into Coart and represente that he Is uow I prepared tu rentier faii ftnal account as Sttch Admifi itstrator. Thcreupon it is Ordered, that Monday, ihe ititl day of March next, at ten o'clock lo tl foreuoou, bcassigned for examininL and allowlss ' siicb account, and that the beirs at Ixif ot ntül Stceased,and all other pergonninteresletl in said eitit. are rcquired t08ppearatasesionof9ardCourt,tbtfi to be holden at the Probate Office, in the Citjrof Am Arbor in suid Connty. and show canse if any tberebf, why the said account should not be allowed : And iti fsrthcr ordered, that said Administratorsirt nolkt to the persons tnterested in said estáte, of thejtfndency of said acconnt, and the hearing thereof, bf causing a copy of tliis order to be puhlished In tb Michigan A njui, a newspnjur peitititná cfrtiriwíif in said Connty, three sucteaeire weeks prertotH t siti'i day of hearing. (A truecopy.j HIRAM J. BEAKES, ISOStd Jndge of ProbsU: Estáte of Charles Moore. OTATE OF MICHIOAN, Connty of Whtenw,i. O At a session of the Probate Coart for the Conttr of Wiishtennw, holden at the Probate ofilce. in tb' City of Ann Arbor, ou Wcdnesday. the Hrs! U j of Febraary, in the year one thousand eight hasared andseventy-one. Present, Iliram J. Beakes. Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charlea Moorf, deceased. Sullivan M. Cutcheon and Robert W. HcmphOl. Adminlstrators of said estáte, come Into ('onrtnd ropreseut that thqr are now prepared to nni" their final account ae such Administratore Tbereapos it is ordered, that Monün. ':t sisth day of March nezt, at ten u'clo In the forenoon, be assigncd for examiniDg ■" allowing sach account, and that the heire it law of said deceased, and all otfaer persons int'f sstod in 8aid estáte are reqaired to Appear at I scsslon of said Coart tben to bo holden t "' Probate OtBcc, in the City of Ann Arbor, in County, and show cause, if any therebe, why tt' g&idacconntsbouldnotbeallowed: And it iiftif tber ordered, that said Adminlstratora giïe notieeW the persons interented in said estáte, of tbe petdencyofsaid account, and the hemvag ty cauxinga copy of this order to be pubhshed te "f Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and cf" latine In said County, three succoeslre v prerious to said day n hearing. CA trne copy.) IIIIiAM J. BEAKES, ISOátd Jadee of ProbateEstáte of Jacob Maebrle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenw,l At a seseion of the Probate Court for the CounIT of Waehtcuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in t" City of Ann Arbor, on daiurd&y, h finrtte r Fcbruary, in the year ene Uiousand eigbt hüJWf" and eeventr one. Present, 11 i rum J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Macbitó. deceased. , On reacling arnl fllinijthepetition.duly TenSfO"' John Maehrre, prayiDg 'bat Jacob Baner, or offl8 other KUitablepereon, may be appoiuted Aminbtr' tor wlth the will auneiod of turn orrea-wl . Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tbe -S day of March next, at ten o'clock in the foresooB bc asslgned for the hearing of said petition, d that the legatees, devisees and heire at law of said deceased, and all other persons intereittd 'J-J saiA estáte, are rcqtiircd to aimr utanefstoo said Court, then to oe lolden, at tèe Probate Osü in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, If "? there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouj" not be granted : And it is further ordered, tlit 't petitioner give notlce to the persons interested öj said estáte, of the pendency of saii wtitlon i the hearing thereof, by causlse a eöpy of this orofc to be published in the - Aryut, a newsii!' printed and circulating in said County, threesuccM'' fve woeks previous to eaiil day of hearing. (A tmecupy.) IIIKAM J. BBAKBS, 1303 Judfie of PoW-. Ooruniibwiouerti' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Ccunty of 'Washtenow, ■ ï The uiidersigiul, b4uig Ub appointtd by tl Probute Court for siüd Cotraiy, Commissionere to rfr xive, examine and uljust uil daiaos and dr mundí oí 11 persons nguiiut tle estute of Edwin J. Uüw if aiiid County, deceeacd, hi-rcby (fiv noties t"" monüis froui dat ure nllowiil, by oider of uJ w bate Court, ff ctïditorB to present their claims "i"? the catuto of nid deetosed, and that they will mct ■he ofltcu of 'L. P. King, in the city of Aan Arbrtr, n uiid County, on Siiturilny, the thirteentli day of J) md Tueadav, the tlfteeuth day of August next, at w j'dock A. M., of ench suid days, to reoeive, cxanune. ind adiust BMd cluiins. -n- # Dttted, 15th, A. D. 1871. 1 H. t. SM1TH, I cammiatiattn WILLIAM ü. HABBIHAii, Commueiwr


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Michigan Argus