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New YoRfc, Maren 7, 1871. Qolcl, which had declioed for some porions of the flay during the latter part öf tio weck to a polnt below 111 and closing t tlic ast named figure, has gone up llKhtly to-day and closed at Tlie noney market remains still with great ase, and money eau bc had at 4@5 per eut.; feW'loans have been made to-day t 2@3 per cent. The bank statement for ast week was fair. Government securities wcre dull all day, and were so ycsterday, vith one or two exceptlous, but with no change in quotations embracinji the rise of ■he past teu days. In Londou they are lirm at a little advancc over last quoted rates. The ncw loan of the Treasury Department las not been very actlvely taken, for the reasou, as officials explaiu, that the agencies lor reeeivlng the subscriptlous are uot 'et in complete working oi-do. The nnouut subscribed on Monday ivas about $2,500,000, and to-day a much less sum. ireailstuffs have again esperienced quite au advance iu Liverpool, red amber western bulng held as high as California ruled on the recent decline. The inarkot here has consequently lelt the stimulus and all jrades of flour, as well as of wheat, have idvanced. The rise on flour was, up to yesterday, 10 to 85 cents per bbl., but tolay the market is dull and unsettled with lttle change in prices. Supcrfine western s held at 6 10 to $6 50 ; good to cholee, il 10 hVgher. New spring wheat, $1 58 L1 01 ; amber, Michigan, $1 70. DBTBMT, March 8. The new month opeucd wlth a more jromislng aspect for trnde which had been nmch more dull aud unsatisfactory tbau was expccted. The rlse in the breadstuffs market, reported at New York and at Liverpool has, however, had a good effect here and business has been better thug tar than at any time daring the past month. The demand for flour, partly to flll orders and parlly on speculatiou, has been fair, and in some lnstances quite pressing. Prices are quotable 10 to 25@35 cents higher than a week ago. 200 bbls fancy city brands brought the highest figure noteil, viz : $7 35 ; another smaller lot, $7 15 ; choice white wheat brands sold at f7 and down to $0 75 ; amber aud lower grades range from $6 50 down to $5. Though wheat has had an advance nearlr equal to that In flour, the prices yesterday seemed to be falllng off. The fact is there has not for some weeks beeu margin euough for millers between the prlcc oí wheat and flour. Extra white wns sold at $1 57, holders wanting more; white, $1 48 ; amber, $1 41 @$1 43 ; regular white, $1 40. Corn fair and flrm at 64@G5c. Oats steady at 54@55. A.pples lotver, $3 25@$3 50. Dried do., 7JL@8c. per lb. Eggs 16 and 17c. üutter 22@24c. Onions $5@4 50 per bbl. Potatoes in good shlpplng demand at 95c. Poultry uuchanged - 13@14o„ for chickens and 15c. for turkeys.


Old News
Michigan Argus