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Local And Other Brevities

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í_Muddy - the roads. - Buey - local püliticians. _St. Patrick's day- ncxt Wcdnesday. Still vacant- the pul pió of the Presby'rlau churcb. . Postcd- Anna Dickinson, íor a lecture toniorrow erenlng. _ The Main Street bore ïueasured 475 fWt yestcrdiiy noon. _Work processing - on tlieChiuesc pa god In rear of Flromen's Hall. _The delrit is bcinr clcarcd nv:y frm jJaktin's store, preparatory to rebnUdbig _Kev. C. IL BmciiiAM lectured bcfore the Jcffcreoulaii Society oq Tuesday even_C'oscd iip- Cook'.s Hotel; to lx; ro noved and a new buildlug put lip this Kt - WB. _ An indolent or inefficiënt route aa n trrled tüe Detroit dailles by agalu last SituriUy. _ Thursday afteruocn- wind south and tryiug to rain. "Look out for colder weath tf-Almanae. _ Gilmore & Fiske are getting ready tor the spring trade i wall-pap rs. Sec atlvertisement. - Stepukk Mills thinks it about time to plaut out raspberries, and offors plants o.' best varlcties. - Rer. L. M Hcnt, of JackRon.hasbeen ■Mtotlng the Cjiigiegationalist-s of tliis city la Üiclr series of meetings. -Rer. S. Haskeli., of Kalaiuazoo, bas been Invited to acespt the pastorship of the Ikptlst Church of this city. - ltev. vm. Morley PüïSHoa is on the fcffl for next Wednesday cveniug, before theSt leut' Lecture Associatie n. _0,nfcf- tfiat Mrs. E. C. Sta.nton promna, w take up her residencv in (Aun Altor: to edúcate a .on and duughters - Jirs. Jud.ce Lawrexck of this ei' y wselecU:d Pnsldtiot of the State Womun's Buffraije Associatiou for the eusuiug year, ittiit recent stssion at Lmsin?. - Hev. C. II. Brigiiam, having been ac ïortiscd as the friencl of the D- 1, is to preich next Suuday raoruing, on the infDJLce of his majesty in the churches. - A. A. Terry has been awarded the contract tor the addition to the central jchool building ; excavation, material and nason work. He will give a good Job. - The well borers struck a gas vein durJdL Tueüday night - at a depth of 4íO feet - whlth bolstcd their tools and threw water t the sarface. Look out for the next itflkc. - W. D. Smith has purchased a lot C by 8 rod of Mr. aud Mre. J. G. Muxdy, corner of Williams and Mayuard Streets, and has eommenced the building of two houses on tbe giuni1. - Prof. Tyler dcüvercd a lecture before the Webster Society, in the Law Lecture Room, on Saturday evening last. Subject - "Public Men nd Public Life at Washlug ton." It was pronouuced spicy. - Mrs. E. Cady Staston aud Miss Susa.n B. AiTHoJiY sojouracd over tbc last Suudy tu our city, tUc guests of Mr. Iskael Hall. We believe they returned to Laning llonday morning, to care for the Legiilature. Ad unusual sneue was witnessed at the office oí the County Clerk on Frlday last. Ou that day ten veterans of the war of 1812 entered thelr appcarance iu a body, to psrfect thelr pension papers, on which they dratv $8 permonth each. Their naraes and ages were : Dvld Hayward, 87 James Loomis, 78 Calvin Oollar, 86 Dauiel Cross, 75 Ffederick Beasom, 83 Israel Rogers, 72 James Colllns, 80 T. Showeriuan, 74 John M. Sraith, 80 Samuel Pratt, 72 The ages of these veterans aggrEite 790, and average 79 years ; and thelr appearnce Indlcated a considerable iucrease of both aggregate aod average, A.11, or near Ij all, reside at and In the vlcinity of Ypsilanil. öince Friday flvc iuore veterans have made a raid upon tho ofllce of the Clerk and lied thelr papers preparatory to reaping the reward of thelr early labors in behalf o the country. Their ñames and ages are : Trun Harris, 79 David Case, 77 Orlion Leiand, 78 Kdward Bighop, 75 Christopher Haun, 75. - The Clerk, being statlstically inolin d, polled the veterans, and report3 9 Dem ■Krats and 6 Republicaas, clear evidence o hat was "the falth of tbe fathers." At&bout the liour of 11) o'clock on Tuesday evcDiog, March 7th, the Wagon Bhop of Handt, Schmidt & McLean, cor of Detroit and North Streets, was dis orered on flre. The building was old anc dty, and the prompt appearancc and ener getlc cfforts of the flretnen failed to save it The building was owned by Wm. Fohey ad wag not insured. Loss estimated a #1,000. Messrs. Handt, Soiimidt & Mc Lbai estímate their loss on tools and stoc 3,500; insured for;$l,500. The adjoin 'nf? bailding, In which the finished carriae id wagons jyere stored, was f'nrtunatcl ved, Mr. JIcIjKAN informs us that Uier Wag no lire lo tho stove, and that the flr Was flrit dlgoovered breaklng out throug the siding in tho rear, leading to the con eluslon that U was theork of an incci dlary. - Bishop McCoskky will officiate in St Andrews Church (Kpiscopal), on next Sun symornlDg and evcuing, admiuistcring oaflrmation iu the cvcuiu;.


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