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"POUR POPULAR i REMEDIES OF TIIE AGE! DR. KELLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR. - -oo INDÏAN ÈEMEDT. FAMILY CATHARTIC PlLLS! Worlh, Alerh, niid Reliabllity conceded by uil to bc lionorably won and fully llewurded by Dr Kellogrg's four Meriterious Com - pounds. ROOT BITTERSAbfiolntc freedoïn f rom physichil (ühcíirc í a blessing dcslred by all, but enjoyad oiily by the few. Indigestión, Ltwsitade, General Debifity, Muscular W'iMtkiiceH, and lack of Nervous Energy, re comnion alimenta ; yet they are the forerunners oí more Mriomj compïaint; Dysucpsia, with all its 'Miorrurs,11 is only cbrunic iodij;t-tion, and inany a poor consumptlve mortal, tolterlng u0on tho verge of phyeical dÍBSolutiout virldly rememburttthc eeueral debiüty and nervouB prostration wfaicb beralded the altack uf the invidloue eueiny of hfe. The advice dictated by cominon senee " U oot to let these miuor compl.iintrt lurk in the Bytem iijinoticed aud uuheedud," yet many persone who ívA fati'iicd after von moderate exerciao, whoso blood Ís aluKUhln circulation, dlffeaüOD morbld, ilppo tite irreguiar, complexion pallid, uerves wcak and ' unstrung, muscular tlbers loóse and flabby, and whofe ayutern i iu coudition of general debility, with everyttvenue open to inc eiicroaohment and possepfiou of coufïrtned aud destructive dUeaee, jjo Iistt(tttily arouud " ÜVihg skoletona,1 app&reiHly regardless of the bleaslnga of heaUh, aud ünmiudful of these natural warninvs of the of complete phyeical proBtralióu. Thtu, M Oíbüosc comen when least expocted'1 is a common but very abt-urd aing. ÏVr theso comm'iii complaints are the skirmishera which comoience the attáck and hcrald ihu approach of the enemy ; and it iu thu wisdom of cnmmou senae, to L'iiarc! iL-'.' their attacka, and lf they have pusdoaston, to drive them from the Hyt ra. The aaturally ieeble frame may be etrenthenod, and the robimt who huve beeu p:irti;illy broken down by Indigestión, Diiipation, Nervoua DublllQr, diaease, or unusuai hardblup, may be recrultcd.acd rest o red to heaith and bappinoH, by this dolldonfl Botauical Tonic, pericct and wholesome üppütizert genial ald to (lietlont and jrcutle nervous silmulant,- Dr. Kellugcra Celvbrated Root Bitters. They wïll iiaprove theappetite, materiully aid (IIgeetion, perfect the condition of the blood, yive tone to the nervous system, arroet the protrrens of diseaeo, ttreughen the emaciated, aid and coiiflrm the rcHtoratiuu of the feeble convalescent, aud uro ecl tui' sysiem aKíiuibi ruaianai oiseane. Tla-y. aro UflMlng to tbOM wbto fliid theniaelves ak, aUL'uld, and 1-KkiiiL' energy, aa the warm days of prin approach. Tliey ure a Ircabure to women who suffer fmih nervou deMIlty, loes of vital trtmgth, and physical weuknesB. Theee "Bitters," are not a Tile mixture of vretched whiskry.f!ilnd aloes, but a eenulne Botulcal compoiiDd, pure, pleasant, and agreeable, nd warrauted to be equal to thuir recoramendaiona. LIVER INVIGORATOR md Blood Purtflcr, Is a cempound prepared to leansetbe syetem of im]unitir aud cure conürmed isordera arituif; from n dUouijed atate of the Liver. 'There is aomething the matter with my I.ivor," is üe observation of at leaet thrco out of every fivc per8oni, when qnestioued In regard to their honlth, ,nd it is a wvll-knowu truth, that diacasc of the Mi-r Is tbo most cuninonnilinciit the physician has o contend with although he is geneinlly callod npon o meet it In the farm of Feverü, Auc, Nervous Prostratlon and other aeuto raaladica of which diaorder of the Livcr is the product ng chïisc. Iuipare Bluod, Sii-k and Bilious Ilcadacho, Costreness, Nervons Weakncss, Loss of Energy, KmKcUtioD. Pïtms in Stde and Slionldurs, vcakncus and TrembHng after exerciae Melanclioly, Drownlneas. and Chronic BiliousncsSf aresomeof tlio miuor symptoms of Bilinry Dcran cement and Diaoasc. The fiual result, if thege symptoms aru disrt-ariled are different kinds of Fcver, Ktieumatisras, Diarrhea, Geaeral Frostratiou of Ncrvoii öyatetn, endlig in Jtt-.imlice or Consumption. The Liver is the roost sensitive organ ia tho human etructure, except the Langs, and so long as decomposition of vagb .abli: matter continúen malaria arises, and the present nabits of Ufe are induled, eo long Livcr CnmUlnt will becommou. As thero is no prospect of heseconditions being obviatea, henee the nccesity of employmg ageuts to CJimtcract thcir icfluenco. In slecting and proportioning thu lugretlients of Or. Kllocg's Llver Invigorator, special attention las beeir bad to compound a preventivo aüd cure 'or Billoufl Disorder#of evcry type. TLe mst potent agences known to Hotauical research, luive been incorporated into thls truly popular ipecinc for Liver CoQiplaiuta and Diseaees of the Blood. lts effect apon thu human system is in perfect accord anee with the laws of hcalth, and thu scionco ot physical structure. beleg Altcrntivt', Diitretic and Tonic. By its Alterative and Df ure tic powers, it enrrics the Irapurïties of the ystepi off throngh miture'tí cours.'a.aiid at tUo same Urne byits Tonic virtucs itstlmulates digtiBtlou and glvco luiiy to ttlo uuo pu wuis Family Oathartic Pilis. The objection that these Pilis were not Sngar Cuated bas been obviated by tho proprietors and iu that respect thcy are now equal to any in use. - Their wurth as a uafe and rellablc 4'atlinrLlc has oever been questloned. For Chrouic Constipation they are & certaln remedy. By tlu-ir actions ihey cleaune the e vu tem of i t ia te tl eecretions. Ihey tiiuuldte ihc Li ver to uciivitj, give tono to the stomach, and etreujjth to tho n ir vea. Thereisnothing Ín thclr cohiposlllop but what is jmrely vegetable They are mild, xrntk-, mi eutirely cífectual. Inatead of irritatinji they restore. Thcy are a crtiiin remedy for Couetiputinn, Kucuinatism, Chmn. ie Indlj;estioi), Stiibborn Piscase of the Livcr, IÍÍU iousutvB, Virulfiit Impuritks of the ülood, and all Diaorders whcre a'h orough laxtiüvc Is required. INDIAN EEMEDY. A medicine ndVerllPcd to curo nll, is Kcnerally heldin disreputo,, vet tt is (lOssible to cumpound a remedy that may bo beuvflcial in A variety of comulaints. Dr. Kcllogg'slndlan ltvmi-dy is an existiiiL' irouf of this pobsibility, iuaemucli a? it can bu omployed in a variuty of complnluts, and in each produce a happy rueult. The Kemcdy is admitted by the mauy who have ued it, and who consider it indispensable, to be the most perfect Kemedy lor Conijhi.Colds, Croup, and all OiBeases of the Tliroat and Lungs, that has yei been ofl'ered to the public, hile for Wouudp, Sores, liiirnn. Scald . and every variety of Sxternal lntlaminution it i knnwn to be an absolute and infallible cure. In fact II imposeible to enunicrate and specifv all the complaijits anddlaorder for whifch Ibis "Remedy" ia an anti flote. Sufflce to say that wherever there is inilunimatlon, interna! or externnl, on either man or beast. that It Is a npcedy, perfect, aud rellable cure. Wc warrant that tho use of one bottle by mij lam ily will establish it u oue of the necessilies of houschold buiikiihï, All the above medicines are prepared at DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS A1ÍN ARBOK, HLÏCk., Andarb Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhore, 120Sm3 RELIABLE INSURANCE, ÁT THE OLD A GKNCY OB1 0. H. MILLEN, Who li.ns forncarly twenty yeara, aud who etlil represente the Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NEARLY FIVE MÍLLIOÍÍS. Gfonttotttal, jjtatr 01, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, HSTearly $2.500,000Thls Company particípate In ite Policios with the nsured. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,' $6 OO,OO O. ALL LOSSËS ; FAIRLY ADJUSTED and PROMPÏLY PAID. C H. MILLEN, Agent. UMbI T UMBER YARD. C. RAPF, Hm a largo and well tockcil Liinibcr íarJ on JtflirKi'n Street, In the south part of the ('itv, and will ktn-) coostautly on hand an uxccllent varlety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH &C which will bc Fold as low as can be afi'ordcd in thla mftrket. Quality and prices Kuch that ' NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. itBAPF. Aun Arbor, Janimry SOth, 19T1. 98Í QiSSÖLUTION NOTICE ! ThÖ pvtnornshiiherctoforcoxÍMfi]iU'twr-onGinH.'rt & Díivia wjia . this day dbsolved ly nuiLtml content. Mr. Du vis páys thv liabilitius of Him, untOlr. GÜbert bolleota thu bouk uci-uunts, at tl.i-iroltl plaoe of tmaimva. 6EOR3B A: OIIiBEET, JONES 8. DAYIS. Dated, Ann Arbor; March lst, 1871. 13119 Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO'ê for ckoiceWinesandLiquorr Lfor Medical Purposes . A COMPLETE 6TOCK os NBW Al SEASONABLE GOODS NOW BEING itECEÏVEÖ faY FINLEY & LEWIS. WE ASK THË PARTICULAR ATtEÑTIGN OF BXJYERS TO OüR LARGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BT HANÏ) EXPHESSLY FOfi OÜR TtlADB. pOR CASH VbbciN duy Lumber Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, ÁT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArbor..Íanury,18;0 : 12SS [PHYSICIAM' PRESCHÍPTÍONS ACCURATKLY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BY n. w.EJJJs&co.,DRuaüisia.


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