Oh, Maiv.1i i:-;i tiii'ky íWluw ■ .. ley, Éxoulílesome i plito : He wül be oa mild aa ;i lamb by lay And : - li' rce :is ;i lioo by night. - ter and bnng Ami luya hismouth I the flowora Ai:tl D Oftt ! 1 uin :- 1 Bul the flowers, they know bettor; Tin y Minie tnd fl iiili in the (turk, Alifl TUHl'.'t' f:fh fi!li. ■ 1 loW, "IJí' ía trrinff to cheal tu. Bark ! JIi I .i i:li hia hcavy trontl, An orÁnlu ua ht tri.wto siiif?. ■a' better, don i Uig .' " We know April's Iniling muslo, AViM ;ts the w ■ And the sound oí her dainty (in(f er-tips FinnliliiiL' r.bout our late) b. And Slay the dear delicioua May- Wbi-ii re ln-:tr bOT l:iu:0.' Qniokl we jiiiftp. rtnd nuí we_troop In gay prooBBOOD after. "Bul ■ roun fcllow, i búa tliinp,? Keed not Ihink he i going (" tuko il in lí !i:t íng hú oard □ agúin, violet, dai And corocuai i, yon keépquíei Sjivinií ■inay oomewith a serenade, Bul di na ith :t riot."
Old News
Michigan Argus