Who Should Make The Issues
It is noir mattat of thever? Etst political ïmportanco to the Democratie party of tbia country that the tsBuei upoo wbiuh the oarapnign of 1872 will bo fougtit should be property made up, aad not bo pcrmittcd to be impoaed upon tbe pany by men not in sympathy With the large majority of t. The tendoncy is that way, and naturally o, be.■jauae t is tho extreme ultra politioians ho aro the most blatant and noisy, who have that and no othor capital to work with, who cali themselve " Btraight-hairod," and howl about tbeir willing" martyrdom- a martyrdom to which they ha4 better bo at once conigned than to wait until in their downward course thoy have oarried the honent maases of tbe Demooratio party with thora. The conservative and refleotive Dcmocracy, on the other hand, are qaiet, unobtrusive and not offensive nor pugnaoiou. Thoy take great interest in their party and its suocess, attend caucusos and conventions, roto the tiokot and suetain the platform llaid down for them ; but they oubmit to wrong and injnstioe toward themselvee rather than make a fight over it in the oonvention,and thereby lend themselves to their enomies and oid in keepir.g the party iu a minority, through the effeot of the result in oonventions which inevitably ohokeo ofif the immense floating or conservativo element now oporating with the Republioan party through fear OL ultra revolutionary meaaures if the Bemooratio party suoceoda, and who will oontinue to opérate in its behalf until the üemoeratio party shows itaelf in its trua oolors, in platform and oonvention, m the conatitutional and therefore conervative and law-abiding party of the ountry. We submit tbat thií never can be done f o long as the party permita the Blain, thejBayards, the Vallandighams, et id mru genut, to make up its issues and oandidates. For aixteen years thia style oí thing has Irept the party in the minority, and kept it on the defensivo. lts best energieu hav beea ezbausted in explaining away Chicago platforms and Bródhead lettere. It will in the next campaign be forced into the urne extenaating and defeneive operations unless the lead is plaoed in hands tbat, knowiog the weak spots in thoir adverearies' lino, will attaok, and who will be careful to have no weak points to guard or defend. This must ultimately be the aotion of tbe Democratio party, or it must forever be beaten. The sooner, therefore, it adopts the new men and discarda the dcad woights that have hampered it and defeated it, the better it will be for the people and the party. The Conservative oommittee jast appoioted by the Do in oer a tic merubers of the present Congress affords a fine opportunity for taking a new departure as to men, and for making up such issues for 1872 s will reoeive the honest support of the entire conservative element of the
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Michigan Argus