A Scene In House
We fear that the Demooratio members of the lower branoh of Congresi ere a Httle yioious oa Wednesday. First, Mr. Eldbidqe, of Wiaoonein, gave notico of a bilí to Buppress the Ku. Klux in New Hampshire, and then the followiDg colloquy took plaoe : Mr. Randail asked whether it would bo in order to have a diepatck read. [Cries of "what is U ?"], Mr. Keüfoy sid to friends around him that it waa aboui the New Hampshire eleotion. Mr. Butler - "I will consent to the ronding of that if jou will let me read another." Mr. Biggs asked to have a dispatoh jead received by him about the New HampsiiiiB eleotion. Objection was made. M. Cox Boid it was oustomary to read telegraphie dispatches duriog the war. Mi. Morman aeked when it would be io order to reaá a dkpateh Btatkg that the Demócrata of New Hampshire have eleoted tbeir candidato for Govornor, tbree membera of Congress and both branches of the Legielature. The Speakei replied that it could be d'ono ouly on general consent, übjectiona wer made on the llcpublican eide. Mr. Butler, of MaseaohusettB, inquired whether it would be in order to have read a telegraphio dispatoh ehowiog that the Ku Klux in Mississippi last night murdered four men. Mr. GUrSald- "And that is another Democratie victory" Mr. Kldridge - '-'There were killed more than that number in New Hamphire yisterday." ThB New Xork World gats off the following "good un :" llTwo pupil at tbo Wesleyan Fcinale College in Georgia came near dying reoently from blowingout their ga, It's curious howtemperanienta Try. Mr. Wendell PuilUP8' bos been blowiog. out bis gas for uigh unto forty yuars, uud ho docso't Beiu lbo wure for it."
Old News
Michigan Argus