A San Francisco Telegram Of The 8th
iust. Is as follows : "A deed ior tlie foundation oí Mont Kiiicle Universlty, givlng in trust nearly $2,000,000 of real estáte Ib San Francisco and San Mateo couuties, has been recorded by Horace Hawes. lt gives minute directions for the goverumeut of the Universlty perpetually, but requires others to raise $300,000 within Üfteen years, $500,000 within thirty years, $1,500,000 within flfty vears, $4,000,000 witUiu one hundred years, or $0,500,000. On tlie failing of auy point the endowment lapsos. It is believed that the provisión cannot be carried out, and that the trust will inevitably lapse." Liberal but stringent, yery stringent indeed, if the $6,500,000 Is to be raised before Hawes' $2,000,000 are secured. Who couldn't venture to endovv a Universlty on such terina ? A San Francisco telegram of the 13th is as follows : Horace llawcs, who died yesterday, left property valued at nearly $2,000,000, so tied up as to renderit valueless to his wifa and child. lie sent a message to thc courts of justice before expiring saying he had always disapproved of adjournments out of respect to members of the bar, and requested that uone be allowed on his account. It is believed that hls will will be set asideby the courts on thc ground of insanity, and in justice to Ms family . That "deed" of trust referred to In the fkst dispatch is what "tied up" the 000 for a hundred years. - These paragraphs have a Ideal Interest froin the fact that the boy whose . tion Prof. Evans is superintendfng in Uermany, is a sou of the Mr. IIokace Hawes referred to. It is understood hcre that the money callcd lor by the contract with Prof. Evams was gpecially deposited tomeet paymeuts. Uut, perhaps not. Boring has been diecoctinued at the artesian well, at the depth of a little over 500 feet, and the workmen have been engaged for a few days in setting and 4worklng a pump, wlth a view of testing both the quantity and quality of the water. We are not posted as to the deflnite results, but believe they are satisfactory. Bishop McCoskry visited St. Audrew's Church (Episcopal), last Sunday, offieïating in the morning and evening, and in the móVnlng conflrming 22 persons in the church and one in private. The candidatcs were generally aUults. Largc congregatlons attended the services. At the late charter election ia Manchester, a combination ticket was run in the hope of cleaniug out the Democracy, but tlie regular ticket, headed by Wm. M. Bhovvn for President, was successful by a heavy mujonty. J'-x -Slier ï 11' Pokter has opened na agrlcultural implement store at Manchester, nd tho A-kors readers over that way ave referred to hls adVertlsement iu auother column. Judge BaówN, of Kalamazoo, bas beeu holding cbu'rt fiïr Judge IlröBir this week, hcariüg a cóuple of MaftcKesler cases lu whlch Judge IIigby hadbecn counsel. The duty on salt averages 15 cents a bushei, and in 1876, or the fisoal yoar onding Juné 3Oth, tho goverCmont colleetod $1,321,947.79, and the home manufacturera put into their own pookets nearly $4,000,000 as their ehare of tho plunder. The most of this plunder was bagged by the Syraouso monopolista, but Saginaw and West Virginia get a little sop, and so strike hands wilh the Syraouseians. The coal men of Penneylvania and Maryland make couimon cause with tho islt-boilcrB and tlirust their hands up to their clbows into the pockets of those who must consumo ooal. Suoh is proteotion. New Hampshire eadly needa reoonatruction. It has "been and gone and dono it," kioked the traces, rulled out of the Republican trundle bed, dared to set up for itself or flee to the embraces of the "foul Deinooracy." Won't Zack Ciiakdlkii or Ben Butlek "or any other man"forthwith move a oommittee of investigntion, with power to reviso the returns and eleot tho defeateJ Republicun candidatee ? Suoh goiugs on oaa'l be safely tolerated. The llepublioans of Arkausas havo fixed up thiogs, temporarily at leust ; Lieut. Gov. Johnson has rosignod, tak. Dg the oIIïüu of Secrettirj of Stato as a reward ; Senator Hadlht bas boen olooted President of that body ; Gov. Claytom bas been re eleotod to bis resigned or declined seat in the United States Sonate; and President Hadley beoomes aot'tog Governor. "Everthing is lovely and tbc gooso hangs higb ;" but for how long our pen 'declines to write. In the Legislature, on Moriday, tbe death of Hon. Joun Lakdon, of Jaokson county, was announced, and in the House rcsolutious of respoct wero adopted and ordered engroised and sent to h:s motber. A conimitteo, oonsisting of tbe Speakor, Clerk, aud eight membors, was appoiuted to attend tbe funeral, the eight members to aot as pallbearera. Sanfobd Howarp, the popular and able Secretary of tbe Stato Board of Agrieulture, and also Secretary of the Faculty of the Agrioultural College, died on the 9th iunt. His loss will b severely feit, and the vacancy left is bard tofill. Filkins, the Álbany expresa robber, and attempted murderer of tbe messenger Halpjnb, was convioted of robbery in the first degree, on Wednesday, and sentenoed to tbe Clinton prison for twenty yeare. The President of the Pennsylvauia Contral Railroad, Mr. Scott, having been eleoted President of tbe Union l'acifio liailroad, the Philadelphians aro in high gleo The Inquirer says : "Philadelpbia now controls an untrammeled lineofcommunication from the Atlantic to the Pacifio Ocean." Evkn Fouüey and parson Nasby censure tbe action of the Senate in degrad iog Senator Scmnkh nt the dictatioa of the "obstinate Mr. Gbant." An act that tuch men oondomn as a "moral wrong" mUBt, indeed, bo blacker than a starless midnight. "Tuk obstinate Mr. Gkant !" That's wbat the Springfield Eepublican ealls the President who was to have no opinions contrary to the will of Congress. "Cali me pet names, dear." John W. Johnbton, late United Statet Senator from Virginia, whose term expired on the 4th of Maroh, was ro-elected for the full term of six years on Tueeday, by 108 votes to 50 for JonN K. PoriiAM the Republican caucas oandidate.
Old News
Michigan Argus