What Become Of A Dead Horse
The Soientifiti American reountly orntaioed aíi on the uses to vrhich dead borr-cs can be upplied, io Ihe conree of which it is reiia;kcd that the anima) lEutt be a remarkable pood one if he is wortb as much w'inn ulive as he i%t tlie rotdrfs íiful kcttlea of Ihe ! A6 soon as th horfe is déad, Lis blood ts sought by the manufacturera of Alhu men, atirl by Migar refiriera, ai buruers oí lamp-llak. Not a drop i sllowed to go to wate. The mnin und ta 1 aro wiiíted for hair cloth, s'eve-j, bow PtringSj and briifhcs. The fkin ia cooverted dv leather for cart hr.rnes, for boots oud boes. and B.'rpnj collars. .The bo IV are uscH. fur oo;nb-, h'irn Woik, g!u?, and in o!d times wera the eltief eourue o! bartnliorn, uow obtnincd from the pas kon.io. The Henh is biled licwn in tle rendcrit,? vat, A much o; I aid 'at i obtai: ;.t' the choSüc bits nisy ti'id tl.tir ajr into ebeap res'nuruntH, and [iLiy lli puil oi leftteak, or he! t el ii :h ihe i of a'-up of tliose cftililishoiciitu Thi flosli left tificr ;i! has her'i ex raote fron: ! tlmt i- of any een ico, itimo burn". i t b'' used us mar.uro or ivorked up iuto iijode, ueb iis oyanidop, to )c u photograjilicr i:i tí.kii uur i Th- Rtnmacli and iu' :t;nk! : inluablo Btrjga :in1 cM(is fer muñen ÍDtrument ■ ana nut of trío bonos so man v araful ariico ar BflTaetu ig alui"f.t impopsililu 10 uualw iut a píete list ct thfiii. Amoi) t hotn ir buttons, tovs, tweeïêr, kpie-liandlos, rulcre, (■;)[, iloinimes, balín, and ti'.e residue ífern ■';] Ihi ■ iuto hve llack to be u-cd by ihe n.t;ier, v, m pu's ;d n eecot;d clsiin on 'the dead borae ; ;u;d soiue pare of tht bone-blaok burned wl.i e, lo he used by tho agf-ayer in Ifstii.jf gold; and yihen liio ne?Bj-r and rcfi..er huve finighed with it, it ia oouvtrtcd into cuperphorphate, to serve is a viilualKuianuiu un our !;:::!. ''i e teuth nrc sed ns subBtitu'eí foi tot ; aud tluirou ahoes, if not Miid ov r Üie door to iusure good furt uu t Ihe boiifuboiii, are worked up ii to ex.'ellent vv. Bictal Snroe por ton of tiiu bose-black convoi ted ititci pliosphorouB, for (he manufacture of matofiís, aud lately a Taluafcle licud .ref.arttion h mnde oí tho pinEj. hute, imi tu. divines are j,io jiaied K i tLe cure oí coDKumptives.
Old News
Michigan Argus