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NEW MAPLE SÏRUP. UriiMl I'caclioK, C'licrrics, Prunos, Fijrs, '"■"'■■■"i icins, &;., Very choico at ihe t I I J AIL('S[;. CLARK CltOPSEY. Estáte of Charlotte T. Palmer. CTAÏE OF MICHIGAN', C.mnly of Washtenaw, ss. 0 Ata uun of tho Probato Court for the County of Waahtenanr, holden ut the Probate OtHcc, in the City of Aim Arbor, on Thuraday, the twenty-third day of Maioh, in tho yeaz one "thousand eigl.t lumdred aml seventy-one. Present, JLir::m .1. Beakos, Judas of Probate. In the matterof tt estáte of Charlotte T. Palma deceaaed. On trading and flling tiio potitinn. iluly vprified ot PrederiekS. Palmer, praying that Charlea King may be appointad Admimatrator of t)ie estáte of said dcceascd. Therenpon it ís ordered, that Monday, the sotbhtoenth day of April next, at ton o'clooli in the forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of said petition, and tliat the heira ai luw of said deceaaed, and uil othet penonB Inteieeted in i nld estáte, ure rennired to ap]K'ar al a aeaaion of said Court, theji to te holden, at the Probate Office, in City c..f Ann Arbor, and show cause, ii aay these be, why the prarer of the petitioner thoidd nol be granted: And it'is fnrther ordered, that said petitioner give noticetothe pcreons lntercijted in Raid estute, of the pendenoy of saul petition, and tho hearing thereof, by urasing a oopy of this order to 1' pobliihed in the Michigan Armu a nevspaper prlnted and tirculatbig in s';iil County three rooa dve weeks previon ■ to said day of heorimt. (Atmeeopy.) H1BAM J. BEAKE8, UM Judge of Probate. Eteal Eatate for Sale. OTATE OF MTCIirOAX, eonnty of Waahtenav, s. n In tbe matter of tbewtate of Henry Canfleld, duceased. Notieeis hereby given, that in pnrsuance af an order granted to the andsraigned, adnunstrator of the eatatoof aaiddeceeMd, )y tne Kon. Jndge of Probate for the County f Waahtenaw, onthetmntyaerond day of Mareh, A. I). 1871, there will be pold ut pobllo rendne, t the higrheat bidder, at the dwellin? on the nremisea hereinaftor deacribed, in thu oounty of Washtenaw in aaid State, on Wedneeday, tin: ti-nth day of -May, A. 1). 1871, at tn o'clock in üic forenoon of thnt day (subject to all encumbro moxtgage or eUisririse ezisUng at the timo oí the death of said decoaaed, and .-jlo sabjeol to the righl of tiower of hÏB widow thcioin) üie following deecribed real estáte, to-wii : ooramenoing in the center of Main strect, m tho village of Chelsea,8iz chaina and mie links soutli fnim (he north line of eeotion twelve, tomufaip two south of range (hree ra-;t, and running nat twelve ohaina and Dinety-onelinka t" tsaao Taylor'a line, thence south along said Taylor'sline t-ven cliair.s more or tees to Celen Bmith'a land, thenoe sonfl) 'i-'lity-eeven degn.'..-' ireet nine chaina and eighty-tVO link, thenee north live ehains and Forty-two links, thenee vost three ohaina and twelve links to the eenter of the highvay, thenro north along tho center of the higlrwaytwo sbains and l'orty linies to tho place of beginning, ezoeptiii Ing a strip of land one and one-hatf rods widefrom the nonheast i onu r and running trast on the line adjoiiiin John li. L.tfs land forty-two rods, for the u-o of said deaerfbed landg, and aaid Jolin iL. Letts ur tluir sncoessois, a a lañe. Dated, Mareh lid, A. 1). 1S71. 1314 CHARLE8H. KK.MPF, Administrator. Estáte of William V. Craur. QTATH OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, ss. kj At ii session of the l'robate Court lor the C'onnty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflirp, in tb'f ('ity of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, thetwenty-flnt day of Mai-oh, in tibe ycur one thouiütnd eight hundrad and SvVILty-OH''. Present, iriram J. Beakes, .Tudire of Pinbnte. In tlio matter of tho estáte of William V. Grant, deceaeed Ocoi!! C. PaRC, Jïxcentor of the last will and tcstanu'nt of siiitl deoeased, oomea into Court nd repreaentethal he is now prepaied to render lus tinal acciiMiit .is auoh Bxeoutor. Thereuponit Is ordered, DmtMonday, the serenteenth day of Ain-il in-v!, at téno'oloclt in 'the forenoon, be aAsigneil for examuüngand alkm íují such aooonnt, and 1 hat i he togateea. derigees, inl heira at law of Baid deceuseil, and all othi-r persons interestrl in paid estáte, ure i' iniiil to impear at a session of said Conrt, then to Ik holden, at the Probate Office, in the City nf A un. Axbor, in said County, and ahow csoae, if aaay there be, why the sjiid account sh(mhl not be aliowed : And it. is fnrther ordered, that Siiid Kxecutor give notiee to tïio persona interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said aoQonnlñ and tho hearing thereof, by oausmg ;i icpy of thisordartobe pnblished in the iHckipan 3r0ut, a newspaper printed and oiroulating in said County, tliroe successive weeks previons to aid day of hearing. (A truc oopy.) IIIIÍAJI J. ISEAKES, liS Jmlge of Probate. Eeal Estato for Salo. CTATE OF JtlClIIGAX, county of Waahtenaw, s. k7 in tho matter of (he estáte of Adam Mutz, dcNotiee is hereby grren, that in pursnanoe of au order granted to ttuuxui rsigned, administrator of the estato of said deo aaed,by toe lion. Jndge of I'robate for the oounty of Washtenaw, on tho twentieth day of Jiarch. A. I). 1871, thoi-e will bc soM Rt public venduo, to the highost bidder, at the dwelllng house on tho premisos hertnnaftor desoribed, in the county of Waahtenaw, insaidStote, on Wedneeday iho tenüi day of May, A. I). 1871. at ono o'clock in the afterno;n of tliat day [subjeot to all encumbranoi sby mortgage or otherwise ffidstiiiK nt the time ol the death of said deoeased, and also suojeot to the r%hi of dower of his widow thorein) the followins descrild real estute, in-wit: Jïeintf a p:irt ot the Bouthwest QUarter of the sootmresi quarterof Beotion twenty-eigjit,lntownshii) three nouth of range toni east, in :ud State, bonnded as toUowa : commencing seven roda aorta of the southcast corner of the pouihwvst quarter of said thenoe oorth forty-two roda, thenee weet ten roda, thenoe Bouth twenty-three roda, thenoe west iiinerods, tlience Routh n i netten rotls, thenco ejust nineteen roda, to tlu: ]iacc oi" beginnlngj ecmtahitng three ooreeaño one hundred and eleven rods of land, witli dweil ing house thercon. Dated, Maroh20th, A. T). 1871. UU JOHN GOETZ, Admlniitrator. Estiito of Ciilista EÏÏil CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coraty of "Wiiiihteimw, bb. s Ai u seeaion 'i' the Probate Covai fot ths CountT of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, intheCit af Aim Arbor, on ThumdayttíM ftventy-third day of Uaroh, In tlie yeax one thouaand eight hundred and s.nit-one. Present, Himm -T. Beokes, Judge of Probate. in tliü matter f the estáte of Catista v.llis, deUn readioff and flHng the petition, dtüy vcrifled, of ACyron U. Blus, piayi&g thni ( aleb -f. BatIow may be appotnted adminutratoi oT the esUtte of soidde.i'.i.-iii. Thereuixm Li oriered, Thai Afonday, fho scvonteenh day of April aext, at ten o'olock In the ton noon, be anigned tor the hearing of soid petil ion, and the heui ai iaw of ;ii'i d oeased, and nll othi-r persona Interoated Is iaid eatate, ore reqnliocl to apj.i ir at a aession of said Court, then to be holden, al Ehe Probate Offl.ce, in the City ofAnn Arbor, and : nny there be, why the prayer of the 1 ■ -i ii i(i ii ■?■ Eihould not be gruntod : And it is further . thai Boid petitíoner vire notice to the persons l in said estáte, of the pendenoy ofsaKlpetítiitn, and the hearing th reof, ' oausing ;i copy at' (Jus order to be published ín the Michigan Aroust s nevspaper printed and chreulatüig to paid Covmty, thrce Buocemave nreeks pzevious to suid day of hearing A truooopy.) llii:A.! J. BBAB 1314 Juc)re of Probate. POR SALE. -A. House and Lot On Euj ride State Btroet, in the City of Ana Arlor, hird linuw gouth oí ":i--.lini;tni. The !i"( is txNroK ni'l tho houM is of bríck, onr and -t 1: ilf storifis W'ill ■i' srjli! mi !■ i y 1i i 1. 1 ,. inl'it:'' of JildgQ BOftlCGfl, it" Sdwfwd Kyan. "i tii:l 1 1, or nddrcas the undei : Highland, OaldandCo., M i: i uva i.' [) P0WKB8. Ann Albor, Jan. 20, 1871. l.ifirtf GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for atrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. jUEW GüODS BEOEIVED. finleyTlewis i CALL THE ATTENTION OP TUE PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTRY ; TO T1IEIR KXTENSIVE AND WHi ASORTl.D STOCK Oí' SKA8ONABLÏ UOODS IN' I HE LINK OF BOOTS -A-ISTID SHOES, Which they dow have m store , and to which constant nddUion will be mnde thronghout the scasos' The eoods which wc oifer are new and fresh from the F'ctoiy, and In all cascBwill be founil m rcpresented. EI-EKV DESCKIl'TIO.V OF LIGHT AND HflAYY WORK, FOK .IHEX, WO3TIEIV AXD t'IIILimitfi. We have the EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE CELÉBRATE CALF BOOTS ,1X1 SUOES, ÜVIncle ly james m:. burt, OF N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTn IN STOCK AND WORK. AIso the ETCLl'SirK SALE of HKYNOLL'S BHO'S. L ADI ES FI5ESBOE8 OF EVEKY STTLE The abovo work s far superior to any heretofore EVEt offered in ihis (iiy. anti we gnarantee it in every particular, nnd nell it at TEN l'EH CKN1. below Detroit Priccs, on the sarac goods. Estáte of John M. Cumings. QTATBOF MICHIGAN, Connty ofWashtcnaw, s. kj At a seBston if the Probate Coiirt for the Connty of Wiishtennw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann ArVor, on Aionday, the tweutieth day ofMarch, in the year one thousand eight handred ■na soventy one. l'rcsent, llirani J. Beakcs. Jmlge of Probitc In the matter of the Ej-tnte John M. Camlogai deceascd. On icadinfrand fllin;; thepetltlon.dnly rerificd, of Frunkiin U. Comlngs, praying kbat toñtain lDStrnnient now os tilo ím tlun Conrt.parportlDjf to be the w' and tettamentof natd deceased, may to probata, andtbathe may bc ppoluted Ejecutor thore. L Therenpon it lx ordcred, that Monilay, the MVBnteenUl day of April next, at ten o'clock in the roranoon lic antgned tor tba hearing of sald petltioo, and that thé legatwa, devUrea, and heirs at law of Mild deceased, and all otluT penOBa intcrestcd In sjlid ette, nro rcqnired tc npponr at a pewlon ofsniil Cmirt, thcu tobe bolden, at the Probate OIHce, in the City of Ann Arfoor, nnd uliow caue, if an.y chere he, whj tho prayer of lliepetitionerchóiild not bo giaBtedl Aml i if tortberorderad, t lint Bald petitlonerglrenotlcetothe persons nlerested in PMld estáte, of the pendency o) iiiil petltton, and tb baarlng thereof, hv cauelñg a copyoflhis order to lic publisheil in Oe Michigan Argut, a newipaper prlnted and clrealattng ir. aid Connty, three sneecssive weeks previous to taid day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIKAM .f. BXAKES, 13U -Jmi'o of Probate A6RICÜLTURALWAREH0USE OPKNED MAKCII Sth Kast Side of River, MANCHE3TEH, - - MICH FARMERS ATÍE REPFI CTFI'U.Y 8OLTCIT1ID TO CALL AND KXAMINKTIIK MRSIT8, (VA1XTT VND PRIC18 OF MY 8KLECHON3 OF I.M! I.H[ÏHTd AND FAKMJNG TO0L. 1313ti B. R. PORTEB. I IpEOPLE'S DRUG STOREi R. W. ELLIS & CO. Aixrasr arboe MEW 7-30 GOLD LOAN. SAFE ! PReFITABLE '■■ PERMANEHT I JY CÖOKE & CO. Om-r for Sale at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD B0ND3 OF THK Northern Pacific Railuoad CoThese bonds are secnrcd, rtl, hy n First Morljift on tba Hailroad Itsclf, lts roiling-st'ock, and all tqoipmcnts : wcmcí, by a First Mortpage on its emir LandOrant, being more than Twentv-Two Tboattnd Aerea of Land to cach mile of road". The Bonds are frce from United States Tai : Uil Principal and interest are payahle in gold- the Prin' dpal at the end of Thirty ycarn, and the Intertit feml-Anmialiy, at the rato of Sevcn and Thter TenUu Pel Cent. per annum. Tlicy are issned in denominations of $100, WW, ! $1.1)00, Ï5.000 and $10,000. The Trustees under the Mortrage are Mesan. Jiy Cooke, of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar ThomïoD, l'reideirt of the Pennsylvania Central Huilrou! Conipanv. These Northern Pacific T-"0 Bords will at all timef before maturityT be reeeivable at Tjc Per Ckst. PiMiu.M.for l,10j,in exchanHe Xjr tlic Company' land at their lowest eAeb priceIn nd.ütion to tntiT absolnte salctr, thce Bondi yleld anincomelarger.we belirre, than anr other llrtt-ciaBs gecurity. Persons holding TJcited Statei !-Ai's can, by co _ivi rtin tlicm teto Northern Paclüfr ics, liuTea.1 She.r eail incoHse oncJ.hird, aad ttill have a perfectl i'cliah'lcfnTestment. IIOW TO O.;'l TI1EM.- Yonr ncurcst Ikokor Banker will 33; ply these Bonds in any deaind ninount, anil of ny ncedud denomination. PenoDl wlslilDg to ezchange stocks or other bonds lorthfi can do so with any of tmt .-Wenfs, who will llo the hthef t current for all marketable cart. tK-R. Those lfvius in l-cation. remóle frem Banki, m7 eend money. or other bouds. dirertlv to u bj ei pres, and we wil) send back N' rthern Paciflc Bol at onr oirn riak, and vithout c st to tiir inveitor. For fnrth'. r informntion, jirtiophlets. mnps. etc. cl n or addn-K the nndersifrncri, r any of th B or Bankcrs employed lo sell this Loan FOB PAI.K HY TUK FIRST NATIONAL BANE. THE SA VINOS RANK. MILI.ER & WKBSTER, BANKEIiS. And Bankers generally tlironghont the Sute. 1310 3tcm. Versus Bitter.N ForVlio foUowlng REASOKS SireefQtfaii shouUl rujlaco tho oltl iornfov Jiittcr Quininl. ''ivcrilQnlnln? is TTARÏtAXTED W'VïWwiWji tuV;.l(A' in clTcc-t with Jutter (ttint. Sweet Btiinine 1)A0 none of the tnf WÏ persistent bUícrncss QÍ comí on Qtinine Swecf ƒ Quiirlne fs mmlo from Plniviaa Ualï only, tho sourco of Bittr (linine. In Swt Qabtlne tho Tittcnioss is iVrftf' ly olnccalod, bat muy bo instantVr io volüfflod i f tlesired. I L Swect hiiiiilar will not sicken, aavWT bititi stibstances often do. Swecyjitiir.Mc % rriidiïy talron, aiitl vrR5 oaltlu' least hos it ut ion, T)y okl aiulyouiif r Swcouiiiiniiio entirsly obrtatos tiVit m coDBueraldo (Uslibe wliich childre iavo li IïTtiT Quininc. Sweet Qliiniiir rOqulrOS no olftTorat prV inirïitlon to take, is reoüy for insta uso, Swcft Auinïur, a iis ngree&blTft ftn( proapt eflloacy, cilsnbqses tho m bilo mi id of mucb projudlce ngatnsi Q i-niitv nntl aids the eflbrta Of tho intougent l'hXsician in its ail:ninistiation. Sivcrt Yininiii cosfs no more tfcai tfc BittcrQalnlae. Sweet ftuinine can bo had ut tli m(f ■ '■i-i #-.i iii i uw . i 1 1 : 1 1 - , viAj niii'i, un m vtiví'nco of fainili'wand tiprenenv lJr licMunl üjtrdcr, for uso t l'hysittí' sdfsñms, Fair & Jfc.A ] MAÍrttfíCTURING CHEMISTy X l3ff YORK. ,___5. For Salo by Ehorbach & Cr.. i)ns;it'. íao-i1 Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'b i for choice Winos andLiquorf for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus