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An Artist te do Artist's Work. I respectfully request all persons to caU and ex. aralne specimens of my work previons to pnrcbas tig elsewhere. naving had fifteen year's experience ae ft Positionist and Operator, I feel confldence In my ability to sntisfy all who may favor me wllh thcir patronage; I makc a epecialty of lierlin carde, 'rom retonched negativo?, Enamcled Photographe, f abtnet Pict:irps, Medaillons, etc , etc. My charges wlll be only a fair rcmuneratlon for flr3t-clíi?s work. CHAS. STAFFORD, Arliüt Photographer. No. 26 East Hurón Street, Up ütairs. True Progrese, inconectlnn. consists of dlveit n; a valimble medicine of its dlsagreeable attributes, andgivinp; t thn eurronudings of agreabllty to thceyc and taste. The grent valne of Peruvian Bark and its bitter principie, Qulnlne, Cwhich has done as rotich n assistiog man in 'opening up new and nntrlcd regions to civillzntion as has the ocomotivej ha,of late, had Increascd interest dlrectcd to it In the discovory of Swcet Quiuine, preinroíl from Poriivinn Bark, and without any bitterlenwhataver. For Family and general use,Sweet Qninlne I? pnt np in Fluid form, ti bottle one dolar each.} so that tbe dose mny be easily measured n a tcaspoou It íb for nulo by must drnggiats. It s wíimuited to cqnal the Bittor Quinlne In every respect as a positive cure for Fever and Agüe, Chill Fcvcr. all the forma of Dnmb Agüe, ctc Stearns, Farr & Co., P. O. Box 143f , N. Y. City, or TI Woodward Ave., Detroit. Sold hy Kbcrbnch & Co. Soldiers of 1812, who si-rved clxly davs. are en. Itlcd to Pension, and should apjily linmediatcly to John N. Gott, Boamy and Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. If you feel dull, despondent, drowsy, debilitated, havo freqnent headache, mr.nth tastes badly, poor Eippetlte, mid tonque coated, you are Fnffering from orpid liver, or " Billiousness." Notliine will enre 'on so speediiy and permaïiently as Pr. Pierce'a AltExt or Golden Uadlcal Discovcry. It also cures ni) severo lingering Conzhs, and tones np and strengthens the iiole system. So)d by druggistB. To avold Counterfeits, see that Dr. Pierce's private U. S. Government Stamp a on the ontside wrapper. For Moth Patches, Frcckles And Tan, Use Perry'a Moth and Freckle Lotion. The only relhibly and harmlew? remcdy for removing Bfown Discolorations from the skin. l'repared only by Dr. B. C. Perry, Dermatologlst, 49 Bond f treet,Ncw York. Eold by druggists everywhere. 1314m4 Bounty to Sol:Iir-. ThoBewhoenlistcdin 1851 on the flrst cali ofPrcdent Lincoln, and who were houorably dlscharged beforethe expiration of the term of their enlistment. are entilled to $100 each, as bounty. Andsoldicrsenlisting under act of .Taïy 4th, 1804 areto be alíowed the unpaid instalments of bounty lfttacy were discharged by expiration of service Theabove classes should make appllcatiou to the undersigned. Mareh24th,18T0, lOiitf JOnN N. GOTT, Bonnty and Claim Agent. Second Hand and ïetr Orant And Melodeonsforsale very cheap at Prof-MIlls musicroom, No. 43 Main Street. (Over IIull&Robnson's.j 12T6tf ALVIX WILSEY.


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