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The University--commencement Week

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Tlils has been annlversary week at the Unlvcrsity - tliat is in the Medical and Law Deparlmcnts, with a Junior ExhibiMon throwu in to increase the interest. THE JUMIOft EXÜIBIÏION. . The annual cxhibltion of the Junior Class occurred on Tiiesday evening, the M. E. Church being crowclcd to utmost capacity, witli the elUe and beauty of the city and reglou rouud about, with "a right smart spriukling"of straugers, all convence!, of course, to hcar, and uot to see or bu seeu. Tho cxercisss commenced promptly at 7 o'clock, atid the following programme was observed ; PROGRAMME. MU SIC. rRAYER- by liev. Dr. Cocker. MUSIC. 1. The Seventh Decade, James H. Magulre, New York City. 2. Concentration, Charles S. Burtou, Anu A.rbor. 3. It&Uan Unity, George P. Voorhels, "White Late. MUSIC. 4. Compulsory Edncation, Theodore B. Willson, Grand Rapkls. 5. Maula íbr College Buildina, Charles C. Worthington, Ilomcr. 6. True Manhood, Lestcr AlcLean, Caufleld, O. 7. The Religious Principie, John F. Duttou, Ann Arbor. MUS1C. 8. Chrlstianity In the Constitution, Edgar A. Cooley, Ann Arbor. 9. Napolcon's Prophecy, James II. Kirkpatrick, TJtica, O. 10. Litcrary Honcsty, Ileury F. Burton, Ann Arbor. 11. Die Amerikanlsche Presse, Archer II. Brown, Fliut. MUSIC. 12. Our Duty to Politics, John J. Kapel, Mt. Union, O. 13. Shakespeare's Coriolanus, Charles K. Turner, Ann Arbor. - ■ ■ __- a m. -m. hm a mm , a y mm. ■ mm m m m - ' u m ■ 14. Popular Ideas, Win. T. Undenvood, LaFayctte, Iuil. MUSIC. 15. Mediocrity, Walter A. Brooks, Danville, 111. 16. Modern Crlticism, John W. Morton, Ann Arbor. 17. Our Forcign Element, Chas. Q. Bennett, Three Tlvcrs. MUSIC. BEXKDICTION. The young men acquitted theraselves handsomely both in matter an3 mamier. The subjects were generally well chosen ; the treatinunt was conclse ana clcar, and without the usual amount of rant; and the delivery easy, forcible, and much botter than that of some fonner exhibitions we have in our memory. We lt-jve the reporters of the dailies to criticise ally. THE MEDICAL COMMENCEMENT. The cxcrcists of the Twenty-flrst Annual Commencement of the Meilical Department were held in the same room, at 9 o'clock a. m ol Wodnesday, the 29th inst., the following projjramme being observed : Prayer, by liev. II. L. Hubbeli. ; pre sentation of diplomas totlie membersof the graduatlng class, 70 in number, and including the pioneer lady gradúate of the University of Michigan, Miss Amanda Saxford, of Scipioville, N. Y. ; follovved by the address to the class, by Dr. IIi-.nky T. Lyster, of Detroit ; a gradúate of the Literary Department in 1858, aud of the Medical Department in 1800. The address was received witli favor by the large audlence present, and vas full of iustruction for the class. THE UW COMMENCEMK.NT. The twelfth annual Commenceinent of the Law Department took place at 2 o'clno-p. m. After prayer by Kev. L. K. Fisk, the members of the graduatlng class, 117 ín nuuibcr, Incindlng the second daugliter of the University and flrst lady gradúate of the Luw Department, Miss Sakah Kii.i,gore, of Crawfordsville, Indiaua, recelred their diplomas at the hands of acting President Fbibzk. The annual address was then delivcred by the Hou. S. L. Withf.y, of Grand Ilapids, wliich was recciyed with universal favor. And thus ends another .successful year iu the two professional departmeiits of the Uuiversity. - The music for the Junior Exhlbitlon and for the Medical and Law Commencemi-iits was furuislied by "Bishop's Detroit Opera Uouse Orchestra. - The correspondent of the Vree Press - nof'ye local" butthe detailed special - thus chrouicles the wave of excilcment caused by the two lady graduates : Upon one occasion - whcu the last sec tiou called moved forward - there was a loud and long continucd clapping of hands and other evideuces of uuusual interest, If uot of earnest sympathy. Oertainly there was a uovelty - a something strango and unwonted - as with a proud bearing and a lirni step (some by-êlttera said it was affectation - we wot not) Miss Amanda Sanford, the flrst fcmale graduare of the great Uuiversity of Michigan, followed tlie hitlierto, but now no longer, "lords oí creation" to the platform, ascendingon the side thereof whicli lay iu the direetiou of the risen sun - iu fact "astar in the Kast" - and reeelved her diploma with the rest as Doctor of Medicine. Miss Sanford is a lady ofdecided cast of couutenancc, with a forchead not unllkc one of Webslerian mould, good features, but not handaome, a llttle above the medium womanly height, about thirty eight years of age, and upon the close ol the exercises received kisses of her female friends and congratulations of the stewanl and Professor Jones and atliers. She has borne her part and acquitted herself In her studies and examinations, well. This much in commenioration of the day which, five years ago, one would have said impossible to come to pass, when a woman caine forth from the halls of oue of the flrst medical schools in the land. In this - the law class - there was also n womsn, Miss Sarah Killgore, who, altlioufih less clussically striking in form and feiture, than berco-gradaate in theformerde partmeDt, is said, however, to have acquitted herself wel I, and to possess a mind of powerful legal parts. She wore a dfess Ofexceeding leDgtll en train, and asceiiih'il the platform uitli grace, the gallant srigs of the law composing her section, with groater cousideraiiou than their medical predecessors, giving her the "right of the line" and precedeuce iu the ascent. But wlion 6he carne down that terrible train was much in her way as she drew itsslow length along, after the marnier of the Alexandrine verse. Miss Killgore baila from Crawfordsville, Indiana, and the significant titlc of her thesis was the "Kijjhts and Liabilitles of Nominal Partners. " Whether this has any counection In idea With that ol the marriagc relation ander the laws of that State, does not appear, but as evldently "pat," it caused much coinment. Since our last report the followiug " voteraus o( 1812 " have entered their appearance at the oflice of the Comity Clerk, and made the necessary proofs prcliminary to drawing t li e ir pensions : Ira Cronk, ased 7.r F. Lincoln, agcd 81 Cyru A. Davis, 78 James Lober, 7t: Wm. Dillon, 78 James Nichols, 74 George II. Ford, 76 öquire Nichols, 71 Lemuel Foster, 78 J. S. Hobinson, 74 John Green, 74 lioswell Root, 91 Alex. T. Hay, 76 U. Shankland, 7 Ellsha Hiscock, 76 George Stuck, 7ï John Ilitchcock, 78 E. Van Dake, 74 Conra.l House, 83 Ebenczer West. 78 David Hoyt, 85 John Wygant, 7S Mary Eaton, wldow of Jedethan Eaton, 85 Mack & Schud :ire gettin's lp thcir new spring stock oí goods, und wUI be glad to show them to all thelr old customers anr as many new ones as choose to cali. Their stock will bc louud full aud complete.


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