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The High School Exhibition

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Union School Hall was fillod to overflowing last Friday evcuing, the occasion being the exhlbitiou given by the Junior Class of the High School. That the exercises were good was proven by the general good order which prevailed, and the markcd attentlon of the audience. We have neither time nor space to speak of each participator, either In a spirit of crlticism or praisc, but sufllce it to say that the entertainment ■vvas fully up to the high standard hcretofore established, and reflectcd credit upon all. The following is the prograrame : FROGRAMME. music - "The Grectiug Chorus." prayeh - by Rcv. L. II. Fisk. müsic - Anthcm, "The Lord is My Llght." 1. Fluws iu Dlamonds, Houghton D. Stringham. 2. Foot Prints, Lillle M. Nichols. 3. Juárez, Edmund D. Barry. müsic- "Ilear Me Norma." 4. Contrasta, Nettic L. Ailes. 5. Strife and Vlctory, Albert L. Volland. 6. The Modern Methuselah, Mary E. Palmer. music - "A Home on the Soa." 7. Life, Ida F. Huil. 8. Reaction, Charles Gilchrlst. 9. Sayings and Doings, Clara L. Couorer. music - "Spring Delights are Now Rctnrniug." 10. A Treasure Uudcrvalued, William Biggs. 11. Opposition, Marión Brown. 12. The School and the Republic, Michacl Brennan. Müsrc- "We Hall Thcc.Glad Spring Time." 13. Unseeu Workers, Myra Chamberlain. 14. Moral Courage, Orcellus L. Olds. mcsic- "Song of the Ne,v Year." BENKDICTION. The music for theoccasiou was furnlshed entirely withiu the school, and deserves a good word. The proceeds were giren toward paylng (or a new piano which has just becn purchased, a very flue Stetnway, aud netted in the ncighborhood of ?100. The Regents of the Unlverslty -were in sessioa Monday evening and Tuesiiny ; voted the degrees and diplomas to the gradiiates of the Medical and Law Departments ; resolved to memoriallze the Legislatur concernlng the then pending homeopathie bill, appolnting Regent Estabuook to present the same to the Legislature, and requestlug Profs. Douglass and Fokd to accompany and aitl him ; dlrected that the inauguration of President Angelí., tik place on the annual coinmencement day, June 2Hth ; and transacted the usual routine business. It was aunounced by Regent Swkkzey that the committce on the Law Department woulcl visit Pontlac in May, to examine's llbrary, the purchase of which'has been proposed ; and by President Fkieze that an offer hud been made for a library of Anglo-Saxon works now on sale in London. The new building was not dttermined upon, and when tbe plans in preparatiou are completed by the seve ral competing arcliltects a special meeting vvill probably be called. Discovering a large pile of boxcs In front of Bacb & Abkl's, we stcpped in and Inquired where they borrowed tbem, and Ahei, declarad it was in New York, and, [udglog from the piles of new goods on the counters, they must have been sent on ï'uix. Go in cari y and get a look at thcm before they are musseJ by their uumerous customers. Marshal Bazainc's wife, a rich and bëantiful Mcxican, whom he niarricd during Maximillian's time has borne him a son at dissel. The cliild was literally baptized on Fruneh soil, as the Marshal had enough earth brought expressly from Franco to cover the floor of the room. The total population of the U. S. by the census of 1870, is 38.094.G80. Laws :br all these people are made by less than ;wo hundrnd and íifty bondholders, bank owncrs, and monopolists, who, by the aid of money, control the en tire Congressional igislation of the United States. Capt. Hall has nearly rompleted his arringements for the N ith Sea exrelltion, and will start as soon as Spring has far enough advanced. He will go now with scientific assistants. Sixty tons of laurel roots from the Eap)ihannock wcre transff rred to a steamer it Baltimore a few days sincc, consigned ;o Philadelphia, there to be manufacturod into pipos.


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