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Choioe Ornamental and Dwarf Evergreens for ,;uvn or ('einetory Lots. J. D. BALDWIX. A profuse and many times exeeseïvcly ofiVneivc licliarge Trom tlie nose, with H stopping up1 of he ir se at t ï 1 1 1 -, impairmeut of the sonsc of ernell and fiMtei watering or wcak eyes, impaired hearing, rregular appetite, occaeionnl nansea, preesurc ftnd i.'iin over the oyes, and at times in the back of the n-:id, occasioual cliilly sensations. cold fect, anda eeling of lussHnde and dcbility nre symptome wïiich nrc commou to Catarrh, yet all of t hem ar not present jn evury case. Dr. dage's Catarrh lemedy cnres Catarrh in lts worst forms and stages. t is pleABant to use, aud contains no polgonons or caaetic drugs Sent by mail on receipt of sixty ente. AddrcssR. V. Pierce 133 Seueca Street, Buf alo,N T. Sold by dru2uist8. Among the Necessariea of Life staould bc placed lióse remedies which, in diecase, are absolutely roquired to produce a cure. Thia belng truc, it folows that all ncceesarice of lifcnhould be agreeablo o one,benco, the reason why Sweet Quinine, the great improvcment on Bitter Qatnlne, ehonld sap)ly the later in public uae. It coste less- it isequally cfliciciit - and is fiiHv to tuke. Mnnufacturi-d by tearns, Parr & Co., New York City. StM by Eberbach & Co. Best KvergreenK and Fruit Trees, For Sale by J. D. BAUAVIN. Soldiers of 1814, wlio eorved slxty days, are en. tltlt'd to Pentüou, and b1uu11 npply immediatcly to Johu N. Oott, Boanty and Pension AjiHit, Ann Arbor, Midi. F(r Moth Patcltcs, Freckles And Tnn.UsePerry Moth and Frecklc Lotion. The only Nltable and barmletfl remedy for remo ving Brown DUcolorations fiom the (-kin. l'repared only liy Dr. B. C. I'erry, DermatoliIst, 4i Hond Street, New York. Sold by druglsts everywhere. i:tUni4 Bounly to Sohliers. Thonc who cullsted In 1851 on the flrst c.ill ofPrcsdent Liueoln, and who wcre honorably diMohtiredJ beforcthc cxplrntlon of the term of thclr euüefl ment, are cntitled to $100 cach, 88 bounty. Audsoldiers onlistiug uuder act of July 4th, 1SG4 ore to bc allowed the unpaid iustalmcntB ofbouuty H tliti.y were diöchnred by expiration of service Theabove cla8c8Should inake application to the undcreitfiHHl. March24th,lS70, l-26'.'tf JOnN N. GOTT, Bounty aud Claim Agent,


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