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How Mrs. Gardner Voted!

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The Tribune thus describes how Mrs. N. B. G.vnnxEE, of tlic ninth ward, Dotioit, voted on Monday last : "Mrs. Nannette B. Gardnor, whose succoss in seouiing the registering of her name week before last, was duly chronioled at the time, has cast this moming the first vote for a State officer deposited in an American ballot box by a woman for the last half century. Mrs. Gardner araived at the polls of the First Precinct of the Ninth Word at about half-past ten o olock, ia a cama ge and accompanicd by her son, a lad of ten yenrs, Mis. Starring and Mis. Giles B. Stebbins. Barcly a dozen bystandcrs wero present at the voting placo, and the larger part of fcheee were Iaboring men. No demoastratíona whatover followed the appearanco of the ludios, the men reinaining quiot and civil, and oontenting themselvea with oomments ■■"illn roce on this last political developíneiit, and with spcculationg as tohow tliu newly enfranchised would vote. Mrs Qardner presented heiself at the polls vi b a viisü of flowers and alsoa preparad ballot, wliich she h:itl decoratcd with various appropriate d&vioes, in lier hands. Tlie Insjieetors asked the quostions in regard to name and residcnce usuálly put to all applioants, and her name bciiig found duly registored her ballot was roceivcd, and deposited in the box without any furthar prooeediags whatever. There WM no argument, no cluillenging, no variation from the routine travursed by each masculino exercisor of the electivo franchise. Mxs. Gardner votcd, as we understand, for the Republican oandidatea generally, w i 1 1 1 one Demoorat and ono lady. After tlie vote was deposita d shepresentéd the v.tsu ui ïiowors to uie inspectora, ana also handed them a large picture, reprosenting an immense crowd of women in darkness just entering the portals of an arch iiisciibcd " Liberty," and upon whioh an qaglc was per&hed. ïlie gatos vero lield open by Coluiubia and the Goddess of Jufiüce. ïho foremost Avoman held in hei hiinils a. srvoll insciibed "The 14th Amondment." To the right were imps of drkness fleeing way, some wifh bárrela of whisky. On Uw lVi'1. was piotured tbe capital at Washington, with mn orcrwdin.Lc its stops, oheeriag, etc. Streams of lignt flowed uj)on them, wkile, with tho ton of this and the foreground, the jiicturo vas darkness The following linos appeared undorncath : "Wc como, froc America, fívo nrilüons stronr, ín cUrknott anc bondage tor man; yaare lou Wc'vi' mttrdud in dcep lenco, bift r.ow wo rin. roll, The Foortccnth Amcndmcnt whlch gives s a sunl, Glory, Olory. HaJlelojuli, g!orj,&c, Aj wc o marchtng on." Columbio - t(Welcome belovad daoghters, Take your placea bealde my sons." After tlio vote had roached its resting jlace thare v;is :i i';iint attempt at a bxaoh among some of thosc present) but tliis vas frowned down by th? othera :is iendng t interfere with tlie soloninitv of tho ion. The ladies thon left the votin placo, and matters resumed thoir usual uppcarunco thereaboute." Homely as may bo tho comparison, ono an soaroély fail to tliink of tho cackling f a pullct ovcr htr first egg. It ia reported that 000 tafiors on tho I i.':iilroad havo struck tor i adavnoe of Wíigea, Tho Clmrch Union says that tbere is a Kood degree of probability in the rumor lint Miss Nilsson, instead of having been a littlo Swedish pcasant picked up in the streeta of Copanhagan liy somo bencvolent and sharp-ean d musician, is a native born American girl, daughter ofan American mothor and a Swedish fcitlier Tho loss by the burning of tho üMeseiah church at Urooklyn will not execod f35,0(K); fully covercd by insurance.


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