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A Bill Of Abominations

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Wire wo to indiet the Siiellabaroer " Forcé Bill," which the House passed on Thursday of last week, in wotÜB as true a the language of "Holy Writ," and as etrong as tiue, it wonid pass tbr naught rith tli" fii ïidsof the would-bo military rulot 'f thirty-seven SteteS) and he set down to the spleen of partisanahfp. W e, thorefore, give place in our columns to a iw v.' of the bill by that able and honeat, hut cu'.ihvv'üvp, Republtcan journal, the Xi!w York F.n iiini '!. Let our RepufeUoari readers remembar, tfeon, ás ün'Y rund, that it is a Ilejiunliean who writvs and prints, in a papex oontroUad by the venerable poet, acholar, and patriot, WlM.JAM ClI.I.KN' lilUANT, if not the Nestor of the press, hi raself, sueh sentences as these : " Thosc parts of it whieh aro now are " dircctly at varianee with the eonstihi" tiont andjwith tho fundamental tteory " of our governnient." Again : " This "legislation is not only unconstitution" al, but it is impolitie, and so vague "in its form that, by the traditious " of the luw, it niiglit be pronounced " void for unceitainty." And yet again : "It is uneonstitutional because itassumea "national jurisdietion over municipal "pólice matten, whieh are not delegated " by the Constitution to Congrss." And then again: " Every constiiutional i-(" striotion upon the power of the Kxecu" tive is withdrawn, and, instead of the " Constitution and its oheoks, the nation "is lot't to the voluntary forbearanee and " s. judgment of the President as the "solo safcguiird for its liborties." And, niark the words : " It gives the color of " law to such a coup d'efat as made N,v" BOLBON III. inaster of Franco," and may ínako Grant, or a suceessor, dictator or autocrat. And tho conclusión : " No ro" public is justified in thus surrendering " its libertios," a surrendor leaving "th " peoplo no remedy against absolutism " and centralization but in revolutiou. It " is an attack upon the foundations of " civil liberty ; an abandonment of that "relianco upon law and upon public " opinión whieh is the growth of history " and the crown of eivilization ; a rocur" rence to the principies and methods of " barbarism." When a Eepublican joumal of the highstanding can publish suoh eriticisms of a law asked for by the President, ordored by a party caucus, and passed by the aid of tho votes of members who condomncd it in debate, is it not high time for the honest masses of tho Republican party to join in the inquiry " whither are we driilingr" When all power, legislativo and executive, national, local, municipal, and pólice, has been centralized at Washington it will be too late.


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