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yyAÑT E D . An American Qlr] to do honeework for a mnl fnmily Otio c niprirut and wllllng, will ba palc Ihi; hïlicBL wagesï, nnd be rcarded as one of the fumlly. liiujuirc at 40 Ann Streut. ISlTtf QRARÜ ÖPKJNUVG OF Millinery and Dress Patterns, AT MISS Ml'LLEX'S UOOJÏif, ï! South Street. !TIíii F. A. 9IOOBK begs to announce to the Ladies of Anu Aibor auJ viciuity, iliat will opan uu ÏTESB.IY, APRIL ISth, n choics a-snrtment of Frenen Houuets, lints, Plowen, frames, &e., which tlicy xrocordmlly invlted to iíHpcct. Al.o a new unrl elegant aaaortmeut f Laüiep' and CJtildreu'a Pres Pat:eru8, trimmt'd and pluiu. M:ss E. A.MOORE. iliss MULLEN. Jèlïwl' Mortgagü Salo. Wil EREA8, deiault ha been mod6 in theconditions of n m'rtain mortgage, made and exeeatod by Daniel Long, Jr„ on the twt-nty-tijnl dij ii üeoember, A. 1). i._;li:.'iiu huiidiv.l and M:y-uine, to John Mc' ouiiick, M'hieh mortgoge was rejonle 1 on Banu day, in t leoffloe oí the Bagwter of Uoeda in and toi the coni of Waahteuaw, Bucbigiukfin Uber fbrty-twi ot' mortgagaa and pae two hundred and tiuy'; and whorcas, t isreia nowdne uidunpuid tbc siun oi thirty ilollars on iid mortROge and the note accompanying the sanu foi inrt-i-st, mil tlit: liutïicr Mini of tliree hiindnsl dolían prlnuliiu] accruina interest nUove thr sttid thirty dollars wil] beoome due tti tlu: tnt lu of Ootober ih'xi, uud there is albo thirty doÜara due fbi au atiuincy u-r, prorided tbr in uid mortgage ahoöu any prooeedinga De taken to lioreoloae the same; and, wiu :-;:. no prooeedjnga al law or in eanity have boec taken to recover the síiiih'íh' :my part Un'itK)f: notioe in hcirhy given, by rirtoeoj ppworof mie ooi Insald mortgage, that on Muuday. Ih. day ot July A, D. eihteen luindrod iind i.venty-.nn' ai the bouz of twelva o'olook,, of said day, 'ut tht ti-ontdooi of the ' ouil Bouae lui uu county' ui Yahtenaw, the ■■ .lllar auetíon, U i!ie bigbaat bidder, iho praniaea desocfiMd in s;tii mortffage, or sofflUenl :hii-o' to !iy and aatiafy tu Baid '■ '■ t, the bitoreat thereou, the costa and . n of Miiti aiüfr, and the attorni ■■ dforin aak mortgiige; Ibeaaid premisee bviw deaeribed ai thnl 1 pieoe or parool of tand lyin and befaur in tht city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenav, tounl and doMribed us foUowa, fh'' Boni li hüh of the lbllowinff doaeribed Land. bounoad by the Ann Arbor olty limita on the nortfi; on the east by tht i'atholiiï l 'emeteiy on the south by the (,'hubb roml ; on the wet by lasda reeently ooonpud by Allri. Silk, beineÍLilit roda in front und ten rodadeep. Aun Arbor, April lltli, 1871. JOUN AlpiJOltlIICK, Moi-tgagoe. f), HAWsuia, Attorney for Moitgagee. 1317-tJ. Chancury Notico. IiüRSUANTto and by virfno of a decrce of the t'ircuit Oourt for County of Waahtellftw. Ld chaucery, made on ibe SSd cay of September, 18""), iu a canse therein pendlqg wtiereln Charles Brooka asKu.'irdian nf Mae H I DearbOTD, na iufant, U complalnanl . und lsaiuh M Harwood f defendant : Notie la bereby gtren, that 1 sliall sell t public vendue, to the hlheH bidder; at one o'clock iu the aficraoou, on the 2Tth day of May, 1871. at the fruiit jr outh of the Court Hoiide. in the city oIAdh trbor, all that certain truct or parcel of land and premlaea koon n and deacrlbed as foilows: BeginniLg t the aoathweat corner oi leetlon twen ly-Hewn. Erom thenca running eait one-half of & nee nortb torty roda, from thencc weat to the center of ihe public highway sitúate near the ""■ line r aectlon twen'y-aeven, thence south along the center of said hiliwav to the place of ' ■■.'iiiiiiiü.r mtalnlng firty acres more or leu, and bulng a part ofeeotion twentj-Bereii in the town ahlp of FIttffleld iu the (Jouuty uf Witshteuaw, and Míate oí' Hicolgan. Datud, April 181B, 1S71. Ii I!Ei:AN. A ClfGuU Court Comipiasicuier for Wa.hleuaw Cuuuiy, ilich. K. B. iVoop . C'ompainant' Solicitor. 1317 Estatü of Jerusha L. Judkins. OTATKOr' MICHIGAN, County of Wiishlennw. m Ai a ws(i:i ..f the Probate Courl for the Connty ƒ Wa-titeunw, holden ai the Probate oftice in thtcily of Ann Arbor, on Thurartay, the thirteenth dny of April, 11 the year one thousaud eij;ht liuuIrea and serenty ne. Present, SlramJ, Beoke,jQdv of Probate, Iu the matterof the estáte of Jerusha L. Judkiu, leceasad. Vanneaa Teachout, Admlnlatrator of said estáte, omes into Court and repreaentfl that he i unw irepared !■■ rentier Ma fiual account a tnch AdmiuBtntor. Thereupon t Is Ordered. that Monday Die elsthth lay of May net, nt umi o'cio'ck in llie brenooB beaaatgneo r. r examlnlng and allowtng coanl, aml that the heirsatlaw of aai.l deuad and all othel persons intere.lel in :iiil estáte, are reqolred to appear at a getrion ols.iid Conrt, 1 hen o bc holden :i[ the Probate Oftke in the City Of Ann rbor LnaaidCounty andahowcanatifanythare bc, fhy the nid account ahonld nol be alloweci : And it i urthcr ordered. that s.ild Admlnlelratorglve notice otheperaonslntereatedin said estáte, of the pen. ancy of said acconnt, and the hearlna theraol by ausing n oopy of this order tobe pnbltshedlu tbc lOchirun Ar.fs,:i newspaperpriiiteiliindei-cnlatiii" naald Cocnty, three successive weeks pruvluus lo ai-i day of hearing. CA truecupy.) 111KAM J. BQAKBB, '181TM Jadgeof Probata. pEOPLE'S DRUG STO.jq,; I R. W.ELLIS& CO. f ■ - - - - -


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Michigan Argus