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Y BW GOODS KECEIVEP. fiileiTlewis i CALL THE ATTBWTION OP TUK PE8P&E OP 1HB CITY AND COUNTRY TO 1HEIU EXTENK1VT. JND WKI,I, ASOKTKD STü(JK OF 8EASONABLE OoODS IN THS HM OP BOOTS -A-IISTD SHOES, Whicli tiü-y tittw jmve in .{ re . and to whicli con stam addltiona wili in' made tbronghont tha - Thegoodi which we offer. are iew and (rush from the I'-noiy, and in all cuses wil] hu föuud as repre.ented. DBSCBÍPT10X OF LIGJiï AND HEAVY WORK, TOB DIENj WU.1IKX AM) CIIILDHK. W have tha EXCLUSIVE SALE OFÏIH-: CEIXBKATED CALK BOOTS ÈÜB SU0ES, ' Made by JAMES M:. 13UET, OF N. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED r.OTH IN STOCK AND WOHK. Aleó the SXOLUStrK :U.K oí l'KY.NOLD'S ül:O'S. LABIES KIM: SlIOES OF EYEKV STYI.K 'l'li" aixivtt work i." fnr (ijtiiilr to any hwretofore RVÉR (iffyred in ihis ' iiv. anti wc ffuaraBtefl ít iu ivery partlcnlar. ftndseUlt 1 rifV i't:u ' ow Detroit Prïeeij on the M&t goods. Etífate of Cuthariue Wall, QTATtOF MÏCHIGAN, Connty oJ Washr. - kT At !i stsioii of t!if ■ Pj-oluiiet OUlt ftW t ii ' t U'n-ihtunuw, lioldt'ii t tlie i'rukito .'th'-', in ÜM 'iry or' Ann Arbor, oq Wodneaday, Una fevelftb lay of ]irll, In the yi'ai oofi tlumsand tiht Imudrcd oud BT0d1 y-ouc. Prudent iiiriim J. líeakey, Jude of PrabtttQ. In the matter of the Eetate OJ Catharine Wall,, On raadJag aad fiÜnttu pqtHiow, Üj&y raiflaiLof Chrisiian BCerbaob, prsying that t)é or sowe otht-r uibable peraon, may tw appobUed Adminlatxator of I In' estafa "i ; i il deoeaisi .1. Thareupon it i oidered, That Bf omluy. th eigihth ! ny Of May mxt, ;it ten o'olock in tlif fon.-uoon, e luwijfnai tor UM hearing of said potition, and I hat the heiiTS at luw of aid ntnonnofl, K&d all other ; noot ntervsted in said ostate, are reqairedto appear ; a srshinii of said ('ourt, tht-n tobe holden, axtb6 'róbate Offloe, in thf city of Ann Arbor, and abow IU1SA, it' r.nv tlii-i-c bc, wliy tlio jivjiycr of the ]'cii1 ioiu i hould not iiegnintcd : And r 1' :, rhut iiil petíüonsr sin ootíae feo tibí i Interetted in uil iiato, of the penduncy of saii petátioo, and tho learüig thereof, i oaoaing q oopy of thia order to bo ■ abliabod In tbe Michigan Argut.n pewspaper prioted : nd oireniatinK in kiH countf, tlu e uifwaiihiO vreekd Mvioua to Koid day oí boaring, {A true copy.) lí llí A7i: J. BEAKES, 1317 Judg f Probate; ."ÏHÏ8IC1ARS1 PHESCIIIPTIOKS" ACCVRATELV AND CAREFULLY PHEPABED BY R. W. ELL18 & G0.,DRUGQ181B. ' " ' ' . _Z_. ' FARMERS! I Sadré now ío retnru my hearty thaoktf fortín liberal patronage of rhe Km 'r men oí WasbteniiwMw ít'U inlugCountlea. who h-ive for bu many yw[t the paalt extended to me thi-ir trade, Hd I boje W truel saiisfaclory and profitnbtt' to bo'lh I hop lo rrn-ive ir fair share of iheir patr nMpeint, future My e.ftör U wili bc houestly directed tuvura tlio Interests of my Customers, as well as my own A mi aiírtin my aim wíll be, nJ nd a(t as LoV IUIC8 as the ijmTO ot : my gords ean be afforded. 1 will nut undcrtiüf. ! compete ín prlce with inferior ood?. 1 will uona1 pair '[imit.v oí' my implrnitnts n tirilr I" rí, {'.u-v the pricu The pnrchaee nfcbeap O0dao BÍ kind provea an nuprofltable Inveetment, as o8? li:ivc fuuitd tu ihch' cusí. 1 bhu)J kttp a FUL STOCK 6F FAMUSG TOOB on thft is peoerally founri in market. I ■ the nuthorizL'd agent for the foUowlng THRESHÍNG MACHINES Ifuffalo PiOs, Buffalo, N. Y. imcUytUi Sn'crintnkct, Huttlc Crwk. Nichols .V Mí' Vibrator, B Crt ï'lie ;cisor iffucUlue, Hacine, Wip. ALIJO Tiie ( li;i[ii;iiin itraper & Mowcr, Self-B' The kirby Sclf-llakiu iiciiper, Combiné Bu Klrby Two-U lieelcd Mover. Wood's Ilucltinc, ('üiubhied wilh Srif8kf' JACKSON WAGÜXS, Buckeea d Shnrtsville Grain Drill Faiibaik's Scales, all sizes. Ï1IE GEN'CINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS. MtiDufactnred at Kalamnsuo. I have looated myself nt tlie oíd and wcll-ko Apple Paetdng lloam f I) Rennlpfr, ou üetri Stroot.opposite Bachos1 Block, whero I shallbeb?' py t" DB60I as iimny of my oíd eutomcrf io " many uew unctj u may picase tu come. T have tecurel tbo perm-irront services of SwJMc'liiren, une of my oíd sliop hunda, who peftí11' niKlur-tands All kinds of Agricultura] Toohi, nnd wil) " ' hdodearljr hi the morniiiK and late at nlghti " lairsMii) tu aecummudutti m. rocers. .Ann Arbor, April lst, 1S71. 1315m SheriiFs Sale. BV VIHrt'K ofnneexecntion lusiicd ont of iiiiíicr the leal of the i ir. uit Ccnrl for thC".' ty of WaMliiiMiuw. and State of Michljjnti. 1e"'j cíate thc thirtivth duv of December, A D. 1S70, " lomedJreotedaDAdollvered. I. Byrod K. P'1"1 Mifiift', liy TbOI.J. Hoaklna, Depnty Sheriff, dlí. tbe thl'tlatb fly rDim nbm A D.'l-JO, levj" " i rn! Ui t ie r.ghi. iit a. and i itirct ot 'bnrv ii"'inii!ior. In and tóth fullowiui: descrilMO "" an i premia to wit: Táeweat X (BalO f tl""!oa1t east 'iTciuait rjof ectiontífteeii and the "fr" 1 (Cjoaru-rj oftlie aonheaít !í (cjuarteij ofsection- ; i v' Dty-two;, town .outh. range fii entt. 1D . l Coqdíj of w Hühtenxw and of MichifUD. % premtaoa orthe deféndanfa Intarol therrin i '" azpon fnrsale, a pnbllc auotion. :is Ue '"',' „t at the Boaln door f the i'mirt Hotiso i" '"' :. Aimi Arhur. üutbatoa the praoo for holdiop " Circuit Court for the County .rVashti'1JWl" SHiurdny thfl twtnty-prventh dny oí Muy nexil'ated," Aim Arbov, April loth, IKT1. , II. Fi POBTKE. f""lri(ri. 1317 B Tbos. J IIo.-xiNS.DtptilrS11"'"


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