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Snover & Mothersill

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MATIO ÜKTX. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O3P THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, "Washington ü. O. CIIARTERED TAfcL CASH SPECIAL ACTOPCONGEESS (3ÉÍE2ltí CAPÍ A j ,Zy 25M 1868. , " $1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. ■ o CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, CJiaimnan Finance & Executivc Committee. EMERSON W. TEET, Sccretary & Actuary. Uash CapiUl au J Accnmulatious, Jan. 1, 1871, abont. $1,800,000. Numbcr of Policies issued in the two years of the Company's Exlstence, 12.8Q5. Ainount of Insurance, 131,630,312. Anuual rremiums, $1,178,G33.43. THE LEADING STOCK COMPANY OF THE COUNTRY Wliose Distlngtiished Features Are : The Stock Plan. -ow Rate, All Casii Premiums. A Paid up Cash Capital of $1,000,000. A CoÑTEACT, SlMPLK, DeFINITE, ANÍ) Ea8ILY UnDERÖTOOD. k POLICY CONTAININO EvEKmiINO PkOMISED BT TUE CoMl'iKY, AND FrEE Fkobí Unnécsaky Resteictions. Applications für Agencies ot for Policies may bc made to GENKRAL AOKN'TS FOR MICHIGAN, NORTIIERÑ INDIANA AND WESTERN ONTARIO. ÖPPIOB 156 JEPrjBRSON AVENÏÏE, DETROIT. "With the new year the Companj' extendá its protection to its now patons by Usuing a more liberal policy than heretofore, containing fewer retrictiona on occupation, residence and travel, which is designod to meet he deniands ot' the time3 - Americana being proverbially a traveling peole. The insured are by its policies permitted to travel or reside in any art of the world within the Tcmperato Zones, without the troublesonie jecessity ot' procuring a permit, or the iinposition of an extra charge. - fo restnctions are impoaed upon occupatious, except upon the few which are recognized as specially hazardous. The new Special Kox-Fokfkitino features just adopted will still more increase the wéll known popularity of the National. It is a modification of the Massachusetts Law, hut shorn of its disadvantages. A few examples will show the difference between the Massachusetts non-forfeiture law and the Plan adopted by fcliis Company. By the Massachusetts Law a policy, issued at age 45, premiums for life, after 5 annual payments, will remain in force 4 yeara and 306 days after the payments cease ; but tJie unp&id premiums wiih interest at 6 per cent. are permitted to be deducted, f rom the policy if it becomes a claim before the expiration of the Term Insurance. By the Special non-forfeiting plan of tLe National, the same kind of policy at sanib age, after 5 anuual payments, would be exchanged for a paid iip Term Policy extending 4 years and 73 days ; and should the iusured die before the expiration of that time, the futt amount of the policy would be paid. In the case of a ten annual payment Ordinary Life policy, issued at age 40, after 5 annual payments the Massachusetts Law gives Term Insurance fornearly 14J years - subject to deductions of unpaid premiums as before stated. Suppose the insured dies just beforo the Terra Insurance expires, his premiums, $01.68 (on 1,000) at 6 per cent. int. for 5 years (to the end of the ten years) and interest continued till the fourteen years expire, will aniount to $560.40, which, deducted frora the ainount of the policy, will leave $439.00 actual insurance. The same kind of policy, in the National, at the saine age, and costin only $46 45 per $1000 for the ten years, after 5 annual payments, woula be exchanged for a paid up Term Policy, for tho f uil amount of the original policy, extending nearly 12 years. The sanie Special non-fort'eiting features applied to Endowment insurance, results sti 11 more in tavor of the policios issued by the National. (8ee exainples of the workings of this plaa as applied to Eudowments in the Compauy's Kate Circular.) The foregoing illustrations are based upon cash premiums - tbe premiums in tlie National are always cash ; most of the Massachusetts Uompanies allow a clioice of all casi) or part note or loan. Had the illustrations been calculated upon the loan plan (varying from 30 per cent. to 50 per cent note) the result would have still further favored the all-cash, nonparticipating rates of the Stock Plan of insurauce as practiced by the National ; the outstanding notes, with interest, in addition to the unpaic premiums being deducted from the amount of the policy. In addition to this Special non-forfeiting plan, the National still retaiiib its former plan of non-forfeiture of giving paid-up policies for proportionate amounts of the original policies. The ioanrer must elect at the time of making hit applicati&n, upon which plan of non-forfeiture he wil! have his policy written. The choice cannot be made at the time of surrender or change. W. W. WHEDON, and CHAS. E. LATIMER, i306tt .Agents at Ann Arbor.


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