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Jornal gtóici CONSUMPTÏÖK lts Cure and lts Preventivo. BY J. H. SOHENCK, M.D. Manr a human betoir has pftssëd iurny for wlioso do:itli thprp w:ts no other reaafin Oiari cho neglect nJ cnown and indisputahJy proven means of caro. Those i.-ar and deur to faailly uncí frlenda :ire .-leepíng tho lreamless slumber Into, liad tiiey ouinty adopted Dít. JOSEPil II. BCHEXCK'S SIMPLE TREATXENT, nnd avalied therosolves of hls wonrtorfully efflcackras medicine, they would imt have fallen. Dr. Sehenok na in hls itwn rustí provod thiit whorever suílicient vitaiity remnlns, tliut vii.-tiiíy. by hi mcdicfnefl and hia dlrections íur iheir uiWfcened into healthful v licor. ín this statement thero Is notlilng pnmnptuoiií. To the faith. of tlit; in valid ts made nu representatten that is not ii tbouaund timos sutostanttated by llrlng and Visible works, The théory ■( thu cure by Ir. 3ohenck8 medicino-i is aa simple as it i unfaUlng. lts philosophy requíres no argument. It U seli-assurxna, self-convlnclnf?, Tbe Sea-wced Tome and Mandrnk1 Pilis aro the ftrst twu weapons wtth whloh tiio citadel of the ma ads La usalled, Two thlrds oí the case of cnnsurnption originate Ín djspepsln and i functionaüy diiMjrdered íiv.t. With tnta Cood,ttirtn the btíinchial hibes " syrnpathize" with tïw tuuiueii. l'hey rapuiKl k í'ie raorblflcttction of the liver. Oore tUen mimes the calmlnating rcsult, nnd tho s.'tting in, witii all its Uistressing yoipais, of CONSU.1XPTIOX. The MftmTnihe PUIttnro primpnsod of ftnftof Nuturr's nublust t'ifts-the IMdophillmn IVU:itnm. Thy pOBb8 ;iii tiie blood-searohlng. alterativo properiw oí calomcl, but, unlikc calomtl, they "LEA VE NO STING KEIIIXD." The worfe of cure is now bagtnninfr. The vitiatert and miKS-iM tkpoaiU in the Im.wpN and in thcaliinfint:irv oanal are eleotea. Tti' llrer, llke ciu-k, la wtiund up. It arousea f rom Ita ttirpidHr. The Momíich acts rospnnstvclv'. and tho p;:Licut bejjinü u íeel tixat he isfeettinií, at last A SL'PPLY OF GdOD BI.OOD. Tho 8ea-wéeá Vonlc, In omijtonctlon wlth thp Pilis, permeates and assira tintes wlth tin food. Chyliflcaflon is now proicresalng without i prerh u tortures, l)i(íO!ítin bocones painleas. and Uio oore I neon t" t6 I. Tbore i no moro flatulence, no e x ace r bat ion of trif1 BtOttiflch. An app ■ Now nomos tho röalest Ti I w .i PwMfler rver fet civpn by an Indulgen t faiher tosuflerlngnuin. Bcnenck'a I 'ul mutilo Sjrup comes In ti perform its funottonsond to btnten and complete tlie cure. It onters at once ■ -. ■ . v.-i.i i: Nature can Dt be chöiitPtï. Itctillectti and riptMiH tbe Impalred aad dlseased porttona of üie lunes, in the form of eatherlngs. it prepares thwn for cxpector:itioii,and lo! in a vury h't time the malady Is ranqutshed, tho rotten tnrono th;tt it oocupled it renoraled and made oew, and the patiënt, ín UB tho difíníty of re::incd vijíur. ftopa furth to ciijoy the maiiliootl or wuiuunáuud toot K&a G1VEN UP AS LOT. Thosnrnd tiiincls, the pa.tien.tR nmtlay !n n wurm room ii 11 1 i l tlfey fíft well ; it is nlnmst Imposslble to prevent takin ( oold whon tli; lunga ure diseased, tmt it must be preveiited or a cure can nut bo-i-Sorioii. Fresh aír and ridtng ont, cspeclally in vU Beekton f the country, Ín tfio ftill and intr-r seiison, are all PhyBlclans who rcconmicnd thatcourse loso their paUents, if thelr lunfís aro badly dlseased and yet, booamo thny ar." In tne house thoy luust imt sit down qmiít ; they must walk a bom the oou iu) mucli fas sa tho fcÉrénffth wfll be:ir. to :i-t ;;p i fíood circnlatioii Sf bloofl, Xh&.]uUeritA nutst kfp hi u" spirits - be determirieíl t: getwcTl, Tola has a Kreat deal to 4o with tbe ftppeUtCiJiDd ísthegrcat pointto gatn. Todespalrof curo aftor sncb rvirlencoof ita posslbiüty ín tho vorst (jase, r. ï :. itjiniy in all oihers, is Hlnfnl, Dr. ■ miul utatemcnt tt)th lÑiuuUy uí" lila own cure w; i in these modest !ts aifo I was fn the last Hnorcs 'f conBumption; conflnéd t my ijpi, nnd :;t ono time my iana thougnt tbat ï eouid n'L Uto ;i woek ; then, ..!■.■■ -.: drownlnff man oatoblng at l;T, I lioardoC unti obtaim-.l tho pNjparatlous whkh I now offer to the public, Hui thoy niadu ;t porfert cuifl of ïno. lt sueiiiL'd tome tliut i c dJJ Ceel thetn penétrate my w)iilo system. Tliey b ion rlppnod tho matter En my l'in;;-.. iiii'i i irould B :i - t.' i ■ than fl pint of olfenI ilion matter overy tnornlncfor st,onR tim(. "As soon as ihat besan t i Bubside, mycotigh, fever, pninsi atm niffht Bweata all betcun t" reave me, and my appetice becamo so-great (fanttt was wtth dlffioulty tbs I ciu)d keep f rooi uatinL too niurh. 1 soon gai'my itrength,and have crroivn In flesh ever stnee. 'I was retghed snortly nfter my recovcry, bíMeti the Doctor, ' tüen lonking líko mere Skelet ■::; my wiïiht was only ninety-sevcn pdunds; my presentwejlghtistolmndred and twenty-flTe (fe5) poandr, reara i imTe enjojsed nnlnterruptcjd health." jr. Scnencfc has JSiscorHmund his ifroTeasWnal tistts to Xr-w-V'irk and Boston. ITo or hls son. Dr. J. II. Schcnek, Jr., attll continuo to bco patlentfl at tlieir Ofllce. No, 15 North 8ixth Street, rhiladclphiu,vccy Saturdaz from O a.m. to 3 km. Tbose vho wirh a thor meo ejtaratnation with the ]lesptrometerwlll bo CuSTkOO i-ï. Tho Res pi rom eter declares tho exact condltlonof tho rangt, nm patiënte can readtlj learn wbetber thoy are ourable ornct. The directfons for taking the mcdirinds aro adapted to theintolliKunco oven of a chtld, Follow these d'rectlons. and kind Nature wlll du the rost, cxceptinK tlfflt lu some cases tlio Mandrake Pilis jir! to bo tüken ín increasod doses; tho ihreo naetlicines need no other acconipanimonta than the nmplo instructiuns thataccompany tliem : Kirst oréate appetlte. Of returning health, hunper is the most weloome symptom. Whon it oomeS, as it vrill como, ïct the despaliing at once be Of good Obeer. Good blnod at once iollows, thocoiiffh . the nicht fwpnt is abated. In a short time bith of these niorhirl syinptoni are pono forerer. lr. Schenck's medicines are coníUintly kopt in tens of tbousandi of families. Ah laxuxivc pr punrativo the Mandnike pulsare a standard preparatton ; whll tho I'ulmonin Syrup, as a cure of oouffhs and mlds nuur bfi reuarded aaa prophylacteric ugaiustconsump?. ttoii in any of ííí forms. 1 lrlco of the inlmonic Svrup and Pea-woon Tonle, LSOa boUto, qt !f7.ri a hall' dozen. Uandruko l'ills ÏÜ c;utd i; box. For tale by all drugglsts and dealer JOH3ST . ÏÏE3Sri', 8 folíase Place, t, Y., Whotrsale Agente Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City,by


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