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The House And The Coming Treaties

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A topic which lias excited considerable interest and discussiüii hero to-duy luis ti." resolución' introdiiccd' in the House yi'stiTílii y vaat before adjournmont ly lír. Bbck, ana which was unanimousjed under a suspension of the rules. ïho resolutieri as adoptcd roads as follows : Resolved, That it being declared by tUo sccond soction of the aeooBd artille of the . itution, that " tho President ghfkll havo power, by and with the advioe and consent of the Senato, to make troaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present eoncur,'1 the House oí' Representativos do not claim iny ageney iu utakiag troaties; but th;it when a treaty gtipulates tionson any subjocts submitted by the Constitution to the power ot' Cou. ít nuisi depend for lts oxocutkm as tosucb stipulatioiia on law or laws to be passed by Congrees, aud it is the coasti tutioiial right and duty of tho House of Eepresentativcs in all such cosas to di 1 il - ate on the exp .!; ncy or Lnexpüdionci of oarrying such treaty into affect, and" to determino anact theroon as iittheirjudgnii-nl ïuay bo most COnduCÍTO oo the public good. Xlie abovo rcsolutioo is idéntica! with introduoed in tho Ponrth Congross, and there adoptad by a two-tiiirds vote after a debate which lastad for soveral weeks. The rasolution has a singular history, and in view of the importance atI tu the present . tion ot'tho House is worth reprodurinjj;. In 17U7 a treaty was negotiated between Ghreat Bi-ituin and Wasbington's ádtninistration, which required certain legislation on tho part ot' the IIouso to perfect. Favorable actionof the Senate in ratifying the taroaty had li lunicated to the House by the Presideat, when Edward Livingston, of New Yovl;, arose and, after snbmitting remarks in opposition to the treaty, ofifered a risoliuioii reqoiring the President to coxnmunioate to the House the i; tions ander which ooi miaistex fio Euglsnd aeted inmakrng the tn aty, aad also such otlur do: ;:mo:i;aiy and official evidemoe as might be necessary to put tho IIuusi! in complete information in relation thsreto. Alter a protraoied disenssion, tho rcsolution was adopted by 62 to ■'7. Amoug voting in the aöirmatiue were Albcrt Gallatin, James Modiïn which fKS-7Íoclntí5waa set lorth that the House had no right to make sucli a requost, Which could not be coinpliod witli trom motives of public Policy; and, farther, that tho assont of the Htmao was in no instaure necessary to tlie validity of any treaty which had been ratified by Senate and afreed to


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Michigan Argus