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Local And Other Brevities

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_To be paveel - Main Streel. „Atrcst - the s.ilt well on .Main Street _Urowins a race - the grass and all ether greens, si nee the rain. „Stewattl Bennett is pashlng im mvemeuts ou the University groaads. -Outfit to he cleaned uvay. The de I bnisr01"1'' the artesiau well - derrick and and II. _ Haril to beat : the fine rain of Wednesil.iv cvetiiu;; and yesterday luuriiiug - couIfnauus. _ The farmers uuanimonsly report Iho liet erop iu excellent eondition and givlajpromise of an almmlant harvest. -Peathes weie not winter killed In this viciuity, a:nl all scatterlog troes are full of (roit buils and pivnmture blossoius. _ The Ann Arbor cornspondeat of tlie ïpdluitl Commercial has dUcoverad two neivdwulliugs going up iu our city. An iktrving feHow. - Cherry trees are in full blossom, and iiírring late frusts, the wonns, the bugs, lliecherry birds, and suudry other calaml tks, cliL-rry pies wlll lie plenty. _Tiie"doine plan" for tlie uaw Uuiverjily building, discussed by a correspondent Iitbelast issue of the Auous, is OU exhibí lion at the store of Gilmouk & Fiske. - Hy tlie uew apportioiiment of memIcrsoftlie House, Wi.slitfiüiwcmiiity Iomü uk, as ilo of the ulder couuties. Tkenew conutles pain corrcspoiidiii.ulv-In the Supreme Coart on Tuesday the juJ;oitiit of iije court below a the case of Geo. D. iln-L ui. A. V. Robuon, el al, va9 aiumi BlLï) was betten below auJ apnetled. - Tlim? or foiir new posts and as man) boards have been squandered in improvídk(?) dio felice arouild the Court House wiiiarc. We fear ttmt eltber the eounty or city is like'y to "je bankrupted. -Faro bankeij vuj otlierj house keepers Lave beeu notitled to close jbop, pack u[) their kits, aud vamoose; tlrealternative beinji seizurc and confiscatiounf their implemeiits and tools. Good. - Dr. Doculass left home on Sunday evening for San Francisco, wliithcr lic goi'S ii a delégate to the National Medical Astociatiou. He will be absent about four weeks, and meantiine Recorder Webster will ofliciate as Mayor. -Cau't the "City Fathers" direct the Marshal and his depulies to ouforce the wdlnaiicc prphlbltlng cattle running at laixeo'atghts, and nave them Impoanded or(H)unded. Garden sauce aud door-yard Árubbery and flowers clamor for protec t:on. - On Saturday last, Mayor Douqlass gave the Marshal positive Instructions to 1.0 fyeveiy saloon keeper ihat the Sunday ordinance must be striclly observed hereafter. Evcry order-loving and law abiding citizen will be glad to see the determina tiou of the Mayor adhered to. - In bU recent iuiugural address, the Mayor of Toledo said : "i am iuformed by the Board of Trustees of the Toledo and WooUvillo Hailroad, that negotiatious are pending for the building of the road with Wíj prospect of speed; success." That is tlie road with willen the otfleers of the T., A. A. & N. R. hare a contract ior couuec tlon. - A large class of our citlzens- and es pecially saloon keepers and such of their cus'orners as are squanderiug at their bars the means which onght to bc employed in ualutaining their families- wlh fiud the uew proliibitory liqnor law - see tirst Pïe- intc.resting readiug. The fines and penalties therein provided may cut down Ou proflts. - Km. E. C. Staxton, writing to the Golkn Age of Trof. Ttlku's lecture on Washington, made htm say of the religious opening of a day's session in Coogress : "Down goes the quid and up goesthe chaplain." She now aven that she wrotc gavel iostead ol quid. Grave Senators and galUut Uepresentatives peislst iu "chawing" while the chaplain prays. Tlie reader of the Council proceedings in Ust week's Augus probably noticed the presentation and (eterenee to a committee f & petition for the widening of División Strm below ïiortli. This Is an improvc Went which ought to have boen made ycars S0; iu lact, the Vlllage authorities, f a village corporatiou then existed, sliould "Werhave permitted such a narrow street tobe laid out, and especially as an extcniiooofsueli an iinporiaut street as División. The improvemeut asked may be an pensive onc, but will certainly cost more & few years from now than at this time. may inconveuieuce and damige one or two loeal piopcrty holders, wc thiuk not 'More than one, but to abate su"U a growIpi nuisauce and aboli.sli such an eye sore private iuterests must oecessarily give way l" the public good, the public, of course, PtylHg lor thedamage duneand sustained. Wc tiust, theretbre, that the Council will give tlic petition referffld to such conslderation as it demanda, and that at no dis tam Jay, as a rcsult of its consideration and determination, strangers will not flud tlieir way to the heart of our city through a mere alley, as ujw do those who are btooght from the dspot up Detroit and División bUcets. Wc hear that a magnetic or minera wull haü been discovcreil in the soutli pari of our city, - on Grove Sti'cct, First Ward - the watiis of wliicli, in medical qutilities auJ curativo virluos, promise to rival tliosu of tlio fuinous St. Louis well, wlth wliich tliey are pronounceit almost idcutical. As our informer has t, the family weli failed to supply swect waters, but not rellshiug or recoyalxliig the maguetlc tasto and proporties, the owiici' procured a thorough cluaning out, but without Improveineut and auandoiied its uso; since wliich u riend fmniliar vvitli the St. Louis wcll has uihesltatiugly prouounced it of the same kiud. - Our informant sunnises that it is this Iscovery that Is to senil "corner iots" To day's Oourier vM probably(?) ettle Uut questiou, liowuvur, so we rest. - Or was the Courier's threuteued develpnicnt like AitTKitus Waiid's "sarkasin," ml to be coastrued tlia reverse ( At a-rccent ïuectlnj of the Directora of the Toledo, Aun Arbor aud Northern Kailroad Coinpanj', Menn. E. W. Mokoan, Chas. Tuut aud J. A. Scott were appoint ed to attaud a meeting to be held at Toledo to cousult with the offleers of the Pennsylvania Central Hailroad. It is underntood tliut tlie Trustees of the Toledo coinpany and the offleers of the conaectlng road iroin tliat city to TilHu expuct to close a coutract wlth the Peunsylvaiila Central at the coming meeting. Aller that what ? We aha)) sce. Aldernmi Mammon, of the öth Ward, on account of impaircd healtli, has glveu up hissitiutlon at the Sinclair Mills, wbew he lias buuo employed for ttventy-oue consceutlve years. Durin this protracted service lie statcs he has been absent trom his post but tli ree montlis in all. - li is understood Mr. II. contémplate engaging iu the grocery aud provisión busiuess. Mr8. John C. MüNDT, onc of the oIJcst residents uf our city- a tlaughter of one ol' the flrst seUlcrs, Hknuy Kumskï - died on WeJuesday moruing, oi' iiiflauimatiou of tlie lODgs. She was a lady geiicrally kuowu iiiul univuisally estvemed. We invite atteutiou to tlieadvertisointnt of Ö.B. Kavknaooh, Photographer. Mr. Il is reputed a flrst-class artist, and eer talnly tunisout some very line work. Tuk Frenoh peoplo are still shooting, maiming, aud killing eaeh otlier, with uo indications of the end. That is the . nel of columns of tolegrams.


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