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I" ATEST STYLES! BE5T GOOD8 ! GHEATEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRICESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JOST BITVRNED FKOM WITH THE LARGEST AXD BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRIKG AND SUMMER GOODS i;ra"S FlkXISHIXC COODS, GHILDREN AND YOLTU&' CLOTH1KG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIELS, &c, &c, &c, T11AT HAS EVER BEKN BltOUGnTTOTHIS CITY, WU1C1I HU WILL SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMKNT OP CASS1MERES, COAT1NGS, and VJlSTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO OUDER IN THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALE. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, default ha boen made in the oondition.s of u oertAin morttfAKt', inade and executed by Daniel Ijong, Jr., on the twenty-third day of Decora - ber, A. I). eightoeu hundred and aixtynwc, to John McCoiinick, whieh morígae WU reourded on the urne duy, in the office of the Kogistcr of Uoetls in and for the couuty of Washtenaw, Slichipin, in Übcr fnrty-two of mortgugüM, and piijie two liundred and fifty ; and whereiw, toare is now duc and unpaid the urn of thirty (lulliirs on aid mortgage aud the note aocompJinyin the Bame for iateeat, ond the furthtt Bum af thrco bundred dullan nrindpal nnd aoenilag interest above the s&id thirty dolla will booomedueon tho tirstday ut' Odtober next, tmd thero Ls alo tliirty dollars diie for ad atrney fee, nrovided for in wiid mortae hoiild any procecdinK c taken to forecloae the same ; and, wheieiis, no proceedingH at law or in equity have boen taken Ui recover the munt; or any part theroof : notice i horwby given, by virtuo of the power of salo eontniued ín atd mortg"U(?o, that on Monday, the wvonteenth dny of July A. D. eighteen hundred and Beventy-one, at the hoiir of twelve o'clock, noou, of unid day, at the front (liKir of the Coutt HotW t OT the (uimtv .l WAflhfesnav, lli undcrtjiiau-il wffl st;ll at public Jinction, to the hifrhust bidder, the premien describwl in wiid murtKair', OT siittiriunt thereof to pay and satwfy the Butfl dubt, the Interest thereon, the -.t and exjjenwt of üaid sale, and the uttornoy fee providud for in aid nmrt iiL'i' : Tho said premist brinR described iut tJiat crtain pieoe or parcel of limtl lying and bcinff'in tho city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wasntensw, boundcd and doscribed a.s follows, U-íiib the loutfa halt of the followinfi destïribed land, btmnaoil by the Ann Albor -ity limita on the north; on the eaft by the (Jatholic Cemetory ; on the south by the Chubb rond; on tïie west hy land rocently oceupifld by Mm. fcük, being fiirlii iwU Ín frunt and ten rods dcep. Aun Arbor, April LUh, 1871. JUUN MrCORMICK, Mortgagoc. O. ÏIawkiks, Attorney for Mortgagcc. 1317-td. QotoR,W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paint&,Oii&,&c. gO ME TH ING GOUD AT LAST! 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having located at this Iplace, has just opened as FINE and SELECT an assortment of CLOT1, CASSI1ERES & FANCY 1STMS, STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST NOTIOE, LOTO POSSIBLE PRICE. ALSü A LI.XE OP GENTS' FU1ÍNISHING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and ho will . GIVE YOXJ FITS. JAMES BOYD, 1S181Í 24 u.-iin Street. rL O FARMERS ! I di'sire now tn rtiturn my hearty thnnks for the Ulwral patronage of the Farmers of Wanhtcnaw and aljoiniii; Coiiiitic. who have for ao many yearein the pjut extended tu me their tradc, and I hope and trati satlafectory and prulltable to both parties. I hope to recelve a fair shnre of thelr patronage in the futuro. My cfforts will bc honuBtly dtrected tuwards the Iuterests of my Customers, Mwdl iisiiiyown And again my aim will bc, nt to knop At chtüip ííood u posible, but at oá ae can be and at a Low EtatQfl as thu qunllty of my eods cftii bo afl'ordcd. ï will nnt iiiulertahc to comj)Ie (u prioef wit.h inlrrit)!' poods, 1 will uot impair thequality of my impIemenU in order to re rtucc the pcice. The ptirchuee of chenp oodB of any kind provea an unprorttable invKtmcnt aa uiauy lüivr fouud to ilu-ir coal. 1 uhall kiep n FLLL STOCK OF FAKHIKG TOOLS mi h.-nnl. th:ti i !'i-!ifr:il]y fnund in markut. I uni nuthorizud aj;tnt for thu Yollowini; THRESHíNG MACHINES 4.. 11 ii i ik Huffulo PlttH, liufl'iilo, N. Y. lli Iiiii.iii Sworpslitlws, Kuttlc Creck. Nlcbols V SlxpIicKl's Vibrutor, B.C'ruek. 'l'lu' (jieiMcr Iu híiir. liaciuc , Wie. ALBO The Chaaiplou Rrajirr & Tlower. Sclf-Rake. Tbc klrby Sclf-Raking Kcapcr, Contblned. The Klrby Two-Wlirclfd nower. Wood's .llachinc, Comblued wich Self-Rakc. JACKSOÏT WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Qrain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all sizes. THB (ENUINB CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Mauufaclurcd at Kulumaz o. I have tocated myself at the ld nnd well-known Apple Puckbig House of 1 Henninff, on Detroit Qtreet,oppo$Ue Bocbos' Hlock. where I yliall be lippy to meet as many of my old customerd, and i niany uuv onea is in.iy ploasu to come. I have securod the permanent Bervlces of Snimiol Mct'la'ii,ou oí my old shop haude, who perfeclly umlof-tands REPAIBING All kinds of Toóla, and fit be on iiiind i-m ly in the moriiinf; and late al night, win DlCMMrjf to ucccimuodate . M. ROCERS. Alm AfbOTr-Apdl Ist IS71. POUK POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE GE! UK. KELLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR, INDIAN REMEDY, FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS! Worth, Merit, and Keliubilitv conceded bv all to be liouoi-ably wo and fully Rewarded foy Di Kellogg's four Merit orious Coiu - ponuds. ROOT BITTERSAbsolute freedom irom phyeiclsl dieease I a Messing desired by all, but enjoycd only by the few Indigni-timi. Lassuurle, Qeneral Debility, Muscular Wenknecs, and lack of Nervous Enorgy, are commou ailinents : vet they are the forerunners of more serinus cotnpfnints. Dysnepsla, wlth all lts "horror," Is only chronic indigestión, and mnny puor consuraptlve mortal toltering upon th vergeofphyoica] dlssolution, vlridly remembersthe general dehlllty and nervoug prostration which herulded the Httack of the invidioug enemy of life. The advice dlctated by common senso " is not to let these minor coinplaints lurk in the system tmDoticed and unlieeded," yet many persons who feel fatigned after even moderate ejcorciso, whoso blnod is Khr':rish in circnlation, digestión morbid, appe tlte irregular, complexion pallid, nerves wenk and unstrung, muscular fibers luoso and fiabby. and whoee system is in coDdition of general debility. wlth every avenue open to tbc encroaohmtmt and mssession ofconttrmed aud destructivo riisrase, 20 lisili-.j-iy around " living ekeletons," appareutlv regardle88of the blessings of health, and Dnmindfnl of these natural warnings of the approach of complete physical prostration. That, " Hiérase comes when least expected" s a common but vcry nbmnl saving. ÏVr these commou complaint8 are the skirmieheni which com menee the attnek and herald iho apprvach of the enemy ; and it is wi'dom of ermmou sense, to guard agitlnst thcir attack, and f they have puasces1011, to drive tllem froni the syst' m 'l'he naturally leeble frame inay be 8trenjthenpd, ana the roban who have boen partially brokeu own by Indigestión, Dissipation, Nervotm Debility. seasc, or nnusuai hardship, may bc recrultert.and iciri'cl to bealtb and happiues, by Hu? delidoaa otanlcal Tonlc, pmect and whnlexomo apiictizer, ;enialaid to digestión, and gentle nervous stimunt,- Pr. Eelloggi Uelebrated Root Bittern. Thov wili Improve theappetite, matenallv aid dlestion. perfect tbc conrtitimi of the liloöd c-ive one to the nervou syetera, arrest the proereM of isease, ttrenghi'ii tile emaciated, aid and coullrm ie restoration of the feeble convalcscent, and pro■t tbc system agailist malnrial discase They are blcsslng to thoae who llud thimselvee veak nituld, and lacking energy, as the warm da.vs of pring approarli. Tbejr are a tiviiMini lo urnen ho Buffer froni neurona debility, loog of vital retchéd whískey.J añd aloes uut a genuino uutnical compound, pure, pleasaiit, and agreeable, nd warrautod to be cijuul to their mcummendaons. LIVER INVIGORATOR nd Blood Pnrlftcp, 1 a crmponnd prepared to eaneethe ■yetelD ofiíupurilieg iind cure conllrmed disorders Rilling f rom a ntnaiWfid state of the LIver. ■ThereÍ8 8omethint; the matter wJth my Liver," is theobervfitlon oí ut least three out of every five persons, when aaertioned in regard to their health, and it Ís a Wfll-known truth, that díeease of the Liver is the most emmou ailraent th physiciït lia tocontend with Hhouh he is guueially callcdupon lo meet it in the farm of Pvors, Agüe, Nervou Proetration. and other acute inatftdléBof which disorder of the Uver is the producing cause. Itnpurc Bl'wd, Skk and Bilioas Hondache, Costivence) Nervous Wcíikuestí, LMf of KnergJ. V.maci.ation. f'ntnsin the Side and houldfra. WMUEDm aud Trerabting after nCOfdse, MHancholy. Drow!uc9. and Chrmiic BUIousDe", reiomeertthe inilior symptonirt of Billary neranj;eraent and DLs6ftM. The ftn.'it reetilt if these symptoms nr dlvrevard ed are different kinds of PeTer, Khouiuatipnií. DiflTrhcAt Oeneral Prostration of Nervous Svstera, endiug iu Jaandice or Consumptloa. Tlie Liveristlie mt!t rensttlve rgan in the lnimin structure. except tbeLnngSi and bo long a dí-composition of vegetablfl matter eontlDDM malarin ari68i and ihe preseiit bablta of üfe ure iudulged, po long Uver Oomplalnt will hocomipon. As Ui ere is no prospect of hete conditious betng obvlated bence uecensity of rmpluvinu' ageuts to counteract their influence. Iu nelocting ftüd proportiouing the iiiy[redieiit8 of t)r. K'Uoulí's Uver Imrigorator, special atteotlou bas been Imil to compound a preventiva aud cure for Bill"U8 Disorders or evcry type. Tre most potent agenceF knowu to Btan1cal research, have been incorporated hito thlfl truly popular speci&c for Liver Omplaints and Diseaaei of the Blood. lts eifect upou rhu human eysiem is in perfect accord anee with the laws of hcalth. and the acience ol phyftlcal utructurc, bcing Alteraüve, Üiuretic and Tonic. By its AHoratlve lid Diurctic powers. il carnes theimpurities of the eyatem aft throngh nature1 coui-ees, aud fit the ame time by iu Tonic virttu h itecimulates iliuetiou aud gives tone to the nervüuö powers. Family Cathartic Pilis. Tho ohjcctlon that these PiUs wcre nnt Silgar .'■'Mi.i-il has been obviab-d by thc proprietora ano iü that respect they are uow egaal to any in use.- fholr worth aa u Pafe and reliablo Cathartic has never beeu qneaUoned. Kor Chronic Constipattou they are a certaiu rtmiedy. By their actlone thcy cleanse the systom of vitiated gecretiona. 'lhey ütlm'ilate thc Llver to acilvitj, give tone to the tomach. and (trcngtta to the ñervos. Thereis nothng Ín theír composnlon bnt whatta purely vepptaile. They are mild, irentle.and entlrely effectua!. [U8teadof irrltalliif.' they restore. Thcif are a cer. :nln remedy for Oonstlpatfon, Khenmatism, Chrnnc IndlgMtlon, Stobborn DUeaae of the Liver, Billonsneu, Viruleut Imiinrlties of thn Blocid, aud all Disorders wliere n h orough laxative Ís requircd. INDIAN REMEDY. A medicine advertUed to cure all. Is Renerally hcld n disrepute, yet It is possible to componnd a ri'medy ihat muy be bcneficiul in a varicty of complalnU. ür. Keliogg'B Indina Bemadj san existín" proof t ihiapossibllity, inasmudí ar It ain be employed in a viricty of complílnti, mi In ea produce a happy The Kemedy i admitt' il l)y the many who íam BTCd i', and wln cnidr it indlspenraUe, to be the most perfect Romedy tor c. ni :h,Cold8, Croup, mik! all Dueaaoa of tbc Thromi andLimuK. that hns yci been uilVnrt to ilic public, wbile for WoüihIb, Soros, Hnriii, BcaldBiand cvery varlety f Externa) Inflammatlon it known to be anabaolute cnre. In !■■ it iim"fiMnio enumérate mul Èpedfy uil the coinplaims anddüorden for whloh tbis "Hamedy" is mi anu dote Snfloe to 8y thiU warever tbere i Inflammntion, interno] or externsl, on eithcr man or beaat, that it n a specdy, portoet nnd rellable can-. We warrant tbat the ïmeof one boitle tiy 1.11} lam ily wijl ostablish t a oue of tlio ncocuslliuüuf nousehold economy. All thoabovo medici nes are preparad at DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS AKN ARBOE, MICH., ( And are Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere,


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Michigan Argus