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jl,TICIIlAN MACUlSESiV DEPOTi Q, S. WORMER & SON, Déniers In all kinds of Woed 6c Iron Working Maohlncry. !)Ó, 1! flnil lfS JofjVrnon Ave,, Mich1INU AWÍ FABJIlXli tUUttfft H offer for cale 25,0'H) aeren c.f Hlue and Farmhig Lniid on Time, at l'riccs rnnln from # to #1O ïr Acre f! 28:t creB of these ÏMne Laiids are located on the Wiaconsiu RIver. J,62() acres on Waters leadfn to Cheboygan (jr D'Jdchu Mich. 40 acres 011 th Auprea Kivcr. 3,1 WO acres oh Thnndpr üpr waters, lcujing to Alpena. SM aerot ota íüc 'i ti!)ttA:if-c lïiVcT. 2.W0 Kcrea in rtladw'.n ''o.. Mich., f r Karmí and Timbar. 1 2TJ acres Choice Mineral and Hnr.'l TimixT Lradl near OotonAgoa, ' imkj aert-s Fruiría lninl In Nrbrnpku, near the Union Pacific ïlailroad. 900 acre good Karmlng Land In Oratiot comity. ÍS to f', per acre. ZTr Mnuy of thee Lands are worth the pi ice we Bik for them foi Farmlng purpoecs after the Tim berin cut. Kor fnll description, pneO and term, send fo? Circular. tí. PKESTOX & CO., Ranken. Detroit, Mich. A R. & W. P. LIHN, Mixnuractnrprs of (iround CeOces, Spices, NiiMard, e(c , etc. Anti Whdleüa'.e Dealer? In TEAS AND GROCERS' SUNDRIES ! ! 120 JeiTersou Avenue, Detroit. TOHN COPLAND, Manufacturer and 0 Wholesale deaier ín a large variety of Crackers, Snaps And IliHwits. Orders poücitcd and flllcd at lowest ifiarket price Seud tor Price List Keel Oven Sienm Bafcery, corner Randoljh ahd Woodbrlde streets, Detroit, ! .IE 9': SCI' 1. f'l I .!{ ' I ! &. CO., A. wnOLESALK EtiBSV OOHS9 35 .WoodwardjAveuuej DiaBOlT, - - - JUICHIO-A-N". HUGÊf JOHNSON, Manufacturar of nd dcftU-r in CAItRIAUES, BCOGIES AND SLKIQH8 ! A Que assortment of ttie latest slylee of home made mid Kaftlcrn Carriaíca, lin.l:n]in_' i.AMAirt, ( i.ahrnok nnd Family Carkiciu from the celebrMud factory of J. Mon ft ('o., Bridgoport, í'onn., con stftntly on hand and furnisned t ortlp. Nos. 86 tolW Larued St Wt,0Or.0Mi St. Detruit Carrlage Manijfactnrers. JOHN PAITOS &SOX. Aro offering thu largost and beet aesortmeut of CARRÏAGES & BUGG1ES IN THE WEST, At Greatly Rednced Prices. AU work made nndcr mr nwn fuptTviniim. nnd Fuli.y Warhanted. Pactory and Wavcriome corner Woodbrldgc and lïrubh BtnebiDetroll. For ThreBhinj. Sawinc Wood. Mtücine Cider, etoamin ifood for Cattle. feo. D. E. R1JK, Mauiifacturcr. 191 ATWAïER STREET, DETROIT. Gnoí.ii. isuoriii:ii, Importar and Dealers in FANOY GOODS 1 Toys, Yankee Xotlons, Hosicry, Lares and Tilrunilngs, AND MANUFACTUKERS OÍ'1 CHILDÍIKN'S CARIUAGKS, BASKETS AND SU-i-hs, No 80 and Si Woodward Ave . Detroit. Tr:mpplant Now.- Fruit nnd OrnameDtnl Tii.', bhraba. Roses, r;ipe Vmrs, nnd ."!l theiimal) fruits reen HooM mid Bedding Plant', Duhlh. Qladlolt, 'lube Roees, Maderi VIdos, &c, sliould bo plmiti d aftcr the mliltile of My. Btm of ilielieut ïwietlw- mld VegeUble and Fiower, U UW. As tl. is is the rirsiyear of imr stod trade, wc have no oíd fa ú ou hand A virv lartre. s:ock of the nlinvo. at moderate ratrs. ' Ad5rcss, VU. ADA1U. UERRAND & OSBOHNB, NÜRSERYMEN, FL0RIST5, Etc , Etn-, Have the Lftfgevt (reenhouc and the Bept ColJfiCÜ.on.oJJfbnJJaIWipJt.„ Tfivl WS '6rY„' mentfil Trees of all kind. lÏTirjrreeusa rpKMlj. We solicü visltto uure-tablifhmeut, iuruurif Fort and 24th stretts, Detroit. ro non v-Lríbeíñ:as"xcw nr.d FKIIT ASD ORl.nE!V'TAL TREES ETC. Cfttnlnptiee pent on fipplicfttion. AddrcsH HUH1UKD& DVI8. Detroit, JMicli. Mr. Thos Arclier, writtus from 8t Jusoph. Mich , April _.'. Hiiys : "The Verbenas carne in good ttl der, aml are cermlnly tlie inoit bltl)T, stncky plantH I ever uw " And to tbc time effect wrltë hiindredn of other sponden tí. [0H W. inrHLETT, ROCKINQHAM & Ohio ST0NE WARE GLASS AND STONr: FRUIT JARS. Send for Price Liet. 6-i te CO "Woxlbridge Stroet "Weit DETROIT MICH. n MBVLEMHHU, Billiard Table flanuJ fiulunr, wi(h Dm.amciM Paent Steel Wirc Custnons, !, luo aml 102 Handolph Street, l'etroit, Mich. liranch: ISt.Joeeph, Mo. I aleo mnufacture Pioonhole, Jenny Lind and Bagatel! laiilcy and do all kiiulpof nltcïin and re pminns. Keep alwiiy nu liand Secood haml Tablea and al! ffoods appertainini; to Rilltnrde. Bowling Pms tmd Ba!ls for salo, lao all kinda of trimmhtg (iui)e. 00,000 .ons OHIO STONEWABE, AT WHOMiB-AI.r; ui" Daalstln rrockcry, Ql&sawarc, &c. N"o 1O JSliciiignn Ave,, I")etroit. STO1STE T ED.-J. IV. Bntrhclder, (Formerly Batchelder & Ok.J Dealor in Snwed and wr URht Ohio lilue Freeetone mul all kind of Plain and OrnamcntHl rut i-tone, onch i.s nonr Sills and aps, Watertahlei, Keygtnnce Püuths. Wall Cnpin". &c Sawad tune sule walk laid In any part of the State at low ratts. ContractorH and thuse contemplaituii bnildiug aie respect fu') j invitcd to cali and examine my st k and priecs. Corner Shelby & Atwater Sts , Detroit STOJ }:. -Aiiiri-iv Brunton, Contractor and Dealer in all kinds of PLAIN ASD ORNAMENTAL CÜT STONE Orders by mail promptly exuented and ('ut Stone Work OOBtxactod for on the moet reaoiiable terme. Ofllce and Yard on Doek het Randolph and r.nish sts., uext below D. fc 11, K, R. l'aeeni;er Heio $70 (ï Hl VIIX BK PAID FOK THE HIOV,ál. BrHtcaseoffailiirerof Randaü's Circassian Cream Wasü, To Freckles, M.ith Patches, Sun Hiirn, Tan Ac.,if used as per dirccti'ins. and etrlctly perpevcred in. J. J. R.ANDALL, Proprietor, FisherJilock. Detroit, Sold by DrugglsU generaüy. 13]8-m3. JSOTICE, The annnal meeting of the stoelíhoMers of the Ann Altor Trading Awwiation, for the election of offioera nnd for the transiu-tion of such other biirtineus a.s raay be tnought xfore the moctinpr, wiU h: beid at tficcoftfie nooiation, Ño. il M-in Str-otjOnMonday, Muy t, at ton Q'elock in the forenixm. U. W. WA ir, L. Gruner, l're.-ident. Hwrctury. Ann Arhor, April 20, 1R7I. 1318-w2. Mortfago Sale. DEFATTTr hoen made in the iYndition of a certuin raortpapM?xocutod hy Norman EtetVi "i the towfishin of Shftron, county of Washtenaw, and Ktntoof likulgan, to BraaM Bacon, of saki oounty of Waohtenaw. on the ftwt day of Jnnuary, A. D, lfio, and reconlud in the Rojiister's office of aaid county of Waslitcnuw, nu tlif nitifh day of June, A. I). 18tí6, iu Uber S7 of mortgngw, at page 24, on whieh mortwiye nnd neta aoeompoiiynig1 tlie snmc tliore in nnw cl.iimecl tn n' duo imtï t licmn due at thr dato of this notie.', Uv nnn of eiht hundrvd nnd Beventy-thne rmd (W-ino doUara, aLn an Attorney's fee of ton doHitre nwvided for In s.tid iihji tirniif', imd do ])i-oroodin)fH i luw or in f.niiiy imviiifir been bad to racovst Ukc ■ any part theivi Now. thereforo, notioo is berrhy rivcii, thnt by virfcne oJ thé power it nlt In aaid mortfntge oontainedi I Khall seU ut pnbüc auetion, to tin IiíkIiohí bidder, on Saturday, the lirst duy of Jnly ntxt, at 11 nVIork in tlio (brenoon of Baid dy, at the aoitth door of the Onirt House, i:i ÜW city ftt Ann . rbOT, in sni[ QPOntj , UuM being the plaae af Rotding fcba CirouK Court fm■ald cuunty, iill thut nertain traot or purrol of land nitualM in the township of Shunin HfnrfMidt known vreel ono-hiUf of the soiitheast quartcr, and the wesi om:-}i!ilf ui Úie e;ist half of the atmtheaat qoarter of wet ion wvon, in (iwiiKliip thne snutli of ranpo tkoae telt, in tho BtotO of Ahrliiui), coutaining one hundreduud twenty acre more or loss. April 4th, 1871. ïïosf.a EATOX, Uorteaga. D. C'itAMFK, Alt1} . fur MurtgKgcc. 13ÍÜ ipEOPLE'S DRUG STOiíí-i R. W, ELLIS & CO, AlKriT ABBOB ' -i. f MoHgafcn Halo. DEf ATíLT haring l'n mildte tn tte comlition of a ('inin mortgaoo uteánted by Charlas Beutles and Erttesthw, Mu wTfe, of the ity of Ann Axbor, in WashtWBw county and State "f Mirlniran, to Alpheus Fetób; W the fame placJPP the th day of May, 1H60, nnil i'inril'il iti tr.t DD0JQ Of Rofriaterof Deed fi.rt taÜd ómtity of WaahtcnJlw, OO the Slat duy of m a, a. i). iH(o, ut BX o'filWek a. m., iti Ubcr w of es, on ]ïii(fo #11 Vhi; h unid mortgage vusduiy omökdw by taa AlphtA FVieh to Krnestfno Bvutler, of the -ity of Ann Arb-, altooaald, Um EM dny of April, A. 1. I809i Mini nOOXQCQ i'l the nlfiet Of KvisU'7 of Dueds for bah oountyof washtwiaw, on the JMh rtny of -luty. '■ IWi t ! opdoek a.m,, ialibev l' -f asaignincnta of mortgagos, on pago JftS, uni asaigncd Hy tn; wtid ErMstine HMitlrr to AiiUBtus "SVd n; ttmnn, (jf tbc wuïl rity of Ann Arbfjr, on the ltíííi üi of Mniuh, A. i. 1870, n.Hïiigtini-nt ia record ed m the Hegiett'r's oIHcp of saiiï junty, in líber 3 nf ursigninetit of mortgagea, oo paso ;'s. nd that thcre it clfiimed to K? duc at thfl 'luie ■rfrfll Ibe fnin of two liundruti itnd two dollars híit! '5 tntB, hIko tlic n nson:i!i!" oost tod !ittirtM-y fees, abonU ftny ptoceedlnn In had to foraohM thé som; andno snit or prottM-aLugi .t l'iw jr In wjuity hnviiiff boen had to recover Öm deot wïCuvwI by fnid moTtnm, or nny jnrt tliereof : Notici; is hereby ffivon thut by riitne of t.ho power of snk' ín lid morteage contained, T shall scll at public auction, to the highest bidder, 011 the 24th dny of June, a. i). 1S71, ut two o'clock in the aftprnoon of that dny, at the front door of tbe Ooovt Hnn in the aid city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty of Waphuóaii and .StátC fff Michigan, the premiaes described ín suid morlpftffo iv all thosc certkin trnct or parceU of land drftr.rilod h tolIowk, to wit: the north part of lot number thror, in block number ftve, beinff a stnp of nftid lot, two rods Tvide on the north end of tin; shiiiu, uiid runniiip ucrosfi the sumo frora east to west; alno the sou th ptirt trf tot Daunbet two, in sAmo bïork, boanAed as folliywR, tt wit : on the north by a line commeiK-ing in Tbc-Ht fttWT Baring street, ni"tb',nutnnot tf feet fioin the northweet corner of Ptiid lot mibilrr to, and running thence eautwardly acroAA t--ü lot tb 3 point in the enst. line of said lot at the ditance of 40 foet from the northeaat corner of Baid lot Dimkbez two( thence ninninp wïiithcrly by the east line of said lrt to the eouthriuït corner tliereof, thene went ly tlie Kouth Une oí' sftid lot to Htreet, them north by the wesi line of ssld lot to tho plaw? of begtnuinff, the saine bsing sitnatod in thntpartof srM city of Ann Albor known as ftAcii'fl adifititm, a pint bf whi#ï ij ' in iïc offlecbof the Hegfstei of Deed oonnty, tn líber tf of deeds, on pntro 140, and the soid preniisea aro hcrelv conveycl Miij. 1 1 o all rights and privücgcíf which ltelong to tbe projiricton of theaüU race "trní.h mus alonp tho post border ol aid piemises. lintel, MiirCh 23d, 1871, 1315 A. WIDKXÍIANX, Amifrnoe. Foreclosure of Mortgiige. DEFAULT haTing hem madoin the rayment cf the sumsof mont-y, with ten mr cent. interest there on, BOOond by the morttrage oxeruted by Tohanna i huunrey JI. MiI"mti, baaring date the ninetee&th day of April, a. n. Ifim and recordni May Sdj As i. 1859, in the offii f I'.m ist.r of Deda (-1 tbe oounty of Washtenaw, in t'-r öf fiuchigsii, in líber Ño. 25 ot mortgagw. at pHt 6M, nnd aannied to llonoruh Murse, September 23, a,d. 1M2, by aeodof iwignment rccordcl in wiid Begiffter's office, in sattl liiier No. 25, atpatfe fiO4, on the 29th day of Mareh, a. i. 1871, by whicn default the power of sale contained in mud inortirac boenme operativo, and no guit or proeeeding havinjr been instiutcd at law to recover the debt remaiuin.LT secttred by such mortK'ie, or any part thereof, and the Miim of two hnndreiland tmr il'iilnrs ïind seventy-eijiht oenta being now clairnod to q du? th croon : Xotice is therefore hereby given thut said mortRiiffe will le foreeloeed by the aleof the Dtortgag td pruraiacft known and described as beinp ín Brown & Kuiler' addition to the village (now eity) of Ann Arlor, in the cminty of Washtenaw, ui the .Stte of lücbifffln, and coinmencinj? in the nortberly line of Uroadway, eifhteen foct fcwo and two tiftli Inches BOOÜnreaterty from the corner of Itrown streot and Hrnri'lwity, and mnninff tlienct; northerly and parallt;l with Urown Rtreet, forty-nine fect, tlience southerly and parallel with lïroadway tiiuetecn feet and i half. thenoa eotttheastaij and pareBd nèth ltrown streot forïy nine feet to iïro(lway, thenoe n the line of Btoadvay to the plaee of begfanrfn Alo the undivided huif of the following describwl land: ('ommencing in the Houtïiwf-sterly line of Brown streef, forty-niïic feet northerly from the corner of lïroadway and BroVn Street, and running thenoe nnrtherly on the line of Brown altreet echteen foct.thouoGoutherlyatxjgal anglee with Jirown street fifty-seven fret two iridies und tWO fifth to land formerly owned by ajtB U niiih, thence easterly and parallel to the first ineutioned line and on wiid Smitli's line i-i-rhteen feet, fthenoe northerly at riglit anales and pnntllel with the wond Une to the place of beginninp, at public auction or vt-n lue, at the ('onrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in s:iid county, on faturday, the lirst day of Julv nest at nm. HOXORAH MORSE, Asnignec. Duted, Mnrch 27, a. d. 1871. E. . -MmtGAS, Att'y. 1315 Mnrtjgfige 8al, DEFAt'LT haviner been made in the oonditton of n i-rTtuin mottgage, exeented by Joa&na O'llara, of tho City of Ann Arlor, County of WaahteflMW, fen Andrew .T. Shively. oí the city of New Vork, on the nineternth day of Febnmry, A, D. 1SG6, and recorded on the same day, in liher 35 of mortífaíees, on iage 21(, at 3 p..m. of aid dny, on rhich mortguge and bond iroompiinyinp tho me, there is clnimccl to be due at the date of thi notice, the fim of three hundred and six dollars and twenty-five cents, also au Attorney'a fee of thirty dolían non ld any proceedinjrs'be taken to f oreólo the sime, and no proeeediTiis in l;iw or equity havfaig been hud to recover the debt or any jwrt thoreof ; nottoe i hcrely pivcn, that by virtuc of tho powrr of snlc in said martSflge DOtttaineft, Í hall ?U nt pubUoftVCtÍO&, to tho liip-hCrtt bidder, on Batiutlay, the ti-nth iIhv of Jnneiiext, al 2 o'cïock in the aft of Hid diy, :it tiio ouvt Home, in the City of Aun Arbor, Ín tsoiA ounfy, that boing thp piuco of holding tht i'irpuit Ccmrt ÜMP wiid ('onnty Of Washtenaw, all thoae oertain pieoi;s or paroslfl of land sitúate in the Utwntihip of Ann Arbor, County of Wnshtcnriw nfofeHÍd, known, Innindod aiid dosenbed n follows, to-wit : beingaUthat part oftheweftt hnífofthc nortbeasl quuwv BOOtton number nine i!) cat of thr rond nrnwring llu noi-thwet corner thcreof; nlso all th:tt part of the eaat l;ilt of the wuthwwt qnarter of nul section lyinjar east of spid toad OOt herftofore deodexï to Daniel O'Har; ;iI in lownship number two south of ranee number six (6) eest. Mareh ljth, is;i. ANDBEW J. SniVELY, Mortgapoe. Attorney for Mortpngee. 1313 Cliancery Notice. SÏATF-OFMIcHKiAN. tlir Circnit Cont for the Couiity of WaahtenaWi u Chancery. MAUV M. SAVAiiK, fomplumant, ) ATJGUBTUe M.' SA VAGE, Defendnnt. ) It satisfr.ctorily apiwiiriiig to thi ('onvt by itïicl.ivii, thul the detendunt, Auustun Ai. BavagOi isa non-isiilt-nt of thifl State, on inotion of FelcJi ft tfrwit, Solicitow for comploiimnt, it u ordered that thesuiddëfendiuif cause his appearance to be entereel withiu two monthfl trom the dftte of this order, nnd that in MM f lus aopMCttBOe heeause his nnswur to the eoinpl;inant's bill to 1k flled and a copy thcroof to be kitocI on the ooinpïiunftnt Baildton within tweoty iya Ster ■U vise Of ft OQfiy of tnid bill of complaint iuid notiee of this order, and in defiiult ÜMtOOi that tlie said bül be taken iw oonfemed by the said defendaat : And it ÍM further ordered that within twenty days aaid r(nri]il;iiii;tnt owuB a f-opy of ÜiÏK order to be nobUahed in tïie Michigan ArffUM, a newspHpej printeu in said oounty of waahtenaw, and Uut the pubUcntion continue at lenst once a week for six TfJrti mcDBarively, or tluii hfl cante a cttpv of this order ti bM pttnifilir sorvofl on the uid (kfendant, accordixig to the fules and practitv of tïiis ourt. Dated, April 6th, 1871. R. BEAHAX, Circnit f'ouit (Vtmmiiisiuncr, Wiishtentiw County, Mich. Felcii Sc 0 bant. Complainant's Polieitors. 131fiw6 Chíincery Noticc. TJURSTTANT to and by virtuo of a doeree oT thc A Circuit Court fnr the County of Va?htenaw, ín chancery, marte on (he ;d cay of September, 18ü, tn a cmte therein pendjng whereln Charles Hrookt n L'iiirilinn of Mae Bell Dearborn. an Infant, i complninant. apd Isaiah M Qarwood U defendaiit : Notic.o ís herthy -_'iven, that 1 hall poli at pahlic vonrtuo, to the mihest bidder, at onc o'clock in thc nrternoon, mi thc 2Jth day of May, 1871. nt the front or ytmthdoor of tile Couvt Honao, Id the citv o: Anu Irbor, all thal certnin tract or parcel of land ano premisas known and descrlbed as follows: BeglnoiLff at the soa th west corner i ■eetíon twen ly-seven froni theuce running eat one-luüf of a milo, thence nnrth forty rods.frum thence west to thc centerof the public highwoy sitnnte ncar the west lf tic of section twen'y-coven, thence south alontr the center of aaid hivhwav to the place of bi!ininn; coutaining forty acres moro or less, f nd beTng u part of section iwè In the township of Piuefield in the County ofWaahtenaw, and Síate of Michigan. Datud, April 13th,l8l. R BEAEAN, A CircnitCourt Commissioner for Wajhtenaw County, Mlch. E. B. Woon. Complainant's Solicitar. 1S1T Real Estáte for Salo. tTATE OF MTCHIOAX, Couuty of ■Waslitonaw, n. O In the matter of the estáte of Albert Steven, deoeaaed. Notioe is hereby piven, that in pursmiTice of an onler ranted to the uudei-öincd, Administrator of tile estáte of aaid deceased, bv the Hon. Judg of i'robuto, for the county oí' "Wafthtcnaw, on the seventaentb ány of April, A. 1). 1871, tlare will be nold at iniblic Tondae, to the highest bidder, in front of the Clifton House hotol, in the villaeof Whitmore Lake, in the county of Waahtenaw, in soul Stute, on Saturday, tlie third day of June, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of tuat uay (subject to all encumbrunecs b) mortK"{e or otlicrw ise exMtini,' :i( U time oí the duath of said dc-censed. iind aiM subject to the right of dower oí' hia widov thevtiii), the following deacnbed nal estáte, to-w-it : A pnrecl of land beginning four chnins nnd twcnty-tlve link outh of the onazter post betwten sections íive and six, in town ship one south of range six east, in s;iid Suite, running tli. mi r.oi-th eighty aix nnd il half degrecu cast twtlvi. chaius and sixty-oight links, thence south nine depreis east two chains, thence south seventy-íivO and a hidf dfgrees west ihrii' cliaiim and neventy-sevcn linlís, thence south eighty-ofcc and a half degrees west nine chains and thirty-two links tu the section line between sections uve and six, thence noith two deg-rees west along naid section línc two chains and aerenty links to thc place of bcpinninír, containingthrec aeres, onequarter of an acre and sixteen roda of land, be the (:mit nioreorU'i; also one other parcel of land in aiu town nnd range, described as commencinj in the cenfeer of the higriway, on thu weát sitie of Whiimore I.nke, a! thc Dorttwait comer of a' píceo of laiKl heretofore oesded by Villiam Jay to Joel W. Hall, thence south erly along tbe tonter of said hiphway fourtoen feet thence wunterly atent two hundred 'feet to thc angle in anid Hali's north line and to a stake. thnce eaeterly alongr saM Hallas north Une to the center of tbr hiírbwuy and placo of bOKlnniiy; ; also ull that purtof tbe southwcst qimrtvr of thc noithwmt quarter of said seotion tlvo, same townshin and. niuKe. vhieh lies east of tbo oenter of the hignVAT nmniüg north and south un the west bank of WUÜnote l.ake not heittofore deeiled by said Albcit Stuvous and wile DAted,Apdl ITth, A. 1). ik;i. HKNRT FRAT.Tf'K, WM Adminintmtor. Baal Estáte for Sale. CÍTATE OF MICniGAX, County of Wft..htLnaw, ■, O In tho matter of the aatate of Honry J)owcr decaaaed. -Notice i hervuy giren, that in pursuanee of au order grantei to the nndenignnl, Admintrtratrtx ..i Um cstnte of aaid deeeiwed, by tho Hon Jndgeof l'robate. for the county of Washtenaw, on Is. toenth day of Jánnary, A. D. 1871, then wül be M al public vendne, to tho hlghaat Uddir, at the south door of the (duit House, In the city of Ann Arbor in theoountyof Washtenaw, in aidbtate, on Wednesd:iy t sevcnfh day of Jnne, A. I). 1871. at tin o'elock , in the foreniKin of that day [anbteet to nll encnml.ruii-i - ly or otherwiw existing at the time of tlicdoath of said deepased. and also suïjttt ti thc i righl of Aiwr of his widow Qlerofti), thefoUowine dpMribedml estáte, to.,vit: Atl that part of l„t ! ciirht, in bloei one u,.rt! a Hurón, stwet and rauwe three, aocording t thc rtnrded plat of tho viUaee (no-w nty: at At,t Arbor, beginning on Main streef ut tb. ncrthntt of said lot, thene satith on the ! lini 01 Mimi street twenty-ono feet, thence ircst to tlie all.y in the renr of said lat, thonoe north to tho north ' line of said lot. ibt.nce eaat t, the plnr of Iw-jinninp ' wit h thc 1 -i ■ !. iton 'n1l:n,;thiTi!on,uf!n(fináíud.oitv l of Vnn AriNir, DtiiiTif .u.i ,1-it.i afospaain. ■' Katod, Apal Isth, iv. U. W,ï. J JlAHOARET'f ;. BOWEIt, ')IS Administrntrix. Sheriff s Sale. BY VlltTtrïEofoneexciitlonIsxTied ont of .i under the peal of the ircnll cnrl for thf r ■ tv or Wachten, and State of Michl-nn Hm'""' date the thirtictii flny ni December, A 1). lftfe . 5 i nifdlrpcted nu flellvrefl, I. Byron H pïJr Sheriff, by Ttao. J; Hóskins, Iputy flh'-riff d w i ' the tlilrtiftti&tv y)f ïi'-trember. A D. UTO lev nil? and Ki-ize nl! tlx' rfiHLtWe. nrrt interest f Maan? íVíconiior, I nnd ttf $ followlng de5cr!h(d ? nnd prtinlMBto wit: Tj&ifeft (halli of thf.r eaal '., 'ojiart. nuf ecMUimtwn,and the northw. % fqnartorj of the nortöbSat '4 fquarter) nfaettloi t flVCDtj-tvai, town one iMith.ritnpe rix vnnt ín ,y County of WnnhtcTiíiw nnd State of Michigan Wfti f pramlft Ot the dtft mlnnt' interest then-tn „2 epo?e ïbrBMlr, at public nuction. n the luw dïrer? Út the aniilh door of the Oourt Honae in thecitj # Ai:n Arbor, that bein,' the place for holdfae ii? Circuit Court for ihc Connty ofWanMenaw i! th Iveaty-feTentfa dny of hip nH( I'nti-d, Aun Ar!rtf, Ai,ril ICtht I1'. B.R.rüftTKH.&hferíff. 1817 By TüOfc .' ■ HoinB.Deputy dherf K'iil Kstiitc for Sale. STATIC OF MICHIGAN, coiinty of Wanhtwiaw w in marter of thé vutate of Ailnm Mutr'i; (u-wl. Nottae is bertby vcnf thut ín pnrtuanec un otátt rmntod u the undorsipnwl, Rdminutrator IÜ tht estitU "i Hid Aeoeaaed, by toe Hon. Judgv of ! ïto for tho county of Wnshtennw, on the twentvn day of Mnrch, A. I. 1R71, thora will be old at puS venducï, Ut tlin higheht bidd;r, at the dwt-llin h, on the iremifteh hcreinalttr tKcribed, in the amntyjj WiishUiiiaw, in imid .State, on Wcdnehrtuy ihe inl day of May, A. 1. 1871. :it one oviork In tlejt no; n t t)i;it day .subject to all cneumbrnnw-BbyrotoT gage ot otherwiM xisting at the time of the (Uath said dfioeooed, and riso sflbject to right of d&4tfïi j hi Vtid&W tluTfin) thü following desfTUHxi rfnl.: io-wtt: Ik-ing r part of the southweat nitrtcr of f sjuthwcst qunrtirT of ction tweiity-eipht, in townsbi thrve wmth Of riiiu'í fiOTOf etist, in said Htto, bnuivi -t uk follows : conimenfrinK seven rwls north of the uatk cast eórottt of the wnitnwrtst quarter of the 80011, (junrter of taid section, thence nctrth forty-tvo rod. thener ■went ten roeïs, thence aouth twenty-tlirterwu1 thence west ninc toda, thenco rath ninetecn roAt! theiicc eatit ninetecu rod, to ffie plntx oï btvitoW, Qootainiiig fchrec aam and ffoe huntlrrd nd elcvc' iUds of land, with dmUMff houw thesvon Dutwl, March 2Oth. A. tí. 1871. 1314 JüllX UOKTZ, Aflministnrtor. Real Estáte for Sale. TATBOP MTCITTOAX, eonnty oí Wubtatn ■ k) In the Ettatfear of the flMata of Ilenry ''Rtift('cenaed. Notioe is hereby given, that in puisimnetd an order fpranted to the uxiaetsigfted, adioiiuitnrta thu "itiitf: of Raid deoeasodj by the Hon. Jndgc Df iv, bate for the Ckmnty ot' Washtcnaw, on tireur. eeoïid day of Mardi, A. I). 1871, there will oldü pabUe v'iKïtu'. to the bJghast radOfr. atediQb ' in the prcsnlsu horeinaftor ■Kofíb'.'d, tn tS oonnty oí Wumataum in said state, on WediKi'. the Uthday ot Biay, A. 1. 1871, At ten o'eloel forenoon of that day [nibjeot to all encumbrancci t morVaí'; tr otherwiw exivtíng at the time oftj dcath Off finid deceaicri, and also subject to the lifhtti dower of' liis widow theivin) the following deseribnl real estáte, to-wit : comniennimf in the center of Mts street, in the vil! age of Chekea, 8ix ehains ;ul niirtV oneliukit aoutli from the north line of Hprtkm teft. townnhip two aouth of range tjjfí eant, and ranai thence east twelve ehains and ninety-one link tölntt Tuylor1 line, thence south alon said Taylor'süaj siTfWr rhuins more ir lew to Telena Smith's Imi thence Kruth ciK"hty-even dugTeeH went nine cbiim and eig"hty-t wo links, thenet north Uve cliains aaá tovty-two links, thence west . three chain tn& twelve link to the center of the hipflhWay, thenw nnrtii hIodk the wnter of the bighway ir rfmina and lort; link to the place of bezinning, cxri'fjfSi iídí rwerfr in a strip of land one and one-half rods wiek frfo nurtheast corner and runningr west on the line . joinin John M. I-ctt's land fort y rods, for ;■ : ïie OÍMdd dencribed lamls, and mud John M. Utu ur their sHceeiwoi1, as a lañe. Dated. AlJH-ch ja x. 1). 18711314 fJUAKLKS H. KEHPF, Administrafof, Estiit? of William D. Holmes. OTATE I F MICHTO AN, County of Washtcnav, m, ■ At a gwlun of the Ptobate Coüri ftw the('oHntyt( Waahtenaw, holdtm ot the l'robat Office, inttiet;i!j of Ann Arbor, on Monday, tlio Kentt-enth áj of Airtil, in the year one tliourand eigit hUMtodnf m-vfiity-one. Present, Hirnm J. Tïeaïccf. Jndpe of rrbbítt. In the mattej of the estáte of William I). HuLi n, (leceased. On reodinir and ftlinf? the petition, dwly rerified,oi Srtriih Hulmes, prayin that she and Sidncy T. Holmes tnny be appointed adramistrators of the tate of said decenacui Thereupon it ia urtltrfedf TKat 3IontIayt the flf. teenh day of fay next, ftt t1 o'clock in the forvnoou, be assifnied for the henring of naid petitico, and that the beir at law of said Aiaüuseti, nnd alloiber w-rsons intmested in aail estáte, are rcquiied to aj ' pear t a w.-ssion of said Conrt. tb-n to be holden, it the Vrobate Office, Ín the City of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be (,TaTited : And it is furtbfr ovckoxed, th:it said petitioner fiive noticc to the petLi( intcrested in said estáte, of the pemlf-ncy of said pek ; tion, and the hearinjj thentof, by causing a copy oí thji order to Ikj published in the Michigan Argtu, & newi i paper printett and circulntingr in said l'ounty, thm i Huceewive weeks previous to wiid day of hearing. (A trne copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKsB, 1318 Jude of Trobtt Estáte of Samuel J. Freeman. STATK OS ÍI II II Ui AX, County of Wiwhtemiw,. At k scssion of the Probate Court for the i:iatj of Waéhtenaw, hiildun nt thtr Probnie Office, in tbc City of Ann Arbor, on Monduy, UkOWTestcflBtíidsf 4 April, in t):e jmr onc thousand eight hundred mil seventy-one. Presentí Hirazn J. Bcakes, Judgeof Probale. In the matter of the estJite of Samuel J. i icenua, deeeafcd. WflHam Geer, Kxecntor and Adminiftlnitorof túi CMbttéi QOOtbM into Cuiirt and representa tbat )á now prepiired to render bis íinal account a& mcb Exeeutor and Admiuiíiator. Thoreupon it is ordered, thnt Monday, thcfiíiclh i:iy of Muy next, nt ten o'eloek in the forenoun, te Mrign '1 for examining And allowing suchacconiít,Mj thut the lv-;ar ■."., dcviMeep, and heirs at l:tw of MdJfCi'-i-il. :i:ni ;ill 0th6T peTMRU int.vvstod in M-liA'ültó, reqaind to nppwur nt n st'ssion oí' nfd Cotirt,to& t' be holiU n, nt tne 1'robnlo Otlice, in the City of A Albor, in snid Cotmtj', and ehow cause, if any thm Ihi, M-hy the lid aooount aliould not be ullowcd : And it is further ordered, that said Ezecotot uml Adroinú' tr:itor gtrfl nolice to the persons intcrested in said tntc, of the pcnilciicy of snid account, nnd the h(l inff thereof, l onusintra copyof thisonlertobppcV lished in Ule Mi'iti'jnn ÁrguMt a ncwspajier printftj and í-in-ulatin'j in iud ('ounty, tliree imuiMlMl weekl prt'vionfl to Wlid day of hearing. (A trae cUpy.) HÏKAM J. ÜF.AKI8. UII Jndge uf Frobte. Estáte of Catharine Wall. STATE OF Mlf UIOAX, County of "WiwhteiKiir, . At a mana of the I'roWte Court for thc ('ouwt of Washtcnaw, lioklcn at the I'nbate Oliice, ia tbc City of Aun Albor, n WedsadsT, tbe Mratfth dj Ajrll, in the year one thuusand cight hundreduol ieventy-ne. In -uit J[ra;n ,T. Ecakes, Jndge of Trohntc. lu the matter of the Kutatc of ('atlmrinc TrTjS, déoBBflOn. , Un readinp and filing the petition, dnly Tcrined,( Chrutiao EbcTbach, prayinpr tliat he or fime otlut snitabte j.iwn, may hv iiiintcd Admini trator tt tlic VBtate of said di'ujabed. TtinutKin it it ordcred, That Sfonday, tne picklli day of May next, at ten o'clock in tbc forrara, be asüigncd for the hearing of said petition, and that the hein at law of mid deoeased, and all otho pci-sons iuterested in said ectutc, ure required to appea at a sesión of said Court, then to be holdcr., at tbe l'robato Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ho ouoaa. if any thcre be, why thc prayer of thc pirtitiiwr should not 1 granted : And it is f urthcr ordtred, tint wiid petitioncr givc notiée to the pen-ons tMftedei k Boid estáte, of the pondency of said petition, nml t)ie lu;irÍTiLT thcrefjf, by cansina a copy of this onler to be publishwl in the SlicUigan Arguf, a newnpepex printeS and ciroiilatiiiK in said eonnty, tlirce suecessivc iretkl previoub to said day of bearine. (Atniecopy.) HiliAM .1. BF.AKE8, 1317 Judjfe of Probate. Kstate of Jcrusha L. Judkins. CTATE OF MICHTGAN, County of Washtcnaw, K O At n geseion of the Probate Cnnrt fortheConIJ nf Wa-htcnaw, holden ut the Probate office in il city of Aun Arbor. on Thnrtnlnr, thc Ihirlccnthdt of April, in year onc thöusaud eiijhl hdred nnd scvcnty-oin;. Present, Illram J. Beakvi'.Jiulpc of PfíA'Aíf. In the mattcrof the estáte of Jciusha L. Jndkin!. deceaed. VannessTeachont, Administrator of said wuift comes Into Coart and represent tbat he v i prepsred to rentier hls final account as such immïstrstor. Therenpcn it is Ordercd, that Jlonday. Ihe e!frMl day of May next, at ten o'clock In ihf forenoon, beasined for examinlng and allowit sneb account, and that the hcirs üi law ui aid ■ OOM Od,imd all otherperconi'iiiterestpd in iiïeetilfc are reqnired toappenrat8eavionofsiiiriOnrt,thfS to he holden at the ProbateOfttce, in the City of Ar Arbor insaidCounty.and show cause ifany theret why the said acconnt sbonld rot be allowed : And il b further ordcreil, that said Adminislrator gire ootit to the persons interested In said entnte, of the ( dency of said acconnt. and thc hearing therrof, 17 cansinp a copy of this order to be nuMiFhrf i tbe Michigan Ari)is,H newspaperprfntedandctrcnlstliit In said County, three eucecssive weeks prorioui lo sain day of hearing. (A troecopy.) ÏIIRAM .T. BEAKES, 131ïtd Jndeeof Probttf. Estáte of Anthony Ely. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oonnty of Wanten, O At i scssioii ni ti i'.'rt thi' Cmmlrrf Wnahtensv, holden ut the Probnte OHi., in thei'irf of Ann Arbor, on Früluy, the tvunty-foorth dny oí March, in the rvar one thoftsnml eifrbt rrandreil w wvcnty-nePresent Mir;ii;i J. Ií(al;cs, JTudgG of Frob.ite. In the nratter of thc csute of Anthony Ely, óeOnicading nnl films the pet f ion, dnly Tcrified, oí Ilirum !)y, A'lmmisJiMor, pmying tb't mitr k IílviuhxI to sell nertuiji n;; il eatñte whercof tid il" rtiíiscíl (ïicd scizcd. Tliprcnpon it is ortierral, Thai Monday, thc cipbtli Hst "f M"SF Mi ton n'ckrk in thp "foirnioo. 1 MBignod for the hoiriiiK of sjiid pttition, mt tiint the bon -it ]:iw ut' siiiil danaasd, nnii uil (her jieraora interesttd in ajiid ot;tt e, are requiretl to nppenr at n wion of Siüd Court, tnen to be holden, at tbc rrotwt Olliic, in the City of Ann Arbor, nnd show nm f uny there b', why ilie praj-cr oí the pettooner shoow not be trranted : And it i furthrr ordpied, s Ilitiimt-r ive notioe to tlie pursons int#nvti in mm estáte, of the peadeucy of snitl petition, nnd thc hwirintf thoxetif, by enusinK a copy oif thi order to be pub" liithwl in the ift&iQnn .iryui ,t netwunpet nrlnuii si"1 vbvulutinfc in Buiil (.'nunty, fif i,xil() VTWliS )♦ vious to iiii1 di;y af kenrinff. (A true copy.) HIHAM J. BKAKF3, 1316 Judgcof FrobaMw Estáte of David DeForcst. QTATK OP MICHIGAN, County oí Wa)Tinw,s O ilasessioi of the Prolxitv Coai tor ti í'wujT of W:tlitin:tw, boldeu at thc i'rohate fltce. ín tt Uityof Ann Arbor, on Thnrud.iy, the i-ixth dnyof April, la the year oue thousand ei;ljt liuiid" anr! sc-venty-one. Present, Ilirum 1, Ueke, Jiidpe of Probate In the matter of the estáte of David DeKorcít. doceased. Ent] D. Bennett and William A, Moore, Kx utor8 of the lust wil! .mei tesiamout of W " ceased .comcinto Court ud rnroni t kJ " now prcp.ircd to reuder the;r S.iúu-iii'. as xu4 Kx outora. ThcienpoB kt b e;dcreil, that IXomlay. the dr' day of May nest, nt teo ucloct ijl the forenooo. be nMiiiid lur examiiiinp and allowint.' euch io counUand thai the legater, devito-s nnd hei' luw of ml dt-ceaed, uut! all other persone ïntrrMtad " aid cstalc are reqnired tu aouear t 9ci?e1on of said Court theu to be !utaMU at thn Probate OSlce, in tlia City ot Aan AltImm-, in id Cn:i;iiy, and show canvei! auy thoi 'm, whj tl saidatoonntshonlc!inii!,-iúliiHV-d : And If i fur-' Uier !"rclered, that aaitl K.ttoutor pie ootiee tothe ncrwnK inte)Hid u aid eftale. of iHe peodency. of wid w int, and thc hearina thoriof. b L.itiuj: ..cpy l thioordento be publisilud in thir liickiga% Argus. novnpaiior yjuited ajjd cfroo latine ín saM Ciitmty. thrr Kwesi4i ató preyloa to said day oí hearliiL'. CA true copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKK, 1310td Jadcc ot l'rubate.


Old News
Michigan Argus