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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. íVVl '. 1 MI-, ProMcntlng Attorney. At D Mm Arhor Tueaday ml Fridsyof each eek. Oflce '" Court House. 1S" iiACK aTsCH.THI, Dealers in Dry Goods. tl i.roeeriin, Crnckery.Jtc No. 54 Soulh Main Stuet. __ MOBBIS HALE. .TI. I.. Resldence and OIHce Si -S. coruer Willianii .nul Ihoinpso i Streets. cninr offlee honra I lo r m. Advlce and PreIiiiliiu (rum l" ir. i. each day, Irec gratis t tbt l '-' ' ïTV. KI-I.IS CO., DruiKiats and noalers JV In P..iut,üila,!tc. fiu. ' Süuth Main Street, An Arbor. f Q. A. SKSSIOXS, Attorucy aiul Counsellor il si !."'- Rï Kst:t' and InsnranGfl Agent ConnnciiiL' and Coliecllon oí ' lalnu pmtnptl; at liinl-'d to on liberal termn. Olllce in Donnellyc up stüiru, Hnron treet, Ann Arlr, Mich. ■T H. JACKSOX, IVntlst succisfor to C. B. W Poftar. .íTu coriu-r Main and riaron street om the tirc H li W. Kltlx o , Ann Arlxir, Kkk nestheties sdminisUTcd if requirfd. in r. BBEUET, W. Phylclan and W . Surüm. corner of Hu HiñlUrnsloD Streeta finst door east of Presby eritii Ctiurfh . Ann Arbor, Mich. EJ. JOHNSON, Piviler In Hatf and 'aps, i r'ur. Slruw Gutdi (í'-nts1 Fiirninhint; Ooods, i So 7 S.iutu Main ireel. Ann Arbor. Jllch. VtHEHI.ANI', Llfc and [manoe Airent. and dealers n Keal Esiati-. ftjceo Huron Street. (III KEC'K ." 'O., HcaliTH in furnitiirrol J all ktnds Ko M South Ialn strect, and 4 Weni UktrtJtlKet, .nn rl) r. LKWIS C. K1SIM, Dealer in Hardware. Sint IIiiukc Furni hing Ooodf, Tlnttare,&c. o. 3 Suuth M.iin etreet, BAf II A ABEI., Dralen In I'ry Gnodii Oro. Klim. &c..No .0 t' mili Mjiin ,-lrei-l. Ann Aitor. OLAVHON SOK, Grocent, Proviflon and O i iitiiiiu!-Hii Meirhants. and dealere in Water iaml Piaster, and Piaster Pari. N'o. 14 Ëaet i.jrnii streel U )'DHEIin, ttholesale and Hetail Dealer iJi ii. K.iiuv tae i lothinK, '. lotlis, Caalmem rt.andQent'a FurnbhniK Gouds. No. '800111 Xiiu Streel. II'.TI. WAO'I'.K. Peiler In Heady Madrioth il laji. Ll.itb. :aaiim-nw VcRtlngs, rían. Capa, Tmk, 'arpet I1h};b, ie 21 .-imth Main streel. nDUnOBE & PISK BookMllen andStaU iwiirrs M-dical I,uv and College Ttït Hoks, 1 SK)Ui:d Miïa'llniH'ouc üookv. No. 3 North Main :■ pory Bloek, Ann Arbor. FiNIXV & Ï.BWIS, Dealer In Boon, Shoes. liMirr, Sii)'pi.-i8. &c No. 2 East liurou ftroct, Kwi ktbar: R, KK,l.l.M;i, i"roprie:orof the Celelirated f Rt'ol Kin ra aud other popular remediep, Auu Arbor, Hicb. I'EOCKEK Y. GLASSWARE & GROOERIES, J. & ï Donnelly IIve In toro a large stock of Crockerj, Qlassware, !llli Wsrt'.'ntlery Orocenes, Ac-, ie. alï lo be kpxát uiiu.-'ialiy luw prices. No li Ea's: linrnu Street, Ann Arhor lt-Ktf J. A F. l! M III . "WM. M. SINCLAÏrT" COÏMISSION MERCHaNT IN GRAtN AND FL ROOM 1, 134 LaSAU.R STBEET, CHICAGO. lïTOyl JOHN G. GALL, FRESHANDSALTMEATS, LABO, BAtWAGBS, Etc, Ordcri nolicited and promptly fllled with thebest nu in the inurket. 3 K.istVVaühington street. Ain Arbor, Sept. 16th, ISO. ltt'tf Manutactnrer of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, AND SLElflUS of evcry style. mude ofthe beet srial,and warrauted. Repairinj; done U(nnt.tl3 i'dpricei reisonablc. Detroit Sireet, ncar I. lt. Aon Arbnr.Mich. 127yl [)r7c. . porterT" DENTIST. llu U the 81VIKUS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. UlOperations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED W1TH CARR.% '8DRPA88Bt) TACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTI6 ARTÍFÍCIAL TBETH, TO (ilVE KACH INDIVIDUAL, ttlrtiotAe proper êixt, gkapeotor. jxrmneigmnd na al rrpTr.isiox, 1244 [UMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, M a.lrge and well toelted Lnmbrr Yan'. on '.ríen Street, iö thesnnth part of the (ítv. nntl w keep constan ti y un hand an excellent variety of LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C :illlbeiiolrJaslnwa8canbe affordcd tn thls srket. 1ltyaDdpricenchthat '0 OHE NEED GO T0 DETROITC. KBAPP. n Arbor, Janaary 20th, 1871. 986 New CULTURAL WAREHOUSE OPENED HAKCH Hh Kant Side of Rlver, CHESTEK, - - MICK. BMEljg ARK REPPFCTFUÜT 8OLTCITED .„nAlt'AND EXAMINK.TIIE MEKITS, Q1ALI1 Y . PHICES OF MY SKLECT1ONS OF IMI'LElRT3 AKD FAKMING TOOLS. S13l It. n. PORTF.R. KR 8ALE. , A. House and Lot ttiü 5?"1 street. in the City of Arm Arbor, SV mth of Wanhington. The lol in 4x8 rod, kemlT h0UK of brick, one nnd half utorics. Wili O!1"' Inquire of Juilge Boakcs, of v. friic, yHn orthfteM, or nddresH the undersitmed tt'gMnnd, Oaklnnd Co., Micli. Am, a. , EDWARD TOWERS. JrHoJanS 1871. 13O7tf Öo to R. W. ELLIS & CO'b Li choice Wines and Liquore i 'or Medical Purposes .


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Michigan Argus