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CONSUMPTIOIÍ. lts Cure and lts Preventivo. BY J. E. SCHEIÏCK, M.D. Many a human ïiclntr has papsod nway fr whone lt;:it! tïiore wns no ottmr rcuson than tho negert of knuwn und indlpuuily proTan means of ctm. Those nc:ir :uiil dtmr to fiimily and friuncls ;irc slnepiiiK the drcatulcesslumbcrinU) which, iuuUhey cnluilyadoptcd DR. JOSEPII II. SCHENCK'S HIMPLE TREATMEXT, and availed themselvef lus womlrrfully cfficacious medicine, they wonld not luivc fHlitin. Dr. Bcbenck has in hís own caao provecí tutí wherver suffleient vitaiity remanís, thnt vitality, by hl medidnos and hls dlrcctluns fur tïieir uso, Is'qutekeiied Into healthful vigor. In this stMtemnnï there is notltlng prosuniptuous. To the falth c)f the In val ld i made no repreaentfttlon that in not a tfaOfMtUld timos 8Ut:tantÍHted by living and TlstblO works. The tbeory oí Uie cure by Dr. Pchcnck's medidnos is as Himplo ;is it ís luit-nlim:. lts philosophy rt'inirc no argument, lt is ttelf-ussurinit. BOlx-conTtnctni The Bon TTQQrt Tonlo and Mandrake Puls :iro the ftrst two weapuns with. which the citadel of the ma lady is üSS&iled. Two thirds of tlio cases f omsunipthm origínate In dyspepsta nd a functlnnaliy diöordered livr. With tli is ei nul i t Ion ttio bronchlal tubrs " synaputhize" with tho tumacli. Tlicy recpond to the tnorbillcm.'tioi] ut' tho liv-r. Hen1 tlicn :■ mofl tho culi!ii:;;i! :in: n-NUlt, and the öütLillg ui, vviLïi all lts tlialryshig BJIOptUffiSi of cWtcsu.uptioh. Thp Bfnnttnko Pilis aro eompOMd "f ononf Nutnre's nnblest trts -tiu Puiioptniium Peltatnm. Tiiy poeNU uil tho iil'tori-MCMrohini;, iilttTattvo proiKïrttfS of caloiiifl, itiit. unllku ctuomel, thuy "LEAVE NO RTZXG DSHIND." " Tho work of euro nmv bnfrinninp. The vitinfpd nnd muco ti deposito In the bowels una In tho ulimcnturv ciintil are clucted. The livor, like :i clock. Is wound up. H arouses from Itó torptdlty. The i Mmncii acts responatvely, und the patiënt begica tu fotl that lie isgetting, at hut, A SUPPI.Y OF GOOD DLOOD. Tho Pop.-wpod Ton Ir, In conjunct ion with tho Pilis, porrueHte and asshnilatps with tlitt food Chyllflcation 1 nnw prosTTOSsInji wltliout i:s previnus tortures. DlffMtlon bóoomofl pafnloss. nnd fche cure íh iosd t b nt. hand. TbttT6 ía nu more fia tulenco, noexucerbntion of tin Btonoch. Au ttppetlte veta in. IÍ ow cniDOs thr gnatast lïlood luriflor ever yottrivon hyun ln:luleni ftttner to Biiffertng mnn. Schenck's I' til ui in Syrup onios in to porforiu Itsfuncttonsnnd fo hftBtso aml omnpleto tho It onters ut pnoo upon its work. Untare can not be oheotod. it collocts and ripons tho, irupairod und Jísí;isí.'(í purtions (f tbo hut?. In tho fonn of gnthcrins, it prepares them (or expectoration, and lo] in u vry short ttnio the malndy is vunquished, tbu rotten Uirone th:it tt occupicd Is renoruied nnd uiudu new, and tlie patiënt. In all the dltfnity of ri'Kuhiod vifror, ptops foith tu enjoy tho muuhood or wOBMUibOOd thut wüs GIVEN UP AS LOST. Thoaoonnd thinfftastho patiënt s must tay In n warm tintil thoy (tot veil ; it is nlniost onposslble ti prevent takin : oold whcn tho Minus aro dltieayed, tuit lt must bor preventod or a cure cm nt beefltected. Kre(h nir and riilinK oat, csppcially in thls sectfon of the oonntry, In the fall and wtnlor season, aro all wroiik'. P))yji:iun:who recoïumend thnt conree loso tholr patiënte, If thotr Innirs are badly dlteèaed and ■.■ i, becaose tin-y are In tno houw thermust not nt d'ivn quiot ; they nniHt walk bont Um room hs mucb uod nn rast as the ■trength wtli bear, to t up a tki clrculntion of bloon. The patients must keep tn fiood spirits -bo determinnd to pet weil. Tliis has a proat deal ta do with the uppelilo, and ísthegre-at polnt to gain. To despair of euro after such evldonoe of Ha possiblllty in the worst case, and moral rertaimy tn all tbers, is 8inful. Dr. 8ohenckB personal ntatemeot Fuculty oí hls own cure waa iii these luoilest words; " Many yoars apro I wns in tho last stnpps of consurnptiiin; oondned to niy bed, mid ut une timo uijr nliysicians thought that I oouid ïiot live a weck ; tben. llko a drownlnft mnn catchtnj? nt Btraws, I hearrt of nnd obtalned the pieparations wlrien I now offer to tho public, and thoy made a perfect euro of me. It seemed to mu that I could icol thcni penétrate niy whole systoTn. Thoy toon ripened the matter in my lunfi, iTi-t 1 would npit up more; than a pint of ufTeiiiivt; yellow matter cvpry muininK fora long timo. " As aoon hm tiiat bcpan to sub ld e, nivconfih, fcvor, pftlns.and nlti!it sweats all bojian V lcvo me, and my appetitó beca in o BO Krcat that H was with difllculty that I could keep from oatlng too run-h. I soongainmy strength, and have ffrown in flosh ovor slnoe( "l was welghed èhortty after my recovery, ndïi- 1 lootor, " ttien looking Hke o mere íkeleton; my wi'iu'lit was only nlnety-seven pminds; mv pre - aittwelffbtUtwohttDdrod and twenty-flveGS!5)poundfi, and. f or Teara 1 havoonjored nolntemiBtod dcrIUi." l)r. Schenrk has diseontlnuod his profesi-ioniil rlsltfl to New-York and Boston. Ho or hls aun. Ir. J. H. Srhenck, Jr., ntill continue to pt-o pattenta at ttic-ir öffleo. No. IS North Slxth Street, Pmludelphla,evorj Batarday fmni il a.m. ti ',i pji. fJiioso who wlsh a thornnffh examlnatlon with the Reaplromoter wlll it ?5. The Hospiromctrr deolarea the exuct C innRIonof tlio lungs, and paticiits c;n rcadily luarn whether tbey are curable or not. The dirtMitfon lor taklng the medici nrs are adnpted to thelotelllgenoeeTOQ ora chUd. Foilowthenedírj ■- tions. and kind Nature will do tho rost, exceptlnR tlmt in somt! cases the Mundrako Pilla uro to be tjikcn in iporeitsfld dosoiii the throo modtclnea need no other accomimntiitontsthan the ampio ïnstrnctl ons that ao company thom : Firït croato uppetUe. Of rcturnimy heatth, huneer is the most weïoome Brmptom. When it comes, us lt will come, let the aeapalrlnsut once bo of (jood choor. Oood blood nt once ful lovrtt, the coiifth looRen, the nicht pwont ís obiitod. Ju u short tiiuo bothof these mot-Wd symptoma aro pune forover. Ir. Schenck's merlicincs are constantly kopt in tena f thousands of families. As a laxativo Or purtcatlvA, tho Mand'rako Pilis aro a standard preparatfon ; whQ4 tho I'tilmonio Syrup, as i care of oouftns nnd Coldfl, may be reflardea as a prophylacteric nyaiaötcouijuuiutton tn any of it forrns. I'rlce of tho Pntmonle Pvrup nntl Ron-wen Tonio, tlJjOu bcittle, or $7.50 a half dozon. Hand rake IMIts, 26 ceuta a box. fur salo by all ilrui&Uis auü dculera. KURLBUT & EDSALL, 32 Lake Street, Chicago, Itl., "VVlioleeale .Aznts.


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