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"let Us Have Peace."

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Ili' win "jampa at a co afterwards labora solely t proye thai he w.i r.tjr ,■;-,■{ in his lmsty judgment, maty be a góod politician, aa jpolüiciane xk bul he i !'■! a or a pililo 80phcr. Vet this is the ion of somejournals which weïé fléroe in dee of the Ku-Klux bill. Hftving got tho prcscription they demanded, ! h ie tnusi be :i'; rdlossofthe patient's real condition. They oarefully print the details of erory insignifloani quarrei ia cin states uader startliúg head Lineo i "Ku-Khix outragesi." m! carpfully i xclude all ïnw.; thai loóks tos and order, or even ridiculo it. Thos tliey the wisdom of tho Ku-Klux law. in Fact, theoondition'of the sóuthern ii unqoestionably iniproring. Outby the mssked rufflaas ara mnoh 'requenl thau tbey weve a few monttu ago, lyinl only very Lnansttioiu corresponi-in aaw make muoh of them. In South Carolina particularly the pcople of ;ill partiës agtee that peaoe is retuming. I bovernor Hcott, the Bepublicfvn ChTernor ofthai State, was' in Washington yosterd:iy urginjj President Gtraatnottodeolaie inartial law in tli' Slair, si'vinKas a reason that '■ there is :i maai&st diaposition amona Öie better dlass of oitizens to pat down Ku-Klux (H'jiiinizations." Ho knows, ae i vt'iy intelligent man knows, that auy interferenoenow ly the President would be casting a fiiebrand int i powder tzine; it would imítate the ruffians and discourage tho poaccable citi.ins. '!'!ir correspoadenoe of tho upon ibject has been full andeandid; but it is suTely npt fair nor patrio tio in thai j.iuvniil to say that Governor Scott is "afraid of martial law," all(l that the people "haTe done nothing to manifest the disposition" which Oovernor attribiits to thom. Is it ready to denounce every man whose voiee is not for war ? (jovernor Seott knows his Statfl botter than any stranger c;m know it. If the siiKil! politicians and malcontents in other States will let them alone, tkn peoplaof South Oarolina, and all the Southern ir mi-! ;i ïairs. The President will surclv ''lotus have ;


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