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Jjw HI'SIIKI.S OF C II ' ' l i : GRAY BUCKWHEAT, i, for sale at the Agricultura! Wart?. liuóae ir MOflü Ann Arbor, June Ift, 1871. Ki.'lnJ i Mm .;■■. i ; v s Instruí Uon on tho PIANO, VSOLIN AND GUiTAR, building}, or Ht ih' of the pnpll, PIANO TUNIISiG, mn'Je a n il tatlsfaetlan gnarai ia-4 i ANNOUNOEMENT u i:XTIlA()RI)LARX HAHGSTEBFER'S HALL ! ! THE APPÍ CONGERTS Friday Evening, June 2d, '71. Mtf. Alfired Von Rorh'.w bos Ihe bono? to annmmoB tO tbs citiMKM uf Ann Arlmr anfl vi-iiiiiy One GRAND CONCERT ! "When ])■■ will preseni Ijk World-Renowntd Violinist, Mr. IIETVXfcl APPY, Aasiated by the followuig real artiats: Mtn NEK.K.IE l'K EKiTIAIV, TIn: Chunain;' ( .iliIOrnm rrim;i itoiinü. Mr. ATtt.I.lAM MACnoXAiyD, Tho rn]iM!:tr Tehoi and morlvaled Scotch Balladist. (Tate of tlit' (.lic líiül and Clara Iíiírü KeUogíj Con1 1 r Txoupw.] Mr. GtJSTAVITS HAM,, daenl Baiitono. {Lato of tho pnrepn ïiosn Mr. I'BED KKYOiV J(WES, Compoeet, Pianll and CondooWr. A.dmiaeiori .10 cent. Ticket (o bo bad ui (IILDoors opsa at 7 '4'. Conoart oommcnces at 8. 'po II 8ALB. A ONE HORSE-TOP EUGGY Ncarly new. Inqniro t the offlrc of N. V. OBBETER. Ai.u Albop, May SOth, ÏSTJ. !W4-tt. Efetate o!' I'atrick Ilobtin, OTATE OF mcmQAX, County of Waafttenaw, k O At. a sftiaiim of tho ProBatfl Cbnrt for the 1 toünty of v.'ii.ii:i-ii:iw. iniiiii-n ui ths Probate Office, ín the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedoesduy, the tldrtj-lircl day of ! ry, In the ye;ir 0710 thousand eight nundred uua -one. Pi . ,... o .' ■■ 'f tl .' 1 :, ostatc o:' Patrick llobun d' oMnd. 1 lililí in.l filinp the pcUtion, vnriflpd, of Filien llnii ni. ].r.i; . i. ■■ thatuhi miïy 1 ajipointod Admiiiiitratril with the will ■, i , riok Wai!, Hxecatorolthokwl wiltarid : 1 C'unrt umi cepre. 1 (o ronder his fin.-il no1 bat he may be imjtmitted Ut rasigii 1 Uat trust. ■lm! :Wml:iv, the twantyIxthdt ■ ,ii in'tliefüivimVn, Ew in.' li.'.irin:.' of. Baid pstitian, and ucof aiiid 1! a ied, nnd al) otl s:ti'í estáte, !.:■■ reqnixed ru appear at l s. rt, thoa i" 1 ■■ haldan "i the Prtjbati in th 1 of Ailri Arbór, and hów cause, il anj ■ iviTi.r the p 1 iid luit ml slionld not be allowed: üid il ia further ordercd, that uaid 1 erand Sxcoatorive noUöe to tíhe penions inti ' ' ■ i Baid itiion nnd aad the hearing ui -iH aooount ipy"of thia order to be published in the '1 rirciilatiilK couaty, t1.. ■ weeks previons to ;;i.l 1l.1v ir hearing. (A line oopy.) HIP M J. IlKAKl-S, ÍS24 .-Jmlifoof 1'1-ol.iite. Estáte of Horace ■ . SCountyoíWnshtcimw, m. A' nsesgionof the Probato ' ourf tor thé ■ ■ ditounr, holden at tbs : .in tbe A:;:i Arbur, on Wednesday, tbe tbi] day of Mny, in the yoar ono tliousaod eight Uun i roaent, Siism .1. Baakee, Judgeof Probate. In the matter ui tbe esteta of Ëqtace Wolch, i in taoding nnd the patiüon, drily Terlfled, ot N.ciry Welch, praying tbat l'ii-. pereon roay beapi . Lnlstrai li.' estáte of Bal i Aeoi ■ Tliercujxm it is ordi-iiú. Ihtl bjxUi diy of .Tuur nest, at I'-h o'cIocV u ]■ Curcnoon, v assigned lor tli- hearing oí mid petition, m th.a thehetTsai Lawof saiQdi niloth' in ap■ ■ I . v oi Ai, 11 Albot, urn] ■ . I Im1 s:lit u 1 li" pendency o:' sa r.pj'y ÖJ in 1;. biffbn Arpuit a ...;: in sïiiil ' . akn previoiis '. ïd day ol ! (Ai:i I : ■ -. y 8. Goodricli,' Jr. SWTCÓWAN.i i-htcnfi-n-, ss. ■'■ tase Ion oí I b inri tor rlieCountj ol Wftrhtenaw, holden ai ilic I'rnhntpOftkc in the '.iii'ir on Sntarday, tbe Iweoty tevemh (■i.v r Slaj, in 'li" year oue íhousand élíhl huuilivtl attf! Pcvcj'ly.onp. Preeent HlcamJ. Betk, Jadee of Probate In the matter of the estáte of havmwr S. Goodrich. Jr. . dccea ■'! Joshna Lealtad, Adralnistrator wtth thfi will J afAid dveeawd, comea inio Ooarl nd represeuta líctt be in now preparedto rcnderhia Mimi account OH etích AdmlDistmtor. ThereupoDitiaOrdered, thal Monday, the Iwcntyelztbda; oí June di o'cJocfe in tli fore noon, be ossigucd tot eiamlnlng and allowing . and thal ihe legnteo, clevUees and hejrs al luw of asid diweatsds and II ■: i:i s:li'l t{t!f, Kra rrloappear : t ji resrton of sald Conrt, then to be hokten ;ii the ProbMeOttoe, in tbe city of .uu Arijnr. Lu :iiil Coanty, and show c-hi--. Ifanv i ];■■:■( be.why the - I ehonld aot beallowéd: And u ia furthor ordered thal sjiiii Admlnlatratoi ::iv Dutlce i" nteKSted In.caid e pcndency ui' :iiil aecoont4 the hearing thcreof. bv cnuMng a copy of thts order tó 1 jklIi lltffaediD tbe Min uvAr-ni, fl iifwsi,l])T prilf'-d !n Mid Cuuqty, tblee euocenivc -i liearinff. (A iriiccopy.) 1I1KAM .1. BEAKES, 1824 Jiidgeof Pnilmte. fiñeriff's Sale. S5III SIGAN, Covnty of WMjltonaüf.Bê. By rirtue of r writ of executíon issued uut of and r the sea] of the ( 'inmit Oonrl tor the con o iaw, Otate of Michigan foted tibe -: ■ day of Maroh, 1H71, and to moaireeted and d ■ ■ I ana hatteb", lan la imñ tem i ■ ..■■I, defendfuM chen ín aam ■!, i Aid oa tUeeighí ■ ■ &Larch, UD.18?Líac Üin irant n and chatieLs. luvy ujxm all tho íñtero . B, Mc'upí hm in the fóllowíng deeoribed ifland situated ía tbe illafe of '. county of W;isht(.-tii'.v, tate of Mi ■■' ;tf t'ollows. to-wit: Lote No. í, 2,3,4; and o v .... ;■ i.i :!i.; village of Cbolm .1 ; also commencing atapQiai tworods eaat of tbo northoast córner of said 1"' onethenoe i"unDÍng north along the Uihv y three rods, ■ ro i.-, thenoe south to tu v of lot Ño. 38 ín Raid "block No. (fl dx, thenoe enal o thi n ig; alPOfl pieoe o 1" land bdnuded m I un the nofílj bythe desenbed pieoe of land, soatii by lot No. tliirty-itíne, und on tb) Pío, ! and lí n :iM ■ ■ I Atn es p sale ;t public auotiouio i r, ;i fco souh door of the UpurI flou , ftjinArbur, on the ftftcenth doj'of Jty'A.'j). 1871, ai 10 . .'.'. OÍ (lid '!■:'. Dated, Juna I, 1S71. MTRO?? WIÜBK, Bhoriff, 131Wtd By-JoaTftl Fobb3] l nfler-Shertíf. Shenffa ' BY VIRTCS ofono excpution Uisfiod oiit oí and under thepvat ofthe' fnplt { rnrl tor thcCnnnty of Wftghtenutr, arid'Statc ol Michigan, beariog dsU tho Ihiriii ih dn y ol : -, mbsr, A . K nul :" lireclej un' üelLvi-rcd, I, Byrqn )!. ['ortpr, hos.J. Ho klns, Deputyftherlff, dld, od flnj ol Deoerat r; A D.l! :'. Icfy np m aini miz-.' .til rL' I uaarlcie !)' ei iniiur, ii .imt Mlowfn; flefcrihrd Unds ;in I prcmlcm to wit: "! e esl ".. ( huif) ofthisoutii fqurl r orsecUonftfteen andlhc nartbwesl ' . ■KirtiTj nfsection lj(twenty-twoj, Urwu - eÁ ih-: CooiUy f w mhtonhw and State nr Mlehtjwn, wliiih prcinistta i" I (!■■ !'■!:' t,[rr,l tlif iriu 1 h:i! l.JXJMi-.' forsalP, ptltlliO :l]'-tiiHK :i II;ii ihe pónth door rthë'óoFI House luthedty of Aon Irbor, ihntbelDa U plnw rot holdlng! the ; the coniiiv n" Washtenaiv on (Iflei tï dy of Jiily noxt, at two o'clock in iin' &rternooh. l'Htcd, ADB Arliui, 3Tl!i, l?Tt. B. R POSTER. S I ]M ByTHOS Hoskin Dcplity Shertil Praia Canuni NO'l'ICE is heieby I be Drftíxi CkMStatb eianerof Vaphi aan oouutj vvLlbe ai Uie ■. T Ötorr. ■ . ■ ■!.i Of Jttlli ■ ■ (o ■■.-nir.f and cou ■' rucl íou "I' a druii ■ ol tho Saline River firaïh, oommntüi ■ r,i :-, 1 1 aod uorl lierly to int Étiver Droin. L wil] ■ v 'n the i7th day of ■' une iforesnid ind place I i!l ftxliibil mapa oJ the abovc prapnwd i , ..i . bc Bevei ■ . Uj mo ■ - and desci tpi ona by daviriuos hik! üub ;!. in i y me .■!■;' i ■ '■-■■■ !■■■■■ ■ ■; crinl ion of l-ui'l' to ooïifttrucl Bi iinr-nn' t' tmoh dxam benoñttng iny are offered, n hj (met) app iri ;■ cl od. Anu x i bor, June lst, Ml, : IV. i % ' ! in Commissioncr. : ■} Estato fot Si ' ;v. derrnscrt. Not ii ven, tbat in imdt i 'm il, :i hiiinistrator .. t ■ ■ : he Mmi. .! m for the i ■"!!■ iíbw, on i he Bftwnth day oí May, A. D. l ■ public ( . nchie ' ' of ih '"i iHinty of i ifa na Wedm : ij of July, A. X. I icea ),y ■ .'■■( v, i ■■ 9 i me of Che to i lif i i--!if of ■ f j eettite, to-wit : Thé undivded half oj a ptunoa oí' ana boaudod em follaw ; Bagianiiu oí q i of I ra ■ and I nty and sr-. i: cod . i hi .!■ I h ni ■ do ". i enting ■ 1 ■ naick iiud the i Uanti. . -■ . ' i . t j oay, Áámiaigknáan BOOTS ANDSHOES! CHE AP F O R CASH! JüST REOEIVJEO AT B. F. Bice's SHOE STORE, ofposite IIANGSTERFÊR'S HALL !! A now Stock of Seasonablc Boots and Slioes iimong whicli is a fine assortment of t!ie latest Styleao f Ladies' JUisscs' and UUilclrens' Fine Shoes in Berge, Goat and Kul ; A Omit Yrariety of Wens' Boys' and Youths' FINE GOODS IN PBUNELLA,. Frcnch Ciilf, and also nn entirgly new Stock of siipiers, Gored Buskins, and Shoes of Fancy Colors of Wen Styles. Wc aim to keep the best and mot serviceable work, AT REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention si ven to the manufacture ot SEWED & PEGGED CALF JB O O T S 1 Wliicli are ginranteeil to give cutiré satisfaction a to FIT AND DURABILITY. BEPAI811 DOXE PROMPTLY ! ! CALL AND SEE OUK f.lDIES' P0U8H WATER PROOF HLTER BCCHLE IERSE SIIOi:, $2.00. Serge Calif rs, $!,00. f loih Süpjifr?, .50. N.B. A.11 Prime (Joorls. Xo Siioddy. 13L.'i-lin. I SECO3STX3 rA..OetS,I"Vr-A-X. -OP- HEWSÜMMERDRYGOODS -AT- !E .A. TT isT A. :R, 3D'S Wc have just roccived NEW DRESS G0ODS ! BIiACKj COLORED AKD JAPANESE SILKS, Prench Organdíes and Lawoft, white and ! oolored, Piqufi, Percales and Uncns, Parasol, Ribbons a ml Lrtcc Hoop SkittB anrt C'or?ets (í'ovs aHd M isiory, I. ncn and DamaAk rowel8t and a full uní: or LluíiílíijMlu uuULIo! Thnso goofis hiv-' nTl beftn bought l)j Mr. .1. W,, FOR OASH ! And tlioy will he oíd t'ill fin iii cosl. J. H. MAYNARD. I?34m3 Mortgage Sale. Dlü A i in the ronditinii of a certain mortgnge exccuted by Torrêy C. Thomjfn,o1 tl ii i: Aun ArM'r, coiraty' of Waehtenaw, andbtateof Michigan, i" Pbebe Jhdg Rllaworth, êf towuship oL [jodi, county of Waehteuaw aforeaoid, oii tbe 2id da] o ■. 186, and n ■ said couuty tm büe 2litb day of Juno, .. ü. Ift8, n,( M o'clock i. ai., in Libér39 ol mi ■ pa: ■ tin, on which tbare is (lue at the dato of tnia ootice the ram of ninq hundred una ttvé dollars and sücty-two reate, alen an lit'toii - üd any ■ ;. i! mi su i ; . : in l.iw dr i-t.;i; y haWnp been in: to rcoovCT tno debt or anv fwri thérooi : tfotiv ii horoby piron, that by rfïtao of th power of sale coi . J aliall otl to the r oext, ■ ck p, m. nr said day, ui tl ■■ ol tb i ouri Houae in tbe öitj of Aan Axbo ■, in uid .,■ ■'. uthtenaw tho pi I ta said mortod Ml!lated In tlve cáty oL An ntj oJ Wwhtojuvw ■ q ufoxesaid, kaown, bounded aod dracrïbed as . to-vi 11 : i '■ ititr Iota numbex ten ana Hei ■ n i-i amber owi au lot flve, mx, t ■.vcniy-iü -tour m blook aam i i fot number fourin blook number (bur, ■ -. Ann Axbor, Mich■.■in, vesoFvin Dr tta said B&le Iota ten :tii'l aleves la . Iteretofore reloased. 1871. PHKBEJANE BLL8 ORTH, Mortgapeo. Joh ttOTaey lor Uorojagee. l.t-.'i Mortgago Sale. Dm-'.vn.r hftving I n muda In the oooditioxi of , ■.■!■! i oxecuteU bj i ieorgo n . .M ■ i qi i l Aun Arbo 1W1 nnd State ■ ! UtohigAO, t ■ ed tu í be A' i he Renato i i Ó da ol Ed oooaty of ■'■ uaw, on of Murch, 1809, ui 6 octo tt P. u .'i of aiortj : :i:. m Ca hi due al ■-■ tii:tns;iiiü and Kil : . ■ ion to ■'!! i'i ■ COSts, ,-h'tnlil ;i!iy pTOOMdln fl -ivxJOHif in luw 01 in ■ . n i;:i i t" r-Tiiver said nni of money oi any . .i : uv, therefore, no4 ice ia iliMt, i' rirtw of wie in Biiid morwnffe ', [ -ii iii si-:; . ii ; iou to the biuei r bj Idcr, on tliiM-vt, at 2 irnni, lmr of the Court House io the cií.y of Aon x i hor, oounty foi-c, a being tho pi ' fií :;;' Coi 1 1 pounty), hII i pieoM or par ■ fited m the ■ ■■ '■ ■■■ ■ ■ intj of w.liti i, ■ '. Icnown, bounded -mü doeenbed 08 folio 9 , tO-WÍt ! Bfling i Í!' W861 hllll ■ and ! ii U S LC1 os toa ,-,.. i.i.I-.i pi.. i -■: QOW i-ityjni Ann Arbor, üiinty 'l W tisiiii u.w niorosoid. , 1H71. ■■ ■ John N. OoTT, AttJ tor Mortg ■, ■ [324


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Michigan Argus