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Local And Other Brevities

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_ SeveiMl Cásea of símil pox aro reportad in Stiaron. _ Ye ln'.u' Prof. Tvr.ER has been jnviled to accept a professorshlp atCornell. __ It ukes the steidy work of two bon aromen for two yeara to mike a point Jace shawl. - Rite advlses the Aiiofs reactora' that lie lias il cholee stock of Boots and Shows QPtamte t wear. 'j'hc new liquor law will go into operition Juiy l'iih : after wliich siiits for íisuiaíre 11 be i order. i _ BACB & Aw-.i. havo in a new stock; of jíssoníble goods, Jnst purchased by Abel, lio kbows how to do it. Tlic citv bulldlogs and monument uve been rccelvljuj i new coat of paint. Xne "artcsian well" was forgotten. - Grouinl vas brokon yesterday ïnorning9" the new Consregational Uharcb lot, corner of State snd William Streets. - Judge Cooi.kv is annouaced to dellver ;he aflilress at the coming commcnccir.cnt oí the lowa Stale Univcrslty, June á7th. - Zack Ciiandi.i'k U! been honored la a way after his own heart : by liaving a new brnJ of Keutudcy whisky named after hï.'.i. _5oila fountains !i ive been duinir :i lutdiifss lora lew days, - especlHj tint of & Co , whlch comes uudec oiirimuK'iliiitt' nut ico. - The Mayxakds are in the fleld witii a fccond stock oí Sumiller Dry Goeds. TUej muit be doing a good business to warrant buyiuií so ïiiuny goods. - Tlicrc was a verv tlne rain on Tlimsdiy nifiiit of last week, slnce wliich the WMtber h:is bseu lry and hot, sve a siglit nprinklt o:i ilonday morning. - The Öiinday oidinance mlght be bet tcrohserved - il' the saloon keepers saw tit. Tlie City pólice dou't seem to interfcre with (lio broadest or baldest " liberiy." - T!ie foüowing members of the junior tlMS have beeo elected editors o( the Unifnity Ckronide for the ensuing year : Hltycr, Henry Uesten, C. K. Turner, atni ,1. J. Kapel. - Sam Rktbnaüoh lias rempred his PboIqgrafhic establishment to Uieolc! rooms of KtvKSAi'GU Bros., whic'u have been tiioroiíliiy refltted, arui where he will be glad tusi'c all tvantliiggood plctores. _Ye nnderstand that the bid for furnrlal and building the new Uni, li.ill were o)c-iie( on Wednesday , iiujr,(nd the contract! awarded yesteril.-i -. h is expected to break grouud on Ihi!l3t!i lust. - The Free Pres wouiil do well to extijde froüi lts columns sucli com ra unica. tions R8 the recent one signcd " Kram.' They do no good, neither to the Unlverslty tut the suspended suidents in whose interittthey are writteo; and, béa'.de, are not Inthfnl. -The Superintendent of the M. C. R. 11. sunounees tlie rates of coianmtation tlck(■tsforand after July lst. Thcy are for three months : from Ann Arbor to Detroit, $38; ïpailantl to Detroit, $30; say a frac■ i r4S cents a round trip from this ittjr, f uacd every week diy. L'.beral. -Potato bugs still reportod Hvely. Paris green, carliolate of lime, and other reineüts are being expeviraented with. Some He the Paris green with piaster, one lb. to t Ibs. ot' piaster; othere Witü flour, one lb. to four. We have experimenteel with Ifcccsrbolate of lime, sprinkling the powder Iwth on tomitto plnnts and vlnes. It seems loeffectually check the ravages of tlie cucnmher lm;;, but the persistent potato bus l!l come back. Perseverance, picking, uil powder may save a few plants.


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