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Butchers' Meat

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Bulehors' meat has been graduaüy declining in price fot the last few months. It lins now reached n point at which those who Bupply the market insist that it is unremunerative. It', however, wo oomparo the preseni prioes with those whioh jircvailcil in 1N'2, bofore the deprcciatioii in th o curroncy had begun to serioufly affect prioes, and also mth those of last year, we shall find that thore is j'ct room i'or ri considerable abatement even of the prices of which producers and others now complain, In the middle of May, L862, the prioo of the best beef was from 8 1-2 cents to 9 cents per pound. In May, 1870, the point trom which the present decline may ne f airly dated, the price for the same quality wás from 17 cnits to 17 l-'J cents. The decline has finally reached 13 l-'J cents and Hoents. Sheepand lioga have varied in price in abont the same porportion, the tonner nowbringing from i; i-i cents to 6 1-2 cents, and the latter from 5 1-4 cents to ö ,'5-8 cents. There is no reason to suppose that tho Bnpply of beeves, sneep, and hogs ia now Bumciently large, in proportion to tho demand, to alone aocount for the fall in prices sinco May, 1870. On the contnny, it is gcnorally conceded that this fall has Followed the decline in gold. ButinMay, 1S(V2, gold stood at 103; in May, 1870, it ■v;is 1 1 1 "-H ; and during the presont inonUi it. luis varied trom UI 8 I to 111 7-8. If the difiEereneé between tho prieo of gold in May, 1S02, and in May, 1870, justified the producers in oharging at the latter period doublé the prices Eor beoves wliioh tlicy oharged in 1862 they can evidently afFord to sel] i'or legg tlmñ 13 1-2 cents, now that gold has fallen lo 111 8-4. It must, bo remeinbfired that the men who complain that they are now Belling meat at prioes which are anremunerativs admit that the fall in gold is the oause whioh has oompelled t!i(ni to abate their prioes. Aocepting the rato of gold as the stnn(l:iril whii:h ïTgnlatos tho proper price of bntohers' meat, it is evident that the present prices may fall conaiderably lower before i a pointatwhicl thi j will ceaso U bc j)roiitable. - A. ). : Tho Emperor of Q-ermany is reported to be a practioal printer. All the m mbers of the royal family of Prussia are required to Learn some trade, and William typography as the most desirable and Bpent three years at the case. A little girl 13 years ola, named Catiè Manir, was burned to death at Sein Prairie, Wis., on Sfonday, by a ker lamp whioh she attemptod to iill whilë the lamp was burninp;.


Old News
Michigan Argus