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"gllsINESS DIRECTORY. Aon Arbor Tuosd'ay aud Friday of eachweek. ma in Court House. 18U . 7ÏCK. aemBUBi Dealers in Dry öuod. }IVucerlw,Crockery,4c. N. 54 South Mam Stret. M"ñílRI HALK, M. D., Residence and Office ' n„ S 'corner Willianw aud Jompw Btreett. ; ,„lar office hours l to 3 p m. Advice and Pre. tbe poor. _ __ , rTlstïïs' & co Drl,ggUt8 and dealere R. inPuut, OiU, etc No. S South Main Street, ju Arbor. _ TTaTsIïSSIONS, Attnrliey and Counsellor I. atl'liv, Real Kstate and losuraneeAgWlt Con. „ cj,ur and Colleclion of Inims pn.mptly at HT,i io on liberal ternu. Office in Donnelly1 Block. npstairs, Iluron treet, aiiu Arbnr. Mich. WH. JACRSON, DenUst.succeasortoC. B. ■ Portcr Ofltce eiirner Main and Hurón atreets. ,,, the store of R. W. Ellin & Co, Ann Arbor, jij),, neethetics admiuistercd if req-jired. „- F. BltEAKEY, OT. Physician and . Snr'POii. OiflC' . at residence corner of HumnsniUivisiünStreets firat door east of PresbyijmnCharrh . Anu Arbor, Mich. EJ. JOHXSOTt, DoalEf in Hat and Taps, , pure Slraw Qoods Oents' Furnishing Onods, b No 7 Soutii Main Mreet. Ann Arbor, Jllch. orTlIKKI-A'I & AVHEDOIV. Life and i Fir1 Inscranc" Airen U, and dea!erm Real Estáte. jIJceon Hurón Street. TOH! BM'K CO Dealers in fnriiitur of J all kiucle, No. 52 South Main street, and i West Liberty street. nu rb'T. flíwlS C. RISDON, Dealer in Hardware, L Siovts House Furnihiug Goods, Tin Ware,&c. No 3i South Main titreet. BAÍH & ABEL., Dealers in t'ry Goods Groei rks, Ac fcc.,No 28 South Main Mreet, Ann itbor. gI,AWSON ie SON, Grteerí, Provisión and ö Gommission Merchants. aud dealers in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Planler Paris. No. 14 East flerou street SSODHEIM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Rc.any Made I lothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiitp. aad'Gent'u Furuishiug Goods. No. y South Saiu Street. Wyi, WAfiNEH, Dealur iu Heady Madetioth'injr, Uotba. Cmimem. Vestings. Hat. Caps, tanks, aruet liags, &c. 21 South Main street. pIIMOKE FISKE, Bookscllcrs and StaUtiooon Mi'dicHl Law and College TeztBooks, schwl ar.'d Miscellaneoue Books. No. 3 North Main itreet, Greíjory tílock, Ann Arbor. PÜSLEV & I.EWIS,"Dea!crsin Boois, Shoes, ï tot, Slippers, fcc Mo. 2 Kast Huron ttreet, DU. KCLLOGG, 'roprietorofthe Celebrated UuotBitt rn aud uthcr popular -remedies, Anu Arbor, Mich. ' E O C K E E Y . tiLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly ïïftve ín strire aíaríeRtock"f Trockery, Glassware, Ulied Ware, i'mlery Grocenes, &c, c, all tobe íold at misuaJly luw prices No 12 Kast Hurou Street, Ann Arlior. H-8tf J. de P. DOK9IEIXT. IÖHN G. GALL, DEALER I1T FRESHANDSALTMEATS, LAUU, SAKSACES, Etc. Order eolicited an'd promptly filled with thebest HlMb iu tht inarkut. 31 JJast "Washington street. Aon Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. Ii86tf JJ AHKSEY, í Manatactnrcr of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AN'I) SLK10HS of every style. made of the beet fflateria!, and wurranted. iioree s'hoeiug and Re piiriug done promptly and prices reasoaable. Dttruit Street, aear R. K. Oeuot, Aun Arbor, Mich. 13i2yl 0r7ü. b. poktêrT" DEISTTIST. 5$5e in the SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. 111 Operaiions on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. WSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCB SKTTIMG ARTíFÍÍAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDU AI,, Ituirtmf ihc proper Mixe, tkape,r.olor, firmnettand na al expretsipn, 1844 LÜMBERYARD C. IÍRAPF, Hu a ilfge and well tlnekeA Luniber Yaniou Jersun Street, in the soutli part of the Cjtv, and UI leep constuntly on hand an excellent variety of LUMBER.SHINGLES.LATH&C hich win be Bold as low as can be afforded in this Orket. Quality and prices snoh that 50 ONE NEED GO TO DETEOITC. KRAPF. Aon Arbor, Jannary 20th, 18T1. 966 JEW AGRICULTURAL WAREHOÜSE OPENED MAKCH 8th Kast Std9 of River. Manchester, - - mich. farmers are repffctftjixy solicited tocau and examine the merits, qualht tóü PRjrEg OP MY SFLECT1ONS OF IMI'LEliTj AND PAJtMlNG T00IÁ "I3ti B. R. PORTER. Q C. JENKINS & fl. RANDOLFH WHITE, M. D. DENTI8T8. C08SEE OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON Srs. All Operations peiformad in the Most Thorough and Sctentific manner. Nltrr.uf Oxide Gas constantly ou hand, Pd admiBisfefod with perfect safety, l?20 yl. pEQPLE'8 DHUG gTOiv R. W, ELLiS & CO.


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Michigan Argus